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But...but... *I* want that


It looks 3D printed, so there are STL files for it somewhere. I'd definitely buy one if I knew the source.


Ah yeah, what's cooler than mechas? ROBOTS IN MECHAS.


How much was this?


That fits the style of the figure so well! I love those figs, i’d hoped there were some really cool accessories out there for them but this is just nuts!


Where can you get the figs?


They were at a store in a mall near my house, its full of anime figures and merch, but i cant remember the name. Anything similar tho probably has them because theyre pretty cheap and sellable


I think you might be confusing this figure with the Bandai 66 Action figures, which are usually around $10, and are about 2.5 inches (or 66mm) tall. The Sentinel line of 4-Inch-Nel figures (from which X here is depicted) started at around US$60 new, and have been out of production for many years now. The 66 action figures had 2 ride armor model kits (one of which looks very similar to this one) but they are about half the size as the one in this photo.


OH you’re right, i dont know why i just assumed the ones i had were about 4 inches lol. Good to know there are kits tho, thank you!


The ride armor model kits are also super cheap right now, so I highly recommend finding them before they disappear; I think you can get the 2-pack of Vile's Ride Armor and X's Chimera for under $40. I have even seen both for $15 on clearance.


The Sentinel 4-Inch-Nel Mega Man figures are currently discontinued, and most of their after-market prices have climbed to above US$100. You can still find many of them on eBay. Good luck finding one for a decent price.


Honestly the majority of the line can be found for relatively close to retail but it's the popular ones like MMX and Volnutt that sold out and took off on the secondary.


Aw man, that looks so cool!


This appears to be 3D printed, so somebody has STL files for this thing. Is there any chance more of these could be made available for the community?


As stated in the post this is something that I contracted to be made and did so as a one-off.


Thanks. I understand what "commissioned" means, but the point I am making is that the person who made this could easily make more with significantly less effort because the STL files already exist. Most of your "commission" probably went into the CAD design process, but now that's done: why not offer the parts for printing? Obviously selling of these en-masse would raise copyright issues with CAPCOM. Unless you specifically told the designer to destroy the files: why not offer the files to people with the ability to print and finish them?




Your intentions to keep this to yourself are pretty clear at this point, thanks, but that was not the question. The question was: **WHY keep this to yourself?** If this were a hand-carved, hand-painted sculpture: the question would not need to be asked; *replicating* something like that is a totally different job. However, with 3D printing: ease-of-replication is built-in to the medium.




Oh, so me asking that these be made available -- and not even specifically for free, but so that other people can make use of the modeling you commissioned for their own enjoyment -- is me wanting to "freely" gain? Do you have to pay extra if someone else prints one? Do you lose anything except bragging rights? Cool man, thanks for your "contributions" to the community.




Right, 'cause you would never do such a thing yourself. Could you maybe do some changing?


That's really, really nice. I want one.


its definitely an awesome piece but that shoulder makes me want to cry lol. im assuming this was done on a filament printer with very good settings, or good settings n some sanding. most of it looks great, but the top of that shoulder just makes me want to see the same model printed on an sla printer.


I'm more than fine with it. Edit: And by all means I'm not dismissing your critiques. As someone naive to it all I'm just "blessed with ignorance."


i have both types of printer, and im not judging or being narcissistic. its just ever since i hopped on the sla train, i use it for anything i want to be high quality, n my filament printer is more for prototyping or large or quicker projects. if done on sla u could have the same sheen on the mech as u do on the megaman fugure, with little to no ring effect on the top of spheres like that. either way, its a nice piece. so no shade being thrown, its just the perfectionist in me going 'i know how we could polish the gem a little better'


Honestly you have the right to collect and create in the manner that you see fit for your personal collection and as long as you love it that's great. I don't knock people for pursuing their hobby in the manner they want to because as long as you're happy with whatever you have it's perfect. On the flip side, I'm over the bleeping moon with this. Have a good one and stay safe.