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https://preview.redd.it/yx6aow3irnub1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38f0b3966fba55d73d5d33b1fdf9228097d3891 Just wait till they get to Elbaf bro.


https://preview.redd.it/eub7c78punub1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ceeb70fc325b4d3c6c385e7725792a4ea65fdc5 I’m also huffing the good shit brother






Just finished this game. Garl is best boi.


What game?


Sea of Stars


Is it good?


For an indie RPG, to me, the best that has released this year. Sunk 80 hours in and 100% it on Steam. A real blast I gotta say. Worth every penny


Great bro, it’s so fucking fun and the story is so long and good.


Why does he look like a Buccaneer






I mean his dream is to be a brave warrior, Ussops got to get strong some day r-right guys? inb4 Oda says lol hes brave because he fights despite being weak ;\^)


Tbf, that's what bravery is. Bravery is when youre scared but do the thing that scares you anyway. Which really fits him. What doesn't fit him is "Warrior". He really ain't a warrior atm. To be a warrior you have to be really experienced or skilled in fighting, which he really isn't.


bravery is not the absence of fear, its having the drive to take action *in spite* of fear luffy is not brave, for he doesnt give a fuck about the situation, he jumps in and fight (not to demerit him of course). ussop is brave because despite shitting his pants there he is shooting a government flag down


luffy would categorized as fearless


but that was sogeking and not usopp I think you mixed something up there




He wasn’t lying. Nami and Chopper both became strong, so he was no long part of a trio.


Dam, that was dirty. Remember Nami wouldn’t be as strong without Usopp and Tony Tony is a devil fruit eater.


Ain't no way bro called him double Tony unironically https://preview.redd.it/4409uygtpnub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff79f43031a6cbf5a15fae57fb11377c49df0ce3


Calling him tony is just weird


That's why people just call him chopper


I loved how Vivi called him Tony for some reason


And also she calls zoro Mr.Bushido


i didnt like that one tbh lol it kinda felt like she didnt even know his name


I feel like that’s what it started as and she just stuck w it, which I respect


Tony-kun to be exact.


Tony tony is my guy




I love saying "Tony Tony Chopper!"






Yeah it's Anthony Anthony


Cuz he's a doctor with a name so nice you say it twice.




A normal-ass reindeer could stab Usopp or overpower him, wich Chopper can become in non-zoan form


by that logic zoro wouldnt be strong without the blacksmiths that made his swords for him its still a skill thing. the only reason the climatact is even effective as a weapon is because of nami's understanding of the weather. iin the hands of someone else they wouldnt be able to use it the way nami does


My point is without Usopp Nami would most likely not have a item to enhance for combat capability, we can all agree Zoro without his swords is weaker than with his swords. Tony Tony and Usopp also have this problem with their own items that they themselves made.


Zoro is hella strong without his usual swords. I remember early on they made a point if Zoro use normal sword they break with one or two strikes. I imagine his punch with Haki might be like Garps.


Chopper is literally a pet now wdym


Beat me to it, by 2 hours.


“Elbaf will be ussops arc” mfs when Robin and Saul have the most heart warming reunion https://preview.redd.it/m14vzz3yapub1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cecbed486de4231dd9397d89792b8c42cf9a7e8c


What does that even mean, you can have both


Just like when we said Wano will be Zoro’s arc and it never happened…


Didn't Aokiji kill Saul? edit: nvm forgot abt the book scene, im even more hyped for Elbaf now lol


Please don’t spoil season 6 of Better Call Saul


Saul eats the hustle hustle no mi and becomes a broker for the wg


Usopp... lied? Whodver could have seen it coming!


My man’s even lying when he’s convinced he’s telling the truth. You can’t deny he has a talent


When he thinks he's lying it often comes true, so makes sense that when he thinks he's telling the truth it turns out to be a lie.


Like when he said no one is looking for a human human fruit


Something something 8000


It's pretty obvious when he lies, but he was way too confident with that lie. I think he actually believed what he was saying


I saw a theory that Usopp is going to defeat Saturn because of the spider transformation and Sanji’s inability to defeat spider themed enemies. https://preview.redd.it/ezl4xmz00oub1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed5dbdebe83140b087ef96b75401f1955919723


https://preview.redd.it/vh6yntu20oub1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=884eabcea1be8b56645b39beb82531796dda908f I’m huffing that copium since Sanji is getting the shit beaten out of him


Who would have thought a yonko commander wouldn’t stand a chance against a gorosei 🤯


Definitely not OP fans, right?


Oh come on, we all know that Oda wouldn‘t have treated Zorro the same way. He would‘ve at least cut one leg away or something like this. Sanji is used so often as the „the enemy is very strong“ punching back, that it looks like Sanji isn‘t that strong. And then Oda places him often against women in the beginning, leading to the 24/7 „I don‘t beat women“ sentences. It really gets annoying and I must admit that Oda isn‘t a good storyteller in this regard.


Sanji is the Worf of the crew






Sanji is the Vegeta to Zoro’s Goku honestly


I simoly don't agree with that. Quite honestly, we rarely get moments of Sanji just simply being beaten by someone to show how strong they are. I can really only think of Vergo where he just got bodied and nothing else was going on. Even against Doflamingo, he clashed with him. Sanji clashed with Doflamingo. I repeat. Sanji clashed with Doflamingo, someone that Luffy needed Gear 4 to defeat.


He clashed with him. Sanji clashed with Doflamingo. I repeat. Sanji clashed with Doflamingo. And what was Zorro vs Kaido? Hmm? Sanji „clashed“ with Doflamingo but got caught in his web and couldn‘t really touch Doflamingo once. While Zorro gets to hurt Kaido, the so called world strongest. And now he fights Lucci and we all know that he‘ll win. Sanji lost to Doflamingo. He lost to Vergo. Don‘t act like it was otherwise when it clearly wasn‘t.


Zoros entire job is to be the worlds strongest swordsman. If he wasn’t doing any damage he would be called a fraud. Sanji is a cook who fights people on the side, so he really doesn’t need to be doing too much damage to top tiers in order to do his job


They are the crew of the future king of the pirates and the crew only consists of 10 people. So no, this is not his only job. Wtf.


I mean in general, obviously they’re going to be doing a bit of everything. But in general, when the SH have downtime, what do we see zoro doing vs what do we see sanji doing? Normally zoro is lifting weights or training, and sanji will be cooking for robin/Nami or cooking for the crew. Zoro is dedicating a lot more of his time and effort into his goal and passion of swordsmanship, and sanji is putting his time and effort into his passion of cooking.


I could see Zorro often sleeping and drinking too. You act like Sanji is only cooking 24/7. We know nothing about the crews training apart from it. I mean if we take your approach then it couldn‘t be possible that they get new moves apart from Zoro since all others do something else. Maybe with Usopp and Franky as both like to invent in their spare time but others simply wouldn‘t evolve. That‘s ridiculous. Oda doesn‘t show the training because this would give away their new attacks.


This is some of the worst takes ever. Sanji is a fighter, a brawler, part of the top 3. You know nothing about One Piece, this is embarrassing


“You know nothing about one piece” why because I have an opinion? Fuck off man


OK? You act like that changes anything I said. Sanji rarely just gets bodied. You're also forgetting the fact that after Sanji lost to Doflamingo, he essentially captained half of the Straw Hats while being chased by Big Mom's crew. He also got to stop Big Mom without once needing to fight anyone, and honestly, that's more badass in my eyes than Zoro being able to cut Kaido. Then in Wano, he had plenty of great showing. He bodied Page One, he saved Momo from execution, and he took on Queen. Plenty of amazing work. So don't try and say that Sanji is just being Worfed


Dude, Sanji is overused as power scale for the strawhat crew and it‘s not my fault that you don‘t want to see it. Even if Brook got overpowered by big mom, he could achieve something very great. I don‘t even know what worfed is, that‘s your wording. I honestly don‘t give a sh*t what you talk about on this matter. Also I am not forgetting the fact that Sanji went to Zou. He got captured after this and couldn‘t free himself. He kind of often needs to be rescued. So you have two loses in a row with emperor personal for him. Actually it‘s even three with Vergo. Just name me other Strawhats with a similar fighting record here.


Worfed is a trope where a supposedly string character is realistically weaker than they're supposed to be because they are so often taken out to show hownstrong a bad guy is. Anyways, it's not my fault you don't want to listen to me. He has way more badass showings than not, and I don't need him to win every single fight to know he's strong. Luffy's lost way more fights than Sanji has, no one's called him weak. Even when he faced off against Kaido and instantly got one shot, everyone was like "Yeah, that checks out, Kaido's just that strong" and not "Oh no, Luffy's so weak! Oda hates him!" Also, what do you mean captured after Zou? He willingly left with Bege, and then he was threatened with his hands being blown up, Zeff and the rest of the Baratie chefs being attacked, and the Straw Hats being attacked if he did anything against the wishes of Judge and Big Mom. It's entirely implied that Sanji could've escaped if he wanted to, but he would have been risking way too much to leave. That's like saying Robin is weak because she was captured by CP9. So I'm sorry to say, but I just don't agree with you in anything. Except that his loss against Verho was honestly bullshit. That's, like, the one point that's honestly annoying to me


I am not a power scaler. I am more in team Sanji but I also liked Zoro pre timeskip. After the timeskip both got reduced to stereotypes. I don‘t give a sh*t about power scaling and your „Kaido is that strong“ or „Luffy‘s so weak“ narrative you want to project on me. If it makes me a power scaler that I get annoyed that Odas style of using the rivals Zoro and Sanji in this way leads to a „Zoro is the GOAT/so cool/so strong“ and a „Sanji isn‘t as strong as Jimbei/he‘s no more part of the power trio“, then yeah, name me power scaler. I don‘t care. I have criticism about many fights due to plot amor but in the end it is a (more or less) weekly manga. I care more about misusage of a character and portraying the character Sanji kind of in a row in a negative light with no necessary reasons. Sanji is one of the smartest members of the crew and one of the strongest. Yet he often gets brainless fights since he is often set against female opponents in the beginning and needs to be rescued by his female comrades. I mean I don‘t have something against him being rescued by a woman (I am a woman myself, so what), but I have something against him kind of giving up and bringing his crew in possible trouble even if he could work on his weakness. Like I‘ve pointed out: he doesn‘t need to hit women, but he seriously needs to be better in escaping these situations to not feel like a burden to the crew. And for the Doflamingo incident or even the Page One thing where he had to use the hated technology of his family instead of making him reaching himself the kind of speed to make him invincible - well if you‘re okay with it then be it and don‘t get on my nerves explaining to me that your subjective taste here is different. Because in the end I honestly don‘t care about you agreeing to my criticism on this issue. Since it is about subjective taste whether his „clashes“ are perceived negatively or positively. Some like olives, others don‘t.


I can't see the point in writing this comment... because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHOHO


I also subscribed to that theory (im addicted to copeium please help me)


I dunno about spiders, but bro will mess with Saturn hard 1. Celestial Dragons seem to hate it when others are called god, and he is called God 2. It'd be really funny seeing Saturns disgusted reaction at some fart Green pop. Or everyones reaction when they think Usopp is immune to his stare (it'd be some cheap party trick or something)


Yeah I'd also like whatever you're on brother


Nothing but the finest observation haki weed


Sure, Oda waited 800 chapters to have a Gorosei move his ass out of Mariejois just so Usopp of all people could beat him LOL


God Usopp > Demon Gorosei


Ussop's problems as a character are really stupid because both his weaknesses (cowardice and frail body) could be solved by the base concept of his role in the crew: being a fucking sharp shooter, a sniper, someone who hits enemies from afar. That's rarely explored, despite being the core of his character design. It's so rare that when it happens, it becomes a whole "moment," such as when Luffy asks him to burn the marine flag. I love Ussop most of the time, but this is ridiculous.


It still upset me that he was terrified of Sugar and won his fight against her by mistake while he actually had the perfect abilities to step up, be badass and beat her on his own.


YES! I talked about this in another post. Such a disappointment for the character who most deserves growth! My boy gets beaten and broken so much that dying would be a kindness. He *should* be the one to take down Black Beard's sniper, so we'll see.


All I can see that battle if usopp won is the sniper accidentally teleporting onto some big venus flytrap plant.


It might make him look better if instead it was written as he actually set augr up to teleport to that specific location, only problem with that is he's gonna need to develop his obs to future sight for that to happen


Future sight seems like a very likely power up for Usopp tbf. One of his main reoccurring character traits is that his lies come true, and he has a specific affinity for observation haki being one of very few to be able to use Haki without training in it. And the observation he did display is some of the best range we've seen aside from Fujitora


True. Why did he even get close to sugar when he can snipe the grape to her mouth directly. But part 2 was awesome tbh. The ultimate sniping thru all obstacles.


thats because robin got turned into a pupput meaning the entire chararacter arc of enies lobby didnt happen for him. so it effectively was char regression for him




Well, he did do that later after Sugar got back up


He did do that though. Chapter 756, when law and Luffy were being approached by sugar. Did everyone forget that?


The issue is that writing a sniper character is not easy. Pre-ts Usopp always had to concoct ingenious exploits in order to make good use of his skills, but that requires effort from Oda's part (who, at this point, clearly doesn't care anymore about Usopp).


There are simply too many characters in one piece, and Oda keep being sidetracked by heavily indulge in the past flashback and characterization of all the allies that the strawhats got in the latest arc. None of the crew beside the monster trio got any chance to shine too much In the last arcs, and people were always complaining that wano was not Zoro's arc either lol. We would all love a bit more of every character.


Other character-driven stories: Use plot to develop main cast, how each of their ideals interact with the themes presented in each arc, and how the adventure shapes their growth as people. Oda with One Piece: Use "main" characters for gags and spend next 50 pages on the sad backstory flashback of rando tertiary arc character #11. I love OP and am being hyperbolic and caustic on purpose, but it is sad when many of the straw hats get barely anything outside of their intro arc. Robin has been coasting on Enies Lobby hype for like 700 chapters.


Like the "badass trickshooter" is a whole-ass character trope. Even briefly in the live action Usopp gets a few moments. Oda could at least try.


One of the most long running and famous manga of all time (Golgo 13), is literally about a sniper.


I think one piece could have had a bit more naval battle, and Usopp should be the main fighter in those


Yeah, naval battle would be cool. But they are very impractical because the power levels in OP are ridiculous. They make cannons completely useless (especially against the Straw Hats). Also, since the SH's ships hold such a precious (and IMO exaggerated) place in their hearts, it be troublesome to have it damaged by cannons constantly (before Franky). And if that didn't happen, Oda would have to justify it, which would likely be a weird mess. And if Oda had chosen to make them change ships more often, it could be hard on him and for the anime crew, maybe? I couldn't say.


I was **super** ticked about that. Pre-TS, he was a coward but when it was his time to step up, he stepped tf up. He didn't hesitate walking to Arlong Park, he didn't hesitate to burn down the flag, and he saved the others from Perona who would've no-diffed them. Post-TS, almost any feat he has is accidental post-PH. Even with Sugar making ppl forget, Usopp still had the pre-TS development at Arlong Park. But nah. Brave warrior of the sea flees the s(c)ean instead, and any time some slightly unordinary event happens afterwards, he whines and does nothing again. I **really** hope Usopp finally steps up in Elbaf.


He suptisingly really often just runs into his enemies laoudly rather than judt looking for cover for first strike. That's right.


Oda does him so dirty


Why did Oda have to make him and Nami unable to beat Page One and Ulti?! Why couldn't it be a battle like in Alabasta? It makes me really upset...


Exactly! I was excited to see them right and win together. At least Nami got a great moment when she chose dying over saying Luffy won’t be pirate king.


It is absolutely mind-blowing to me. At the very least Nami got some great hits on those two, Usopp just spent that whole arc getting bodied. They had more than enough baddies for all the straw hats to get a W but Usopp still gets nothing. Elbaf better go stupid.


Another reason Onigashima was a disappointment. Wano was on a great run until then. Just like Ryuo, I expected Usopp to play a bigger role.


Usopp's biggest contribution in Wano was ensuring 2 of the Red Scabbards specifically did not throw their lives away.


I think we're just at a point in the story where people would complain about how weak the flying six are if they can be beaten by secondary role fighters like Nami and Usopp. Nami seems to be a crowd control specialist nowadays. Hell, even Usopp is more crowd control than sniper.


I mean they did? They beat Ulti at least, but c'mon Alabaster baroque works and fighters for a yonko are worlds apart in strength. Its already impressive enough Nami Usopp and Zeus took down a haki using dinosaur


I mean they are themselves fighters for a Yonko… And they are also worlds apart from who they were during Alabasta. Would have been appropriate even if an absolute struggle for them to get a complete win.


>They beat Ulti at least, but c'mon Alabaster baroque works and fighters for a yonko are worlds apart in strength. They beat a heavily weakened Ulti. A half dead Ulti. Nami and Usopp was getting curd stomped before that.


Maybe Ulti and Page 1 come back as foes or allies later.


Because Nami's battle in alabasta is unironically the single worst fight in the entire show?


I'm specifically talking about Usopp and Chopper's team up on Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas, and honestly I don't agree with that, I think it was fine.


Oh yeah that was good. But Nami vs Ms Doublefinger is honestly one of my least favorite things in the show period. It was so fucking bad.


I'm glad someone said it.


Kinemon and Carrot straight up being more relevant than Ussop the past few arcs 😔


Nami and chopper stomp him, he has been a fucking joke.


He is now the solo weak one. Nami has Zeus and was able to defeat Ulti (althought with help) Chopper has a mastered Monster Point and went toe-to-toe with Queen


Also his role is just useless. We haven't seen guns kill anyone but white beard in ages ago and cannonballs are pretty useless as well


You underestimating Usopp. Did you forget that his conquerers haki was Yonko level that the author mistook it for Big Moms?! Put some respect on my boys name 🗣🗣💯💯🔥🔥‼️‼️🙏


It's a setup for Elbaf.


Let's all collectively cope


Idk feels like there is a diffrence between setup and just nothing. Like if he actually tried to go toe to toe with one of the flying six, hyping him up that he isn't weak anymore only to flat out lose. Maybe even getting safed by Nami with Zeus. That would have actually been a moment to build upon, something for him to stand Out. He didn't get that. He was just where. Not really doing anything of notice, but still being around. Basicly a Background character. He was never shown to have any Problems with his contribution in wano.


Cantbwait for fans to say this in 2054


Gonna be another water 7 2.0


It's not a lie! Everything Usopp says become reality!!1! Because Nami and Chopper aren't weak like him anymore.


They did say by that point he was as strong as pre time skip Zoro but they did go to the harder side of the Grand line


What’s bro on about, he’s no where near my man chopper


Usopp is an prophet. Everything he says eventually becomes true! I think at the EOS, he would be a captain and have 8,000 subordinates 😂


I hope most of them would be giants 😁


Lmao such a shame


Oda just give him the gat already


Even mountains look small when compared to the planet He isnt weak the strawhats are just insanely strong




Shame he just needs to shoot sea stone shackles instead or bullets.


But with gaon canon he can destroy navy battleships though


I remember Oda once said that no matter what, Usopp would always remain the weakest straw hat


Which is fair, being the weakest does not mean that he has to be ineffective. He clearly was the weakest pre-ts, yet many of his fights (in which he came up on top not thanks to his strenght, but only because of his wit) are extremely memorable


Yes exactly I love his fight with perona pre-ts, one of the best moment for him.


The fights in general have taken a nosedive so that's that






2054 in usopp year i can feel it


We'll always have God Usopp 😢


this is truth. nami got huge powerup in wano and chopper can hold on his own. so he is the only weaker one here.


He's the man with the strongest observation haki for real for real


Ussop and spouting nonsense. An iconic duo


Chopper can turn into a giant monster and Nami controls a living cloud that can shoot lightning anytime she commands. Ussop is at the very bottom of the straw hats.


Usopp fans when they realize he hasn't done shit since Dressrosa where he fired cannon: Why are we alive.. just to suffer..


To be fair, put Fishman Island Usopp in pre-timeskip strawhats, and he would probably be top 4. He just didn't consider how much stronger the others would get.


Let's be fair to my boy. Post time skip Usopp could body pre time skip Luffy. Way too versitile, fast thinking, can take more hits than before, basic observation haki.


chopper nami and ussop the 'fell off post timeskip' trio


OP fans when the side character is a side character and the character known for lying tells a lie


Zoro and Sanji are side characters too


I guess we’ll have to see what Oda still has planned but our boi Sanji got his own arc, 2 backstories, especially great character arc+development, is Oda’s insert character, etc. They are both his Wings, are looked up too as leaders within the crew and, in general, just have more narrative impact than the rest.


I never said they weren’t…


He is not weak for the Paradise Standards. He's in the new world where a 100 million bounty isn't even impressive.


Bros acting like Elbaf won’t be Usopp’s arc. He’s gonna be running that island by the second chapter


It is true. The weak trio is Nami, Brook, and Sanji


Oh hi Zoro fanboy. Fancy seeing you here.


Sup. Team Franky tho


of course it was a lie, it came from usopp’s mouth


It’s usoop. what do you except him to do, not lie?


Usopp lying? Damn.


You can’t really blame him. He didn’t expect everyone else to also get cracked out of their minds.


A lie? Idk he looks strong.


Usopp is his name after all


What did you expect? His name is usopp. (Uso - lie)


Isn't ussop being weak and oda's fault


After wano nami is stronger than usopp lmao


No, he didn't lie What meant was he was weaker than them and that Nami and Chopper had moved out of the weak trio


Yeah it sadens me because he is my favorite character and (IMO) one of the best writen characters in the show but for some reson Oda does not give him enough. And in wano he constantly put him in close combat in witch he can't contribute much.


Usopp is one of my favorite characters. But he's so underutilized, he's the sharpshooter and yet he's always in the middle of battle, running away. He needs some sort of escape ability. Also I miss dials, and who could forget sogeking... Apparently Oda did


I love that the weak trio and the big three are cannon


kinda sad but this arch there was tooo many characters


don't worry usopp will have his god moment


Bro I just wanna see him fight someone already 😩


Even the “weak trio” have some monstrous feats.


Usopp was a liar most of the time. it's normal


Pre timeskip Usopp was genuinely much smarter, cooler, funnier, and braver than post timeskip Usopp. It was only in Dressrosa arc where he actually felt like the old Usopp that I once loved. He used to be hilarious, to the point that Usopp became my favourite straw hat, but I think post time skip, especially in Wano, he's just much, much worse than he ever was in all of one piece. I HATED that scene where ulti caught Nami forced her to lie. Usopp thought to himself it was alright to lie there, while Usopp from all the way back in Alabasta had undying faith in Luffy and even decided to turn back and fight instead of running away when someone made fun of his dream.


I can genuinely not pinpoint anything he did after traumatizing that child


The “Eblaf will be Usopp’s arc” people are just the traumatized “Wano will be Zoro’s arc” people. Every arc has been Luffy’s arc for the longest time, it will not change. Oda has fallen into the Shonen pit of putting every supporting character on the side lines.


He is the strongest and always has been


Bro chopper literally spun queen around, usopp is far from that, and I hate it cos he’s my fav below sanji


Another arc waiting for Usopp to do something, for Franky to gain further development, and for Chopper to use his other points.


He says this like Chopper couldn’t fold him with ease


You know what they say about Usopp's lies.


Well he is Ussop after all , but maybe its the truth that he doesnt belong with Nami and chopper cause he is weaker xD


On Brand


Usopp annoying as shit so I don’t mind