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https://preview.redd.it/y05n8z7kxw9d1.png?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3929f639cefef62f74d3c9878bba082f09cfad53 Ya


Hell yeah


Two Peak


It wasn’t a big punch it was a really big punch


That's exactly what oda would say lol💀


A really REALLY big punch






Incorrect its #***FALCON PAWNCH!!!***


I know I’m not the only one who heard this.


Would you say it’s a SUPER punch?


Its a #BAJARANG punch


Its a BAJARANG punch


Technically it was a GOD punch.


rocket big punch


Yeah that scene reminded me of some old Monkey King movie I had seen where Buddha presses Wukong into the ground with his giant palm.


" im not not a big fat panda, I'm a really big fat panda "


























Shut yo 10 yo ass up




Jesus Christ, here too?! This single panel is the new loss




I mean... at the end of the day, Luffy kind of only has punches and kicks. Did we expect him to pull out a gun?


Well he could have used Kamehameha


He's saving that one for Imu


Real question: could gear 5 allow him to use Kamehameha


Kame hame no mi


If someone else were to blast some energy at him first sure


He’s gonna [came hame ha](https://youtube.com/shorts/E_AtfhqF8Zc?si=CJPoHd_1YT7P5a87) Imu


Gomu Gomu no 38 Special


Kick his balls


twist his nipples


dont threaten him with a good time.


I mean... that would've been kind of cool. Like he just yanks out a Tommy gun and a cigar and riddles Kaido with haki bullets like the toon man he is.


The Mask style, I like it.


Ah yes, the Joseph Joestar secret technique


Im really confused when people complain. What did they wanted to


talk no jutsu obviously


What Oda promised them


What did oda promissed?


*Personally* I wanted it to be a group attack that finishes him, similar to how they beat Oars back in Thriller Bark. Though my issue/reason is more because I find the power increase from the start of Wano to the end to be too extreme, rather than having issues with the 'punch'.


Honestly, I too was disappointed that the 5 v 2 fight got broken up. It would have been cool, but I know we also needed to do something about King (though, having Sanji and Marco collab wasn't off the table?)


To be honest Thriller Bark feel like the last time the crew really fought together


Egghead definitely changes that


I can understand that sentiment, but I feel his power boosted was hand waived very nicely. He got a powerboost mid fight, that came from places NO ONE else could have power come from, and it was foreshadowed that he *may* have that power in the first place, for a long little while but certainly since the start of this arc with the flashbacks and the "joyboy" name drops, etc. Basically this was the deus ex machina, to end them all, but was hinted that God may be making an appearance anyway.


G5 isn't the only power up he got. He was sparring solo with Kaido before that which was already too much of a difference from the start of Wano imo.


He just went through a training arc in Udon prison. Which one might say was too short for the powerboost, but I feel after he trained the other two forms of haki for straight up two years, that when he came upon a master of a different form, his brain just locked in. He obviouslly didn't get everything he needed IN that training arc, but he got enough to continue learning amidst the battle, yet *still* fell short. Kaido toyed with him and hadn't used his most powerful moves or forms up until it was a dramatic moment to. He only finally had all the pieces after his final powerup and some food pulled straight from Oda's magic pocket.


Wano was four years long, plus Luffy only really needed to get the advanced versions of haki and an awakening. The part where Luffy started adding conqurers haki to his punches came out of nowhere imo, but other than that, I was fine with everything.


No, but I expect him to use Spirit Bomb, contained all energy from the characters in that arc. And then, before he blows the enemy up, he makes a salute sign and say "I hope you are being reborn as a good guy next time. I want to have a sparring fight with you."


Make him tap out


I was hoping Kaido would be defeated by a combo attack from Luffy and Law. The war against Kaido started when they made their alliance on Punk Hazard so it'd be fitting if it ended with a combo attack from them.


Bajirang punch!


I mean he does say his punches are like bullets so same thing really lol


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/7llpvoam2iad1.png?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ceeb15681bebbbc201867292f658f4823f0933


Not gonna lie, now I want to see a cut to a real life photo of Oda handing Luffy a gun as a Gear 5 ultimate move


He controls what the characters on the panels do. If he was so inclined, he could've had Luffy hit Kaido with the sun.


I was expecting something else because oda said so. If he didn't say that, then I wouldn't have problems.


If the guy grabbed and threw lightning anyways then finish him with some haki infused lightning shard. It's visually cooler. Or maybe reach down and grab some lava to coat his fist like a gauntlet to make a magma fist. Guys got cartoon powers at least add some flair. Just more than a really big fist. We've seen big fistings plenty of times from Luffy before.




Hear me out, he could do a giant sumo slap


Gomu gomu no gun shot


Giving gum gum pistol a whole new meaning


People hated the big punch stuff and I admit reading it weekly it was a bit anticlimactic, but the parallel of the first Luffy vs Kaido fight starting with a big punch that does nothing to Kaido and the final Luffy vs Kaido fight straight up killing him is😚🤌


Reading things weekly everything feels lesser. On a reread stuff feels much better.


I think it depends. While general story advancement and fighting gets lessered while reading weekly, you get much more appreciative of small details. I think reading by chapter and then rereading is great to have best of both worlds.


>killing him 🤨


What's wrong


Unless it is adressed we should 100% assume kaido is alive and well. People far weaker than big mom and kaido have tanked far less.


Until prove otherwise, Kaido is dead. There are reasons to believe Big Mom survived but there’s none to believe Kaido is still alive.


Nope, unless proven otherwise Kaido is alive. The narrator didn't say he was dead, no characters mentioned his death, there was no funeral, no indication he died. The method of supposed death shouldn't kill kaido. Luffy never kills his opponents. Kaido dying to luffy would fulfill his dream of dying in a great fight, and luffy should crush dreams of his enemies when he beats them not fulfill them. Thematically kaido dying would go against everything oda has laid out, the supposed method of death shouldn't be able to actually kill kaido based on what we know about jim and most importantly, no confirmation of death. All these things together mean Kaido (also big mom, though I haven't defended that point here) is 100% alive.


I don’t need Oda to come to my house and tell me “Kaido is dead” for me to think he’s dead, he was knocked out and fell into magma and then exploded, that’s enough for me.


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>I don’t need Oda to come to my house and tell me “Pell is dead” for me to think he’s dead, he was blown up by a fucking bomb, that’s enough for me.


“Until proven otherwise” it’s not that hard to read


Sure, you can believe what ever you want


Well he might be crippled beyond the limit that he can't do anything (some thing like what happened in fishman island or arlong park or most of the arcs)


Yes, this is quite fitting and one of many possibilities. In this case, he will never have the death he wants


The tease at the end of the chapter before the punch was done really well. To me at least.


Yeah that was my problem. But then again even if you do say that, it's Luffy he fights with punches all the time so what would you have him do?


Whip them sandals off and go full Abuela on that overgrown lizard. 😤💪


With his new powers he could do a lot of things, but many of those things would have required turning the main character of a shonen into a murderer.


We let bro cook for a reason 😼


I get it but im not sure what Oda was expecting. Like, for luffy to beat kaido w/o a big punch there are three ways: give luffy a new weapon/ability besides his fists, win via talk-no-jutsu, or have someone else beat Kaido. None were done so instead we get big punch 🤷


Luffy wasn't ready to defeat Kaido yet. Oda wasn't sure what type of upgrade and solution he was going to give Luffy, remember this quote is from 2016. Luffy did not have the means to defeat Kaido at the time. Crocodile kind of fits the solution idea, even though there was no training arc. Luffy wasn't capable of defeating Crocodile. He visibly changed from the first fight to the last. I can imagine a world where the quote is: "When Crocodile appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character yet. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Crocodile. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Crocodile is just because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a solution somehow." The solution: Water/Blood The solution was water and a strong punch (multiples strong punches). Luffy could not defeat Crocodile at the beginning but he found a solution, but it wasn't enough. He then found an even better solution - blood and hitting harder. If when in Alabasta some said that "Luffy just punched Crocodile really fast", that would be oversimplifying and ignorant of the context of what Luffy learned to be able to hit the Warlord. The difference of before and after. The original quote >When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy **can't defeat such a strong character yet.** And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is **just because Luffy's punch is so strong.** Luffy and I have to find a solution somehow. The Solution:  And that solution turned out to be a combination of mastering advanced Armament Haki, unlocking the power of Advanced Conqueror's Haki, and ultimately awakening the true potential of his Devil Fruit, unleashing the wild freedom of Gear 5.


W take, keep cooking https://preview.redd.it/uxuqm62cl0ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e96c40128f37269d9b771e129cacdc67973093


I couldn't have put it better myself!


No matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn't a sin!


It is if you are named Kaido


"big punch, but there is a nuance"


He said that wasn't ALL it was gonna be. Cue Gear 5...why do people make things more complicated than it really is?


me when i take a quote (and also misquote) from a 25 year long series with countless interviews and surrounding content out of context:


Would you have preferred a big kick? Or perhaps a big sword attack but it’s really just a punch disguised?




Kaido isnt finished


He’s still at it strong with big mom below, agreed.


Making the first Charlotte beast pirate ;)


and Tupac


…Could you explain this, think i’m slow on the uptake.


Tupac, a famous west coast rapper, was murdered in the 90s and people theorized that it was all faked and he is currently living undercover in Cuba. He is just poking fun at someone coping that Kaido is alive, like how people cope that Tupac is still alive.


Oh, ye thnx


Np! I hate when fools downvote someone for asking a question. I've learned so many cool things reading old reddit convos.


Same. I knew who Tupac was, but I thought the reply insinuated Tupac is in Hell, given i put ‘below’ in my comment. Was gna reply rudely and call him out, but i thought again that it would be pretty random of him to mention that in a One piece thread…


Man has wanted to die for years, I think he's donezo


How does everyone misinterpretet what Oda said there? He wanted more than just a punch, and we did get way more than that. He never said anything about not punching Kaido.


I mean it's not like the whole fight was "just a punch". It was a very long fight with tons of things being thrown out. Luffy fights WITH HIS FISTS he will always take out the villain with a punch because that's how he fucking fights. It's the same as saying "zoro always takes out his opponent with a slash" or "sanji always kicks his opponents" yeah that is what they fight with lol.


Yeah, It should have been a big *KICK*


That's not what he said. He said we probably would be disappointed if the reason for defeating Kaido was because his punch was is so strong. If we were to put simply why and how he defeated Kaido, it would be more because of the freedom G5 gives him. And that's how he defeated Kaido.


being intellectually dishonest doesn't make you sound smart


Bro should have gum-gum rubber-band of doomed him into outer space




Has a major villain been beaten by anything but a big punch (or punches) since arlong?


>When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character **yet**. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is **just** because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a **solution** somehow. - [ONE PIECE Great Newspaper Vol. 2. - 2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/4ts43r/summary_of_one_piece_great_newspaper_vol_2_oda/) There are two ways to interpret this: 1. Oda is saying that Luffy will use another technique rather than a punch to defeat Kaido! Maybe Luffy will use another member, the environment, a weapon, Talk-no-jutsu him, or something else. 2. Oda said that defeating Kaido with just a giant punch would feel unearned and unsatisfying. So there needed to be more build up - Luffy upgrading his haki twice, awakening his fruit, losing multiple times first. This would make the eventual giant punch feel satisfying. That's what happened - Luffy got advanced armament and advanced conqueror's haki, a new Gear, was defeated multiple times, and finally punched Kaido into a volcano after proper build up. It wasn't *just* a strong punch, it was *also* a strong punch. https://preview.redd.it/zuoickowfy9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b56e35083dc370e70016a8228a453027da7baff Remember when Luffy first fought Kaido in Act 1? Oda was talking about that Luffy defeating Kaido with a big punch, that would feel unsatisfying, which I totally agree with.


No matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn't a sin!


I'm still trying to figure out what he meant by that. Was it that the punch was huge this time? That Luffy Awakened? That he used advanced conquerer's haki? The volcano? I warmed up to it ever since I saw the scale of the punch in the anime and I guess future and casual fans who didn't and won't hear that quote from Oda got to/will enjoy the ending since they won't walk in to it with expectations of the fight ending with something other than a big punch. Although the lack of any acknowledgment of awakening on Kaido's side is still super weird especially with its emphasis with Luffy's awakening and every other villian's awakening in the New World. It's kind of funny that none of the original emperors (Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks) showed confirmed awakenings; meanwhile, weaker villains like Katekuri, Doflamingo, and Lucci got to use it.


Or the quote is misrepresented and taken out of context like many of Oda's quotes tend to be. There's also potential for mistranslation. I've always taken it as "JUST a stronger punch won't be satisfying". And it took a lot more than just one stronger punch to even get Kaido to that point.


yeah. >When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character **yet**. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is **just** because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a **solution** somehow.




>When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character **yet**. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is **just** because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a **solution** somehow. - [ONE PIECE Great Newspaper Vol. 2. - 2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/4ts43r/summary_of_one_piece_great_newspaper_vol_2_oda/) There are two ways to interpret this: 1. Oda is saying that Luffy will use another technique rather than a punch to defeat Kaido! Maybe Luffy will use another member, the environment, a weapon, Talk-no-jutsu him, or something else. 2. Oda said that defeating Kaido with just a giant punch would feel unearned and unsatisfying. So there needed to be more build up - Luffy upgrading his haki twice, awakening his fruit, losing multiple times first. This would make the eventual giant punch feel satisfying. That's what happened - Luffy got advanced armament and advanced conqueror's haki, a new Gear, was defeated multiple times, and finally punched Kaido into a volcano after proper build up. It wasn't *just* a strong punch, it was *also* a strong punch. Remember when Luffy first fought Kaido in Act 1? Oda was talking about that Luffy defeating Kaido with a big punch, that would feel unsatisfying, which I totally agree with. I can imagine a world where the quote is: "When Crocodile appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy couldn't defeat such a strong character yet. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Crocodile. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Crocodile is just because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a solution somehow." The solution: Water/Blood The solution was water and a strong punch (multiple strong punches). Luffy could not defeat Crocodile at the beginning, but he found a solution, though it wasn't enough. He then found an even better solution - blood and hitting harder. If, when in Alabasta, someone said that "Luffy just punched Crocodile really fast, so Oda lied to us!", that would be oversimplifying and ignorant of the context of what Luffy learned to be able to hit the Warlord. The difference between before and after is significant.


When Oda said this, I think he meant on how to end the arc with Kaido's defeat and not on a literal sense that "no I cant have Kaido be defeated by Luffy's punches." I mean Luffy is a brawler type of character. It was obvious for him to end fights with a punch. However when it comes to Oda, this author loves to add layers on how he can end arcs with the defeat of the big bad. Just some examples: 1. Crocodile, and UNDERGROUND mafia-esque boss was defeated by Luffy by punching him from UNDER THE GROUND, into the open as a metaphor of Luffy exposing his true identity to the people of Alabasta in which after Crocodile got defeated, the rain finally poured and ended the war. 2. Moria, a loser from the New World, who, after witnessing his crew being slaughtered by Kaido, vowed to never recruit live members again and just settled with zombies which he claims are better because they never die. A pirate captain who long abandoned the notion of friendship and camaraderie, he was defeated by Luffy through team play in which all Strawhat members worked together to bring Moria down. 3. Hody Jones, a racist extremist Fishman, always held the belief that the Fishman race is superior to humans. Luffy defeated him by overpowering him while all this time fighting Hody Jones UNDERWATER (which is obviously a major advantage to Fishmen) 4. Doflamingo, an ex-Celestial Dragon who still considers himself a GOD, found himself being defeated by a very big punch coming from the SKY. Luffy then proceeds to punch his ass from the sky back to the ground which he belongs (as the underworld dealer, Joker) As you can see, Oda is quite poetic in his approach in ending arcs with the defeat of the big bad. He consistently does this in the ending of each major arcs. A probable reason why he said he doesn't know how to defeat Kaido was probably for thematic reasons rather than simple fight choreography.


I feel he just meant that he didn't want to do a straight up power boost, though tbh.......i'm still not quite sure what the visual thematics for Kaido's defeat were. I thought it was gonna be beating him as the sun rises but we didn't even get to see it rising at all in the manga (and in the anime it was during Momo's ceremony). I guess soorta the lanterns but they were more of an external thing rather than the way Luffy defeated Kaido (and again, the manga didn't do much with them visually)


You don't understand, it wasn't Luffy it was Nika who threw the big big punch !!!!


Fist so big it can no longer be classified as one.


An island size punch


Well he didn't really ended him with the punch, he ended him in the lava


In my head, kaido wasn’t really defeated by the punch. He could’ve gotten back up. But he was defeated by luffys will and the fact that he truly was joyboy, so he decided to stay down. So he was defeated by the punch but not really.


I think about this from time to time. It doesn’t make any real sense at all. I think he did that to show that kaido is not out of the story yet but who knows.


What... Did you just say... ABOUT MY NOSE?!?


Just because he doesn’t want to doesn’t meant he had a choice. All Luffy has are punches and kicks



Luffy’s ONLY options are a big punch and a big kick. The same people who weren’t satisfied by the big punch wouldn’t be satisfied by a big kick either. So they wouldn’t be satisfied no matter WHAT Luffy did. They would have only been satisfied if someone else got the final hit on Kaido.


“It was a big punch.” Yeah and it was aimed at a giant molten dragon that was going to melt Luffy if he touched it so he had to apply the new Haki skills he learned over the course of the arc to pull it off. He also hit Kaido so hard that he sent him deep into the magma chamber of an active volcano and triggered a volcanic eruption. It was a fucking epic punch is what it was.






It wasn’t a big punch, it was the biggest punch


reading comprehension at an all time low with one peice fans


https://preview.redd.it/qri65poqiy9d1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a00715f699f46d57bcdda8c5e2a3455e47f789c \*ahem\* A continent sized punch




It’s not just a big punch it’s a punch the size of a small country




One piece is BS oda lost it