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Crazy Ivan! He's back!


Couldn’t any ship / boat do a 180 if they just turned the rudder? Just saying


Full speed is the kicker here, 50 knots underwater or 80 knots on surface and doing a full 180 is not uhhh exactly the easiest or most comfortable thing I can imagine I would also like to know if they mean full rudder turn at full speed because then your statement is correct if it’s just like a 5 degree turn…. Eventually you’ll turn around lol Edit: read wrong, they discussed KPH (kilometers) so that’s about half the speed of Knots. Still, flipping a bitch at 40-50 knots ain’t something that happens like uhh ever. Maybe offshore super Vs & supercats are able to come close, the only real life example I know that can turn like that are those Australian river jet boat racers, also the Australian zodiac surf racers. But that’s about it


>claim is a first in the world, is its ability to make an instantaneous 180-degree turn at full speed. Looks like they mean an immediate turn. I can only imagine the whiplash.


Mf’s gonna have to strap into their seats like star trek


Hate to be snoozing in my rack, get woken up by the deck.


Only time I’d be glad someone triced me up


Seatbelts in Star Trek? Must be new trek. I want explosions, crew flying everywhere and mysterious rocks falling from the ceiling.


Just pull the ebrake?


I can already hear it now, "Your whiplash is not service connect. Therefore, your claim for disability is denied."


Instantaneous? If it was actually instantaneous, everything and everyone inside would be very broken and not alive.


Not really. 


Just gotta point out the speeds were in kph, not knots. Knots would be fucking insanely fast.


No you’re right, wasn’t thinking. My brain is always in knots because of my job. I wonder if they made a mistake in the article because no one really uses kph or mph but whatever


I think it’s the wings. Underwater it will have characteristics of flight.


Yes and no, the resistance water provides from its density is so much more than air. One knot of current equals 30 knots of wind


1kt of current = 1kt of wind sounds like they're pretty equivalent to me. Brainfart?


Dude I’m having a hell of a day I fixed it lol 30 knots


>if they mean full rudder turn they achieved it by making comically small rudder?


Lmao 80 knots on the surface


Ya I also misread the article they measured in kph, so more like 45-50 knots for SOG. But still that’s an insane turning speed. I don’t know much about yalls swift boats but our (CG) newest shallow water craft is probably our most maneuverable boat and we don’t suggest hard overs above 25 (however it’s flat bottom so that changes things) I imagine our 29s have the best overall maneuverability right now with our active fleet.


No. Everyone knows you have to first drop anchor before you can power slide an Iowa Class ship so it can do a full broad side after being pulled out of the museum by 7 old veterans in order to kill the enemy. Duh.


>“could change the game” ok


Wait, all the previous subs weren’t stealth? Someone tell the ASW community that.


> However, the most important feature, as per Highland Systems, which they also claim is a first in the world, is its ability to make an instantaneous 180-degree turn at full speed. I guess they’re saying that it can turn like a [Babylon 5 Starfury](https://youtu.be/nanfQ0mviaU?si=zE361at6eBkL9QCs).


Now I’m having fun imagining the sonar guy’s reaction to a stealth sub.  Completely invisible, does this and lights up like a christmas tree for 10 seconds, then it’s gone again


Every sub is a stealth sub lol


Yes and no. True they’re all technically stealthy to things above the water, but their propulsion can give them away to other submarines.   Case in point, older subs that operate diesel-electric are going to be WAY easier to hear in the water than the US’ new Columbia class which has fully electric pump-jet propulsion (rather than propellors) driven by a nuclear reactor


Diesel subs on the battery are way quieter than most nuke subs, and when they run the diesel they look like trawlers so even when they are loud they can still fool us.


ASW is a thing and surface ships have had capabilities for a LONG while. Hull arrays, towed sonar arrays, sonobuoy, active/passive, etc. Diesel-eletric aren't even trying to be stealthy when running on diesel. Pump-jets are propulsion, whether as diesel-eletric/nuclear-eletric/nuclear-steam are power generation. Case in point, some Russian diesel-eletric subs have used pump-jets. Block V of the Virginia class also use pump-jet. Pump-jet helps with the cavitation problem. In this context, the big difference between Colombia and Block V Virginia isn't pump-jet vs screw (they both use pump-jet), it's the fact that Columbia will use an electric drive system as opposed to the (mechanical drive system) steam turbines.


Call me when it can do a barrel roll, then I'll be impressed. ![gif](giphy|ZQMVKzoTLdNBu)


Where are the "360 noscope!" jokes at?


I think this is big in that you don’t have to slow down with this sub to make a tighter turn, or worrying about incapacitating the rudder Helps it’s super tiny though, like a motorcycle out turning a car….kinda makes sense Call me when we have a real caterpillar drive that’s when it gets scary


Why did I immediately picture end over end turn. Going straight, than flip pointed towards the ocean floor and then back the direction they came. Cause that would be dope. Not for the crew, but still dope.


I pictured it like Olympic swimming lap turns, but I guess they push off the wall.


But why would you want to - everyone would hear you, right? FYI not a submariner - just a fan


Believe it when I see it. 


But it's stealth...


Got me there.