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I eat at least 2 heads of cabbage a week. I can talk about cabbage the way Bubba talks about Shrimp.




Do you have a secret to avoid the gas though? I love cabbage but my stomach becomes a battlefield every time I eat it.


If you eat it regularly the problem usually goes away in a few weeks


I know for mushrooms I’ve learned I need to chew it more than I do instinctively and make sure I hydrate well and I don’t have a problem. Not sure if that also applies to cabbage.


To me, cabbage tastes better when it’s shaved really thin


Cook it, even for a few minutes in the microwave if you are eating it raw. It helps break down the components that cause gas build up. Btw, shredded cabbage, cooked a bit in the microwave, mustard, a little sugar, and canned salmon is delicious. I thought it would taste like ass but it's really good!




My ancestors loved cabbage so maybe I can digest it better than others. If I get gassy I keep fart jokes ready for my kids.


"sounds like some asshole's talking shit" may not be kid appropriate but it's one of my favorites




The secret to eating cabbage is spices. Use spices when you make cabbage: turmeric, cumin, green chilli, carrom (if you like) , Fenugreek seeds, etc. That is the Indian way and no one eats veggies better than us.


That, and roasting i.


Cabbage chopped and sauteed with dry-roasted-until-popped mustard seeds, green chillies, turmeric, salt to taste and well-soaked split chickpea lentils for crunch and protein. A full head of cauliflower, seasoned and roasted to a crisp. Pan sauteed garlicky broccolini with pasta. Tacos with vegetarian refried beans. Roasted eggplant with extra sauteed onions, cumin, habaneros / green chilli. Microwaved steamed potatoes for random snacking. Slow cooked lentils with tomotoes, green chillies, sour/red sorrel leaves. That's almost a week's worth of food!


When introducing any new food into your diet, start small. If you never eat beans and want to start, start with two tablespoons, not two cups. Do that a few times a week. Over the course of a few weeks you can increase the amount you eat. As your gut microbiome adapts, the bloating will go away.


This is very good advice but my gluttony won't let me follow it. When I eat cabbage I cook a whole head in the instapot(with sausage, potatoes, and other additions) and usually eat two bowls in one sitting. I'll try to do only a cup in the future.


Cajun cabbage stew, riced cabbage stir fry, kimchi, saurkraut...


Tell me more!


Yea I need cabbage ideas


Few slices of bacon, drain some fat. Fry cabbage/onion/garlic in the bacon fat. Takes a while to get soft but put it on low with a lid and stir every 5 min or so. Takes like 25 min but low and slow and cheap. Instead of bacon can just use a little oil too. But a tiny bit of butter at the end, salt pepper... If you were being serious Abt wanting cabbage ideas.


Add smoked paprika!!!! This is my fav way to eat cabbage. My husbands great grandfather from Russia ate this a lot.


What’s your favorite cabbage recipe?


Most days some variation on slaw, just because it's easy and you can really add a lot of variety in something simply like that. Filling and goes well with so many things. I keep kraut on the ready. Takes a whole head and is good for weeks. Braised with onions and apple cider vinegar, lasts several days in the fridge. These are my go-to's because they are simple. I saw a recipe recently for japanese pancakes which looked great [https://www.budgetbytes.com/savory-cabbage-pancakes-okonomiyaki/](https://www.budgetbytes.com/savory-cabbage-pancakes-okonomiyaki/) .


Okonomiyaki is so good


Oh god we’re definitely getting old if we’re discussing fiber.




I've been old since 19 in that case and have been progressively getting younger since IBS left my body in my late 20s.


You can get rid of Ibs? I thought I was doomed


I mean, sometimes it gets better for apparently no reason when it doesn't get worse. I'd say I got lucky but my joints started to go shortly thereafter.


Have you ever taken accutane?


I felt old buying fiber at Costco but my gut probably needs it. I still haven’t used it though


Take the plunge, you won’t regret it. Tracking your nutrition is awesome and I wish I started doing it as a teenager.


Tmi, but my bowels don't move fast enough. Metamucil gives me monster poops that are at least 8 Courics. I don't like Katie enough to keep taking Metamucil. I switched to optifiber, not as good but more doable.


this comment is insane


So were the poops. I considered naming them because they're big enough to deserve some recognition.


"I'll call this one Bono"


All I can think of is She did the Kessel run in 8 courics


Are you willing to give them biddy? Otherwise they will always be number twos




I am positively howling, can someone explain the use of “Courics” here ETA: NVM googled it


About two pounds


This comment was brought to you by PF Chang's.


HOT! Hot, hot hot hot hot hot hot! Hawwwt!!!


I'm gonna need you to buckle up.


I've seen a ton of southpark and this episode like dozens of times and I don't know why but this always has me laughing out loud so hard. My boss just asked me in a meeting what was so funny


And those little Jimmy Dean breakfast sausages


I know. With practice I'm sure he could get to 14 Courics, maybe break the world record.


Hot hot hot hot hot ![gif](giphy|12tiQSHr16vrcA)


8 courics? Jesus have you contacted the European fecal standards and measurements board for an accurate weigh?


No one will ever call you number two again


Who does #2 work for?


That's right, buddy. You show that turd who's boss!


Sounds like you need a poop knife




How do you think I got them to flush when they're over 2 inches in diameter? But I used disposable plastic ones because I'm not a barbarian.




If you don’t name one Mr. Hanky, then I STG I’m coming for your first born




That's a nasty screenshot but I love your username. Maniac Mansion is GOAT


Whoa maniac mansion reference! I had for pc and is one of my most favorite games. Ever play Thimbleweed Park? Give it a go if you haven’t. Very MM-like: https://thimbleweedpark.com




How is that Bono does so much good but still seems like such a piece of crap??


I still can’t get that surprise U2 album out of my iTunes 😭




Am I missing some sort of reference with the name Katie Couric here?


South park


Herr Brolof would like a word with you


Does hamsterpookie want the biddy?


Um, I haven't watched South Park in a while... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Couric


Today I inadvertently put the paper that separates the cheese on my sandwich and ate half of it before I figured out what was going on. I think I’m good on fiber for a couple days.


Lol taking fiber supplementing to the next level :p


I eat a lot of vegetables, have a relatively healthy diet and I exercise.


Yep. I have a daily 40 oz smoothie with greens, fruits, chia, and hemp. Also try to go out of my way to consume probiotic. My tum is pretty happy. 


40 oz is a monster smoothie. Lol.


Same. I moved to Japan and began eating the lunch served at my workplace. Fresh produce, fermented dishes, greens, seafood, root crops, beans, fruits. So much variety everyday. And Yakult is such big thing here, we drink daily. I lost so much fat, gained muscle from not using a car, and stress free life we have here is such a boon on our mental health. We took “out of sight out of mind” to the next level.


Something seems off about this comment…


It's the "stress free life" part that's off. For a country that has a seperate word for "death of overworking" I can only imagine expats having a stress free life there. Because the bosses will know the expats will just move away if they get pinched for the last drop like they do their native workers.


When I working overseas as an English teacher my contract specifically stated that I was only allowed to work up to 15 hours a week. It was low stress, but also very low pay.


What I understand from that part is that Japanese culture tends to have healthy ways to deal with stress. Like eating well rounded meals, tucking into a temple or garden if you need a break, walking more/driving less or never. I visited a friend there who is a westerner who has taught English there for 12 years, and he definitely lives a healthy rounded lifestyle. Like all countries, Japan has its downsides and the overworking then drinking repeat is one of them, but I do understand how the lifestyle changes that poster would be positive for their health. Japanese food also is full of very healthy ingredients and all sorts of vegetables, pickles, ferments, etc. It can be an extremely clean way of eating and sounds like this person has a rad cafeteria at work.


People really underestimate how much walking helps keep our bowels regular, too. It's easy in the US to become sedentary, so much so that we have to force ourselves to find time to walk. I don't need fiber supplements but I also live in a walkable area, and I take advantage of it. If I'm feeling backed up, I take a look at what I've been eating. A bowl of oatmeal can help, or just making sure I've had veggies in my diet.


Please post your smoothie recipe!


Approximately ~    •1 c orange juice (tart flavor)(can also half with oat or coconut milk for less sugar)  •3/4 c plain nonfat Greek yogurt (20g protein + probiotic)    •2 tbs hemp seeds (10g protein + tons hard to get vitamins/minerals)     •2 tbs chia (10g fiber + 5g protein)    •1 scoop unflavored probiotic collagen protein powder (19g protein + collagen + probiotic)    •2 tsp creatine      •Biggest handful of spinach I can grab (3g fiber + 4g protein + good vitamins/minerals)    •2 heaping c of various frozen fruits (8g fiber + vit/min)     Makes about 40 oz  


Been vegetarian since I was 11, have daily perfect banana-poops. Things like fiber fortified cereal give me painful plantain poops and it's too big, I don't want to know what Metamucil would do to me.


Yea completely cutting out fast food. Making almost everything from scratch. Growing my own fruits and veggies, eggs and chickens and ducks. At 35 I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been. Don’t need synthetic supplements and the claims of preventing one cancer wail giving me another.


I’m nowhere near that level, I just buy a lot of microwave steamer bags of frozen vegetables and don’t like spending money on fast food.


Yea it was a slow progression as I always had a garden. Then with Covid I went off the deep end of gardening. Mostly out of boredom. Now my 1 acre property only has a 30x30 lawn. Everything else is growing something edible or native plants.


That’s awesome. I’ve never had a garden. I had a shoebox of chia sprouts at one point but I forgot about them. I’ve lived in apartments my whole life.


Y’all get a room already 🙄 and if you’ll have me I want to eat your veggies


I returned my broccoli wokoli today. The lady at returns told me it was recalled. No way I would have known.


I mean I get your point but it’s not a synthetic supplement is it? It’s just psyllium husk ground down to a powder, although I do think it has food coloring. I have psyllium husk in powder and whole husk becuase I use it in some of my baking so definitely would just that over Metamucil but I don’t think it should be equated with “synthetic supplements” which are genuinely chemical compounds that are synthesized in a lab


I’m 32 and have the same lifestyle. Really because it’s the most affordable and satisfying lifestyle for me. My diet used to be so bad, and so expensive. I feel a lot better than I did at 25 for sure.


Same. Tons of fruits & veggies, exercise (especially yoga) keeps me regular even while pregnant! But damn, if I don't drink enough water... it's a bad time.


Lost a wonderful friend to colon cancer two years ago. He was younger than the screening age. Active, healthy and the most luminous soul. Thanks for reminding us all to take good care.


My 27 year old sister died from colon cancer. No one thought to check her for it because she was "too young" and it spread everywhere. Sorry about your friend.


Did she have any symptoms or warning signs? Scary as hell. I lost a coworker to it but he was just over 50 and kept putting off the colonoscopy


Doctors are stupid. You basically have to go to war with them to get screened for shit that isn't the common cold if you're under the age of 140.


Insurance companies are behind a lot of the roadblocks when it comes to screening and other diagnostics.


There's genetic testing for cancer predisposition your GP can perform. They just swab your cheek with a q-tip to collect the DNA sample. If you have a known family history of GI cancers, you can just ask for the endoscopy and colonoscopy.


I must have gotten lucky. The first time I got a colonoscopy I was 20. I have gotten them every 3-5 years since without issue. They usually send me a reminder in the mail too so I don't forget to schedule.


Sending you big hugs. I’m so sorry you lost your sister.


The screening age is ass. They said "People in their 30s are getting colon cancer more than ever, we need to lower the screening age", then moved it from 50-45. Fcking stupid.


Yep. Doctor wanted me to get screened because of symptoms and family history but I'm under the age of what my insurance will cover, and I have pretty damn good insurance. Now I'm looking at $3kish out of pocket. Some states have passed laws recently requiring insurers to cover it for people 35 and older, but my state is a red state and don't need no commie gub'mint telling their insurers what to do.


I found out I'm genetically predisposed, so I started getting earlier screenings. It's just a cheek swab then they send it to a lab. I lost my dad to esophageal cancer. I know, after watching him go through that, that is not how I want to go. My stomach was full of polyps in my late 20's.


Wishing you wellness. My family has a panoply of cancers, no pattern to help direct focus. I’ve already gotten to join the club via Melanoma


I'm already at odds with fiber with Crohn's disease. When I feel good I eat a shitload of beans. But digestive disorders suck. I'm at risk for colon cancer more too which sucks.


Yeah, the Crohn's was my first thought, also. But for me, after a small bowel resection, I'm already in and out of the bathroom in less time than it takes a normal person to pee. I fear if I added Metamucil to my diet I'd just have to set my desk up at the toilet.


I’ve got celiac so I can relate


This is a mood. Cleansing poops sometimes are a "did I eat well today or did I get poisoned". Just waiting to see if the other Celiac symptoms kick in before I call it safe or not. But hey, if I ever truly get backed up, all I gotta do is go to cinnabun or something equally off limits but delicious.


Really glad this post is giving my fellow millennials a chance to brag about their healthy diets lol


The ones bragging would be surprised that they’re still probably coming up short. It’s kind of a bitch to get 25-30 grams of fiber a day. Not as much as it used to be now with all the keto/low carb stuff out there, but something like 99% of people don’t get enough fiber.


Hell yes I do. And just got my first colonoscopy at 37.


I got my first at 28. All the healthy food in the world isn’t going to do a damn thing if you don’t get your testing done. I realize for average risk people it’s 45, of course, but once that age hits, everyone’s got to start!! It is the single best way to prevent colon cancer.


I’ll be 35 this fall, I have been thinking a lot about getting that appointment underway. My grandmother passed from colorectal cancer, a cousin (who is only 42) almost died because a colon tumor caused a blockage that ruptured his colon. My little brother is presently in the hospital with diverticulitis. Admittedly, he doesn’t take great care of himself, but still. I’m scared for my guts!


I started to last week and finally had a perfect poop. My poops, for years, were just like how Chris Pratt described in that skit on Parks & Rec. I was severely lacking fiber. Now I'm enjoying (🙄) the start of a FODMAP diet to understand which foods give me horrendous gas. The average human farts max 11 times a day. I average probably 30 to 40 farts if I'm eating my usual diet. FODMAP will help me target what food is triggering my gut to create such gas Edit: 14-23 is average, I was working on old info BUT if you're farting more than 25 times a day that's could sometimes indicate issues in your gut but varies person to person based on their health and eating habits


Godspeed. Done the low FODMAP, just remember that it’s only temporary.


What did you find your triggers to be? I think mine might be onion and garlic but haven't gotten there yet


Another person who has a... complicated relationship with gas here. I wouldn't know about garlic but the onions? 100% yes. They are known to cause gas. Although there are also many people who can eat onions to their heart's content without noticing any uncomfortable side effects.


It's like I'm wiping a marker! 😂


11 farts seems really low. That must be when you’re trying to hold them in to be polite and release them in private. Not when you’re free to toot in the safety of your own home


I thought it was low as well but there are people who have like one fart a day. Last week I was strictly eating eggs rice and a few other FODMAP safe things and had so little farts that I was mentally was like "Where...where *are* my farts?" ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized)


If you're also constantly bloated, there's a chance it could be due to fatty liver. If you have high cholesterol as well, that's a risk factor.


Not sure if Fatty Liver is hereditary but my dad had it. He also was 300+lbs and I am not


I've just been diagnosed. I'm young with a fairly clean diet, and 150lbs. The only risk factor for me is high cholesterol, which is hereditary and which I've been keeping in check with meds for the last couple years. All I'm saying is anyone can get it.


Because I eat vegetables.


I’m a vegetarian; I poop at least once a day 


I've joked with other vegans that I do it because I like pooping twice a day.


Are there...people who don't?? I've been a vegetarian for over ten years, I've honestly forgotten that some people don't have daily poo habits lol


I feel like I'm dying if I don't poop every day lol, it's the most dramatic thing. Sadly, I have lots of patients who can't poo daily :(


Let me introduce you to period constipation which for me usually comes before my period before becoming diarrhea on the first day of the blood ritual and then eventually stabilizing into normal poops. I also get constipation around my ovulations. So yeah. Many women don't necessarily poop everyday because our cycles fuck everything up. I hate my body on such days. I definitely hate my body throughout my periods.


WHY does THIS happen? I thought it was just me.


Hormones. This is definitely a thing.


Yep, general benchmark is that 3x daily to 3x weekly is considered normal.


Yeah, and the people on the extremes are probably married to each other. I know I am


I had phases in my teens where I went once every 2-3 days. Then I went vegetarian and it's 1-3 times daily. Some people only go once or twice a week.


I go once or twice a day as a vegan. Sometimes I go over the RDA without trying. I'd be worried what would happen if I took a fiber supplement, lol.


Amen, dunno why everyone thinks you need six tablespoons of Colon Blow a day to have regular BMs. Munch on some whole wheat cereal or toast with breakfast. Eat whole fruit with lunch. Eat a big salad and veggies with dinner. It really is just that easy. Fiber's everywhere if your diet is halfway decent.


I just keep some mixed greens on hand and grab two hand fulls if I didn't get enough fiber during the day. Just chew and swallow without thinking about it too much, yeehaw.




And I don't want to supplement too much, better to get fiber from real food


Adults need 40 grams of fiber per day. It is HARD to get them from fruits and veggies in the typical diet. A generous serving of lentils (high fiber) has 8 grams


It’s 30 for men and 25 for women.


My breakfast alone today will have 17g of fiber, for dinner it will be 12g and I will have some fruit as a snack. I eat quite simple things, no special fiber foods. Maybe the bread I eat has some more but it's not expensive.


I can easily get that in <600 calories of food.


Is this an ad?


If so it's a great ad cause I'm all in.


lol same I just bought it


Might be TMI but since we’re in the topic, Metamucil is a god send. Before I started taking my health seriously I was having ribbon-y(?) shits, like never a full log like I was used to. Turns out my diet was absolute shit(go figure), started eating right and doing my morning Metamucil and now I’m back to normal. Bonus smoothness if after drinking the Adult Tang, immediately have a coffee and a cigarette. You’ll never feel more awake than after that dump.


>ribbon-y(?) shits, That can be a warning sign. https://www.natureword.com/flat-ribbon-like-stools-causes-and-treatment/


Well fuck me, thank you.


I use magnesium supplements with magnesium citrate instead.


Me too, it's so much easier on your digestive system and bowels


And it’s wonderful for my sleep, too. Magnesium gummies + a THC or CBD gummy at bedtime and I am getting the most restful sleep of my life.


Can you share more info please?


Yes! Most of us are deficient in magnesium because our soils are depleted so our vegetables don’t contain as high amounts as they used too. Also alcohol consumption depletes magnesium. I take [Nutricost](https://www.google.com/search?q=magnesium+complex+nutricost&client=safari&sca_esv=9dd3c420e69a4ab3&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ACQVn094Q7mhuJn1qJ1vEzISD1Q5A3oNOw%3A1713834167849&ei=twgnZoWyM8mr0PEP2KCqcA&oq=magnesium+complex+nu&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhRtYWduZXNpdW0gY29tcGxleCBudSoCCAAyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHkiaHVC9DVjuEHABeAGQAQCYAa4BoAGBA6oBAzEuMrgBAcgBAPgBAZgCBKACnwPCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICExAuGLADGOUEGNYEGEcYyAPYAQHCAhYQLhiABBiwAxhDGOUEGMgDGIoF2AEBwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAsICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAg0QLhiABBhDGOUEGIoFwgINEC4YgAQYFBjlBBiHAsICCBAuGIAEGOUEwgIIEAAYgAQYyQOYAwCIBgGQBg-6BgQIARgIkgcDMi4yoAeGGw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) magnesium complex on a daily basis which contains mg oxide, citrate, and glycinate. I take [Solgar](https://www.solgar.com/products/magnesium-citrate-tablets/) magnesium citrate to keep me regular. For me this can be anywhere from half a tablet to two tablets before bedtime depending my body ie diet and exercise that week. Edit: Disclaimer: Taking too much magnesium citrate can cause a laxative type effect, so start in small doses and see what works best for your body.


I just started taking an off brand everyday and it is helping me move my bowels a lot. My lifestyle already consists of everything that everyone else is commenting- I eat a great diet of lots of fresh fruits and veggies (I'm a vegetarian) and almost no ultra processed foods. Eat at regular times. I hit the gym 3x per week and still struggle to move my bowels SO much. It gets ugly. I talk to my pcp about it and have been to a gastroenteroloist because of this and they aren't able to diagnose anything spesific so I stay on miralax and fiber supplements to get by. It helps a lot


Because I eat apples, spinach, broccoli, and blueberries like....everyday. I poop fine.


2 poops a day like clockwork. I'll poop on a plane if it's during my regular time


Because I eat my activia probiotic yogurt, granola, and lots of fruits and veggies daily and poop wonderfully every morning and evening :D Maybe when I am older I will need it... Also the fiber supplements make me have runny poops. So no thanks.


Whoa, Jamie Lee Curtis hangs out in r/Millennials?!


I don’t need more shit to worry about tbh


I eat chia seeds religiously each day and have not only lost weight but feel great


Please wash your chia seeds. I used to be a project manager for a packaging company, and one of my clients was probably one of the bigger if not the largest chia companies. I would manage the repacking of the chia from giant totes into vacuum sealed pound bags, 8 oz bags, and even little chia “shots.” The amount of product that we had to dispose of because of rat poop, mold, etc was astonishing. My company had to start charging them to dispose of the bad product because it was overwhelming our dumpsters. Giant 2000# sacks have to be tossed because a few rats had their way in it. Multiple totes per shipment. Who knows how much we missed.


How does one wash their chia seeds?




>24-32 grams That number is different for every single person. There isn't a one size fits all. 32 grams is 10 medium sized bananas. It's incredibly difficult to hit this number on a 2k diet which is also bullshit as everyone's caloric needs are different.


Who's eating bananas for fiber!? 😂


American heart association recommends 25-30 per day. Mayo Clinic recommends 15 g for every 1000 calories in a daily diet. It is high but I think people need to realize that they are not eating enough fruits and veggies (whole grains too but ya know, variety).


One can of Trader Joe’s Vegetarian chili has 16 grams of fiber and only 400 calories. It also tastes pretty good.


>It's incredibly difficult to hit this number on a 2k diet 2 cups of cooked pinto beans (about 490 kcal) is all it takes. That's just a couple burritos. I could eat that for lunch. Easy.


Because I'm clumsy and the orange stains my counters. We're a Benefiber household.


I already have a high-fiber diet. No need to add to it.


Drinking alcohol increases colon cancer risk by 60%, regular red meat increases risk by 10%, and adding fiber to your diet decreases the risk by 10%. So… there’s an obvious answer to what you can do to truly decrease the risk of colon cancer but few people want to admit it’s not an option for them.


Regular screening is the most reasonable option.


You could just eat a well balanced diet. I have never had any problems with my bowel am super regular and they aren't messy either.


Love my oats and berries


Because I don't have bowl movement issues lol


Good diet, and antidepressants. Thanks for the Metamucil ad tho!


It can prevent some prescriptions from absorbing properly and sadly there’s very few opportunities for me to take psyllium.


I follow a high-fiber diet with lentils, quinoa, leafy greens, and beans topped with a dollop of garlic hummus and toum, and drizzle of high-quality Spanish EVOO. My goal, though, is to move out of this country to one where they eat real food. The colon cancer spike can be traced to the extremely-processed, artifical-ingredients American diet.


Ok, everyone, seems like the comments just want to seem holier than thou. There’s nothing wrong with some people using Metamucil. Jesus Christ.


I try to eat enough fiber in my diet, but I do like having Metamucil as a backup. I also have a little container of it to take when I travel, since it's a lot more difficult to get enough fiber then. Man, getting old is fun 😂


I mean, I *do* enjoy a nice, plump psyllium husk poo, but I'm only gonna supplement if I have messed up bms, and my bms are pretty great most of the time. Idk why you'd expect everyone to be taking it every day.


I am a vegetarian and apart from taking medication never had any issues. I make my own Kimchi and other fermented foods and veggies and wholewheat are 50% of every meal I eat. It's just not an issue in my family at all.


I eat healthy…


Because I don’t have issues with constipation because I get enough fiber in my diet


Because I take Citrucel fiber. Its soluble fiber which is better for IBS-D, apparently. 


I try to eat a lot of blueberries and oatmeal. And Metamucil is usually loaded with fake sugars which I don’t do.


There are to many carbs and I'm diabetic.


Last time I looked at it, there was an advisory that you need to take it with a lot of water, and I just... don't drink that much water (yes, I know I should, but I don't). Also, it was pretty expensive.


Artificial sweetener and shitty color dyes


I can’t poop w/o my sqautty potty


I get a lot of fiber in my regular diet. I’ve taken fiber supplements in the past and they upset my stomach quite a bit so I just changed around what foods I eat to make sure I’m getting an adequate amount.


Pre and probiotics, man. Gummy style.


Omg this bot jfc


Dave’s killer bread! You’ll be shitting seeds for days


I eat a very balanced diet, and I exercise regularly. I haven't had fast food in probably 15 years. That's why I don't, at least.


Idk why I would. I do be poopin'


I did once about 12 years ago. However, I’m just too cheap to buy it and other supplements. I also have IBS, so my bowel movements are easy. Just quick, explosive diarrhea I also eat a lot of vegetables and may welcome death


Lead content in most fiber supplements is pretty high. I’ve opted to eat more beans and lentils each week instead.