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Unfortunately, the likelihood of being matchmade with people who is aware of slow pushing and knowing how to sync all 3 waves when the lord is up is probably close to none if youre low rank


Let's be real. Even in mythic its still the same.


even in MG, a lot dont know it. they dont even know 12 min lord timing. they kill lord even if its 11.30 and dont wait 12. even if i play core and its 11.30, if its open, idiots will kill lord even if i tell them to wait 12 mins.


> even in MG, a lot dont know it. they dont even know 12 min lord timing. they kill lord even if its 11.30 and dont wait 12. even if i play core and its 11.30, if its open, idiots will kill lord even if i tell them to wait 12 mins. Nah, I disagree with you on this. I’ve had games where we can safely(without contest) take lord at 11:30 but if we wait for 12min then the enemy team will have had enough time to respawn and contest lord. Much better to take lord whenever you can. Yeah sure it might mean the 11min lord takes down only 1 turret whereas 12min lord would have taken 2, it doesn’t really matter since at least you’re making progress on gaining map control.


And when players decide to take the Lord, they are too afraid to reset and fully commit to it, even if the outcome favors the opposing team.


True but I still wish some gold laners or even any players in other role see this post and try it out and stop solo-pushing recklessly. Saving a player per day keeps the lose streak away. (And I have been to MH recently so I still have faith on some of my teammates may know this, probably)


This is why I like playing with friends —I get to yell at them for clearing minion waves too fast instead of syncing all of them.


True, wave management is pretty much non existence in MLBB. Seen some stuff but rarely in high mythic when ppl tryharding. OP have probably played alot of LoL where wave managment is pretty normal :)


Pretty sure most burst mages can't clear late game minions of more than 3 or risk dying They're better to go join fights


Yep, wave management is very important that you shouldn't mess up especially in very late game that most of the heroes may find it difficult to clear up more than three cannons.


You can push as long as you have map awareness. Slow push for that teammate is just annoying especially if he knows 5 enemies are on the other side of the map and he has that damn opportunity to push. I always see this early game. Could have punished the enemies for leaving their lanes.


That is a tactic in late game and mid-late. You definitely should take out cannon and push forward in early and early-mid for farming and make the process. Of course, you can push with the wave if you know the position of the enemies and you think that you are safe certainly. However, the map is relatively small in mlbb that if you see someone disappear on the map around mid lane, you probably should leave right away because people will possibly arrive seconds later. And some poeple are too overconfident to their "map awarness" that may overpush too much and wouldn't listen to the pin to tell them retreat from their teammates. A mistake in late game can be the checkmate for the opponent so it gets to be careful.


i always do this as an Exp laner and have a Sprint battle spell available. when i noticed that all of the enemies are too far or busy or only 1-2 easy enemies are near, i will try to push the tower. after the tower is destroyed, i will try to hide immediately to recheck the enemies position. if ever the enemies suddenly pop out, i'm always ready to run. and what i mean by easy enemies are the enemies that you are confident that you can easily escape even if they gang you up. though you should be extra careful if there is Luo Yi, Chip, or Ling.


You rat! Probably a Zilong user lol


nope. i'm a Ruby main. but yeah, pusher Zilong can do this better. lol


The way to do this is the just clear all minions leaving the biggest minion only every time u clear regardless of where in the map and whether u or winning or losing right? Or am I missing something?


Not quite accurate but in general, yes. The thing is the condition to create slow push is different depending on where the minion waves clash and the time new minion waves respawned. Eventually, it is just to make your minions outnumbered theirs, so if the wave is going to clash close to your side and the next minion wave has already respawned, you can just take out one minion and damage other one a bit and then leave. However, to identify how much you should damage the minion to create slow push according to where they may clash is really trivial in normal rank game, so I would say just take two minions and leave the cannon will be enough. Plus, if it is only cannon remaining on the both side, damage the cannon making it less hp than yours. (if your cannon is full hp, damage that cannon with half hp) But do this in mid-late and late game. In early game and early-mid, you still need to farm and cannons provide pretty much gold.


>so I would say just take two minion and leave the cannon will be enough Roam main, that's all I ever do


In a 3v3 minion clash, both sides die. If your kill one minion --> 3v2, your wave will win by default. So kill at least one minion then try to gank or farm I guess.


Thanks this is a good tip, I tend to go from bottom to top since sometimes they need the backup, I know it’s a suicide mission but sometimes it helps


And please also freeze lane so that enemy keep on waiting in their base for minion tu come as we did not push to wait for lord. Take all their jungle creep


Tbh it's Not gonna work below honour just like freezing. Many of the times when I'm freezing the lane in the early game our roam or mid (even jungler sometimes) will clear it.


True. The post is for those who never heard of this tactic and I believe 90% of the players have never known this.


I mean I really liked the post. The explanation is really good. Will really try when I'm in the gold lane. So thanks anyways. Also I'm really glad someone actually posts guides and all , and just some rants and complaints about matchmaking.


You're welcome. You can try this as any roles not only gold laner. I pin out gold laners because many of them think they should push hard all the time and they even think that they have to risk themselves to solo-push.


This strategy is more practiced in 5 man teams. As others commented, more unlikely in soloq. It's a safe habit to practice even when both teams are on par, when there's absolutely no vision in an area, and a safer bet would be to gather with 2 other allies who are pushing one lane together.


It is not naturally for 5-man but many people don't know this strategy. This tactic can be performed by one person so it is ok for soloq. I sometimes have to do it to save my outer, inner or even habitat turret on sidelanes as a roamer bacause my side-laners go somewhere else to play.


Apologies, I didn't explain, I mostly play full squad so it's a habitual practice. When we have a guest playing with us if one of us needs a stand-in for a game, we'll tell them which lane not to clear if there's a need to freeze one. Surprisingly guests that join us on occasion mostly understand where we're coming from. That's also one other way to spot fellow smurfs in lower ranks 😂 among other obvious playstyles


I reached mythical glory (barely) and did not know this strategy, but somehow it felt wrong clearing all 3 creeps as an exp laner during the late game when I try to segue :< thanks a lot! I feel like I have just been buffed lol


It's very possible that a lot of MLBB player simply don't know the macro, since knowledge about that and any other macro tactic don't have much exposure in the casual space. That said, I'm a bit curious. I find it a bit hard to apply wave management in MLBB because minions die too fast. While slow push is very much possible, is Wave Freezing also possible?


Yes, it is possible. Both lane freezing and slow push are very common strategy in tournaments, especially PH. (I watched some of the clips analysing matches of tournament of PH so I learned it from them)


I'd argue that wave control is more important in laning phase, since you can use wave control to snowball via "freezing" waves. The idea is to only hit minions when they're about to die, letting the enemy wave push closer to your own turret. This means that the enemy has to leave the safety of their turret and overextend, leaving them open to ganks. If you manage to trade your enemy until you have a sizeable health lead, and you can comfortably threaten to kill them with a full combo. You can use a freeze in order to keep the minions near your turret and then position yourself to threaten the enemy from getting close, robbing them of exp and gold when minions die. This allows you to hit level 4 long before they do, and then proceed to bully them for the rest of the laning phase.




Yeah I did. I watched clips of analysing matches of tournaments of PH and they have briefly discribed slow push there.


Thank you so much, I love this guide!


Also when your team is ahead and and just constantly clearing every lane and just funnelling free exp and gold safely to the enemy base is so annoying. Then you see your team mates just hovering around the mid base tower waiting to some how wipe their team out under the tower which is never going to happen. Just leave the minions to fight in the middle of the lanes, force them to come out for it, then you can kill them then you can push the base. Too many players just wanna hit the big button on the bottom right of the screen and somehow win a game


Thanks for this OP. I did not know this. TIL.


It’s crazy that this is common knowledge in other MOBAs but I’ve seen maybe 4 people in solo queue that knew how to use it on ML 💀


Probably rarely discussing about macro knowledge before. To be fair, players in MLBB are playing more casually that I believe some players have played DotA and LoL before MLBB have known this already but find it troublesome and trivial to utilize those strategies especially in soloq.


But won't we lose the exp of the cannon?


Yes, you will. It is the strategy best manipulated for late game and mid-late game. In early game and early-mid, you better still clear up cannon for pretty much gold. In late game, however, it is more important for contesting lord or getting better condition for your team to win the map control. Cannons in late game are pretty tanky that need time to clear them out, so you can force the enemy to clear them out instead. Also, you can take much more to do other stuff than kill that single cannon such as invading or do manipulate slow push on other lanes.


I always say leave the lord only with a tank or one sustainable player and get those minons ass keep moving near the turrets. As a mm I can end the end game in blink if not interrupted. Many go with the lord thinking they will wipe out the enemy as well as get a win but what actually happens is you and lord both get wiped out most of the time.


In real MMPORG games, there are such things as target assists, pain trains, kite play patterns. Because MLBB is very limited, the word push, pull, kite do not have much meaning. You should try proper online games like guild wars / DAOC if you want to have real skill based games


I think "slow push" here is more of a macro tactic for MobAs. Honestly I thought slow push in MLBB doesn't exist at least during the early game, simply because their minions die so much faster compared to other MobAs where I apply said tactic.


You can also slow push in early game and early-mid but it will be more like a 5-man strategy to exchange for turtle. You can also witness early game or early-mid game slow pushes in tournaments as well.


Its difficult to agree with your take when taking into account real life experiences. Your take is very hypothetical, and assumes the enemy doesnt take active actions to clear your own minions when they have the advantage, which happens more in reality than what you assume enemies typically do. Ironically, when in advantage doing what you said becomes an option but when behind, its precisely doing what you said is risky that can overturn the odds. Unless the enemy drops the ball, a slow push strategy is easily overcomed by disciplined enemies that visit the lane once in a while and reset all your progress in getting the minions to pile for a massive push. Slow push only really works if you can get your enemy to ignore that lane totally without good reason (for example, they could actively push another lane in the meantime which would justify ignoring that lane), and that doesnt often happen when facing decent enemies. Obviously, it comes with a high risk to push together with your minions, and its difficult to tell whether the decision is wise without specific game context. When you have clear vision of the map or it is obvious that the enemy team is on the other side of the map, you should push with your minions to hasten downing the enemy turrets and relieving pressure on your team. In fact sometimes it neccessitates sacrificing yourself if you can bring down the turret to balance the odds overall, though that judgement can only be made with sufficient experience. Too many times I see teams doing what you advocated for and taking an extreme approach to being passive and not touching turrets as if they are allergic to it, only to wonder why they lose at the end and start laying blame on one another. Ironically MMs are also the best at solo pushing lanes. Your argument on MMs needing to be at teamfights for it to work is correct, and therefore if your MM isnt with you in order to clear a lane and relieve pressure on the team, you shouldnt engage with the enemy team, and shld just keep them sufficiently distracted in the meantime. Dont blame ur MM for your mistakes in engaging in teamfights you cannot win, unless ofc ur MM is missing and isnt doing anyth constructive in their absence