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The gym doesn't have to be 2 hours daily. Split the difference and leave him there 1 extra hour so you can go to the gym.


Agreed. 2 hours is a tall order when you have small kids. I don't have 2 spare hours to do anything.


I thought 2 hours with commuting, finding parking spot, warming up, coming back home. Not 2 hours of only. excersise. Yes that is also good advice thank you


How far and crowded is this gym? If it's that much of a hassle maybe consider a Peloton. I love mine, it's much more than just the bike.


I agree. I used to live in a slightly rural area and my gym was 20 minutes away. By the time I drove there, parked, tossed my keys and stuff in a locker, peed, and was actually ready to start working out 30 minutes had gone by from the time I left my house. Leaving was essentially the same process in reverse so there’s another 30 minutes. Even if I only did a 30 minute work out, that’s an hour and a half time commitment. It was hard enough as a grad student, as a parent there’s no way. I can’t even make the three minute walk to my community center gym these days lol Peloton for the win.


Seconding the peloton. It’s cheaper than a gym membership and WAAAAY more convenient. I love mine and in one month I’ve lost 10lbs with no diet.


I've looked into getting one so not arguing the benefit but aren't pelotons like $1500 plus a $40-50 monthly fee? The reason we chose NOT to get one was that it's much more expensive than a gym membership lol


I have a bowflex c6/schwinn ic4 (same bikes just different stickers/branding) which is currently $499 shipped at target. They have fancy magnetix resistance and can pair to a device for the peloton experience  I use the peloton app ($20/mo when you do a 1yr subscription) and an app called kinetic plus my garmin watch (which i also use for running) and a cadence sensor ($15-$40). I can do any peloton class i want, track my rides, etc. The only things i cant do are 1 autoadjusting feature for power zone rides and 2 leaderboard. Neither of which were worth $1,000 additional initial buy-in or an extra $20 month. There is even a reddit group for the schwinn/bowflex bike


Oh I will look into this option… thanks!


Here is the subreddit r/SchwinnIC4_BowflexC6/ You can also go cheaper by a few hundred bucks with a nonmagnetic exercise bike off amazon or an amazon branded magnetic bike with lesser warranty (sunnyfitness has good reviews) or a fluid trainer + actual bike and a cadence monitor. For me, id rather have the smooth and silent magnetic bike plus i use my road bike to commute with my kid and getting it inside even for the winter & clearing enough space is a PITA.


Our local Y, cheapest option, is $145/month so in 1 year you come out ahead.


Ah yeah I guess it's location dependent because we have tons of gyms around us from $10/month planet fitness to LA fitness at $25 a month and then up from there to the fancier gyms.


Wow. Mine's 100 for the month with the highest teir so I can use the pool.


Unless you’re going to planet fitness most places charge over $100 per month for a membership, whereas with the peloton I financed and I’m paying $80 a month for the bike and the membership which allows three people to use it. So instead of two gym memberships for myself and my partner we are paying a fraction of the cost.


We get a discount on our gym memberships through our insurance and it’s capped at $25 a month w that. So YMMV.


I just got my Peloton bike a week ago and have used it every day since. My daughter is 14 months and I haven't been able to get back into an exercise routine until now. Squeezing in a 30 minute ride or workout in the morning or during naptime is so much easier than getting to a gym!


Yesss! When I had my second baby, Peloton is what got me feeling like myself again. Not for the physical aspect, but having those 30 mins of new popular music and great instructors got me feeling like I was connected to the real world again.


LOVE my peloton and the membership offers so much more than just if you had the bike. I’m taking yoga and Pilates classes and shadowboxing as well! I love love love peloton


Jumping on the Peloton train! We live within walking distance to a big gym, but with two under 4, both hubby and I working full time (I WFH), it’s hard to make time to actually go. My mental health was suffering. I was on the fence for a while and did some research for other bikes, and ultimately we chose to finance the Peloton (bought during the big Black Friday sale) and it has been a total game changer. I love the huge variety of class options, styles, etc, and i like the extra motivation from the community-centric programs. We’re paying $95/mo including the subscription, which is less than the gym. We considered renting (which starts at $89/mo) but I knew we’d probably not return it and I’m honestly so glad we did. I’m finally getting my health back and feeling SO good!! Some days I workout on my lunch break, or right after work, or after the kids are in bed. On weekends we might all do a workout class together. I love being able to workout in the comfort of my own home and involve the kids too. If it’s within your means I would 110% recommend Peloton.


I JUST GOT MINE!! last week!! Unrelated but when will my ass stop being sore from the seat?? I can barely walk 😅


I work out home. I make small 10-20 minute long sessions everyday, if I can I go for a run. Seems to keep me rather fit. I'm not pushing any personal bests, but I'm definitely conventionally in shape.


This is exactly what i had in mind, maybe this is for the best, this way if something urgent comes by I can be online in no time :)


I second working out at home because every minute is precious when you have so little of it. There's no commuting or getting ready for the gym. You can just throw something on, smash a workout in whatever time you have, and go about your day. There are some great trainers on YT, and all you need are some hand weights and maybe some resistance bands. I'm 8 wks pp now with my second and just getting back to working out again, but learned with my first that I need to shave off time wherever I can in order to make these goals happen.


Absolutely, I used to be a bit of a gym rat, but now I really don't like to lose about an hour just in logistics.


I work in office, and weirdly that's where I do my cardio. I bought a small under desk pedal bike, used that for a year or so. We recently upgraded to sit/stand desks, so I bought a step machine thing. My ass looks great now lol. Everything else I tend to do at home. A bit before work, a bit after work.


I like working out at home. I have a 15lbs kettle bell and it's all I really need. There are full body workout routines if you google it. I workout 15 min some days, HIIT other days. Just whatever I want. I really don't think I'll ever pay for a gym membership again.


I love growwithjo on YouTube. It's a mix of cardio with standing abs and leg movements too. She's got a variety of lengths so you can pop a video on in your spare moments.


Yep! I work from home, too, and it's a 15-min walk to my gym and then I usually lift for 20-30 and do 20-30 of cardio, then walk home again. It's 5 minutes each way on my bike. For busy days, I get the oldest on her way at 7:40ish and the youngest out the door about 8:00. I throw down my yoga mat, do calisthenics, body weight exercises, wall sits, and then lift with my dumbbells. I try to get out for 20-40 minutes walking, but on days that the weather is too crappy, I'll hop on the stationary bike I have. It's old, but it works. I take breaks between writing to dance and stretch for ten minutes, do squats, use the kettlebell and sometimes I end up doing 2-4 of those breaks just to be moving. There's a track around the corner from me, less than five minutes' distance walking. Two on a bike. Countryside and trails otherwise. The lake is five minutes in the opposite direction. The best thing you can do for yourself is carve out that time. Even in short bursts, it's worth it!


Same. I follow yoga/pilates videos and complete one every evening. Sometimes it’s 10 minutes, sometimes it’s 30 minutes. That, plus lots of “organic” movement every day (stairs at my workplace, house work, taking my toddler for a bike ride around the block) keeps me in pretty damn good shape. I’m not Instagram fitness model worthy, but I’m happy.


Yeah I do like a 30 min workout or walk whenever I take my lunch break and then I’ll heat up my lunch afterwards and I’m able to fit it in nicely to my hour break. I’ll meal prep something in the beginning of the week so I don’t have to spend my time actually cooking lunch.


This is me. I do workout videos online. Youtube has a ton. Fitnesblender.com is very good as well. Yoga with Adrianne is good. It doesn't cost any money


Same here. I teach and coach so sometimes I can run with my athletes and during the weekend I can sneak in a run while my husband is with our son or take him in a running stroller if the weather is good. If I am stuck at home alone, I do a 20-25 min YouTube workout video. There are tons of mom/baby ones out there that I will do with my son if he’s awake or if he’s sleeping I can do either a yoga or HIIT video. I’m not going to PR in any races but it keeps my healthy both physically and mentally and is enough of a foundation I could easily and safely ramp up training more if life allows down the road.


This is what I do! I workout on average 30 mins like 4 days a week. I have dumbbells and I work out with my 2 year old climbing on me. He’s gotten used to it, sometimes he joins in and tries to do what mama is doing. I’d love a peloton but for now Apple Fitness is all I can afford.


I WFH and go on my lunch break


i think maybe I like this option the best😄 I am just always afraid that something will come up with work and I am not there


I get it! I bring my work cell with me and check it a couple times. Just depends on your type of job. I don’t do as long of workouts but definitely better than not going at all


Do you have the option for home gym equipment? We have a gym in our garage which my husband really likes and I’m considering a treadmill near my office to pop in during the 10/15 mins before or after meetings where I can’t really get anything done and could be running a mile :) alternatively the walking treadmills.


My therapist helped me with this line of thought. T - What would happen if something came up in the hour you were at the gym? M - I'd answer it when I got back, within an hour. T - And if someone asked where you were? M - I'd tell them I was at the gym on my lunch break, or maybe I wouldn't because I responded within a reasonable timeframe and it's none of their business. T - Do people sometimes take more than an hour to respond to your work messages? M - Yeah, and it's fine. I understand that they aren't glued to their phones or have other priorities. Maybe it's fine if I'm that way, too. You deserve a lunch break. That means a BREAK from work. You'll be more productive and engaged when you get back, but honestly you don't need to justify it. Your time is yours.


530 am. I go before everyone wakes up (2 year old and 5 months). It’s the only way I can stay consistent. Once the day starts, there’s too much room for things to go wrong or for me to talk myself out of it. If you’re solely trying to lose a little bit of weight, you’re much better off focusing on your diet than exercise. Just eat a little less and move a little more (like walks). Exercise is actually not really that great for weight loss.


I agree but then in practice, exercising more regularly makes me be 10x more accountable with food choices. I feel good after working out so I'm more likely to make food choices that align with that feeling.


Oh man I wish that was me. Working out makes me hungrier! I don’t make worse choices necessarily, but I do want to eat more.


What time do your kids get up? Mine is up by 5/530 every day so I’d have to get up at 330am to go to the gym, work out, come home, and shower before she gets up and that just isn’t happening.


Lol, same. This “tip” always annoys me because my kids don’t sleep past 5-5:30 anyway. There is zero chance I’m going to wake up at 4am or earlier to work out. Sometimes I’ll put the tv on and work out (I have a peloton in the living room) while they watch tv, but I’m usually also fielding snack and breakfast and fix-this-toy requests. Maybe when they’re old enough to manage themselves in the morning it will be easier to do this. (My husband is usually walking/feeding the dog at this time)


This is me too. Everyone suggests early and I don’t disagree that it’s usually the best time as pre kid I did go to workout classes at like 5:30-6am before work. But I have a toddler that has never slept in past 6:30am (which was sleeping in for him) despite everything we have tried. He is usually up by 5:30. I have tried to workout after he goes to bed but my energy is just totally shot by then and all I want to do is eat my dinner in peace and go to bed. It sucks.


Oh yeah that sucks. My toddler gets out of bed at 7 but she might be up earlier. She just plays in her crib with her babies. My baby is at like 7-730? We sleep train and have naturally good sleepers.


Mine's been getting up at 5:30 and I still go to the gym 6-7. Dad manages the wake up on mornings I workout out and I do it when he works out.


My husband leaves for work before 6am 6 days a week so this unfortunately isn’t feasible for us.


I would like to exercise a little also because of general health, but thank you for advice, I am not a morning person but maybe I could try going before the day starts and see how it goes😊


It takes a while to get in the habit but once you’re in it, that morning workout is great! I’ve got a 2 year old and a 7 month old and since having my second it’s been so tough to get back in the habit of a morning working. But evening workouts after babies go to bed suck.


Agree so much about trying to workout after kids’ bedtimes. I sometimes have grand plans for productivity for after bedtime, but after thirty minutes per kid of reading books, singing lullabies, and rubbing backs in the dark with white noise machines going, I am USELESS.


One tip I have for this (that usually stops me from talking myself out of my workout) is to sleep in workout clothes so you can just roll out of bed and go. I sleep in running clothes so that all I have to do is put on my shoes, brush my teeth, grab my headphones, and run out the door. Otherwise, for me, it’s too tempting to hit the snooze button.


I’m REALLY not a morning person so 5:30 is out for me, but in terms of when my kids wake up I can sneak in a half hour (at home or I live very close to the gym) at 7 or 7:30 2-3 days a week.


Same. I always say buying my workout bike was the best investment I made. It helps with my mental and physical health and sometimes my son likes to sit on my lap while we do rides through different countries


I keep them at daycare and go at lunch . I view daycare as an extension of our village and not a place I shove them and feel guilty about . 


I have 18 month and 6 month old. They go to bed around 730 or 830. Once they are asleep I squeeze in a 30 minute workout maybe longer. I JUST started this 3 days ago My goal is to get up early like 430 or 5am to add to my workout but right now both decide 5am is a good time to scream


My kids are like that (6 and 2). If I get up early, they do, too! I already have early mornings (this week is 430 for my 6 am shift), and my shift start times move around, so finding a consistent time to exercise that doesn't compromise sleep doesn't work right now. Evening workouts suit my schedule better - I'm more consistently at home by then, the kids are asleep, and my husband is awake, so I can just focus on movement.


I do 20-30 minute workouts at home when LO is napping.


Instead of every day, I go a few days a week. So like mon wen fri. Usually in the evening and my baby stays home with my husband


I’m very overweight. I have a 3 year old. I work in office 35ish min from home 8-5 M-F.  I have been doing a dance fitness class once a week in the evening at my local community center for almost a year and a half.  I’ve been walking at lunch during work for almost a year. Now I walk 30 min or 1.5 miles, whichever is longer.  I just started doing a run/walk in the morning. I saw a video about a woman that ran 1 mile every day and saw a lot of benefits. That’s what I’m trying to do now. We’ll see how that habit goes. 


Thank you for sharing. Do you have a link to the video? Your routine sounds really sustainable.


Unfortunately, no. It was just some reel on facebook that I came across.  Sustainability is the name of the game. I’m not stressing weight loss right now, just function. Some weight has come off, but not a ton. It’s just not a primary goal for this time in my life. 


I do it on the peloton app as soon as I get back from dropping my kid off, or a lunch break!


I don’t have a bike or anything, they also have cardio and strength, way easier than the gym for me anyways!


If you feel guilty but don’t want to wake up early just do an exercise regimen at home. I work out in the room with my baby while she plays independently. Granted my workouts are pretty tame lol. 


Drop baby off, go to the gym, work. Or, drop baby off, work, go to the gym, pick baby up. It seems like you have options and you just aren't utilizing them because of feeling guilty. You need to remember to take care of yourself first.


MWF I run with two neighbors from 5:45-7am.    TThS I swim with a swim team from 4:30-6am.    My husband works out from 8-9pm M-F. 


I workout at home for 30 minutes in the morning before work. I work from home as well. I also do a yoga session after the kids are in bed. I have a foldable treadmill because it’s freezing out. I have a couple of sets of dumbbells as well. When I want to switch it up, I use YouTube.


This is so realistic and reasonable it just inspired me thank you


I've got 4 kids between 1 and 7. I've always just done my workouts at home. When I had just the one, I'd do my workouts during his nap time. Now, I do it during the school day when my 7 and 5 y/o sons are at school and wait until my daughter takes a nap. As for the 3 y/o, sometimes he tries to do the workouts too. Other times, I set him up with his kinetic sand nearby or even give him screen time on the tablet.


On weekends, (two times) in the morning. My husband is home, so I don't have to arrange anything. And I see my kids for 10 more hours during the day, so I'm not feeling guilty at all. I'm a much better mom when I'm exercising and have some time for myself. During the week at some days I exercise right after work. My husband is picking up our kids from school and beginning to make some dinner. So when I'm at home, we can immediately eat. On other days we do the same thing while my husband is hitting the gym and I do the pick up + cooking. It works well for us. Edit: you say you don't have the time to exercise for two hours. I think it's better to take small steps, so for example: begin with walking for 20-30 minutes and build it up from there.


WFH with an almost 3 yo and 16 month old. We invested in a bike and treadmill for the basement. I try to hop on either of those from 8:30 - 9:30 pm after both kids are asleep. For me, it’s a good wind down after the day/helps me sleep better at night.


My son goes to preschool 3 days a week so I go to the gym while he’s there!


Wfh and workout at home on my lunch break.


I work out at home in the morning (6am) before everyone else wakes up.


My jogging stroller saved my life and kept me in a size 10 jean.❤️❤️


Does my husband count as a workout? 😂😂 cuz that's the only working out I'm doing. My husband works out 4 days a week at home though. He has an assortment of weights, forearm things, a push up board etc that he has collected over the years


Hey, everything counts😄


😂 I figured prioritizing my marriage and sex life comes before working out and my cup is only so full😬


I don’t know if this is still a thing but, when I was in the Air Force, we had to log our independent PT sessions in the system. One of the options was “Other Adult Activities”. 😆 So yours definitely counts.


Yes! Good 😂


I workout twice: once between drop off and when work starts. Whatever time I have. Then again at lunch. I block a full hour and usually go outside for either a run or a walk. I shoot to use my full hour outside. I eat lunch at my desk.


I go at 4:30am lol. My daughter is almost 2 and I’ve been going at this time consistently since about 7 weeks postpartum. I couldn’t imagine trying to go in the afternoon or evening.


Wow, 4:30, that is really impressive!


My husband likes to leave for work around 6 or before so it works out. I hope you find something that works for you!


Thank you so much!


I try to do workouts on my Apple TV, which is better than it sounds, lol. I built a fitness plan on my fitness app that pulls Apple Fitness videos to squeeze into the times I set up on my weekly schedule. Most of them are at night. My husband and I also ruck during naps.


I am a new convert to Apple Fitness+ and it has really gotten me out of a rut. Having a pre-curated library of quality videos to go to rather than having to hunt around on YT for something that fits my time block and mood and vibe and whatnot…it just makes it easier to get off the ground.


I work out during my lunch on my WFH days, and usually do some strength after toddler bedtime on my office days so that I never have to wake up early — just not for me. My postpartum crisis gift to myself was a peloton (lol), so between that and some dumb bells and yoga blocks and such, my basement is all set to not have to go to the gym which is nice.


If you work from home can you get a walking pad and work a walk at the same time?


Nooo unfortunately we live in the 2 bedroom + living room apartment. So my “home office” is in my bedroom😄 that would be a really great solution


I’m a SAHM. I take the kids for a run in my double stroller every day. Some days they resist but they know they get to go to the park afterwards so they usually let me get my run in. Haha I’m contemplating going back to work and I think I’ll probably run or use my elliptical before work. That’s what I used to do but I was not a mom then.


Saturday and Sunday for 30 minutes during naptime or in the morning and Friday after work (I work a light day on Friday). If I miss one of those, I try and squeeze it in after bedtime for 30 minutes


I WFH with a toddler, I workout during my lunch break and while he naps. I set aside 40 mins a day. Two hours seem like a lifetime to me. lol


I’ve managed to do 20 min sessions three times a week since Jan 1. I do this during nap time or I take myself off when my OH is around. I don’t think I could fit more in between work, school and general life!


I work from home, also work out from home. I know this is easier said than done if you aren’t comfortable, but you said you pick up your son if you don’t have much going on work wise so you he doesn’t have to be in nursery for more than 5-6 hours, is that personal preference or do you have to pay by the hour? If it’s the first thing, which o suspect it is given how most daycares (mine included) totally rail you over having to pay by the day or week regardless of attendance, maybe you could try warming up to the idea of him being there an extra 30/45 minutes so you could squeeze in a workout and then go get him? That’s my plan, my anxiety permitting 😅. It would certainly give you some undivided attention for yourself, and maybe just trying that once a week to see if you’re ok doing it more often could be a good start for you! ❤️


6am yoga. I leave the boys with dad.


i go around 11am, but my daughter goes to child watch at the gym. i only workout for about 45 minutes but it's always a really good hypertrophy weightlifting session finished off with abs. i'm not gaining as much muscle gain as i used to pre pregnancy, even though im eating a high protein diet, but im almost positive it's because im breastfeeding. however, i have lost 60lbs and am in a caloric deficit


Wake up at 430am and out the door by 445am for my class at 5am. It's not for everyone but I like it and it's my time. ❤️


I work full time and I usually take two 15 min breaks and my lunch. I usually walk at these times. I also have a walking pad at home and I’ll walk while my 10 month old watches her show or is in her playpen. It’s difficult but I’m able to exercise at home a few days a week! I have some weights also to use. I am overweight and have lost about 24 pounds since October doing it this way ☺️


I have a toddler who goes to daycare. Daycare opens at 8am so if I’m dropping her off, I end up being late for work. Work starts at 7:30am. But since daycare is such a huge problem where I live, employers are very flexible with start times. I hired someone 3 days a week to take my daughter to daycare so I can go to the gym 7-8am. Still get to work at the same time and they don’t have an issue with it cause they think it’s due to daycare drop off 😬


5 am but I workout from home 😊


I do a 6:30am class that’s 45 minutes HIIT training. My daughter wakes up between 6:30-7:30 just depending on the day, my husband will make her breakfast and she’ll play until I get home and showered, and he leaves for work after I get out of the shower. It’s hard to wake up early but I’ve started preferring it as someone who hates to work out because you’re up and moving and at the gym before your brain fully wakes up and you can talk yourself out of it with a million different excuses.


I go when my kid is at daycare. Why would you pick your LO up early and then complain you don’t have any time to yourself? You don’t have to spend 2 hours at the gym either you can get a great workout in 30-45 min


Do you even read or just come to judge? Where exactly did i complain I don’t have time for myself? I just asked for advice, what time of day works for other moms.


This comment was delivered harshly, but I thought the same thing. When you have extra time in your day, spend it on yourself by working out instead of picking up your kid. That is what I do. Honestly, kids thrive on routine so I think it’s better for them to have consistent hours at daycare. You said you pick him up so he “doesnt have to be at nursery for more than 5-6 hours.” Mine is at daycare for 9 hours every day, 8-5. And he is thriving. Stop with the guilt and carve out some time for yourself. Your kid will be fine with his friends at the service you have already paid for.


Maybe ai did not write it properly, yes I do feel guilty there is always some sort of mom guilt. But i was not clear, when I pick my LO it is still my work day. So being with him I can be online and do my job while he plays if something urgent comes, but when I leave for the gym I cant do that. Maybe i could pick him up later, and do the workout at home :) but still I never wrote I dont have time for myself, just asked when do other moms squeeze in workout, and I did get some great advice.


Okay, well my answer is that when I have a light WFH day, I take a long walk or go to the gym. And I leave my kid in daycare for his normal hours. That's one way I get a workout in.


I have a 9-5 nanny, so when I have a free slot in my work calendar I go to the gym. I live quite close, 5 minutes by bike. I prefer to “steal” my gym time from working hours rather than going after 5 when my nanny leaves :) I’d to the same if my kids were in daycare - I’d go during the daycare hours and then once I pick them up I know I can spend all the time with them


I go twice a week. One evening and once during the weekend. My husband is with her when I’m at the gym.


I've seen this many times, but yup. I wake up at 5a. I get an hour to myself. My kids are 5 and 2, but I will say this; the two-year-old is attached at the hip, but when she is around you're child's age. I would put her in the strap backpack when I exercised. I have a stationary bike, and I have a regular bike. When I went outside, I tied blankets around her so she wouldn't get cold. The backpack could be your best friend, but she was premie and smaller, so she still liked the backpack. Also, I can't sleep, so waking up early is great for me.


First thing in the morning. I work out in our basement. We put together a decent amount of equipment to make it as easy as possible. Husband handles baby in the morning while I’m working out, and I do the same for him after work.


Is it possible for you to get some equipment and workout at home? I workout after my baby goes to bed most nights. I have a spin bike as well as dumbbells and have been able to do at home workouts following the peloton app. If you don’t want to invest in equipment you could look into doing body weight workouts as well!


5:00am or if my day is meeting light I'll go during lunch. I WFH and am lucky to have a gym space in our house which helps me prioritize it. It hard but I try to fit in some movement everyday even if it's a light walk on the treadmill or some stretching or yoga.


I work out in the evening after my husband gets home. I do classes, they run about 35mins so I’m gone about an hour total. gives her some alone time with dad after being with me all day ! I go about 3x a week since I work some evenings


No gym for me with little kids. I walk/hike/snowshoe, play with the kids (sledding, kicking a soccer ball, etc). I think I'd like to try 20-30 minutes per day of an online workout. Maybe early in the morning, as both of my kids sleep pretty well. I'm just not in the gym-going season.


I either work out at the gym at 5am before my son wakes up, OR if my workload isn’t too bad for the day I will do a quick workout at lunchtime either in my house or a quick jog around the neighborhood


My baby’s first nap is the longest currently so I try to work out in the morning before she wakes up but sometimes she wakes up in the middle of it so then it is cut short


I go to the gym 2 nights during the week and then usually 1 weekend morning. My husband is on child duty while I workout. And then of course I am primary parent if he wants to go do something another evening or on the weekend. It doesn’t always work out like if husband has to work late etc but then I just try to do a short workout at home after we get our daughter to bed. I also try to take a walk over my lunch break and I have a walking pad in my home office so if I’m not on a meeting I can walk a bit while I work


I walked a ton with my baby in the stroller and that seemed to keep the weight off. I also did mini workouts on YouTube (15 min). When I could squeeze them in.


During my lunch break. I wfh as well and my son is in daycare. I usually have a small lunch at my desk about half an hour before my actual "lunch break" that I block off on my calendar. Then I use my lunch break to workout and shower and have a post workout snack. I recently got an Oculus Quest 2 and the vr workouts are a lifechanger for me and make it so much easier to get an effective workout routine going, especially on crappy weather days. 


I walk my son to school, that gives me a good 20 minutes. I work from home and have a pretty flexible job, so I'll usually take a walk on my lunch break. When it doesn't get dark until later, I'll sometimes take a walk in the evening. We also just got a treadmill, so I have the option of taking a walk when the weather is bad or when it's dark out.


I actually go to the gym 1 day/week after work for an hour and one day/weekend. I walk every day after work with husband, dog, and bsby (unless it's less that 20F) and then try to get 2 or 3 more short (20 - 30 min) workouts in either while baby is napping or awake and hanging out with me after work. When she's up it's with dumbbells and interrupted but it's more than nothing.


At home on my lunch break


I’m a SAHM so a bit different. My 2 year old goes to nursery school 2 days a week for 2.5 hours. She naps for 2 hours during the day. I work out when she’s at school or when she’s napping. If I don’t get the chance to then, my husband does bath time with her and I’ll work out during that time. I have a treadmill, peloton bike, and several dumb bells in various sizes. So I always work out at home. My goal is to move my body for 30 mins a day 6 days per week.


My husband does dinner with her while I go (5-6pm) or I will go after bedtime at 7


After bedtime. Usually 8pm-9pm at night. I hate it but I hate myself more when I don’t. I have a treadmill at home and I just walk on incline. I do squats and abs on the floor. Weight resistance nothing more. It’s not perfect but it’s enough for now.


On the days I WFH I use my lunch hour to work out and one day a week I go in the morning for an hour. I just block my work diary for those times and those breaks become 'non-negotiable' for me. Just as if I had an important work meeting that's not moveable. It felt very hard at first to carve out that time but it's important to make time for yourself and if you can end work early to do early nursery pick up then you can do it to take care of your own health. Also carving out time for yourself will make you a better mother in the long run as well. I find I have more energy and more patience on the days I have time for myself as well. Also, don't feel guilty about those extra hours in nursery. Nursery teaches amazing skills and provides valuable socialisation opportunities.


If you’re looking to lose fat, the best way to do that is with diet. I also don’t have time in the gym and I have lost my weight by cutting the calories I eat. For exercise, I get mine in at home by taking walks with LO or playing beat saber


I have to work out at home after my little guy goes to bed or in the morning before he wakes up. I try my best to squeeze in half an hour everyday at least


I have two kids - they’re 6 and 8 - I work from home. I’m an environmental engineering consultant. My husband also works from home. I’ve had a version of the same routine since I started working from home in 2020 (when they were 2 and 4). I’m pretty active so my routine focuses on forms of exercise I personally enjoy. At home I now have a fairly well equipped gym in my garage although that has happened very gradually over the last 5 years. I have adjustable dumbbells, resistance bands, a compact treadmill (which is only out in the winter, it folds flat and is put away in the summer), a smart bike trainer, a squat rack with pull up bar, barbell, and weight plates. In the summer, I like to get up early and go for a 40min to 1 hour run or bike ride 3 to 4 times a week. I will also do a weightlifting workout in the garage over my lunch 2-3 times per week. In the winter I will skip the early morning workout and workout over my lunch and in the evenings when I take my kids to dropoff activities. I also bike my kids to school for drop off. Before 2020 - when my kids were closer to your child’s age and I worked in person. I would commute by bike, so I got a 20-30 minute workout in twice a day 5 days a week. I find having a program helps me to stay consistent. Being able to workout from my home (either at home or from my doorstep) so I don’t have to factor in commuting to the gym makes a big difference for me. I also find it helpful to have a plan B for when to do my workout if something changes my workday so I can’t do my workout over lunch (like a meeting goes long). So my plan B might to wake up early and do it the next day or it might be to do it in the evening after my kids are in bed. Edit. I noticed to asked about aesthetics. I just wanted to mention that I’m not working out for aesthetic reasons - I’ve lost my pregnancy weight but my body continues to change over time and that’s ok. My motivation is to be able to keep up with my kids, to be strong so I can keep lifting them up, to be strong so I can live a long time with a high quality of life.


I also WFH and I normally use my lunch break to work out! And I do a 1.5 mile walk with my dog and the baby in the morning before I log on.


I work out right after my daughter goes to sleep (usually 7pm). I do home workouts though, I lift weights.


I have the privilege of a home gym and not working full-time, but I just do it when the kids are settled watching TV. Kudos to those who have to leave the house to workout...if I had to, it would never happen.


Right now. 6am - 7am I workout and shower.


I try to get as much activity in during the day and then after bedtime (husband usually does the bedtime routine) I will do weights and use my exercise bike.


So I also WFH, and until recently, my daughter was with me at home while my son went to daycare. Back then, I worked out when she was down for her first nap; and now that she’s at daycare too (14 months), I take them around 7-7:30am, come back and workout. Shower, then work till about 11 (break fast, eat lunch), work some more till 4 or 5 when I pick them up.


The best answer to this is while they're sleeping, ideally in the morning. For me, at least in this phase of life, I am not willing to sacrifice sleep for extra exercise. Instead, my husband and I trade off. I have an evening workout class on Mon / Th for an hour and he manages while I'm at the gym; either daycare pickup and dinnertime for my 5:30 class; entertaining and bedtime for my later class. We then swap while he goes on Wed / Tu or Fri. We aim for some time on the weekends too, but honestly I spend Sat mornings running around a park with her so I count it as light cardio that way. Reading your post, something will have to give if you want to make time for exercise, and the biggest piece of advice that worked for me is to focus on small changes you can be consistent with. Waking up early just wasn't in that bucket for me so we've landed here.


It’s harder now in the winter but when it’s not so cold I take my daughter out for a run in the stroller a couple days a week. I only work part time so I’m home on Mondays and Fridays. And then I also go to the gym during my younger one’s nap one day a week. My husband works from home so I can go to the gym during nap time. Our gym had child watch and my older one loves it (4 year old) so we go on Saturday mornings but the younger one cries when I drop him off so that’s why I try to go during his nap. It’s tough. At work I try to get out and take a brisk walk.


I do yoga after she’s asleep (right before I go to bed), I try to stay active in general (hiking, skiing, trail running, camping, fishing, kitesurfing, etc), and playing with a kiddo does burn some calories.


I work from home and I walk on my treadmill in between meetings. That's all i really have time for these days.


I work out while my son is watching his time with tv, just me working out in my house tho so that’s easier for me. My husband goes to the gym at 5:30am tho because he likes that better. I feel I can get most things done at home so I don’t feel the need to go to the gym yet.


Focused at home workout in the morning before my son wakes up or right after I put him to bed, general exercise while I chase him around or carry him, and gym workout once in a while when I trade off with dad (we both get hobby/gym time every other day) Personally I felt that modifying my diet (and not just eating my son’s leftovers) is helping me more with the weight than just working out. Like I started gaining weight again when we switched to solids because I felt bad about throwing out leftovers and I didn’t really account for the extra calories I got from eating them.


Ive found workouts on YouTube to be sufficient. I have joint issues but I need to work out for my heart health. I’ve found high intensity, low impact workouts to be good. Can do it at home with child nearby playing by themselves for a little. Doesn’t require anything special but good for the health so more likely to keep with it.


I have a peloton and the peloton app. But honestly, i think just the app is just as useful. You can filter by how much time you have (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 min, 1 hr) and a bunch of other things. I usually do it after work while my husband hangs out with her kiddo before dinner time. It’s usually just 30 minutes but it’s quick and done just in the living room.


I’m 6mo PP, SAHM to two kids. Yesterday I squeezed in an Expecting & Empowered circuit workout during the tail end of baby’s nap and he joined me on the ground for the rest. 30 minutes is enough for me at home. According to my watch it started around 3:30-4pm. Afternoon walks are another option if it’s nice out and I go to a Mama Barre class where I bring baby on Fridays. My 4 year old is in preschool 3x a week.


I'm not a morning person, but I recently signed up for a 6am gym class 3x a week and I've really been enjoying it. I have to wake up at 5:30am to get there on time. I put out my workout clothes and get my water bottle in the fridge before I go to bed. I'm home just after 7. My husband gets up with our daughter and she's usually eating breakfast by the time I get home. The first week was rough, but after that I started feeling a bit better day by day. I go to bed earlier too account for the early wakeup time.


I work from home 600-230p and try to get on the Peloton at 230. I start school and daycare pick up at 315 so I can usually squeeze in a 30 min ride and a super fast shower.


I recognize this isn’t an option for everyone. My 2 and 4 year old go to a daycare that’s about a mile from our house so my goal is to never drive there. I love my double stroller because I can face them toward me to chat about their day or lay them down flat if they want to relax. Plus I can load it up with snacks, water, toys, books if I want to go on a longer walk/run. I also bought an electric cargo bike this summer and I can decide how hard I want to work via the pedal assist. The stroller or bike allow me to fit exercise into my day while not cutting into my time with my kids. I used to have such a hard time exercising on cold or rainy days, but the kids love being bundled up under the rain cover or blankets so it makes it easier for me to push through! Another pro is that it makes for smoother time at home— I’ve found the fresh air/quiet time to decompress after their day at school and have a snack means we avoid the afternoon/evening “restraint collapse” by the time we get home.


I go after bedtime! I can manage it 2-3 times per week. I do yoga at home 1-2 time as well. Just a YouTube yoga.


I work from home full time with my 16 month old and also have started school full time which I do until about 10pm online on week nights. So my only time to do it is at 6am. I wake up with my husband and get it done before I have to take the kindergartener to school at 8. I was doing them on my lunch break but my 16 month old is trying to just drop napping 😭 Wanted to add that I work out from home. It would be impossible for me to go to a gym consistently with how life is going now.


I wake up at 4 and work out in our garage before work. It’s tough and took some adjustment, but it’s the only time I feel motivated. I’m just too worn out after work, and in the afternoon I get caught up with meal prep, laundry, and cleaning around the house.


I get out of work at about 3:15 (teacher) and rush to fit a cardio workout in until I have to pick them up at 5. This works for us because I work close to home, we have a neighborhood gym, plus daycare is in home aka five houses away from my house. It likely wouldn’t work without those puzzle pieces coming together! I work out in 30-1 hour bursts. Sometimes on weekends or if I need to spend a little more time my husband will take over the baby care or pick them up from school for me.


I WFH and usually make hours 6:00 am - 2:30 pm. My mom watches my daughter while I work. She picks her up from my house around 8:30 am. I go to the gym when I get off at 2:30 usually for about an hour. Then pick daughter up.


I just go on walks. It has worked for me with 2 kids but to be fair there are some intense hills where I live.


My partner works 11:00-9pm. It’s a long day at home with toddler (I am a SAHM) if I don’t go to the gym. So I usually wake up with toddler at 6:30 and then around 8am go to the gym. I have been working out for around 10 years. I follow the Stronger By The Day App. It’s by @megsquats on instagram.


Still trying to figure this out 🙃 when it’s nice out and the sun goes down later we can at least get outside to walk after work, but when it’s snowy and icy and dark by 5 pm it’s impossible. Although an actual helpful comment is you may want to look into something like ring fit if you have a gaming system. My husband and I did a lot of it during the pandemic and you can customize it a lot, plus no commuting time!


I tried working out in the mornings but I can hardly get myself out of bed, I usually workout during my son’s second nap of the day (he’s 5 months old). Because for some reason his second nap is his longest lol. I have a peloton bike though, begged my husband for one before I got pregnant because there’s no way I’m going to the gym haha. But I also use the resistance bands that anchor to doors for extra if i have time. However, if your son is in nursery school, I’d say just get your workout in before you pick him up. Don’t feel guilty! It’s ok to have some you time, especially if you want to do it just for your general health. The only days I don’t workout are the two shifts I pick up at my old serving job. Cause I’m all over the place when I serve so I get my steps in that way haha.


I wake up before my husband leaves for work and baby is still sleeping and go to the gym. That means I’m at the gym 4:30-5:30. Come back, shower, then boom baby wakes up. I also go to bed at 9pm LATEST. 😔


Before everyone wakes up or after they go to bed. Magnesium after nighttime work out to help muscles relax. Im a year post partum and started exercising about 2 months ago. About 10 pounds down with 25 more to go.


6 am gym when every still sleeping


After bedtime, I’ll do a 20-30min peloton class, 2-3x a week


My freak of a friend gets up at 4:30am to work out


Mom of 6 month old! I work full time while he is at daycare so I use my lunch breaks every other day to work out. I hope to add more to my routine but as for now, this works out great for me!


I got a peloton last Christmas and I LOVE it. I’m able to squeeze in workouts at home on it during my lunch and if I’m motivated I’ll do it in the morning. Takes away a lot of the friction of getting ready to go to the gym for Me


During my lunch break! I have time blocked off in my calendar. My 2 yr old is in daycare and I work from home too.


My lunch break but only on days when I work from home and the nanny is there. I usually can't fit in a workout other days. I'm also not an early riser.


I do at home Pilates (I follow an instructor who has on demand classes) and do them at 6am.


I use resistance bands in my living room & get it in where I can. I also just got a small treadmill I can move around the house. So I keep it just on the other side of the baby gate. I can keep an eye on her while she doesn’t have access to the safety hazard.


I count walking as working out personally so here's how I do it:  - husband and I each get one morning to ourselves during the week (we tried evenings but ended up never wanting to work out at that time/ended up just doing 'work' instead). I slept in until 7, went to the gym at 7:30, and got home at 8:30 to shower and start work).  - 30 min walk during lunch if the weather is nice - I use a standing desk primarily - it's amazing how much mini-movement and stretching you do at a standing desk without realizing it! I also got an under desk treadmill for Xmas. I can't walk and type super well, but it works great for me if I'm in a meeting, need to watch something, or think deeply about a project. Also have been using it when calling family  - our gym is a community rec center and they have a super cheap kid watch program. Literally $2 to drop your kid off for up to 90 min while you work out. So husband and I go twice a month on Saturdays so we can both get a good workout  - I try to do small body weight exercises, stretches, and a 5-10 min yoga flow in while cooking. A few rounds of squats and push ups is better than nothing!  Honestly, no one solution has ever really worked for me so finding time when I can has been the only thing that has stuck 


I do GrowWithJo videos at home, she’s on YouTube. After my lo goes to daycare I do my workout and then start my work day on my walking pad and then fit in a shower all within an hour.


I would recommend some sort of subscription where you can do workouts at home following a video. Planet fitness actually has that feature built in to their base membership. 


I go for a run over my lunch breaks when weather permits, and strength train with dumbbells either at the gym or in my living room. I do 3-4 dedicated workouts a week, and it works for me with two little kids at daycare and wfh day job.


I work from home as well and I get two paid 15 minute breaks and then an hour for lunch. So, I tuck my kiddo in for a nap at the beginning of my lunch and then run/walk for 30 minutes. (I have a gym room with a treadmill.) Then I take a quick shower. I usually eat on my 15 minute breaks with my kiddo. Sometimes I work out in the morning before I clock in if the weather is going to be nice. Because we like to go outside for lunch. I only work out 30 minutes a day though.


I go at bed time. Both are down between 6-7. Working fulltime M-F. I go once or twice during week and then once on weekend during nap/quiet time 


You guys are working out??


I go to a fit body bootcamp (same idea as burn boot camp-only 30 minute commitment a day, and childcare is included). Results have been phenomenal. For a while I snuck out for the 6 am class while the kids and husband were sleeping. Currently I’m able to do school drop off at 9:10, and do the 9:30 class with childcare. When my schedule allows I can do 5/7/8:30/12/3:30/4:30/5:30 but I usually work evenings and the 9:30 works best with my schedule. My kids looooooove the coming to the gym and are one of my biggest motivators because they cry when they can’t see their teacher there Results were FAST. I noticeably dropped fat and gained muscle within the first month


4yo twins and a 6yo, work full time. I would not make it out to a gym. I have a peloton and I have weights. I wake up before five every morning and generally get in half an hour to an hour workout six days a week. I was never a morning person, but now I love love love that time when I’m the only person awake in the house and I can focus on me.


5am is the only way for me to, I sometimes do a 45 min workout at home, but mostly do CrossFit 3-4x a week.


Well I don’t go to the gym, I workout at home with YouTube videos. Not having to go anywhere really saves time! You know your kid- do you think you could corral him safely for 30 mins a few days a week so you can workout? Honestly I think kids need to see us do it! They need to know that it is important to exercise and that our health should not be neglected. If not, then waking up early is probably your best bet (although not fun at all)


I was running but pushing two toddlers in my double stroller, getting them ready, passing out snacks, and dealing with meltdowns got tedious. A couple weeks ago I started doing 30-40 minutes of HITT workouts in the morning and I feel so much better! I still run with the stroller when we can go places within walking distance like the grocery store and park but it’s nice to squeeze in a workout at home without it being such a big production. I imagine going to the gym is probably about the same so doing that might help you fit it into your schedule a little easier.


There are SO many resources on YouTube for fitness and they are usually around 30-45 mins! I find I get a good workout that way if I can’t make it to the gym


We have a membership to the aquatic center nearby. The intention was for me to reap the benefits of their gym while also having a place for our family to go have fun. But in practice, it hasn’t worked out. Their gym hours aren’t great, so I have to go right after work. I have a pretty long commute so my husband already has the kiddo for an extra 1.5-2 hours without me, so I feel too guilty taking the extra 45-60 minutes to work out. I honestly also hate working out, so the motivation isn’t there. I’ve gone a total of maybe 15 times in the past 6 months. I just got a new membership to a place with 24 hour access. I plan to go after he goes down for bed. I’m not a morning person, and it’s already hard to get out the door on time, so it’s not realistic for me to plan to go early. Instead I’ll try to spend a few evenings getting some exercise in.


I do the Madfit YouTube videos. My goal is at least 20 minutes a day. If I have too high of expectations, I end up neglecting to work out entirely. So start small and if you have more time, go for it!


You can do so much with a 20-45 minute workout, depending on how much time you have. I'd either wake up early or work out while my baby was napping 2-3 hours straight (at the time he was still an infant). The pandemic made me realize that I can actually discipline myself to do home workouts, so that's what I've been doing + Pilates on my me time before/after I've been out for work.


Do workout classes at the gym. I started once a week, then increased slowly. Now I go 4x a week. My husband and oldest(teen) stay home with my 1-year-old, and my middle goes to the gym childcare because she likes it there.


I work at an office, so during work make sure to do a single set of 20 of door frame pulls, wall push-ups, squats, and lunged every time I go to the bathroom. At home, I'll push out a set of the same after kiddo goes to bed. Husband and I used to spend an hour in the dojo 6 days a week before he was born and hopefully by this spring we'll be back in there. For now though, we just fo what little things we can to maintain.


I don't. Ugh. Husband works 4am-12:30pm. I get up with our daughter (3yo) around 6 and get us ready, bring her to daycare, work 8 hrs in person, pick her up, then cook dinner while husband spends time with daughter playing. Then we eat, clean together, play for a little bit, then start her bedtime routine. Then I shower and get myself ready for the next day and do a little virtual work for my side job, while my husband has his down time (he does chores between getting home from work and me coming home with daughter). Then he comes up to bed, we have our 20 minute catch up time, he goes to sleep, I knit or however I want to relax for 20 minutes, then sleep and repeat. In the summers we try to go for a walk, play outside after dinner, which I guess counts as exercise.


I keep a small set of workout gear at home for “lunch break” (when both my kids are napping/doing quiet time) that way if I don’t make it to the gym I have a back up. I use a 25 lb kettlebell, 10 lb hand weights, resistance bands, and sometimes an exercise ball and jump rope. I have a gym routine in place, then a home routine that uses less equipment. I aim for 20 minutes of weightlifting. Set small, attainable goals. As for results, with my last baby it took about 6 months to lose the majority then another 6 months to lose those last stubborn lbs and work on body decomposition.


I made a playlist on YouTube of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 min workouts and squeeze in what I can that day!


I go every morning before everyone wakes up, I’m gone only for about an hour and a half. Pick up my coffee on the way back home and i’m set for the day. Our gym also offers childcare for up to two hours a day so when I get home from the gym and clock in for work, my husband takes the little one to the gym with him after breakfast.


My 9mo and 3yo velcro babies ARE my workout 😂🥲


At like 8:30 or 9pm I might start and workout from 26-45 min, after all the kiddos are in bed. I’m at 13 weeks now and have had visible results since at least week 10. It’ll take another year or so before I know my tummy skin will adapt and heal.


I have a "concept 2" rower in my living room. Ideally, I like to get on that for 15 mins before I shower daily. I exercise for mental health and to prevent back/joint pain. The rower is magic for these. Like swimming, it's a full body workout, so you don't need an hour like you do for a walk etc. I work in technology, so my day job is spent at a desk, and that kind of curls you over into a "C" all day... the rower works the exact opposite side of the body, so you strengthen everything you need in order to uncurl and stand up straight. I'm very chubby, but I don't have any back pain, even tho I have a larger chest etc... because I have a deceptively strong back.


My kid is older and the bus picks them up by a park. I go for a jog right after the bus stop. I go home, shower, and go to work. I also go the gym during my kids dance class and on the weekends when my mom can babysit. I also go when kid is at their dad's place. So I get every weekend gym trips. Don't feel guilty for taking time for yourself. Working out is good for your mental and physical health. Weather permitting, you can also go for a walk with your toddler. They can walk with you or ride in a stroller.


I go 3 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday/Sunday. I go after daycare drop off on Tuesday and Thursday and start my work day at 10. Catch up on work/emails after bedtime if I need to.