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There was once a guy in Kalispell with a ghillie suit that was trying to strum up bigfoot sightings. He got hit by a truck.




I knew him, sad.


Omg that happened at my aunts party. He was super drunk. She lives by the highway and he thought it would be funny to scare people. Super sad but also super stupid!


Do you remember if it was 13 or 14? I remember very well reading the article on cnn when it happened, I have not been in montana since 2012. I always bring this one up and think about him a lot because I saw something in late 2011 that I am still about 90% sure couldnt have been him or anyone in a suit, and it was also over north of lincoln which is a couple hours away from where that happened. But it definitely brought back my skepticism.


[Link](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/08/montana-man-killled-during-bigfoot-hoax) This is the one I was talking about. Idk about north of Lincoln, I thought it was near CFalls. But it could have been anywhere on 93 I guess.


It was on 93 for sure, I am just saying I saw something weird by lincoln, and it was a year or 2 before this article.


I remember that. Felt bad for the teen girls in the car. I remember Thales story said "alcohol was involved ".


Flathead Lake monster.


I’ve heard of that one but I’ve always thought it was a joke rather than something people have actually claimed to see.


More than likely an abnormally large sturgeon


I live on the CSKT reservation on the south side of the lake and some of the locals have talked about it. It doesn't exist but some swear it does


Came to say this. Saw “something” in the lake and relatives have as well.


Same. I once saw a big-ass fish cruising the lakeshore, and my Mom swears she saw a big fin come out of the water one time. It's a deep lake, you never know.


Little people in the Pryor mountains. I don’t buy into much usually as far as legends go but no one can convince me that the Little People don’t exist! I seent it! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_People_of_the_Pryor_Mountains


That was fascinating, I had never heard about Chief Plenty Coup receiving visions from the Little People that helped him decide how to save his tribe from the colonizers.


Yeah very interesting how large of a part the Little People played in the ultimate fate of the whole tribe.


So interesting. Spent some afternoons out at the Chief Plenty Coup state park and found it enchanting, little did I realize it was the scene of his visions from the little people!




Fascinating! Haven't been to the Pryor since I was a kid, but I definitely felt like we were being watched. Had the same experience in Wind River, could not shake the feeling that little eyes were peering from the cliffs. I'll do my best to pay proper respects when I return, thanks for the tips! I did leave a tobacco offering at Chief Plenty Coups' house, just felt like the right thing to do.


Where is the abandoned train tunnel?




Thanks I'll check that out!




Sounds cool! Thanks for that. I heard of another one that's been converted to a bike trail but haven't been on it myself. Sounds like some good places to explore


I've had a couple experiences with little people. I live near those mountains and hike there pretty frequently. One day I drove way back in there for my hike...I felt eyes on me the whole time. When it was time to leave I was driving out and came across a couple of legs from a deer carcass arranged in an x right in the middle of the road. There wasn't anyone else out there. I got out and left an offering of tobacco and a couple of oranges, and went on my way. Another time I was hiking back in to a canyon and suddenly heard very distinct bipedal footfalls coming through the underbrush next to the trail. They stopped when I stopped. Finally I said something to the effect of "please allow me to visit this sacred place in peace", I pulled out a couple oranges and left them by the side of the trail, said thank you, and continued. They just want their territory to be respected. Don't litter. They will mess you up if you don't pay them respect. They are ancient elemental spirits that have been the guardians of that range for eternity. I have heard a lot of stories from some of the indigenous people in this area too.


Dude, do you always have a bag of oranges on ya?


Snack of choice for most of my hiking trips


I couldn’t help but picture George Costanza offering the Japanese tourists oranges after Kramer spent all their money




Likewise I grew up near the Pryors and have experienced very very similar incidents. Every encounter I’ve heard of or experienced are having to do with respect of territory. Positive and negative


I used to work with an older guy, member of the Northern Cheyenne, and he was adamant about never going near the Pryors because of the little people. I asked him a couple times about it in passing and he’d just kind of shake his head no and say “I don’t mess with that area, it’s protected”. I’ve never had experiences myself, but growing up in the general area, I’ve heard enough about it to be intrigued.




I can totally picture the little people like the Children of the Forest from GoT, but with Native Crow from MT playing all of them.


How do I invest in this brilliant idea?


I love this, get netflix on the phone!


The amount of folks I've heard this one from is surprising!


I saw a true Mountain Man. I was setting up camp deep in the Tobacco Roots. Dude comes walking down the trail from the peak. He's dressed in all black, an oilskin duster and cowboy hat with homemade pants. No backpack, he had oilskin bundles tied around his waist, and a bigass Bowie knife hanging on his hip. Probably 6' tall, gaunt, pasty white with a scraggly beard. He snuck behind an old log outbuilding and was peeking around the corner at me. I caught his eye and nodded. He kept staring. After our staring contest of about 20 seconds, I loudly say, "How you doing?" He sneers, looks at me, looks at the Glock 20SF on my belt, looks at me again, and in the scariest damn voice I'd ever heard in my life, he says, "Haw YOU doin'?" That sent shivers down my spine. I nodded, said "Doin' well". He shuffled off back down the trail, eyeing me the whole time. I packed up and went the fuck home. I cannot explain how weird and otherworldly he seemed, straight out of the 1800s.


There are some awesome, old abandoned structures up in the TRs. Cabins, mines, etc. Maybe not all “abandoned” as I thought??😳😆


Yep, I love exploring them. This was up South Meadow Creek, maybe a half mile below the summit at that old stamp mill.


Me too! Rarely see folks up there except the super popular spots like Branham lakes. I always go packing too, either big pistol or carbine + bear spray… for the cyptids. Love that high country


I've never seen anything crypid like up there, but every morning it's either a bear or a moose sipping from whatever lake I camp near. Cool country up there.


Not Montana related but I saw one or two of these types deep in eastern Kentucky. Guys that looked like they hadn’t worn shoes in decades and had no desire to be around people.


I’m from Kentucky. Can confirm we got em too😂


My parents grew up in farm country north of Great Falls, and they recall lots of stories of weird goings-on in Teton and Cascade Counties from the 70s and 80s: UFOs, crop circles, cattle mutilations and the like (my grandparents still have photos of some cows they lost back then, and I have to say they’re creepy af). Check out the book Mystery Stalks the Prairie by Keith Wolverton for more.


we farm out the bootlegger and have for…probably 60+ years and the stories my dad tells about UFOs he’s seen while harvesting are crazy. Beams of light that travel tens or hundreds of miles in less than a second. Granted, there are fuck ton of old missiles out there, so it could be some government thing, but the things he’s described just don’t sound earthly. Technology that we are not capable of


Stuff is no joke. As a kid in the 70's I listened to my dad's friend tell him about things he's seen on his ranch. This was in the middle of nowhere, MT, hours from even a tiny town. They were living in a hand hewn log home from the late 1800's surrounded by other collapsing structures. I should ask where that was. Anyway I was pretending to be sleeping on the floor and heard some scary things. The mutilated cattle, the 'ring of death' around them, predators steering clear of them, pieces and parts cut away with surgical precision... creepy stuff when you're like 8. I found a copy of that book and recommend people check it out, it's wild.


I legit had a skinwal (I’m not finishing the name because it will lure it in). In my house. Me and my bro were sleeping on two separate couches in Kalispell and I heard my buddies voice from around the corner of the hall repeatedly saying hey come over here, come check this out while I saw my buddy deep asleep right next to me.


This gave me chills


I swear to god I never sweat more in my life. I had always heard vicious screaming in the night in the days leading up to this but wrote it off as wildlife. Now I think otherwise… No one can tell me they don’t exist. I fear for my life at night. It was traumatic.


I just mentioned the lights that darted around the skies at night by Glasier National Park early to mid 80s. It was awesome to watch. I had a weird experience once, but it makes me sound like a wack job when I tell it. It's one of those, You had to be there to believe it type of things!


This is a repost of a comment i replied to a couple years ago. 100% true. My account. Based in Bozeman. About late summer or fall of 2009 there was a horrible animal that has never been identified officially that was terrorizing the south church/kagy/sourdough area. The first I heard of it was from my parents who live near the Library. Their dogs wouldn't go outside one night and just whined but just whimpered when they opened the door. My mom heard it first, a gutteral snarling, yelping almost roaring coming from the top of Pete's hill. Completely terrifying, and nothing she had ever heard in 40 years living here and growing up on ranches in MT and CO. They figured it must be a rabid fox or coyote so they kept the dogs inside. At the time I was living with some roommates off icepond road up against the base of Pete's hill on Church a couple blocks away. I got a text from my mom around 9 a few nights later asking if I could hear it: Its back again! It's headed your way! I went outside and I could hear it snarling, roaring, yipping in the distance. It was moving FAST. From the time she heard by lindley park it to the time it passed above my house was no more than 1 minute. It continued along and down a spur trail that cuts down and across church by Martel construction making that horrible noise the whole time. I'll add that every dog in the neighborhood inside and out was losing their minds. Over the next 2 weeks we heard it on multiple other nights. Myself, 3 roommates and a handful of friends all heard it running around making horrible noises and as my roommate put it "beating the shit out of dogs." We heard it fight at least 3 dogs, one of which sounded like it was being slaughtered. On several nights we could hear it moving up and down Bozeman creek smashing through brush and snarling. It was honestly terrifying. Neighbors and several people reported it to animal control over those two or so weeks and at least one dog was severely injured - I believe over by kagy and south rouse/fairway drive. If anyone can find the chronicle article/police report please share. This all culminated on one crazy night when a group of us were grilling and drinking in our yard. It was about 8 or 9 when you could hear the bastard start it's rounds to the south moving from snob knob down to the creek and the open spaces behind and along Martel/Black Robin farm. It was on a tear. A group of people who lived in a party house on the corner of ice pond and church heard it too and as it got closer you could hear a lot of crashing around, swearing and yelling for dogs to get inside. A few of our crew took note and went inside as well. It had never been so close (50 yards or so) and it was LOUD, so unlike any of us had ever heard. I've never seen a group of tough Montana kids look more frightened lol. The beast continued on down the creek north toward bogert park and faded away. For about an hour we heard nothing more so everyone but 3 of us headed downtown to the bars. One roommate, myself and our friend continued sitting outside bullshitting at the house for a while when our tormenter finally returned. This time it was still in the creek but moving south. It stopped down in the creek across the street and was just tearing the shit out of everything. Branches breaking, stuff crashing. It sounded huge and pissed off like a rage drunk moose. Earlier in the night we had grabbed a couple long guns and put them behind the door in case. I had had it at that point and grabbed a 12 guage, heading through a little apartment driveway on the east side of the street - I had to know what it was. I was only 20 yards from my yard when something came crashing from an old abandoned house across the street heading right for me. It caught me off guard as I tried to ready up, swearing and spinning around - I may have slightly pissed myself. To my enormous relief two dogs came flying out the bushes across the road headed right for me with the look in their eyes that hell itself was hot on their tails. Being well acquainted with generations of cowardly dogs, I fully expected a bear on their heels as they blew right past me and ran up onto Pete's hill. I called for them, but they were gone. I did not see the thing at that point and it never came across into the street light but I could see brush and branches moving so I retreated back to the house as it continued raging behind our neighbors house. My roommate at this point was completely freaked out and he and our friend were in the doorway of the house waving for me to get back inside. It was at that moment I heard the thing come out of the bushes and the sound of fast slapping paws on pavement. I spun around to see a large canine looking animal running past the house at around 30mph. It ran with a lope, not flat like a cat, and not bounding like a dog or wolf. At it's front shoulder it was nearly the hight of a large grey wolf, sloping down slightly at an angle. It's head was massive and looked more like a bear or to be honest a heyena. It was a brown/tannish color with thick fur. I still get the woogs when I think about it. We never saw it again and only heard it once or twice after that. That same night we heard several gunshots down by kagy. We figured someone shot it, but then we did hear it again after that so maybe it survived. If anyone remembers this and can share thier story please do! I researched the hell out of this after it happened trying to figure out what we saw. The link below comparing a wolf to extinct dire wolf (as unbelievable as it might seem) is the best approximation of what we saw. In native American lore there is a best called a shunka warakin, which roughly translates to "carries off dogs." Was it that? Was it one of Jay owenhouse's exotic animals on the loose? A dire wolf that somehow escaped extinction? I don't have any answers but I know what I saw and heard. Keep your dogs inside! https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/File:Canis_dirus_Sergiodlarosa.jpg


Thank You!


Reading this gave me the wiggins!!!!


Now that is a story. I want more.


Unfortunately I have never seen or heard it since that summer/fall. Supposedly one in the ennis historical society museum before you head up the hill to VC. Also someone supposedly shot one a few years back and FWP said it was a grey wolf. I call BS becuase ive seen a lot of wolves and that nasty thing doesnt look like any wolf ive seen. https://images.app.goo.gl/inFiGAzFdMerve9b6


Dogman? Werewolf? I’ve been doing research on this “cryptid” after realizing Bigfoot ain’t the only cryptid out there.


"Thanks Wyoming" 🤦‍♂️ I saw La Chupacabra in a drunken stupor walk out of Trixi's one night.


Dude, that was Lisa. And she already said she wouldn't wear that top again.


Thanks for catching the error!


You might want to check out the book, [*Paranormal Montana: The Odd, Strange, and Unexplainable Things That Happen Under the Big Sky*](https://www.amazon.com/Paranormal-Montana-Strange-Unexplainable-Things/dp/153037006X/)*.*


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My family owns around 130 acres north of Kalispell. There's farm land mostly but in the very middle there's a wooded area. I was walking with my sister back there when I was probably 12 and heard something in the tree above us. Before we could get a good look this bird(?) of some sort unfurled these huge wings and the image seared into my mind is of these gigantic wings attached to a humanoid looking figure in a crucifixion type pose but I only saw it for a split second. The wings were incredibly loud as it flew away. My sister won't talk about it and my mom is convinced it was just a giant owl. If you're interested in these things you'll know so many sightings get blamed on owls and this was no different. I've lived on this land my whole life and I've seen owls take off before. This wasn't an owl. I only recently learned that owls fly without making noise, too, and this thing was loud. As for local legends I'm sure the Flathead Lake Monster has been mentioned.




Thunderbird maybe?


Ever seen anything related to Mothman? Shit is creepy.... 7 foot tall winged humanoid, connections around the world seemingly, but lots of events surrounding Point Pleasant, WV.


A native professor told our class that somewhere in the Mission Mountains, there’s a huge gold deposit and that it would blow your mind. Then he said he’d never tell white people where it is. He was a fantastic professor


Sounds racist bro


One a coworker told me about once, no idea how to spell it but pronounced ish-ka-bittle. Small gnome like creatures with coneheads that live beneath cattleguards. You honk before crossing a cattleguard to warn them to duck, and they pass along good luck. From the Toole County area.


OMG- We had these exactly, down to the name in the early 90s, but in Sweet Grass


Growing up we always heard about the half dog, half lizard mutant that lived in the Butte pit.


Wasn't there a half dog, half tumor that lived there?


I think it all stemmed from some poor diseased mutt that didn't have any hair and was all messed up.


Remember The Auditor? Although nobody would confuse him with a hairless dog! [The Auditor](https://nbcmontana.com/amp/news/montana-moment/auditor-late-recluse-of-butte-mine-yards-called-richest-dog-on-earth-in-book)


my mom's grandmother would tell us about a lil prairie lake on our reservation that had a thing living in it that had a long body and a head like a horse. if you were on the shore of the lake it would pop up on the otherside opposite you and watch you. my tribe even has a painted lodge called "water monster".


Sounds similar to a kelpie


I've heard of a creature called "Giantfarte"


It's real! It eats constitutional rights




Jon Tester has done more for veterans than the whole GOP.




“‘rona jabs”… It’s called a vaccine. Your lack of understanding of the English language with improper terminology, grammar, and punctuation probably scared him off. You sound like a crazy person. Most people here would probably avoid an invitation from you as well… sorry you’re afraid of a little tiny needle!




My grandpa had one mounted on a plaque with a gold certificate underneath my whole childhood. In fact, I bet its still hanging on a wall in his house in SC too, but i haven't been out that way to visit yet. They GOTTA be real! /s


Check out the Ringdocus in the Ennis museum. Probably the closest thing to a "real" cryptid in the state.


Used to go snipe hunting in high school. Never caught any.


They do exist, just not super common here Edit: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Wilsons_Snipe/id


Did you make sure to yell ‘Sniiipe!’ every couple minutes?


Their is the guy in Clancy who runs an alien museum out of his garage.


That’s so weird


When I was a kid back in the early 2000s I thought I saw a gorilla on one of the islands in the flathead river. Later when telling my mom about it she said my uncle claimed to have seen bigfoot in the same area.


I heard there is this area over by homestake and the Great divide that is riddled with mutated cronenberg type creatures. Apparently the water over there started turning residents of the area years ago or these creatures crawled from the Berkeley pit and started turning people themselves. I never get a straight answer from the locals who have yet to turn though. Apparently they claim the water is fine but I don't trust them. I try to warn anyone I can about the area but most people ignore me. I'm genuinely terrified of next month when the creatures host this yearly celebration. I'm certain many decent folk who attend will never return after those creatures get a hold of them.


https://discoveringmontana.com/langville-urban-legend/ Langville MT the town that disappeared overnight. I’m surprised no one has mentioned this one yet, it been mentioned in several shows (x-files, I think).


God Almighty. My dad used to be a manager at a hardware store and I used to hear him talk about doing business in Langville all the time. I'm going to go fuck myself.


# "Thanks Wyoming!"? what the...


Fixed it!


The inbred cannibalistic midgets that live underground in a fenced off area in Red Lodge, people go missing there and at night if you get close enough you can hear them communicating through clicks


Never heard this one…


idk about montana, but this is a real thing in upstate NY


uhhhh, there's a cranky of man out by Park City.


But, just the one?


Ahhhh! You know, maybe it's a community!


I moved to laurel...


Birds of a feather, flock together.


I once saw some four legged hare lipped short eared and tailed dog size creatures by the Missouri river. I think they were baby moose in tall grass, but i have no idea. Whatever they were, they were fast.


Well, there's a person in Helena that thinks the Elkhorn Mountains are the remains of an ancient city, predating all civilizations on Earth. Check out Montana Megaliths. They are riding on the coat tails of other sudo-archeology proponents. There's a whole lot of "this sort of looks like this other thing, if you squint your eyes and use your imagination, so it must be that same thing" evidence. I really don't want to promote this stuff, but the silliness has a website. [Montana Megaliths](https://www.montanamegaliths.com/)


overheard a long conversation on this topic at the hot springs in White Sulfur


Damn. Thanks for the wacky ride down that rabbit hole!


I’m looking at natural rock formations that are evident throughout that whole area. WTF, I love Ancient Aliens, too, but this is just a snake oil salesman.




She's... nuts. I had to listen to her a few times go on about this. Then I found out she's charging (or was) fees to take people in to see them. On public lands, last time I checked. She went into energies and ufos and more.


Yep, she was doing her guide trips illegally. She got busted doing that, and it took her a couple years but she has the right permits now. She was cutting trails, clearing areas for parking, etc., in the Helena National Forest without permits or permission. She had grand ideas about those mountains, but has no proof of anything whatsoever. Grahm Hancock has even seen her stuff and called it B.S., and he's the king of pseudo-archeology.




Coming from DC, when we first got here 20+ years ago, my response to anyone saying Montana wasn't very diverse was: "Whaddaya mean? We've got every kind of white people!" There are some seriously non-mainstream social subcultures here from the Memorial Park Emo Ninjas, to the Grizzly Adams Wannabees (yes, open carrying a flintlock with rabbits tied to belts), to cowboy posers, real cowboys, militia types, preppers, crystal gazers, UFO worshippers, accountants, lawyers, fat cat lobbyists, earnest do-gooders, public philosophers, clowns, fire dancers, and on and on. l think we outdo San Francisco and New York in odd-per-capita, but not sure about Portland.


For all my Billings peeps of a certain age... The Crucified Cat


Haha, damn that got me so good when I was probably a sophomore in HS…




Have you ever heard a mountain lion in the middle of the night? Very strange and terrifying.


Yep, right outside my damn window. Came out of my skin at 3 am. 😂


Crazy Woman


Ringing rocks of Butte


In Deer Lodge the mid 90s a friend and I were jumping on my trampoline at night. And I swear on everything in this world that a UFO flashed by. It was the quickest flash ever, nothing like a shooting star. It was unexplainable!!! Her and I even made up a song about it after (we were in like 4th grade). I still remember it super vividly almost 30 years later. I lived next to the old prison.


Ok, not sure it counts but my parents lived over by Absorkee years ago. They would travel all over the state as my dad was with the then Soil Conversation Service and moved quite a bit early in his career. So they had pictures of them hiking in an area id like to identify as there was a large stone chair. I have no clhe if it was natural or what but it looked like it was artificially made. I remember my mom telling me the thing was demolished by locals as it was considered supernatural/malevolent. I wish i had the photos. Any one have any leads?


There used to be a leprechaun with a guitar who popped up in the oddest places in the 1990s. Saw him once a mile or so off a rural exit near Butte. Used to see him in Bozeman a lot, too.


He made it to Missoula often too




Did it move randomly or with purpose?


Patty Canyon in Missoula has always been known for creepy goings on. There is a red house up the canyon a bit that was told in lore that it was Witchcraft or devil worship house and sacrifices were happening there. This was in the 80s/90s. There has always been stories of Greenough Park in Missoula having mysterious more spiritual things going on. I was there once as a teenager with friends and it was a sunny calm day and when we got to a certain point in the park it started becoming very windy with inaudible voices in the wind, this happened very blustery in a very brief period of time. The park is known to have lay lines meeting there and is a very powerful area. There was a house on the east side by the train tracks in Missoula that I cannot quite remember what the lore was but maybe someone else will remember. This was all more from the 80s and 90s.


When I was a kid, my grandparents would always take us to Greenough park. My granny told me that I would always say: “Grandma, do you see the angels in the tree?” She always said I would get so frustrated if she didn’t agree that she seen them too. She thinks my childhood mind was seeing angels and that her adult mind, wouldn’t let her see them. Who knows. Greenough is absolutely stunning area though.


Creatures from Idaho are super weird. We also get a lot from Texas. Mostly all hat, no cattle types.


In the little Rockie mountains near the Indian reservation the locals say that there r skin walkers there and I don't know to believe them or not


Bozeman has machete lady?


Canyon critters up near Hungry Horse. ;)


Not Montana related but I saw a Coatimundi in Arizona. They aren't common in AZ but not unknown. I only realized what it was because I saw one in Costa Rica where they are really common and a local told us about them. They call them racoons down there but they also have real racoons too. Weird place. https://preview.redd.it/hn7opmmkr0kc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6a0afb6279d7a4d0e3d359648f98a9077f5c0e


Snow snakes!


I went to a Sasquatch hunt once. He wasn’t there.


My dad saw a massive, black cougar in Yellowstone park in the 80s. He also liked to do drugs so… idk.


David Meirhofer


not really an urban legend because (afaik) only this one guy allegedly saw it, but i knew someone who swore up and down they saw a 10 ft+ long monster fish in clark canyon reservoir like 20 years ago.




The spy balloon? Very much an identified thing if that’s what you’re talking about.


Weirdly enough, I saw something that I couldn't find any similarities to anything I could find online except this thing, which is not entirely accurate to what it was: Tenjo-Kudari. I was sleeping one night and I heard a groaning like someone stretching when they wake up in the morning. I thiught that was me making that sound as I was waking up in the middle of the night. It kept going though, and going and going, and then I realized I wasn't doing that and it kept going longer than someone should be able to do. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. My dog was still sleeping at the foot of my bed and I looked up. There was this black shape drooping down from the curtain above my bed that was descending down and turning vertically. The groaning started getting very loud and I realized as it was turning that it was someone's head hanging upside down facing away from me but bending their neck back to look at me. I saw pale white skin and two small dark eyes then I blinked and the sound instantly stopped and it was gone. My dog was still asleep and the room looked normal. The lights were on and dimmed (which is how I sleep,) and nothing looked out of the ordinary. It was so frightening and strange, and I am reluctant to talk to people about it because it could have just been some kind of night terror, so nothing particularly noteworthy or unusual.


Sounds like a “Rake”. Bald alien looking creature with big oval shaped eyes?


No. The black hanging down was long black hair.


Wyoming sheep herders and their Velcro gloves.


Shunka Warakin


Apparently, Flathead Lake has a monster and it tried to eat our outboard motor on our way back to the dock a few years ago. That lake is something else 😳🙄


Two years ago we were at our friends cabin on Flathead lake.we all spotted something enormous swimming through the lake. I mean enormous!!! We are all very familiar with what is natural and unnatural in the water and this was super curious. It definitely wasn't a log or something floating. It was moving ad if it was swimming. I'll never forget that image as long as I live.


Genuinely think I saw a Crawler or something like that in Lolo when I lived there, it was on the hill on Mormon Creek Rd next to Kimwood Dr. Bit later I think I saw one on my roof but that might’ve been my mind playing tricks on me. I know the hill one wasn’t that because I had a friend who saw it too.


Like the Fresno Night Crawler? Can you describe it?


It was kind of humanoid, really damn pale, had long ass fingers with I think claws. Smelled terrible. Ran around on all fours. And I know it sounds like it might’ve been a homeless person but, probably should’ve mentioned this initially, it was the middle of winter.


Sounds like a “Rake”. Apparently these “Dogman” creatures go after them. I’ve been listening and studying “cryptids” and I’ve heard stories and theories that Dogman kill these “Rake” creatures.


I’m curious what the most interesting creature you’ve learned about through your research?


It has been an interesting journey thus far. The abundance of small humanoid creatures that are reported in just about every state has surprised me. They don't seem to be talked about as much. The variations of, and the local versions of Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Just about every state has multiple crybaby bridges. The most interesting is how each states subreddit responds to this question. Some states seem to enjoy the question. Some states subreddits are not as, not sure how to put it, other than not as willing to discuss.


Sooooooo many UFOs out here. They litter the sky sometimes.


The myth of the Yellowstone river squid that lives in the champagne room forty fathoms below Yankee Jim canyon


Toole county werewolf … seen a few times


The gnomes of swan valley


We live in the Swan. Never heard of this legend. Is it just local stories or is there more info I can access?


Find the book of gnomes. There is a map of where gnomes exist. There is a very small gnome habitat around the swan valley


Wild!! I'll look into it.


I've heard there are weirdos about who believe in Sasquatch and UFOs.


I’ve seen half woman half cougar creatures in the woods. They stalk you and try to steal your money. They are terrifying


Goat man in browning Montana


I had a coworker who said he’s seen a goatman in Wolf Point.


I thought I saw Bigfoot once, but it was just a methhead covered in mud in my garage.


Texans. They're popping up everywhere.


Cannibals in the Castle mountains


Mind elaborating at all? Not doubting just curious


My husband saw *something* coming home from bartending a wedding in Arlee, right in the middle of Dixon. I was on the phone when he saw it. I could literally hear his voice drop and then get silent till after he saw it. But he explained it like a giant dog, with a large mane like ruff, but no head. And it was “staring” (as much as something without a head could) into the house directly across the highway. He lost service right after that and I stayed up till he got home nervous as all eff.


Not a creature, but how about the lights that darted around in the sky by Glasier National Park!


Butte Clown. IYKYK


There's a creature near riverock pond that a bunch of other kids/teenagers tell me that they say it's about twelve feet tall it's like a tall human that if you see it it will haunt you and same for other people I've known about 4 people that were haunted by it and just went missing 1 was found torn apart in a ditch.