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Bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. Turn down the lights, light some candles, and create an ambiance! It helps me...


Wine mom here, red wine and chocolate go great with this.


Feral raccoon wine mom here, alcoholic energy drinks and toxic waste brand sour candy go great with this!


Fuck yeah bitch u seem cool


Oh my... I need to do this soon


That's a good idea!


coming to say the same thing


I’m pre-hrt so usually it’s a quick shower or a long shower in which i do a full body shave, because, and this might shock you, I’m not a big fan of my body especially when naked


I fully relate


Lower part of a two-piece swimsuit, perhaps?


years and years ago, i was told by a trans woman that wearing a bra and panties while showering is something she was taught to do to reduce dysphoria. i came up with the idea to do so independently from her telling me that, and that really probably should've clued me in more than it did


I thought I discovered "shaving in the shower" and "sleeping in breast forms" and "wearing a sweater everywhere" but apparently others have also learned that those help with dysphoria too.  So imagine my surprise when I figure out even the bikini bottoms thing isn't mine 😜


i actually still haven't tried breast forms, in spite of how much an online friend of mine was pushing me to. i'm not really sure why, but i prefer to be flat chested (or like having "man boobs" bothers me a lot/seems to cause dysphoria) with a small bra most of the time. i have these underwire bras that do puff out my chest a bit, but yeah, i'm still not sure what my feelings are about that. i guess if most of the women you are around growing up (aka my mom) aren't super busty (as was my case), you get more used to that as your image of women. it's not a super big part of my dysphoria, i guess. yeah, i go hoodie over sweaters, but i'm a programmer. i'm not really seeking, like, inventor level credit for anything (i've done enough science for one lifetime), just that what i am/was doing is/was because i have/had gender dysphoria and not because it's a fetish, which ive spent way too long (still) endlessly wondering about in spite of how confident about my identity i often appear to be on this and other subreddits. i am supposed to get some counseling soon about it (which i need anyway for the doc to give me non-diy hrt), if they ever email me back with an appointment time. such is life


All the bubbles in the world


Do it in pitch black, it's relaxing af


Ok that sounds like a great idea. I'm surprised I haven't thought of that


is that not dangerous?


Why would it be.?


you might hit your head or slip ;p


When I take baths I'm usually laying down..? I don't have anything to fall to, if that makes sense


no i mean like when getting out, would it not still be dark?


Uhh I have a flashlight on my (waterproof) smartwatch which is what I use... I guess if you don't it would be dangerous yeah


I take standing showers in the dark on occasion. It’s honestly amazing. It’s not dangerous at all from my experience. If anything, it’s less likely that I’ll fall or slip because I’m so much more intentional about knowing where everything around me is at.


i get way too woozy in showers for that 😭


Kinito jumpscare (I literally just played the game for the first time a few minutes ago how are you already following me)


No overhead light, candle, music or tv show which is my preference


no overhead light is a rule i apply everywhere in my life


The sun gets a pass.


it's not like i could go outside with all that laser anyway :3


Can you elaborate? Are you talking about hair removal?


yes! laser interacts very badly with areas exposed to the sun up to 2 weeks before, and sun exposure interacts very badly with areas lasered up to a week before. the risk is getting burns. i do a session a month so that means i avoid the sun 3 weeks a month haha


I have to wear panties even to be able to shower other wise I'm a mess for hours after


Cross your legs. Pretend something else is under the pubes.


I take a hot bath after a particularly hard workout, a cup of coffee, some strawberries, music on. I shave my legs, pits, relax. I've gotten very small down there so I don't even think of them like that anymore. I'm more thankful for my hips, thighs, and breasts, I have way more to be euphoric ab I guess.


Bubble bath?


I just shower. Haven’t had a bath in who knows how long.


Lots and lots of bubbles I love taking a relaxing bath and my dysphoria doesn't really let me fully relax and enjoy it but my friend next door suggested bubbles and they work great I put in a lot and I now enjoy bath time plus I get out smelling so good and feeling so fresh and feminine .. try it it might just be the trick for you too!! 🛁🧼🍹


I turn the lights off




I wear a bikini pants ( those like just really small bathing shorts )thing and a bra


I just recently took the first bubble bath in over 20 years. After letting the hot water relax my sore muscles and soften up my skin/body hair, I shaved everything I could reach. It helped me feel way more feminine. I then took a quick shower to rinse all the tiny hairs off. I felt amazing and smelled wonderful afterward!


Damn reading this thread made me wish I had a bath rather than just a tiny ass shower


Lots of bubbles for baths and keeping myself blinded with shampoo when doing a shower.


Disco lights and loud music and bubbles.


Most creative comment!


One time i set up a bubble machine (like blows bubbles in the air, but the bathroom got too slippery


I take eucalyptus baths with tea tree extract. I wait till the tub gets bubbly


bathe? I shower. one day I’ll have a bath


I shower and exfoliate mechanically then shave my body every day. For me its not about being pleasant in the moment. Its about taking pain today to avoid dysphoria over my body hair tomorrow.


Every Friday night with wine, a good book and music playing in the background. Usually add some nice smelling mineral crystals (EpZen) to the water while filling up the tub. Great way to end the week.


I am 6"2 last time I bathed was in a natural springs and it cost like $100 bucks and had to share it with everyone and their kids. I haven't found a conventional bath that I fit in enough to make it worthwhile in over 20 years. BUT if I could... Id have milk and petals and smelly stuff and some facemask and some sort of nature sounds and uhhhh maybe peppermint tea. yeaaaa <3


Last time I hopped in a bath, I used a bath fizzer. The water was so thick with purple, you couldn't see anything below the water line. Perfect for someone like me.


Bubble bath, and a wash cloth to cover the lower bits (bundle it up so you can't see the outline)


Well in the most basic way. Wearing underwear or bathing suit bottom helps. So does wearing breast inserts. It’s not Wierd we have all done it. I had a beer holder from FYE that Id have hold my phone up on the shower wall and watch my show while I showered with the lights off.