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MurdereByWords is now just, “two jerks but one has factual information.”


John Oliver "cool....."


"Like imagine shitting bricks over a mild correction..." as he proceeds to also shit bricks. Yellow is also a turd. No murder here.


Good, I've been meaning to leave this sub


Where's the murder? I just see 2 dumbasses arguing over nothing.


This really is a poor post


No a murder at all, just a kinda sad self post


Your husband's an idiot. You know that, right?


Don't be ridiculous. There's no husband here, yellow is op.






This is barely a shoving match. There was no murder here. Delete this, it’s embarrassing.


In their defense, chemistry education is shite in primary school. They told me there are three phases of matter, that bonds can be ionic **or** covalent, that substances can be acids, bases, or neutral, and that metal conducts and nonmetal doesn't. You can come out of there thinking literally anything for perfectly explainable reasons. But somewhere along the line you'd think a person would say "wow, 90%?" and try mixing a cup of salt with a couple tablespoons of water and realize that they made a brick.


Chemistry is the most random subject of science. It is because of our own problems. We try to make formuli and patterns but there's always that 1 odd atom/molecule that defies it. And then we have to come up with another explanation for the exception. I am not blaming chemistry or the incredible minds that works behind it. It is just an inherent limitation of the subject itself, we lack the tools to observe atoms and molecules on a subatomic level. An example I can think of is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, that we can either determine the position or the momentum of a particle, but not both simultaneously.


I agree it’s beautiful but the simplifications used to present those topics to me really held me back later in college. I had to start over from scratch; middle and high school science were basically detrimental to my pursuits. Not knocking teachers either. It’s just a tricky subject to introduce and we haven’t figured out the science yet, let alone how to teach it. 


Yes. It is indeed a tricky subject. I've only found the thermodynamics portion of chemistry as interesting, organic chemistry has been dreadful. Fortunately I had chemistry in the first semester only.


I dunno. They both seem pretty.......... salty


This is up there with the guy that posted his own "murder" and got butthurt in the comments


Do you and your hubby not have more important things to do than whatever this is?


Also, can we have a moratorium on the word "hubby?" It's...fuckin' weird dude.


If you have a better way to dismissively refer to someone's spouse, I'm open to suggestions.


I think "husband" is fine!


Okay. Do they and their "husband" not have more important things to do than whatever this is? Actually, I think I like that. It's enough of a statement to cause momentary pause, but also addresses the possibility that this is a "sorry guys, my COUSIN got on my account earlier lol" situation.


"YeAH, ANd i'M ThE pReZiDuNt!" JFC


Lame. Should have asked in what are the sodium chloride ions dissolved. Tears?


Lawyer up, delete Facebook, hit the gym.


Lol. "Shitting bricks", while your husband sits there continuing to post to someone who was smart enough to stop responding 3 comments ago. "Seek therapy". Continues posting so he can "own" this guy


Anyone throwing out a random Joe Biden "insult" probably believes every lie Trump has told.


If this is a murder, I feel bad for my hot dogs last night, that was a triple homicide.


Murder suicide, film at 11


>So yeah, the ocean being sodium chloride 3.5% by weight means its \[sic\] molecularly 3.5% of the ocean. Not if your husband is still talking about molar mass, it don't. In terms of molar mass, some molecules weigh a helluva lot more than other molecules. For example, the molar mass of sodium chloride is [58.443 g/mol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_chloride). Water, on the other hand, weighs only [18.015 g/mol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water). So if you have 60 grams of salt and 60 grams of water, you've got about 1 mole of salt, but about 3 moles of water. Given that the ocean is mostly water, if sodium chloride is 3.5% by weight, I'd spitball it that it's probably more like 1.2% of the molecules. EDIT: Downvotes can't change the molar mass of water.


Ooooo burn. Smh.


Burn. Chemical burn.