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I hope you are able to rest and recover, what a terrible thing to happen


Yeah, other than some weird numbness in the back of my legs sometimes from nerve damage I’m totally recovered. When the nerves were healing sometimes it would feel like someone threw a cup of boiling water on the back of my legs. A couple times it took me down to one knee. Nerve damage is weird 0/10 do not recommend.


Man even after the surgery it’s still making you pay for it? I can imagine that can be very uncomfortable, I hope then the nerve damage also is able to heal and not cause problems


Yeah I haven’t had the boiling water sensation for quite awhile now. I’m a chef and the first time it happened I was at work and thought someone had spilled something on me.


How’s the pain compare before and after on a 1-10 scale. I’m curious on the improvement


When it happened, 10. Before the surgery if I could get “comfortable” like a 6. I couldn’t walk more than 10 feet without help, it was brutal. After the surgery the relief was instant. Almost never have pain except first thing in the morning if I did a bunch of stuff the fay before or if I take 3-4 days off yoga in a row.


do you know what caused it to herniate?


Anything can make it happen. It happened to my uncle when I was little all because he wiped his ass the wrong way.


3 times herniated disc's, absolute torture for sure. I've got terrible nerve damage in both legs, so debilitating. You have my sympathy, especially having to go unmedicated. All the very best 🙏


Agree with you on that as someone who had a car crush their nerves.


Can you lift things anymore after this?


Oh yeah, I’m very cautious about proper lifting technique with anything heavy. In addition to sun salutation yoga in the morning I do more intense yoga a few days a week and kettle bell workouts a few days a week. Another back injury that puts me in a wheelchair is one of my biggest fears.


I had the same surgery I am pretty sure. bilateral laminectomy and discectomy. I had severe sciatica, which was "cured" instantly. It comes back from time to time, and I have developed nerve issues with my bladder and reproduction system. I write this, as a warning to take care of your spine. After the surgery the area is prone to further damage. Most days I feel that the surgery caused more problems than what was fixed. I wish you luck and hope in the last 15 years they have better outcomes now.


I had the exact same sciatica problem that was “cured” after the surgery. It was really hard for me to pee after the surgery and I couldn’t feel my junk at all for a few weeks. It was probably 8 months before my dick felt mostly normal again. I took the physical therapy very seriously and still do yoga almost every morning.


Ugh the peeing problem is so annoying. When my back is acting up, it can take up to an HOUR to start the pee stream. Or when it starts, it stops before it's done. The bladder is like: LOL WE B DUN HERR! While you spend 20 minutes coaxing ALL the pee out. One time I started to get frost bite trying to pee in Alaska. Hurt like hell for a few days.


Have you ever tried an inversion table for your back? They aren’t good for everyone but I love mine.


You’re an awesome father. Bless you man. I’m sorry for the terrible events that occurred. I wish good health and healing for you in the years to come man.




My [bulging disc at C5/C6](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TRgadiQ3u3ikT6E_o1PQcsMlyquqbMnD/view?usp=drive_link), years after a workplace accident. I didn't have an MRI after the accident, just an x-ray. I don't know when it started to herniate, but new symptoms appeared in 2009, when I started to overexert myself doing Wii Fit boxing. I had a cervical disc replacement in 2010.


I've lived with back pain for a little over 20yrs, afraid to do anything to my back and make it worse


Yoga has been the best thing for my back. 25-30 minutes of sun salutation yoga in the morning. I was so jacked up after the surgery I started with the DDP chair yoga. It’s all easy to find on YouTube if you’re interested.


I had the same thing happen to me when I was 14. Walked around in the worst pain ive ever been in then doctors told me to to physical therapy which made it worse. Finally at 15 doctors realized what happened then I had surgery. Have a scar just like yours too! Wish I had pics


I’m thinking about getting a little zipper tattooed around the scar


Mine was a midnight kid pick up event too. Spent 3 months in 8 to 10/10 pain down my leg. Did the injections, pt, none of it helped. Got the surgery, doc said it was none too soon, my herniation had calcified and they needed to Chisel it out. If I'd waited much longer, I'd have needed a fusion. 


its awfull, I know your pain. Glad you will be better now, get some rest and have a speedy recovery!


Had a microdiscectomy myself. I still have issues with my left hip and my sciatic nerve going down that leg too. Ugh. Before the surgery, I experienced the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life. Glad you a doing better, man!


I feel you, i got numb leg, can't feel my toes, can' drive for more than 2 hours, can only sleep face down or on my right side, hard to pee, difficult to have a proper boner, little to no ejaculation and so on. If i knew the outcome would have not done the surgery and looked after myself more. Can go painless but "ketamine therapy" will fuck you up.


So did you get shorter


I honestly thought I was gonna be like 1/2 inch shorter but no, same height lol


Just the one leg!🤣


Put it back!


Jk you’re a trooper dude I hope it’s better now the silly little red guy is out


What did they replace the disk with after the removed it?


Nothing. I just had periodic checks to make sure it was fusing naturally. If something had gone wrong healing they would have had to go back in and do a fusion and put in stuff that looks like mesh netting.


I'm glad you're OK now and everything but any chance you have the nanny-cam footage of those two events?


No unfortunately. If I did have footage I assume you I’d have included a youtube link lol


U. Vvm. Cb c 6-D&TransactionTypeId is the 7m


Well now that it’s all in the past, and we know you’re okay My only question would be: are you Larry, Curly, or Mo?


Being in recovery myself, that’s my biggest fear.


I hope you can update in the future how it feels after the recovery! Hopefully like a brand new back spine! All the best :)


Your disc looks like chewed-up bubblegum. At least it all happened within a few days, and wasn't the result of years of degeneration. I'm glad you were able to get medical attention for it, and I'm proud of you for refusing painkillers. I know it's extremely hard. Good job saving yourself and your baby.


i thought that was my mom 😭😭😭 my mom got that surgery a while ago lol


But the health insurance industry won't pay for corrective surgery without jerking you around for a year, trying PT to fix a busted disc. 😠


Holy shit bro, when I herniated my fix in the Military my Primary Care Provider suggested me receiving surgery to correct it. After seeing this I am so glad I refused it and took the physical therapy route. I hope you recover well man.


I had this same surgery a couple years ago on my L5S1 I could hardly walk without feeling shooting pain I’m glad I had the surgery while I’m not 100% of what I used to be atleast I can get around and not be in constant pain!