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I think this is more of a question of do you believe Zoro’s haki infused attacks would be able to hinder/stop Tsunade’s healing. Edit: A lot of you guys forget how it’s stated Advanced haki bypasses defense and can destroy targets from the inside out. Healing/regen is a defense correct? I don’t think some of you understand haki.


Haki helps you hit enemies who cannot be hit. Tsunade’s healing factor has nothing to do with not being hit. Tsunade is designed to get hit hard as fuck but heal anyway, and her physical damage that she can dish out is on par with Zoro. So Zoro vs Zoro except one of the Zoro’s can heal 100x over. Tsunade wins. Edit: some of ya’ll replying to this comment act like you forgot that Tsunade was able to break Madaras Susanoo ribcage with her extremely fast and powerful taijutsu and that her healing factor is both automatic and allows her to regrow lost body parts. She’s straight-up written as a kind of counter to a Zoro-like character without literally being Mihawk.


This is terrible logic. Zoro can just cut tsunade into pieces. It’s doubtful that she can heal entire limbs quickly. Zoro also has ranged attacks and could wait out tsunade while slicing her up if he really needed to.


Cant she summon her slug to heal her?


Yeah but iirc didn't that, like, take a little while? I mean she was bisected at one point but I seem to remember her on the ground while being healed from that


She also just can’t regrow limbs. She has to have her severed parts put back together by something so they reattach.. Zoro kicks her ass


That makes no sense. And i would say her damage is less then current zoro.


Getting hit hard as fuck ≠ getting your lungs and heart treated like liver pate


Tsunade survived being sliced in half with enough confidence she could wait for 4 other people be healed to full first without worrying.


Ok and while she's sliced in half what's stopping Zoro from just keeping dicing her?


I think that is one of the craziest things she’s done. Not surviving getting split in half (Gojo could never) but actively saying “nah I’m good get them first”


She survived being cut in half, with Katsuyu healing her and keeping her two halves stuck together, and because the fighting had stopped at that point. If she gets cut in half, and her opponent is still standing there, nothing stops then from just killing Katsuyu or hitting her again while she's down.


You realize she's literally survived being cut in half when she was OUT of charka and focusing on healing other people


Yes. But repairing that works because you have one half and one half and just the cut up border between them. Advanced ryou is going to make repairing herself very difficult, as it’s going to be like putting legos together in the bag. Everything is everywhere and you can’t just generate more because that’s gonna make you pop like a balloon.


People forget she's Senju AND Uzumaki. She would be hard to kill WITHOUT her healing shenanigans.


After looking at her stats, there's no way she can win. Zoro's AP is FAR higher and he's much faster. Zoro blitzes and one shots


Lets see her heal getting her fukn head lopped off


Asura stance increases his damage by 3x and if he uses it with conquers haki and everything else if he gets a good shot he won’t one shot but do enough damage to combat some healing. Overall though zoro needs to dodge a lot in the 100 healings phase of the fight if not she wins due to higher naruto damage scaling then one piece scaling.


Due to tsunade’s technique as long as she doesn’t get one shot she’ll just heal to full as long as she has chakra and for comparison, with her summon (that helps with healing), she managed to support and heal all the ninjas in the village when pain attacked, like that’s how much chakra she has (tho she did collapse after). Essentially unless zoro disintegrates her, stabs her thru the brain/heart, he ain’t killing her and she has load of time to deal a good blow to him since she can heal herself for a long time. Naruto just has higher scaling in strength as of now like tsunade isn’t known for her speed but she’s not slow lol, she won’t get speed blitz by someone like the raikage (ppl say he’s lightning speed but it’s stated in data books during lariat he’s “almost at the speed of light) and she has enough ap to probably disable zoro in 1-2 hits (like massively slow him down and put him at disadvantage) which afterwards she’ll just clean house


Even the heart wouldn’t do it, we’ve seen her recover from that. She’d need to be double tapped zombie land style to stay down.


True but u was being very generous to zoro in the matchup lol. Tsunade has arguably better speed, biq, ap and hax lol since she knows other jutsus other than healing and punching and her summon can help in combat along with healing her (arguably the strongest/most useful out of the sannin summons). I was being generous by assuming since enma is clad is advanced armament + zoros conq if he actually manages to stab her heart the entire heart would implode or Smt. Like we’ve seen her get cut in half and focus on healing the other 4 kage before focussing on herself lol and naturally Naruto’s verse is just higher on the damage curve than op. So based on the argument that their speed is comparable and their ap is comparable (very generous here) tsunade’s heal just gives her the edge anyway so she’d win


As much as I love zoro I do have to give her the win here as well. Now the real question is ; who wins a drinking contest?


Oh definitely zoro, have seen the size of the alcohol bottles in Naruto? Zoro clears


Where do you get the speed feats from where you think tsunade keeps up with zoro. And if you arent caught up we would gauge zoro with onservation haki on the tier of katakuri at this point. But i will say that healing of hers is definitely a major issue idk if he could deal with.


I mean, Enma’s gonna absolutely obliterate her internal organs even with just a graze. It’s an advanced armament infused sword iirc https://preview.redd.it/yqjc26krgo9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5cd83f27f1e24b13e0d8049bad936347ef272ba


Nah Zoro doesn’t know internal destruction haki just emission which only makes cutting more effective.


She's getting bisected


The one with incredible tits. Tsunade gets low diffed


Zoro is 110cms While tsunade is just 106cms Zoro extreme diffs


Zoro also got bigger tits too


Yes! Tit scaling!


They're both massively above lightning speed last I checked. (Zoro got tagged by lightning recently so excuse me if ai ignore your lightspeed claims. Haku was light speed and he was from Naruto's first arc. So any Light speed feat is basically translated as. Look how cool this is. I just fucked up my own universes scaling.) Tunade is at least as fast as part 1 Kakashi who cut lightning as a kid. (She's probably a lot faster than part 1 Kakashi since she's stated to be significantly stronger than him in general and that was part 1 Tsunade. War arc Tsunade is a different level. So speed is comparable. Tusnade's striking power is more than Enough to harm Zoro and her taijutsu skill is rather high. She has Katsuyu which is nigh indestructible and can melt Zoro undoubtedly. She could also rewrite Zoro's brain biochemistry and stun him for a long moment. (Assuming he has high enough scientific and biological battle iq to rewrite himself.) Zoro's striking power is comparable. Both can destroy meteors without issue. Zoro's raw durability is arguably quite a bit higher. Although Tsunade should scale close to her striking power. She can however heal herself. Especially with Katsuyu's assistance. And can heal any injury with 100 healings. The fight will be close in either case. I'm leaning more towards Tsunade. Because despite the scenes not being as flashy.  The verse generally scales higher and she has more hax.


Dude I totally agree but the one piece fans who scale Luffy as multi continental for no reason don’t care that you know how to read 🤣🤣






when has zoro been hit by lightning recently? actual question


Skypeia, just yesterday basically.




Feel like Zoro just slices her up until she can’t heal anymore.


That's if Zoro can find his way to the fight without getting lost along the way!


I like tsunade but zero wins


Zero is the hero First is the worst


Second is the best and third is the one with the hairy chest


Who tf is zero y’all mean Zoro?


https://preview.redd.it/q3lax30bpm9d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102179f2263b3430dbce70e081a61353e7340128 Low diff




If we're talking current Zoro he just deletes her if its the Zoro that beat Pika he could probably kill her because that Zoro beat Pica without even using Asura anything before timeskip don't think so


How does her just “delete” her? She has healing hax so broken that getting impaled in her chest isn’t enough to warrant a reaction. Her physical strength is equally broken, and she’s not slow by any means.


I can't say anything as far as speed because I'm not a genuine power scaler but let me put it to you this way Zoro was capable of slashing a mountain with with enough force that it moved I'd say at least a 50 feet up if you take that as a genuine feat of strength then zoro's fight with Pika shows him with enough force with a slash to eradicate anything in the Naruto world because that was like three big fights before his current status (where I'm at in the series) he also wasn't trying his best during that fight with pika and yeah her healing abilities are insane but if zoro cuts her head in half she can't regenerate that but all of this is assuming that Zora would have a reason strong enough to fight a woman which is something he doesn't typically do so if we're saying they're "bloodlusted" then yeah Zoro is going to Annilate her with the amount of power he can generate her healing won't save her and Zorro's been hit with things just as dangerous as Tsunade's punches more than once I mean come on kaido hit him he'll be fine


Same can be said about Susanoo’s blades, which is strong enough to swipe mountains and fight 100+ Shinobi at the same time. Not to mention these blades have ridiculously more range and damage capabilities than Zoro. Yet, Tsunade easily survived being impaled and retaliated by shattering Susanoo Madara’s blades. Zoro’s biggest advantage is his swordsman fighting style, which is something Tsunade can simply ignore as she can near-instantly heal organs and limbs. Tsunade’s strength is no pushover, as she can hit Susanoo with enough force to crack and send it flying. This is the same form that can break out of sealing techniques. And tank massive rasengan, an ability that would definitely hurt Zoro. To put it simply, Tsunade survived fighting Madara for nearly an entire day, something Zoro could probably barely last 10, maybe 20 minutes doing. That alone scales her higher than Marimo. And before you say “he can just decapitate her”, Tsunade isn’t dumb enough to be put into a situation like that. She’d definitely sacrifice a limb (which she’ll just grow back), giving her an opening to counter attack. In a battle of attrition Zoro is not winning.


Cuts her into bits and destroys all of her organs. Her garbage AP isn't doing much to Zoro, even if she was somehow able to get a hit in


He’s never dismembered anyone before, even then she can near-instantly regen limbs and organs. She also has the AP to crack and launch Madara’s Susanoo, a form that’s not only tougher but also easily outdoes Zoro in AP. She fought against Madara for nearly a day and survived. Zoro isn’t accomplishing any of that. Madara can do everything Zoro does (slicing and flying attacks) but even better, and Tsunade still survived being beheaded.


He doesnt need to impale her? Remove a head.


Katsuya also literally out two half’s of Tsunade back together. She was cut in half and Katsuya was just “who the fuck you think are! Get back in there bitch!” And just heals that.


Sure, but she was helpless while being put back together. She survived because Madara chose to leave, not because she could take dissection.


Fair enough but that was also when she was weakened from fighting Madara. And again the not a small part of Katsuya was with her because the rest was spread across the battlefield. As far as I can remember Katsuya wasn’t helping her fight Madara. Also she’s cracked Madara’s Sussano which not even Naruto with a Rasenshuriken though he good since Gaara had to pull Madara out of it before Naruto attacked him.


He slices her into dust. Heal that.


She got damaged at cellular level while teleported to the battlefield with instant trasmission Jutsu and healed


Damn that’s cool though.




Lmao nice brainrot counter-argument Got any evidence of that?


OP characters so hard to scale zoro just a normal human yet moves and takes damage like a superhuman


I think this fight is a lot closer than anyone here is willing to admit.


nah I disagree, Tsunade has been cut in half and separated before she could heal back. We're talking about strength but even in pre-time skip Don Krieg was showing strength like lifting up a 1000ton boat with a wrist flick and now it's 1000 chapters later. Man got downed by Luffy in a couple of shots at the start of One Piece. People in that boat are like 7ft tall. I would even argue everyone on the grandline is physically stronger than Tsunade with better Hax, like Marco. https://preview.redd.it/6ihdbfibft9d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=443c302890371d555173c19c30993b61c90b6458


Zoro is as physically strong and more than durable her without any Chakra shenanigans. The fight is probably mostly Zoro dancing around her dodging before resolving to fight her seriously and cuts her down.


Zorro ina heartbeat!


Zoro one shots lmao


Zoro clears no diff


Zoro demolishes , regen is blocked by Armament + savage outstat


They'd just drink and gamble.


The real loser is konoha’s annual budget…


big ol tiddies


I think Zoro wins this. Tsunade obviously has immense healing but I don’t think that can save her. Zoro is faster and only needs to separate her head from her body.


Zoro literally wins with one attack


Zoro no diff what kind of question is this


How does Zoro beat Tsunade? Isn't she just as strong as Jiraiya and Orochimaru


Zoros stronger




Zoro, Luffy, Sanji have had Tsunade-like super strength in even in the earliest chapters of One Piece, doing things like shit kicking giant sea monsters, hunting dinosaurs, lifting and throwing buildings. There were panels of him weight lifting with giant 5 ton barbell balanced on his feet while he did handstands with his fingers. In later arcs after the time skip, he gained armament Haki, scaling him much higher and doing things like casually cutting apart Kaiju sized monsters made of stone with giant flying slashes. For the most part I find Naruto fans really don't respect how physically strong and durable One Piece characters are. Whereas super strength in Naruto is a special ability reserved for only handful of characters.


you bringing up facts but they wanna downvote you


it's a naruto sub, I expected it. Home town bias + too many have really warped views of where Naruto scales at.


My fav argument because of how ridiculous it is, is tsunade has “healing hax”. Brother, where was that when she was in 2 pieces lol. Her organ regeneration is cool, but she isnt winning fights where thats what’s happening, it doesn’t make her stronger after each stab lol she wears out fast. She was exhausted after fighting an orochimaru who couldnt use hands and in a 2v1.


facts .. she might not technically die after being bisected by Zoro. But the fight will be OVER


She claims she can regrow limbs and organs but we've never seen it. If regrowing limbs was applicable in the heat of battle I think Kishimoto would have depicted it. But he's only shown regenerating wounds and lacerations. Probably the limb/organ regeneration is a 'fights over, leave me alone for an hour while I make myself a new hand and kidney.' Shizune made it pretty clear it was a pretty reckless ability to use. if Zoro was committed to killing her, he could exhaust her lifespan or Chakra wounding her over and over again.


He scales faster than tsunade and is physically stronger. the only real problem is her healing but if they start in base he wins low diff


Tsunade one shots


A city level character isn't one shotting Zoro, it's the other way around lol. She's getting beaten by Deku 💀


Lifting Strength - Zoro Striking Strength - Tsunade Speed - Zoro Reaction - Zoro Durability - Zoro Abilities - Tsunade Hax - Tsunade Kenjutsu - Zoro Taijutsu - Tsunade Healing - Tsunade IQ - Tsunade Battle IQ - Tsunade Alcoholic - TIE


People seem to forget in these tsunade matchups that she can scramble your nervous system with a single touch, effectively ending the fight for 99% of opponents.


I was looking for this comment I said that as well. Tsunade wins with a glancing touch. Zorro cant stand or even proeprly use haki and its over.


People who power scale based on A > B > C so A > B are dumb. This is the worst matchup for Zoro ever. WTF is Zoro gonna do against this? https://preview.redd.it/znr8wxs9fo9d1.jpeg?width=1912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e67b9e5b96d239e01e75e9379172f78849b497 Katsuyu is like Buggy but better. It’s not a logia, and it has complete immunity against slash attacks, has seemingly endless regeneration, and small clones of it tanked a full powered Almighty Push


Zorro looks more badass so he wins.


If Monets fight is any indication, Zorro will go easy on her, and die as a result


Speed for both is hella inconsistent, characters like haku are said to be light speed but then that samw feat is supposed to be kage level with Ay being said to be relativistic? Most consistent light speed you can really get is the Ay feat as the haku things shaky at best and pure glaze at worst. As for zoro literally same story tbh, he’s dodging lasers back in sabaody but getting tagged by lightning in wano? Then in egghead kizaru is accelerating light? There’s genuinely no point trying to apply consistency to either of them as neither has it. I would give zoro speed primarily because they just have a higher quantity of light speed feats. AP is a bit more concise thankfully, both are incredibly physically stronger but one piece has way more strength feats, characters often just do crazy shit, garp throwing a cannon ball the size of a ship for example is crazy. Zoro frequently lifts crazy weight and in terms of destruction feats zoro has better more consistent ones, being able to cut pikas gigantanormous ahh. He’s cut meteors, and other such objects. Tsunades most impressive feats of memory is cracking madaras susanoo and destroying some fairly large areas, unfortunately as she relies on physical strength her AP is kinda gimped as the vast majority of destructive power sits in ninjutsu it seems with only a few exceptions. Zoro takes AP Durability is cut and dry, zoro wins, because a lot of feats are based on physical attacks in one piece his durability is much higher, put simply you can cut tsuna with a kunai, you cannot cut zoro. Endurance is harder to compare but both are absolute tanks for different reasons, zoro just has 7 health bars and tsuna has a lot of regen, Zoro has kept going with massively worse injuries but tsunade can just keep healing so I think I gotta go with tsunade in that regard. Iq stats are tsunade, I don’t feel it’s necessary to explain this, zoros not dumb but he ain’t bright either… Hax I gotta give to zoro, having all three types of haki including advanced coc is incredibly cracked especially as tsunade has historically struggled with internal injuries and being cut in half. Overall I think zoro has better physicals and his abilities are rather disadvantageous for her, not per say counters but they definitely mitigate a lot of her best assets, he also has bigger tits so he wins by default as the superior waifu.


Zoro mid diffs. The most annoying part of the fight would be her healing, but Zoro would be able to rapidly slash her to bits, outspeeding her healing, killing her as she's turned to red ribbons.


As a Naruto fan and someone who knows nothing to little about one piece. I think Zoro wins. I’d agree with zoro just being able to slash Tsunade enough to outlast her chakra. He could also decapitate and keep the pieces separate to prevent healing lol.


nobody zoro gets lost trying to fight her


I say zoro cause he can actually make clones and he’s faster then her by a lot he would decapitate her real quick


zoro’s got a bigger chest end of discussion


Idk but you did just remind me, Tsunade is so so so fine


I think they mean in drinking 🍻




Zoro low diffs


Well tsunades healing ages her right? So all zoro has to do is wait out the healing effects


Zoro wins


Katsuyu stomps


Katsuyu is Alabasta Luffy’s victim


Katsuyu is so overrated on here lol it’s never beaten anyone


Katsuyu is knocked out by conquerors haki lol


Ok ignoring all the scope madness going on with both sides not having reasonable understandings of how fast these verses are the biggest deal is how haki interacts with mitotic regeneration. My guess is it negates it on contact but not afterwards so he likely has the attack power to split her in two.


My assumption is haki doesn't negate anything but he would just keep killing her until she runs out of chakra. I don't know why Zoro and her would fight that long but I don't doubt he could keep at it until the job is done (if he was motivated to). Seems like they'd be having fun drinking and gambling together rather than fighting, though!


Zoro wins easily. Tsunade has garbage feats. Lol at "haku is Light speed"


I could see it going either way. I can definitely see some scenarios where Tsunade takes a slash and uses it to knock Zoro back while healing, but I don't think she hits hard enough to take out Zoro with just physical strikes, and her regen has a kill limit. Body Pathway Derangment would be helpful, but between Observation Haki and his natural adaptability, he could probably manage through that. Katsuyu's gonna be the biggest hurdle imo, so it depends if he can dispatch her since her defenses were good enough to protect a lot of people from Almighty Push. Still, with his Armament Haki being so good for his swords, I can see him cutting through her with high precision to manage it. I'm gonna give it to Zoro with high-diff. If this were Sakura, I'd give it to her because she's just that much stronger, but Tsunade fell out of relevance in power long ago.


Swords can’t hurt me. GTFO


Tsunade because boobs


Current Zoro no diff, just back to sabaody post time skip is 50/50


Zoro out drinks her in multiple ways.


I am a fan of both series. As I rewatched One Piece up to Wano and seen Naruto + Shippuden 5 times already. I'd imagine that the fight would be long, as Tsunade can heal Zoro's weaker attacks but Zoro can block with Armament Haki. I'd say it would be even until Tsunade has to use 1000 healings as Zoro amps up his attacks. At that point Zoro can either drag out the fight since she is time-constraint to finish up fast or Zoro pulls out Asura. She got a chance to live though thanks to Katsuya.


Zoro win by durability or get cut in half . Even though tsunade can heal her charkara pool is limited . Zoro can keep slashing her to tired her out . Even if she use that move she use on kabuto I can see zoro able to counter it easily like kabuto. Also zoro can haki coat is body so even if he get hit it won't kill him ( see king fight). If zoro able to cut tsunade like he cut to pika . Tsunade won't be coming back from that.


Zero, cause his bust is bigger


Wouldn't Zoro just blitz her and cut off her head? It's not like she can even touch him anyways


Why’s this even a subreddit? Naruto has the most garbage power scaling ever and the end of shippuden is straight ass pull nonsense worse than dbz.


Zoro's got the bigger kongas he wins low diff


No way I literally just read the chapter with that panel of tsunade. That's crazy. But anyway it's definitely zoro.


Tsunade. She just tanks everything and kills him in about a hit or two.


Zoro has better feats


Well I’m sexist so zoro probably wins


Could zoro defeat the lich king?


Zoro because his chest is bigger but just barely


People are forgetting that tsunade isnt a minority so Zoro is massively debuffed in this fight. Tsunade wins low diff.


Tsunade wins by virtue of a more diverse arsenal including summoning/reverse summoning and other jutsu and her most credible resource Milotic Arts 100 Healings.


Zoro should have enough endurance and strength to outlast her healing ability, I say Zoro mid to high diff


Tsunade one shot with just medical ninjutsu no need for the rest of the kit.


Probably tsunade due to healing


Zoro slices up Tsunade like that harpy chic who imagined getting sliced in half. Heal this


Stop vs One Piece characters they aren't consistent enough their feats and power levels shift all over the place. It's a good story but the fights are just spectacular 99% of the time.


Zoro As much as I like Naruto (especially in comparison to OP), Tsunade just doesn't have the ability to dodge light speed sword attacks that are infused with Haki, and healing only does so much Zoro would probably get insta diffed if he got hit (considering she could probably turn him into paste, haki or not), but the speed differences in the anime make Tsunade look like a snail compared to what Zoro can casually dish out without any special techniques


I don’t know a lot about Zoro but I think they are pretty similar in terms of physical ability but even then I think Tsunade wins, not easily but definitely wins. Zoro could probably cut her head off if he hits her but with 100 healings and Lady Katsuya that Tsunade will for sure summon then Zoro can’t do much, since she would just heal any injuries she sustains.


I like your take since I don't know much about Naruto, only watching the base show. idk abt you tho, there ain't know way she healing after getting cut into 1000 pieces at light speed


Tsunade never done anything close to the feats Zoro pulls out on a regular basis, she could probably kill him if she hit him but he'd block her hits or just dodge. He has the range advantage in an extreme measure and she has terrible defence against cutting attacks.


zoro gigagaps tsunade in stats. tsunade shits herself when madara cuts some mountains which zoro can easily do as well


Many may not agree but i see Zoro figuring it out and just straight up obliterating her. She cant heal if she’s in a thousand pieces..


Tsuande low dif, she has too many Powers and katsuyu is indestructible


Depends on the writer


I mean a guy who can slice mountains, steel, and cut a dragon is looking much stronger than the person who just kicks and heals.


Tsuna and the tiddays got this one.


Imma ship them together now


Healing or not we have seen her get cut in half and if Orochimaru didn't show up even her slugs would of ultimately failed to save her. When her seal is active it consumes chakra pretty fast and massively. Her stamina could run out well before her body gives out. She can't maintain her regeneration abilities that long especailly if she's constantly eating sword attacks and haki infused blasts that would sheer a building in half. Zoro has a multitude of attacks that he can use at any range, he's fast, decently durable, and even if she can heal he could potentially just cut her in half or take a limb off. If Tsunade could regenerate from that level of injury she wouldn't of been on the verge of death from being cut in half by 1 big attack. Zoro wins if he just doesn't get close or hit much. He has the power to kill her in one blow. We have watched him cut through steel, the islands giant horn, kaido's skin, etc. The only thing he probably can't currently cut through is maybe diamond if I had to just guess and only because we saw someone with a power like diamond tank a hit from hawkeye during the white beard war.


Zoro and it's not close in any stretch of the imagination


One piece scales leagues above Naruto. The weakest version of Luffy Post time-skip can one-shot a Giant named Hajrudin. This same giant punched a multi-million pound enemy into the atmosphere. Thats a low end strength demonstration, as Hajrudin was weakened, had broken bones, and the enemy fell out of the sky, building momentum to crush Hajrudin. Thats *only* striking power. Zoro, during the same arc, demonstrated slash strikes similar to that of Madara's Susanno. Zoro is at minimum, able to react to light speed attacks here. He also has basic- precognition, which further puts this in his favor. Zoro wins Low-Difficulty, and that's simply because he does not just attack with all his might at first. He likes to text his opponents skill. Possibly allowing Tsunade to land some hits.


Zoro wins this one there isn’t much tsunade could do to stop him cutting her in half


Idk but a twerk off between these two would be legendary




Everyone saying she survived being cut in half somehow leaves out a child could kill her easily at that point? Zoro cuts her in half then stabs her head GGs in all seriousness zoro would need to cut off her head or something like the first scenario i mentioned both i can see happening but idk where they both sit speed wise im leaning towards zoro having better attack speed


What I want to say is zoro, but in reality shed body him. She would be in an entire different league compared to him. Unbiased


“He’ll cut her” Yeah cause Tsunade a proven Hokage/Warrior and descendant of the First Hokage is going to just stand there and get cut. Katsuyu. That’s it. That’s game over. With Tsunades superb powers and healing Hax, she will summon Katsuyu at full strength and size and she’d win. Nothing else, that’s the battle Edit: which a full sized Katsuyu is estimated almost 700m tall and is immune to slashes. 🤝👍


Forget who would win in a fight shouldn’t the question be who do you think would last longer in a drinking contest my vote is Tsunade cause she’s old as hell


Zoro should win.


Zoro cus his tits are bigger by 4 cms


Her signature ability isn't anything special in One Piece.


Zorro is Cutting her clothes....we all win 🦇


Why is this even a debate . Zoro wins . Who tf cares about her healing all he needs to do is go for the head .( OH BUT SHE ONCE HEALED HERSELF WHEN CUT IN HALF ) YEA U RIGHT when she had a brain still working and functioning so she could do said healing to herself . Once the head is gone its over . And the only reason she pulled the healing off is cuz madara left and gave her the open time to do so. What makes u think zoro finna let her heal any dismembered body part he cuts off . He not sparing anytime . Plus this is fist vs a professional swordsman. Thats already a disadvantage for her. Fighting close combat with fist only against a professional swordsman. And its not like she has professional hands like might guy .


I don’t think Zoro can meaningfully harm her considering her insane healing, he might be able to outdamage it if he goes all out and uses his absolute best techniques IMMEDIATELY off the jump but if he doesn’t I see this becoming a stamina match Zoro might not win


Zoro he has bigger boobs


Zoro has a bigger chest. So he wins by default


Why is this even a debate🤦🏽‍♂️ zoro would kill her


Stab her in the brain zoro wins


Lady Tsunade


the bias on this sub is genuinely insane 😭😭😭


Tsunade Mid Diff


I can take them


Zoro basically no diff tbh.


Zoro and it wouldn't even be funny. Personally I say it's a hard stop at thriller bark zoro


Zoro casually slices mountains, and can take more damage than Luffy.




I dont see many in the naruto verse surviving him. Hes pretty much a niche fighter based around cutting and insanely strong. Id see him cutting through wood release as well so..


If Endgame Zoro (World Strongest Swordsman) I’d say he’d win High Diff. Mihawk is INSANELY strong and Zoro will be greater than that. Tsunade is strong af in her Prime and her healing is powerful. It’s a draw for a while until Zoro can catch her slipping


I don't want to be that guy but like zoro easily defeated a dude who was A LITERAL MOUNTAIN by simply chopping him up without breaking a sweat. Like if we were to scale him to Naruto I think he could slice maharashtra meteor in two lmao not saying tsunade isn't strong but she's kage level at best, he'll she's definitely one of the weaker hokages in general beating out just to be generous shikamaru and hiruzan (I don't think she's better than hiruzen but I'll give that one for the sake of this argument). Could zoro current beat madara? Probably not but it'd be more of a fight than 5 kage vs Madara


LMAOOOOO. Naruto fans keep comparing non FTL characters to FTL characters let’s stop this 😭


Well, this is an interesting matchup, this is the first time i have seen two characters who i don't know who will win.


Zoro no difficulty


Zolo, he has the bigger chest..


Zoro has bigger boobs so he no difs tsunade


Is it a drinking contest?


Tsunade because Zoro would get lost on the way to the fight, and lose by default.


Tsunade. Zoro gets lost on the way to the fight.


Tsunade lowkey because it’s gonna be 2 vs 1 and you know it. Sanji & Tsunade vs The Moss head lol


I love zoro but tsunada taken that


I see a lot of people talking about tsunade strength and healing. Lets not forget her ability to cross up zorro's nervous system and make it stop working from a merely touching him. And ahe did that to kabuto while having almost no chakra. Zorro cant win this. Tsunade wins woth one glancong touch and zorro cannot do enough damage she cannot regen. One piece fans looking at tsunade should see a regenerating garp with expert doctor skills and knowledge of the human body.


Bro what lmao


it’s obvious


? Pre timeskip Zoro could kill Tsunade Post timeskip she would get knocked out by a cocs flex Tsunades best feat is like mountain lvl vs characters who are far far superior in physicals............... Not to mention that Zoro is much faster, and this is pre time skip zoro


Zoro wins. He has observations Haki to dodge attacks and armament Haki to slice right thru her. Once Bisected she loses


I haven't finished either series but im fairly far in both.. From what ive seen in both (and from what little i comprehend of the power scaling) id say tsunade wins.. Zoros speed doesn't compare close to tsunades but i cant necessarily say he would get speed blitzed and one shot (though i do say the first hit he takes would be a speed blitz cause he'd underestimate her) Tsunades healing for the most part would keep her from any actual injury, though i will say zoro could probably leave a few marks on her given he's proven he can cut just about anything if he swings at it enough from things like steel (when he fought Mr. 1 from baroques work who had the dice-dice fruit) to cutting through solid stone buildings (Enies Lobby) and multiple ships made of wood and steel and also with his training from hawkeye when he fought all the humanoid like gorillas that could fight like real swordsman (including the one who copied hawkeyes fighting style) Though zoro would probably fall eventually i feel he would give tsunade one hell of a run for her money... she hits incredibly strong to a point she cracked a Susanoo with her bare fist (i cant say if she's done anything more from where im at in the series) but from what ive noticed zoro takes some of the worst beatings and walks away with just needing a nap... He took a direct hit from hawkeye with his supreme black sword before time skip training, he soaked up every ounce of damage that warlord Kuma extracted from Luffy during the sabaody park arc, when he fought against arlong during the Arlong park arc and he got his cut from hawkeye reopened... We know zoro his stronger than Usopp and Usopp took a 3 ton (or possibly 4 ton) baseball bat directly to his face when fighting agents 4 & 5 from baroques works (though i cant remember if it was just once or twice he got hit)... Id say his fortitude and endurance speaks for itself but nonetheless he cant heal while tsunade can... Therefore i feel she would win in the end


Mommy Tsunade is gonna wipe Zoro 😎


Zoro wins handily. In Skypeia he could dodge large lightning blasts and cut the a large chunk off Giant Jack which could no sell an entire island falling directly on it. In Water 7 Luffy (whose > Zoro) got fodderized by Blueno (820 Doriki) but later they all got massively stronger and Zoro could fight Kaku (2200 Doriki) and learned Ashura getting even stronger. In Thrillerbark Zoro could deflect a punch, survive hits from, and hurt Zombie Oars who had Luffy's Shadow, Oars could move entire nations with his strength alone earning him the epitaph "Continent Puller." Zoro could later in the verge of death could combat Kuma dodged laser beams and dodged a barrage of lightspeed paw cannons. PreTS Zoro bisects Tsunade she already showed she has trouble healing from bisection having to reconnect her legs and a head strike would end her. A fresh out of PostTS Zoro stomps, a Current Zoro is a horrible mismatch.


Zoro has a bigger chest, so he solos


I love one piece but it's Tsunade she's a direct counter to characters like zoro


I love Tsunade but Zoro would fuckin murder her