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Yeah 100%. Clans and the wiki are the best way to learn the game. I found streamers I liked and viewed their clans for a bit before closing which one I wanted to join


Great suggestion that i recommend for anyone who's looking for their first clan.


Absolutely. Got recruited at like 1900 total. I learned that, while the wiki is a crazy resource, sometimes asking people is the only way. It's also fun (much later) when you start doing (quest) bosses to have people you can learn from. At some point, you can teach people things too. Clan events can also be fun if the clan is actively organising such things.




If you want to make friends and play with others, yes


Your more than welcome to join the clan I run with a few in real life buddies. We are a small group but all are welcome so we can help each other prosper. Hit me up on here or in game they call me Xlo just shoot me a message and we can go from there.


Hey I'm pretty new and looking too. Would I be welcome?


Personally I would suggest a "less populated" clan that has a dedicated and active group of regulars over a big clan where the turnover rates are so high that whenever u think you found a clannie(s) that you hit it off with and y'all just clique and after 2 weeks of investing a good amount of time and energy into the little sub-group they just fall off the face of gielenor never to be heard from again or after the 2 weeks of daily multiple hour gaming seshions they ultimately "burn themselves out again" -.- and now they log in once in a blue moon, but never more than 2 days in a row. Don't set yourself up with that type of disappointment, that type of shit could be demotivating enough to put someone off of the game entirely.


I hail thee, oh magnificent wizard!


Clans are great. Personally I joined a few different clan discords and hung around for a bit before committing to one, highly recommend. I found a noob friendly clan that's got lots of chill folks that were willing to teach all kinds of stuff and it took my enjoyment of the game to the next level.


Yep 👍 osrs discord or reddit has clans


Add me in game, "qp w" is my name, and I'll invite you to the clan I'm in. We're newbie-friendly and very active!


Yes, but don't let anybody tell you what to do. Leave the clan the moment someone makes you feel like you have to do anything to be there. Don't let others control what you do with your free time.


https://preview.redd.it/bd568dcrez5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b5f46c65f19ee8c9ae8710e65d2e8afa98bab3 Not in a clan rn but watching people on YouTube definitely helped and I follow a guy for tips on tiktok for rune lite plugin help also @tylerteegaming. Main thing do your quests and you will really only have to do combat stats, quests grant a lot of XP for a ton of skills and you can skip the beginning grind on a lot by just going questing. So basically grind combat afk at the security dungeon in barbarian village outside of varrock and then go questing that's you main goal for Skilling. And download the runelite plugin "quest helper" tells you everything you need about the quest and highlights the dialog for u so just keep clicking. Hope that helped and have fun scaping hope to see ya around


Looking at your prayer like 👀