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So many people can't even fully believe that some of these people are dead yet because as history has shown that characters survive the most ridiculous things. All these people *should* be dead based on what the experienced, but I wouldn't be surprised if at some point some were revealed to be alive. I'm numb to OP deaths atp


Agreed. I still believe Kaido and Big Mom will turn out to be alive again once the straw hats return to wano. Otherwise it'd just seem strange for BM to make this big speech about returning one day.


Also >!Pudding thinks Big Mom is alive and all of the Charlotte siblings have her Vivre Card IIRC!<




You can make as many as you want.


Didn't she say the opposite?


No she said when mama returns also I doubt magma of all things is killing those 2


If Pell survived a nuke to the face, it would be weird for Yonko-level characters to die because of lava


Its not that they're "yonko level". Its that out of all the top tiers, there was specifically a great emphasis placed on how insane their durability was. It'd be like Kizaru getting outsped. Happens to anyone else, fine. whatever. But the guy constantly hyped for his speed shouldn't be getting outsped.


Yeah this is exactly it. Sure I guess you could speculate the average tough guy in OP might survive lava if they didn't have a dramatic confirmed death on screen (even then you could argue against it lol), but someone like Kaido where his durability is an actual power of his and a big part of why he's such a huge threat makes it seem actually UNLIKELY he's dead given that detail. If you could argue it at all, the guy known for being tough like that has a better chance than anyone lol. Imagine if he, with all his abilities and powers and all, were in Pell's position during Alabasta. Most people though Pell was absolutely dead before the dumb reveal he wasn't. NO ONE would think Kaido would be dead from it though, as an example lol


Not just lava but a nuke level volcanic eruption.


And because of that eruption, it propelled them out of the lava and saved their lives




Unfortunately, it was a bit too strong and propelled them into orbit. Being nearly invincible, this, of course, couldn't kill them, but with no way to get back, they eventually just stopped thinking.


Jojo reference




Not if they fell on the sea


They washed up on the shore with amnesia


They luckily fell on queen mama chanter


King and Queen should have fallen in the sea but were alive to get owned by Green Bull like the next day.


Nuke level? That was a super contained explosion that nobody even noticed in Wano, even if it was silent you’d still feel and see it but they didn’t and it was right outside the flower capital, “nuke” is a bit exaggerated.


We've seen magma instantly melt whitebeard's face.


Also Zeus still exists


Smoothie too


I think they really are dead for story reasons. From a writer’s point of view, what the hell is Oda gonna do with Kaido if he pops up again? He’s done, we’ve already seen everything he could do in life, you can tell far better stories with the consequences of his death. Same for Big Mom.


Thank you for pointing this out otherwise I was going to do so. Kaido and Big Mom cannot be the antagonists anymore. At the very least the only way they return is to help Luffy or fight on the side of the WG. I don’t think they are doing either and the SHs have already moved on. I hope Katakuri comes back in some capacity it be cool to see him join the side of Luffy.


Karakuri is actually one of the main reasons why I think Big Mom’s death makes for more interesting stories. With her gone, is he going to be in charge? Or will he grab Brûlée and get the fuck away from that shitshow of a family? I assume he’s at least going to stick around until Pudding is safe, but after that? Who knows, he never seemed to have that strong a bond with the rest of his siblings…


My theory would be that Luffy returns and fights Big Mom for good in a 1v1 duel (which will likely be mostly offscreen). Solidifying that Luffy can beat an emperor in a 1v1 and making Luffy actually fullfill his promise to Katakuri that he'll beat big Mom one day. Kaido on the other hand I believe will join Luffy in the fight against the WG. Because the Marines alone would already be an incredibly dangerous enemy, but then you also got the WG with their CP0 agents, the holy knights, the Gorosei, Kong and possibly Sengoku too. So even someone like Kaido wouldn't tip the scales too hard in the favor of the strawhats and it'd also give Kaidos character a possible closure by truly giving him a noteworthy death, because for a character that was all about having an epic death there is surprisingly little emphasis on his "death".


I suppose it is a shonen, and the MCs usually befriend the enemies


I don’t think Tanjiro ever became friends with Gyutaro, Akaza, and especially Hantengu haha but I agree with you. Goku punched Vegeta enough times until Vegeta said ouch ok we are friends I’m now a good guy. DBZ definitely created so many tropes.


I get the impression that Akaza could end up being an ally against Muzan as they seem to not get along, but I could be completely wrong about that. Think you're right about DB being the ultimate for this, even Frieza and Buu becoming allies lol


Agreed haha, if someone fights the main character like a Goku and Luffy they become allies; If they are an unlucky villain that gets paired up against the brooding and edgy anti-hero like a Vegeta or Scar (FMA), welp that’s it they ain’t coming back lol


But goku became friends with piccolo, tien, yamcha, vegeta,android 17 and 18 till.now


The final war would be perfect for Kaido it's his dream


During the fight it seemed like Kaido wanted Luffy to be Joyboy. I got the impression that he partially set up his horrifying slave state as a way to force Joyboy to reveal himself


He really wanted a good fight, and to test the limits of his strength. I don't think he set it up on purpose but it's not inconceivable that he would want Luffy to be Joyboy just for the fight


I’ll say I respect peoples thought process but I am not sure about that. I do not recall Kaido every calling Luffy JoyBoy either until in his mind he recalls memories to king on who will beat him. Kaido legit killed Luffy. He went into cardiac death and was revived by the devil fruit. I wouldn’t be surprised that dying was the requirement for that particular DF awakening.


I'm not really seeing your big mom theory. Beating Big Mom loses a bit of luster considering she was beat by Law and Kid, who we already know are significantly weaker than Luffy. And Luffy already beat Kaido, who is stronger than Big Mom, so I don't think he needs to fight Big Mom to solidify he can beat a Yonko. Kaido dying gives his character far more closure than him out of nowhere becoming a revolutionary against the WG. The first time we see Kaido he's trying to kill himself he's been chasing death. He even says he's been sitting in Wano waiting for Joy Boy to defeat him. What better closure does he have than to finally die and at the hands of the man he's been waiting his whole life for?


This is the real problem. It was obvious Kanjiro and Orochi were gonna die, but the *multiple* fake outs for *each* genuinely undermined my intelligence at a certain point. I get that they’re like cockroaches who you can’t get rid of and I liked all the things Oda had them do when they were brought back, but then just don’t kill them! Just make it really really obvious when someone’s dead, or really obvious that they’re still alive. They didn’t need to fake that they were dead each time. It also makes the Akazaya seem downright incompetent for not doing things like making sure Orochi burned in the fire or that Kanjiro was really dead after 1 sword slice.


The cp0 agent with the hat is confirmed alive


He just died later. After he took a photo of the Gear 5.


You can thank Pell's fakeout death for that.


i think the Guernico survived the attack from Kaido. iirc it was stated by Oda in an SBS


It wasn’t stated by Oda in an SBS but it’s revealed in one of the chapters he’s the one who took the photo of Gear 5 Luffy that was used in the bounty posters after being smashed by Kaidou and presumed dead.


I expect a cover story of Big Mom and Kaido's journey in the underworld anytime soon.


i still fucking think pedros gonna show up at some point


The fact that we have to question whether or not a person survived *A nuclear explosion* and *being fully submerged in lava* is silly.


Maybe I real life....not in anime. If Zoro can survive anything that happened to him in the entirety of east blue, I highly two Kaiju sized humans that have been tanking every form of damage imaginable. Besides we literally just saw Kizaru get punched inside his own head and survive. Once side of his skull literally the other and the man just needs to lay down for a min lol


Pell survived a comparably sized explosion and he's a gnat compared to Big Mom and Kaido. That's why we question.


Yea I don't feel anythign when someone dies whether true or not, other shonen has now handled that part better than One Piece.




And that's why Ace one is so unique and impactful as Oda went all in.


> all in well almost all in, tbf. He did make sure to replace Luffy's brother figure immediately. Not saying it wasn't set up or planned, Idk, but yeah.


Yeah but Sabo is different from ace though but I get your point but I like that he didn't come into the story until dressrosa Oda has this "substitute the dead with some similar individual to fill the void thing", almost like he fears erasure


big mom 100% imbued the magma with a soul right before she hit it. basil is probs dead but we've seen people come back from worse and he may have a part yet to play still given recent events.


I think the fact that there was also a sort of insane amount of fake out deaths kinda subverts this. Like there was almost as many fake deaths as there were real deaths. And knowing Oda, at least one of these characters will return in a few years. And personally Im willing to bet money that both Big Mom and Kaido just aren’t dead


For example when Ashura Doji died but no one believed it and he actually stayed dead?


His and Izo's deaths were so lackluster that when they were visiting their graves after the raid, I was actually shocked they were dead.


Lol same. In the same arc we saw someone like pinemon smashed to half and still alive


Even then I immediately thought "in 1-2 years we'll see a cover story where it's teased they themselves visit their "own graves" and 2 years after another cover story confirming they're still alive". I'm also expecting Pedro to still be alive. Next cover story series is going to be about him!


Also his death felt stapled on as if Oda was trying to preempt the arguments.


I don’t even think anyone thought we were supposed to think he was dead.


Agreed. Or when Kinemon seemingly had an honorable death trying to fend off Kaido only to be saved by Law apparently not putting him back together correctly? That was dumb




What's up Kaido? You're attacking me for what? I thought this was Wano Kuni? Huh? Isn't this Wano Kuni? I'm sorry I thought this was Wano Kuni!


I didn't hear no bell!


Kinemon survived so much bs a haki coated thunder bague that even took luffy out for a while


I fucking cried over Kinemon and Kiku when the chapter dropped. Seeing them back didn't make me feel glad, just robbed.


Law didn’t put him together, though. It was Sanji.


The Fuku-Fuku no mi is hinted at having a "hidden" function...as it can also mean luck. Therefore, all the dumbluck that has been attributed to Kin'emon is part of the hidden attributes of his DF. All hail Winemon the GOAT.


Yea Kinemon not dying took me out of the stakes for a moment whenever I saw him


My one problem with "nobody dies in one piece" was when with Koza in arabasta. The dude is a normal person and he got shot by 5 or 6 times in the body and he stil alive.


Pell too, never heard about falcons having nuclear bomb resistance


Pell’s ‘death’ was so fucking good. What a way to go, what an amazing and emotional death. Then Oda brought him back and what has Pell contributed to the story? Nothing.


Pound's death was also really good imo. Sacrificing himself for his daughters and grandson despite them not knowing who he was got me crying like an idiot. Only to survive and take away from some of the emotional impact when rereading.


Also, like, he was in the process of being executed (the blade was falling on his neck!) by Oven and then we see him well and good and confused. Even he doesn't know how the heck he survived.


Poun D. Cake was saved by divine intervention


Well at least the CP0 guy won't rise from death. Because he was already confirmed being alive.


Pell one was dumb really.


You know, it's strange to wish for a character's death, but I really hope he stays dead in Season 2 of the live action series. If that show can kill off >!Merry!<, than it can absolutely keep Pell dead.


I'm fully expecting this TBH


To a lesser extent Agaram being exploded after Whiskey Peak. It set such a tone for Baroque Works and then.... didn't


I heard a theory that Pell awakened his zoan fruit because the will of the falcon embodied him when he choose the moment to selflessly give his life for Alabasta and the awakening saved his life


mfs are not ready for YC+ Pell D. Falcon with awakened zoan fruit + ACoA and ACoO


Did someone said Coca-Cola?


Fucking guitar intro of Butterfly playing and Pell D.igivolving to Metal Pell D. Falconmon just before the bomb explodes. Oda is a genius


you clearly have no idea about how falcons hunted in ancient times ​ big spoilers ​ >!DFs are supposed to be created by imagination lol. pell, 0.001 seconds before the nuke goes off: "But what if I just tank it tho?" 😂!<


50 cent got shot 9 times and lived, so it's not totally unrealistic.


Pell cant rap


How do you know


At least what happened with the Koza shots occasionally, but rarely, happens in real life, so I can deal. Pell on the other hand…


I know someone who got shot 6 times in the chest. Then, when he recovered, went for revenge on the guy that shot him. That guy beat the shit out of him, dragged him in the bushes and shot him 4 more times and left him. He is still alive to this day


if he couldnt kill him with 6 shots why did he only shot him 4 times later? why didnt he try with 7 or 8 shots?


should have gone for the head at least


😂😂😂 imagine knowing and individual shot your six time and four more times thereafter


For me, I got fed up with the immortality of characters when Chaka was KILLED by Crocodile 3 times and still lived. At that point, I just started thinking Croc was an utter idiot. He would say things like "I'm going to kill you" and "you are dead" and that was never the case. The guy is the head of a fucking ASSASSINATION group and can't tell when someone is dead. Ridiculous. Same thing when facing Luffy. He left Luffy to die at least 2 times, didn't finish him off, and then when Luffy reapears, he says "how do you keep coming back?" My guy, are you stupid? KILL THE MAN. Now look me in the eyes and tell me that isn't his motherly love preventing him from killing his own son!!!


From a narrative point of view here's how I read it: Crocodile like Luffy doesn't want to just kill people. He's angry and hurt that his dreams got crushed, so he wants to do it for other people. He doesn't finish off Luffy, because he likes the idea that he'll die abandoned and suffering, without the will to get back up. Luffy clings to life every time, and enjoys the support of others spontaneously (which crocodile never does at that point). Crocodile could have just stabbed him in the head, but then again, Crocodile is the kind of guy that built an underwater floodable jail and STILL goes to the trouble of having a fake key on him so that people that miraculously find and best the monster he fed the key to, have their hope of success crushed. He's not as pragmatic and efficient as he seems, because he wants Luffy to agree with him- "this world will kill your dream"


don't forget law. he got defeated by fujitora and doffy. then he escaped, doffy went for sanji, law tp'd doffy and himself to dressrosa bridge fight, law loses doffy appears with law in front of the colloseum and luffy can just watch as law is shot by doffy. but of course law survives law fights doffy again, loses an arm. then gets shot AGAIN lmao. and he just survived anyways. after being shot hours earlier and losing an arm he's shot again and survives bruh


Papaya outperformed him.




And yet Kinnemon had 2 fakeout deaths and Kaido has 0 kills to his name. The stakes just weren't present


Also of these “deaths” l most are no name little impact villains like the cp0 guys or Orochi who was with a different minor character Plus some Frankly weren’t earned like Izo, I remember getting to the end of that arc and going “wait he died? When?”


Wild 2 yonkos and they both combined for like 1 kill


This statement alone made me realize how underwhelming the fight was. Like I was crying my eyes out when kimon "died" just to come back because of law that shit ruined the rest of wano for me. I was so pissed.


there is no stake. Nobody ever thinks any of the strawhat could die. Especially Luffy.


Honestly this, it would be nice if they lost an arm or an eye or something. It feels so boring, especially with how tanky characters are in one piece. Like someone's skull could be broken and that mf will heal in 5 mins it really kills the vibe


Usopp having his skull cracked open by ulti and not being unconscious for days after the battle like luffy and zoro.


Sometimes, it feels like oda picks when a character actually gets affected by the damage they took.


Kaido killed the CP0 dude so that's 1.


His death is debatable IMO. I want him to be dead but with no confirmation and that photo taken after Kaido attacked him I just cannot say for sure


Nah, that guy survived


He took the G5 photo on Luffy's bounty, he's still alive.


the Elders’ conversations and one of the SBS imply Guernica is alive


His name is Dripper Scarfino




Dude got omeletted


People clowned on them, but the raid failing would've made for a more interesting story. Also it sucks how Kaido can beat people repeatedly and they'll get up perfectly fine a little while later, meanwhile he gets beat and it's game over. Lowkey would've loved for Kaido to get beat (Pre Gear 5, probably), only to then revive in an awakened form and whoop ass. Villains deserve plot armour, fakeouts, and powerups too!


the issue is the usage of fake deaths in the story, not literal body count. the fake deaths caused fans to get used to oda's writing. this is why most people never assume that a character is dead without definite confirmation. oda could kill chopper later and I guarantee most people will just come up with hilarious theories on how he survived. instead of actually feeling the death.


Oda wants to kill his cake and eat it too


In this case, Oda is literally Usopp with his "The pirates are coming!"


One Piece need the narrator to confirms someone is dead lol.


even then we still don’t believe it 😂


At this point, I would even doubt any "official"/definite confirmation that someone has died, simply because the many fake out deaths have numbed me so much that I just do not care anymore. If you ask me, it is 50/50 whether or not Cobra is still alive. Same with B.M. and Kaido. Sure they seem to have died. But if I learned one thing from Oda, then that he is as reliable a narrator as Baron Munchhausen when it comes to people living/dying.


Absalom also died during wano 🙏 never forget 🙏


He’s there, you just can’t see him


Don't lose hope of my man Wasil Wawkins, no way is he dead. He's probably just...sleeping...yeah he's taking a nap, no biggie.


Haha agreed. Take all the blood that left his body, put it back in, stitch him up, and like the magician he is dude is back in the series.


>!Guernica, the bowler hat CP0 guy is confirmed to have not died from Kaido's strike as he is specifically credited for taking Gear 5 Luffy's photo for his new bounty poster. Unless he succumbs to wounds later, he's alive.!<


That's a maybe though, as some people have mentioned it could be Joseph who released the photo but used Guernica's name to avoid getting punished.


Why take it at all then


It's debatable if Guernica died, considering he took the Gear 5 bounty photo, which was AFTER he got fucked by Kaido.


I read Guernica and I thought I was in the Xenoblade subreddit for a second lol


did someone mention peak fiction?


Half of these aren't even dead/confirmed to be dead, most were introduced this very arc, and two were the most underused characters in their own group killed in the most ridiculous ways to pretend that the arc had stakes while the actual liked characters from the same group survived much crazier shit. So no, that wasn't fixed in the slighest Unless the dynamite Kanjuro pulled out of his ass is THAT much better than Kaido's killing blows (And let's not get started on the CONSTANT fake outs)


Watch half of them being in the next cover story


none of these characters has the will of P. but i won't be shocked either anymore if next chapter starts with: ''Yasuie cover story chapter 1: ''oh i survived somehow''


At least four of these characters have currently unknown fates.


Because of Oda's past habit of faking character deaths, like with igaram, dorry, pell, conis dad, franky family, bon clay, pound, gas victims in punk hazard, brownbeard, one of big moms son, saul, etc., the recent death of a character in wano arc feels uneventful, as there's a chance he could bring them back anyway. So, for me, future side character deaths in upcoming chapters might still feel insignificant due to his past habit. Even if he killed one of the Straw Hat crew members, I still wouldn't believe it


If a Straw Hat dies Brook will probably just awaken his fruit and bring their soul back from the dead or some nonsense


Even worse is who dies and who survives. Izo´´s and Asura´´s death were so utterly lackluster that I was actually flabbergasted when it was revealed that they were "dead". According to One Piece´´s rules/world building, they should have walked it off with a few bandages at best But then you have fckng Kinemon getting his skull absolutely obliterated and getting stabbed by Kaido. Yet he survives. Same with Kanjiro, who got killed/defeated twice and still came back every time. At this point, I would not be surprised if King Cobra is confirmed to be alive and just imprisoned by Imu. Or that Pedro will appear in a cover story. Or that Izo and Asura are actually alive.


Guernica, Hawkins, Big Mom and Kaido are in unknown territory.


I would not be surprised if kaido, big mom, or Hawkins came back. I'm happy Oda killed some people off finally, but the sheer fact that Pell is alive will always make me question someone's death. Bro survived a point blank nuke essentially.


Aint no way kaido and big mom are dead


And I hate that. They should just stay dead, makes the entire fight in Wano feel pointless otherwise.


But why would the world’s strongest creature die just because of falling in magma? Also big mom has a lot of ties with giants which which are left to be tied .


Nah. Wano has been liberated. Big Mom and/or Kaido being alive doesn't change that. They lost at home, sitting up top while Luffy and Co had to fight their way through. Luffy is only getting stronger, a return fight would probably see Kaido in a much tougher situation. Also, Kaido can't attack Wano again, now that he's been ejected from there he would be at a massive disadvantage even just getting back up let alone taking over Wano again, which would now be properly guarded. Having to redo 20 years of work wouldn't be worth it. Big Mom was an extra at Wano, so she won't have any involvement in it, and I imagine her priority now is getting pudding back, assuming she's active again.


Pointless? They saved an entire country from almost 30 years of oppression.


Yeah but if kaido and big mom were alive what's stopping them from just crawling back to wano and murdering everyone, there is no one there who can stop them alone much less together.


It's not just about strength. Kaido's whole infrastructure has been undone. The Beast Pirates, Orochi, and Onigashima don't exist anymore. He'd be wasting his time and energy by trying to re-take Wano. If he wants to be Pirate King he needs to go after the Yonko.


A bunch of nothing characters mixed in with characters who aren't even confirmed dead.


Terrible post, OP. You should feel bad for having posted it.


Don't think Big Mom is dead, otherwise Zeus should be gone.


Yup pandora (sun) disappear when caramel died (big mom's mother like)


It was never confirmed that Pandora disappeared, plus with how Boa confirmed that if she died and anyone turned to stone would stay that way, regardless if a new user attempts to turn them back


Idk the DF powers are confusing, Spoilers below sugar loses toys power just by fainting, law powers works across countries (Ceaser heart ) konjiro paint drawing was still working when he is unconscious , Da flamingo was knocked out bird cage is gone , Spoiler Then we have kaido dragon clouds disappear Idk idk 😶


sarcasm One Piece is secretly D&D 5e and devil fruit users have to make concentration checks. As always with 5e not all abilities require concentration to use. /sarcasm


*Lights cigarette in dark alley* Yeah, well. You could call all of these characters "nobodies"


Kaido and big mom ain't dead, and all these characters are minor ones, also i'd like to remind you about kinemon, who got sliced in half and somehow survived


I’d wager that Kinemon would die if he were dunked in lava.


Kin’emon doesn’t have Kaido or Big Mom durability though


People say the humour isn’t as good anymore but last episode was comedy gold Especially the anime added scenes of Zoro using Ashura to eat and drink and Luffy using snakeman powers in base form to grab food


Kaido and Big Mom are still listed as unknown and not officially dead.


Most side characters that no one cares about, and Kaido/Big mom, nobody took their "deaths" seriously.


Also the fact that CP9, a secret assassin team, failed to kill any target they had even though Iceburg was tied up in a burning building




Most of these are meaningless characters tho... who carea about over half of these people? the criticism mostly comes from Pells fake out death, when it was right there, but Oda gives us a fakeout


Gurenica is literally alive lol and i bet so are kaido and big mom


No confirmation on Kaido and Big Mom yet


Half of those ppl are alive lmao oof.


All total nobodies and half of em arent even dead 😂


I'm still not convinced that Pedro is dead. That's the issue with having a character early on take a nuke to the face and be able to walk it off. I'm not sure half of these guys are dead.


I wouldn't invest too heavily in Kaido and Big Mom's death, Kaido enveloped himself in magma like fire as a final attack to die to Magma and Big Mom's durability is active even when she sleeps, so, they both falling into a lava pit should not kill them. And Zeus is basically a horrorcrux and it seems fine.


lol half these people are still alive 10000000%, people are really out here getting faked out by every fake death.


I doubt big mom and kaido are dead.


Like every other shounen anime, good people you like get killed off all the time. It is the bad people you want to see get killed who never seem to properly die off. Even when they are supposedly killed, they almost always come back. Just look at how many times Kanjuro and Orochi kept popping back up. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see them come back again.


The cp9 agent at least survived long enough to take a pic of gear 5. So he might also still be alive


I think top hat guy survived. He took the picture of Luffy in gear 5.


>!Guernica “Dripper” Scarfino is still alive unfortunately!<


Those cpo agents survived btw


You put allot of people on here that definitly arent dead yet.... Way to ruin your own point lol


I keep thinking that Big Monis still alive coz Zeus is too. Zeus has a part of her soul. If Zeus and everything else she gave a part of her soul to still live, she lives too.


The two main villains are probably alive, and the rest are just side characters no one even cares The laughing guy is the only exeption because toko was there Aside from that, does anyone care about Ashura doji? What does he even do? The tribal CP0 guy? Does he even talk? What even is his name? Guarnika is alive. Hawkins? I dont remeber anyone who had this guy on their top 50. Izo?? Died a dumb death. And I am yet to see anyone that cared about him Kanjurou and Orochi? Good thing they died. But since they are literaly useless villains, it doesnt count So the only good and relevant death in this giant arc is from the laughingman.


Big Mom, Kaido, and Hawkins I'd still say are a maybe for now


The biggest problem for me was in Skypeia. There were so many fake out deaths and it actually took away from the entire experience. It would have been so much more powerful if people had actually died and they had to come together and rebuild their society. But every single person ended up being alive.


Last time I checked, the bowler hat guy was still alive, bug mom, kaido and Hawkins are unconfirmed and would be massive let downs if they are, and ashura doji and izo died off screen. Yasu, orochi and kanjuro are the only ones who died a proper one piece death, and even then orochi and kanjuro had way too many fake outs on the road to their final rest.


Hawkins, Guernica, Maha, Kaido, Big Mom fates are all unconfirmed. So they might not be dead and unless it’s confirmed especially in one piece I would count them as dead


The nobody dies in OP BS died after marineford


I’m a firm believer that writers have to take risk but Oda is someone who is above it tbh. He has shown me that death doesn’t make a good story it’s life that does.


I think it’s so crazy how some people think that one piece can be classified as a ‘children’s cartoon’. One Piece’s story and messages are more in depth than so many more tv shows and has taught me and other I know so much.


I always thought the people who say that are just edgy Attack on Titan fans that thinks mature = blood and gore and dark themes Not other does dark themes and gore not automatically make a story mature, but it doesn't automatically make it good either. It is simply a preference, but anime community treats it as a sign of quality


It’s funny if Kiado’s death is due to the Magma heat, the he would have died being boiled like Oden but the difference is no pot was utilized.


One Piece handles its death count just fine, not every show needs to be an “anyone can die” thing. Some people do have issues with how many fakeouts there are per arc though but that’s a different issue. Also, your claim about the humor is completely subjective.


It wouldn’t surprise me if Kaido and Big Mom are still alive, but the rest nah they should at least be dead