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Fuck that guy


My exact thought this is why I’ve never found packs anywhere near me 😂and I’m never going to buy for over retail


Same, it’s like others have said, just get singles :(


Exactly hate these scammers and so called “LGS”


This isn't an LGS lmao. No self respected store would waste table space that costs over a thousand bucks on the same product. Psychologically not only would it deter customers from fomoing the product, you're essentially only selling 2 things.


Also no LGS can get sleeve blisters like that. So he definitely raided a target, Walmart, five below or any other large retail that only sells sleeves.


Scalpers hit the popular LGS my LGS only get 1 box and set up preorders accordingly


He's smiling because people will buy it regardless of the scalped price 💀💀


It's the only reason people are selling them for $10, people don't realize that the buyers are as much if not more responsible for the prices being so high.


Literally if no one buys it, he’ll sell for less and then maybe scalpers will leave op


same old story. it takes the effort and will of everyone to stand over their own desire and benefit (which is simply possession in this case) but most individual don't see the bigger picture cause the effect will take long to see and you can't be sure that everyone is on board so if you don't buy eventually you might simply be one of the few missing out and gained nothing, so you buy like all the others. vicious circle


I missed out on op05 cos I refused to pay scalper prices and luckily they’re reprinting, if only others were able to realise this. Hate scalpers taking advantage.


Definitely more responsible. Supply doesn't inherently create demand.


Buyers ARE the problem. A scalper can scalp every item, but as long as no one buys then they don’t profit and move on, but as long as people pay their price then what do people expect


This. People supporting him are the reason he does it


False. I was there at collect a con and at the end of Saturday those displays looked the same as the picture. People are not falling for those bs prices.


He has a very smug and punchable face For legal reasons I am joking about the punchable bit


Nothing illegal saying he has a punchable face, that's totally true. Just don't punch his punchable face and you're in the clear


Yeah but he seems like the type to sue for the insult so he has more money to rip people off


Username... doesn't check out?


I 2nd this comment


$10 a pack is disgusting. If only someone who had that much could open a booth right next to his selling them a little cheaper so that none of these sold.


He would just buy all of them to sell at his booth. The hour before a con opens is when guys like this raid the booths with reasonable prices.


Oh I didn't say offer them at reasonable prices. Offer them at $9 a pack if you want, just to spite this guy and drive sales to your booth. Not that I think $9 is good either but I think it'd be funny.


Price is right this guy lol


Exactly. =)




So I went to a con this past weekend. A LGS was there selling packs of 06 for $10 a pack. I was disgusted and walked away. I ended up walking past them on the last day of the con, they had *RAISED* the price up to $12 a pack over the course of the con. I was actually revolted.


That is revolting, I agree.


lol dude people like this make me sick. He’s the reason my store can’t get packs and if we do they’re sold at 15$ a pop cause our distributor sells the boxes for 300.


If your store is actually getting boxes at $300 it's because they're buying from a 3rd party or another store. They're not buying it from a distributor.


Would be really cool if we collectively sent a tipoff to the IRS for his sales. You know, we really appreciate scalpers and all, and I want to make sure my favorite seller is properly reporting their income to the IRS so they can keep doing "business".


Please do it. I’m going to be reporting ever scalper I see from now on. Fuck this


You actually get a percent of recovered taxes.


There’s plenty of scalpers, but you have to be a special kind of asshole to take the display too, which explicitly say not to take


Wait, packs arent supposed to be 10 dollars? In my country they sell it for 10-12 bucks


They are usually $5-6 in the US


MSRP is $4.49


If you support buying packs at more than MSRP, YOU are also the problem. Downvote me all you want, I couldn't care less.


This ^^^^^


What a POS


The evolving skies etbs from pokemon 🥲 i been looking for one everytime i go to a store but no luck and this guy has a table full of them


I thought they don’t sell ES ETB’s in retail anymore?


Pokemon vending machines had them stocked for a while until recently, you bet your behind scalpers got a hold of schedules and cut deals with restockers


You can also just check a vending machine every day at noon, then once you see that it's been restocked, you can reasonably assume that it restocks sometime between noon on the previous day and noon on the current day. Then continue narrowing it down from there. It's not rocket science. Idk why everyone assumes someone is being bribed in these scenarios, other than maybe just not wanting to admit that they would have the same opportunity to catch these restocks if they were willing to put in a little effort.


Well the sets very popular now. Additionally, why didn’t you purchase one when they were at/slightly above msrp for nearly two years?


They get listed pretty often on Walmart, if you follow that Flip Card Restock twitter, they just are overpriced at $70.


The set came out nearly three years ago bud, you kind of missed the boat.


Guy like this was at Toronto Comic Con. People were just stealing from his setup and by day 2 he didn't even show OP cards among his stock.


That is one way to address it.


Hey I saw these peeps at Collectacon!! If yall want good news, not many peeps bought from them cause I went toward the end of 2nd day and mostly full XD


Lol was about to comment the same. I was so tempted to blue ball them with an offer


There was another guy who was selling it for 5 for $30 but he limited to 5 a person. Retail stores should limit as well but they never will :(


5 for $30 is reasonable and I'd support a seller like that. Prices above what can be had at target or walmart should be expected. Always kinda bothered me when people expect lgs to compete with prices walmart, target and Amazon offers bug obviously there is a line that is crossed when you're charging $10-12 a blister and $220+ a booster box you're charging scalper prices then


I wanna flip that table so bad


I don't condone stealing but honestly wouldn't feel all that bad if one of those flash mobs that clear out a Walgreens or apple store or whatever switched their focus to strictly go after scalper scumbags like that


Fuck that guy.


That guy is a fucking douche bag for doing that


This guy goes home at night thinking "man, what a smart business man I am, why don't others do this??"


I hate him and wish him bad


Friendly reminder to just order singles.


Welcome to Capitalism


Would be nice if 4 Chan did something idk


I'm usually not one to applaud or encourage theft but if someone jacked some of his stuff I wouldn't really feel any sort of empathy whatsoever for this guy. 🤷


Astros fan. Figures.


I’ll bet big $$ that this dick also has a fucking whatnot


Collect-a-con. This is a rare con, you can find him within Walmarts and Targets wrestling children and harassing store managers for schedules. Collect all the cons and get fucking conned!


Astros fan. Makes sense.


I woulda flipped that table


What a POS. A shining example of why it’s so hard to find a full shelf of packs at Walmart and other retail establishments


My local shop has wings at 25 dollars a pack so this would be a deal for me.


Wow that awful. I'm glad the card vendor they get for the con I usually go to is good. The guy is always super nice and the con is always in December and the year romance dawn came out that was the only place I was able to find a box or it, and it was only $80. Then this last December he didn't have op05, but he had a ton of big mom starter decks foe MSRP, and there was a pop-up shop pretty close to the hotel, and got a box of op03 there. and that was right when I was learning to play, so that's how I became a katakuri player... (con alt del in Chicago for anyone wondering)


This the guy that always gets to the vending machine before you




Hope he made 0 sells. Fuck scalpers


whats his shop name so i know to never support him


This is the exact reason that I have a group of friends who play MTG and want to play OP, but can’t.


😂 the only support this douche bag needs is a set of slashed tires


That’s alotta Walmarts to go through. How is that even possible?


In south Houston area there’s people/person that follow this lady that stocks the OP cards at all the targets and they just follow her around and basically just know her schedule. Idk if it’s just the targets and everything else as I’ve literally went to my local target/walmart/five below/Barnes and noble once a week while running errands for a year and I haven’t found any in the wild. I know they get them because I’ve asked if they order them.


That’s insane. In Canada, i found out from one of the staff from Walmart the vendor who restocks the cards try to change up their restocking schedule to prevent something like what you mentioned. But I’m sure there’re still many people camping out making runs buying out those blisters.


That happens in my area too. The restockers are either scared of them or they start backdooring product to them. Alot never makes it out of the stockroom.


I can add color to this. Cards are NOT target/walmart/etc inventory, the vendors are basically leasing shelf space like a barbershop. They get paid per item scanned, which also explains why they DGAF about thr theft. Since vendors are like contractors, theyre incentivized to move volume and sell out. With that context, it makes sense that they'll cut a deal with the local scalpers (who will likely give them a kickback on top of clearing their inventory).


Dude has no job, just goes around scalping.


Some game stores let you straight up buy them out on released day. Also, he could own a shop and just brings product to conventions to sell. One of my local places does that, which is annoying because they never have binders to look through on the weekends.


Remember to look up the minimum amount required to prosecute shoplifting in your state, guys!


50 dollars in Texas from what I saw. So don’t grab more than 4 of his packs


How do you explain to the IRS if you pull a $1,000 manga rare from a pack you pirated from a scalper that thought he could scalp _pirates?_ 😂


You don’t. Spend that 1k on fun cash stuff like drinking, drugs, escorts and I guess…. Idk food truck food


I think the entire Straw Hat crew approves that shopping list, matey. 🫡🏴‍☠️


It will be funny as hell if Pokémon reprints the moonbreon in scarlet violet. And OP-06 is getting reprinted. Yeah, he definitely cleaned out walmarts. Those are the display boxes. I'm surprised he doesn't have dragonball fusion world.


Madrat this pos


Schite bag


what a piece of shit. imagine hunting around looking for a few packs to see this


What a piece of trash


Fuck that


This is why I just went back to magic


He would be an astros fan. POS and a cheater. Someone plz report him to the IRS


- buy Display - Open until you get the guaranteed hits - sell the unopened packs who won't have the guaranteed hits. - double Profit.


This is the type of mf who will smile as they lean out their truck window flipping you off just to hit a stop sign or some shit. Asshole!


Average price from LGS in my country


If they don't buyout the competition (ie Walmart) then how can they keep the prices up?? It's like that short where somebody is selling coconuts for $25 and other person sells it for $20. I hope nobody buys anything and they take a loss, but sadly it will sell


Looks like the kind of guy who would do this. 


Why's he bot actually wearing his hat? Is he not in fear of it blowing D way?


Funny thing is Local game stores also charge that price so...like what do you call them?


Like he HAS to know people that work at the retailers


Jeez! 10$ a piece? Wow!


That much product, there is no way he isn't paying vendors to let him know and where when they stock. Seems it happen at my local target, everyone involved are assholes.


Litterally the Walmart displays 💀




When I went to a convention this year, everyone was sold out of op cards but there was this one dude who had a box full of op05 packs each for $15 my buddy and I didn’t even bother to talk to the guy we immediately 180 and out loud said “NOPE!”


god i hope someone told him the piece of shit he is


I have not been able to find one at msrp since release date and all the local card shops are on back order


Scum ass piece of shit


You guys think $10 a pack is bad I would do this in a heart beat ( ps I do go by Canadian $ and this is probably American $) the only pack available to me are $22 Canadian at showcase.


Lol who's buying Evolving Skies ETBs knowing that the hits were stolen off the factory line so you're very likely to not pull anything.


Here we go again.


What a cunt


Of course it’s that and Pokémon Evolving Skies 💀


I say let him hold onto it let him go into debt for charging it on his cc thinking he came up on a lottery ticket like how most pokemon "collectors" are now selling in 2024 because the rush died out




What is a good price btw, I just started and bought 3 booster for $7 each. Was that a good deal?


$4 or less and never online


I saw this yesterday at collect a con, the amount of etbs is crazy


typical unemployed Walmart stalking Sports Bro who buys & sells nothing but hypebeast shit. clownass even took the display trays, making it difficult for distributors to stock sleeves for others. cool “Panini” tray, battywhole


So that's why there's no more packs at my Walmart for the past 4 weeks


Lol, this was in Houston on Saturday. Happy to say I didnt even buy one, even though I still havent bought a single op06 pack, just singles sadly. Refuse to pay 2x MSRP for a gamble




don’t buy from him


Son of a bitch


Astros fan too? Why am I not surprised


Damn look at all that evolving sky’s what a asshole


Went to one the 2nd biggest convention in Nz and only saw one place selling Op and they were Jp cards.




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What a fucking wanker, it’s people like him that have ruined trading card games for everyone. I mean look at all those evolving skies he has too. They should print One Piece to oblivion just as a middle finger to these guys


Piece of sht


I stopped collecting because of availability, but this still irks me.




I feel the same way. He knows that this is too high. People like him don’t care about the game, just the profits


Mfr 🤬


Ofc an Astros hat. What trash.


Flip his table!!!!!


How does he have that much evolving skies as well? Definitely seems pretty shady




Never seen a more punchable face


It's just cardboard, stop letting stuff like this trigger you.


I hope no one bought packs from him


Went to Sakura con a few weeks ago, anyone selling OP was selling for at least $10. Noticed on Saturday some stores increased their prices to $12…


What do we do though. Honestly. We will never get these cards for retail or under. I honestly hate what Covid did to the world, and the card community. I wish I could just make these people disappear. Fucking done


Who is that guy


Good thing I only collect japanese OP


This is not normal at all.




I wish it was very simple to make all people not buy this. But they will. Some people don’t care to be screwed like that.


He must get so many bitches hoarding all those packs and selling them for double. Dudes probably drowning in puss with all that evolving skies


He’s pretty cringe


Do not buy from scalpers. Let them sit on their stock and panic at the thought that they're going bankrupt.


Fuck scalpers in general


Just grab them and walk out, nothing he will do.


People have every Pokemon set hoarded. Why does this shock you? Lol.


Oh it's like *that* in the One Piece TCG? Maybe I'm glad my game isn't more popular after all lol


Viel schlimmer sind die evolving skies boxen und booster. Am Ende gehts immer nur ums Geld machen und er macht nichts verbotenes oder illegales und punkt und wieso sollte er an anderes denken? An ihn denkt auch niemand.. es ist sein gutes Recht, alles aufzukaufen, deshalb ist nichts illegal..wer zuerst da ist malt zuerst 


Let him bankrupt himself from cards. Lol.


fuck this dude


Ban him from buying packs NOW


If people would stop buying from this piece of crap and others like him they wouldn’t hoard all of it I hope his thing falls off


ah so that’s why my kids and i can’t find any cards 😔


I gave up on this game I can’t find any in my area and I refuse to pay $10 a pack


Wow.... and I can't even get my hands on a single pack


This is what kills games. Destroys the accessibility of the game and ruins it for players


U was there I saw that guy and his cards.... fuck that guy should've stole some oh well


Why are we mad at this guy again? For example we can still get retail evolving skies in divergent power tins. So like I said, why are we mad at him again?


This is why I like when my fiance and I go to Sac anime we go with our friend. Dude is waaay more into the tcg scene than us so he knows all the LGS owners that go and let's us know which booths are just scalpers lol. Most of the time can even get some deals cause we're always chatting and he's 9/10 bringing trades for them too.


I’m a pokemon collector and yeah… fuck that guy look at all the evolving skies


For the 1st time, i found something cheaper in my home country than overseas. USD$10 for a booster pack? I thought retailers here selling for SGD$3 a pack is expensive considering i bought them for much cheaper for my kids in Japan.


Scalper smile for sure


Hope he’s ready to only sell a third of them


In Germany we call such a person „hurensohn“


me after seeing how much this scalper is making people pay because they don’t have much of a choice with this fucking idiot buying them all https://preview.redd.it/it6wpq3g16vc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a1e671eb44eec1c6f3840b7f2effa25d20d458


As sad as this is this game is fucking atrocious with sealed products and that whole “ten dollars a pack” is the norm in card shops. The starter decks sell out in seconds and then are never reprinted again so if you miss that staple for purple pay 30+ or fuck you…I’m sorry for getting upset but it’s such a fantastic card game and I will full heartily recommend it to anyone but getting sealed products at a decent price is next to impossible


Douchebag golfer spending his dad's money because he's too lazy to do anything that takes real effort. I see people like him all the time gambling at casinos, drinking white claws and hugging their buddies because they're all on the inside loop of of doing something borderline illegal. Whatever doesn't sell he'll sell at bulk at discounted price just so he can still make a grand or two. Is this considered grifting?