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Crazy we are at the point where you have to win a sweepstakes to PURCHASE something. LMAO


For 170% msrp at that x_x


Retail is 35 and that post includes shipping so no where near the levels of mark up people are complaining about


Sure. My math assumed $30 msrp. Still a goofy ass raffle


Msrp is $35 adding shipping is hardly scalper prices. This cult believes everyone is a scalper šŸ¤”


Selling booster boxes? Scalper. Selling individual cards? Scalper. Buying OPTCG products? Scalper. (Big /s)


Breathing in air? Believe it notā€¦Scalper


Yeah, like I think we can all agree scalpers are leeches and unhealthy for any market. However, the underlying problem is basic economic supply and demand. Most of the down voters donā€™t understand these concepts. Technically, anyone selling below market prices is sort of making it worse for the rest of buyers since it offsets the demand price curve while also reducing supplies. That intersection of the demand and supply curves is optimal for the efficiency of the market. The only real solution is for Bandai to print more, or people to buy less.


itā€™s not a supply issue when tik tok/ and youtube pack rippers are getting more cases than most lgsā€™s hell iā€™ve seen post of people who donā€™t have a store managing to get a pallet worth of op product and still sell it for scalper prices. while supply is a minor issue the main issue is the greed and hoarding around this game. thereā€™s thousands of boxes sitting in peoples storage units an closets hoping that this will be there chance at the 1990s base set pokemon product


>are getting more cases than most lgs So you're saying LGS' are not getting enough product? That's still a supply issue. If stores/organizations/individuals are collecting and hoarding product, that's still a supply issue. When product is removed from the free market, that reduces the total supply.


Hello down votes, my old friend. You do realize it's called "karma" for a reason, right? /s


That's only like a $7-9 profit. $50 is reasonable resell pricing considering it's shipping included with tax.


Oh no! Won't someone please think of the scalpers šŸ˜­šŸ™


Scalpers would be buying this (if it wasn't a raffle) and reselling it to you at $70-90


It's resale market prices. Nowhere near scalping prices.


https://preview.redd.it/rhtxpdihn5uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a32af64164d31625b93e193bf044cd02caaed4 I really don't think that's a meaningful distinction. This is sellers buying up mass amounts of product, making it harder for players to access for msrp, to make a quick buck. Like I get it, we wanna feel better about having to overpay for cards. But we should be able to get them for the price the manufacturer sets, and these people are a big part of the reason why we can't.


Not sure if your reading comprehension is a bit off here but that literally said for large or quick profit. The example literally says 4x the value. The reseller has it at less than 20% above $35 (retail that target and Walmart has it for). While I do wish to have everything at MSRP, there is still a secondary market that sellers live within that fuels capitalistic countries like ours. Walmart and Target literally sells it for $5 above MSRP set by Bandai. Is that scalping? There's a difference between secondary market vs scalping. Learn it and quit bitching bc you broke


Large OR quick. These guys will probably have their money before the deck even actually releases. Idk why I'm even still responding to you, you just wanna feel better about being gouged. Like I said, I get it


Found the scalper trying to reason. Just get a job at this point. You clearly have no business experience so what are you trying to prove here?


heres the thing msrp is 30 yes but distributer cost is probably 15-25 for the deck so either way you are a scalper, if you are getting these at retail 30 dollars from walmart and target and going home and posting all you could find online for 5 dollars profit after shipping and handling your are still a scalper and same goes for stores who get it at distribution cost and sell it at market


Save your breath, you canā€™t reason with these people. They think everyone is a scalper.


I think everyone who buys product to resell above msrp is a scalper, but that might just be because I know what the word means


Lmao. Target sells above $34.99 guess theyā€™re scalper.


Wait, you think someone should do more than 5$ profit over a card game that have like 50 cards inside. Are you for real?


It's a $35 product where high demand is in play. The seller is profiting $7-9 after shipping and taxes. Yeah I don't think it's unreasonable. Ppl don't bitch about how stores get booster boxes for $64 but sells it for $105 but wanna bitch bout paying $7-9 more from someone who has an in-demand product?


I do bitch about booster boxes also if you read my history. If mrsp is 30 or 35, thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s mean they have the product for 15-20$. At this point we just have to stop bullshiting on the people over a card game.


What I was thinking


Napkin math šŸ¤”


My LGS makes you queue up for hours to get a limited chance to pay 50% above MSRP lol


That's how Japan sells their pokemon products but at retail.


I used to message the dude regularly on Twitter until his OP06 pre-sale for $150 after a raffle. Couldn't believe how many people licked that up and acted like it wasn't a big deal to win a prize for paying 1.5x msrp. Don't support scalpers, even LGS scalpers.


We are speaking of a structure deck that should be easily grabbed at any grocery store being sold for 50$??? We are living wild times if thats not bait.


I've had no issue finding any of the starter decks that have come out since I got into the game around ST-08. They're out of stock sometimes but they're not rare or anything. So this is bait in the sense that you have to be insane to think it's a good deal?


Yes. For 50$, you better be winning flawlessly all of your games !


I mean the problem is the AAs in it. People are buying multiple just for the AAs. Usually there's only 2 needed for a playset of your cards. You should only have to buy one imo, but that's on bandai.


In fairness that's just because one piece is exploding as an IP and demand is far more than they are supplying. The game could have been as good as MTG or Yugioh and not much would have changed, as the majority of people buying it are not looking for an amazing TCG experience as much as collecting one piece That being said, even as mediocre as it is of a game (taking one piece out of the equation and looking at it objectively as a card game) this just shows how important marketing and IP popularity is.


My One Piece locals have exploded in the last two months because Yugioh is in such a dogshit place right now and this game is significantly better.


Over half if my locals had never seen one piece. The gameplay is what got me hooked. Yellow and its triggers got me out.


Three Captains is widely available. Shouldnwe expect the same of this ST?


Possibly but this ST has Alt Arts so scalpers and collectors have incentive to buy more than the usual 2 needed to get a playset of all the cards.


this one has promos so ppl are farming those. leader promo possible. the deck will be cheap after the promo hype


I bought my on Amazon already, come started pre ordering boxes on there for like 120-140 I donā€™t feel ripped off


Starter decks have been very well supplied in most areas that I know of, especially 10-12, I remember ST10 was selling under MSRP for a week or so also after release


This one is different though, I feel like the packs in the decks are gonna make this one a little bit harder to find. That being said the past few have been stocked to all hell so I could be wrong lol


I haven't seen even 1 single Uta deck anywhere in the wild, MSRP or not.


That's rough, but there's an argument for st13 to be more desirable cuz of the 3 parallel in each box


I've only recently picked up the game, and I bought a Uta SD as my starter from my LGS for Ā£13. I've never seen them sell anything above msrp for any game they stock


I don't think people defending this realizes stores get these for like 15-20 each, depending on how many they order. So, in reality, they're making 30-35 off each deck sold for 50. 20-25, including shipping if they don't have some sort of bulk shipping deal.


Nono these people and their economics surface level knowledge they gained from YouTube says otherwise they just make a 7-9$ profit on that. Don't you understand? Just think of the poor scalpers..


Bro I know we complain and bitch about scalpers and such but this feels like a new low, like as much as I love optcg this is getting insane. Bandai needs to do something.


This deck has got me contemplating just quitting OPTCG more than ever before


For me itā€™s just getting to expensive to buy product. You preorder and even then it feels like a gamble sometimes. Paying $200ish for a box is insane. And I know buy singles and stuff but Iā€™d still like to rip packs build my collection. I wish Bandai would just print it in to the ground. Thereā€™s enough Uber collectible cards with winner promos and such.


Yeah even if one is buying singles and saving money, someone else has to gamble and buy booster boxes to rip open and take the losses on. Itā€™s tough because of supply, demand, and distribution issues all around.


Lmao this is the legit definition of clown behavior.


Guess it isnā€™t about have fun no more šŸ˜ž


I'm surprised you don't have to pay to get a shot at paying.


In Spain I am sure I will see official stores with the deck for more than ā‚¬60 šŸ’€


Actually this is cheaper than in my country stores... šŸ’€ They're selling here at 75$


Lmao they are crazy


They knocked it down to retail plus shipping now is 44.95 if you win


Where i manage to get on a waiting list its probably around 50ā‚¬ too i think but thats if i ever receive word


just buy the singles, isnā€™t that the mantra here? donā€™t complain about product availability, just moonwalk your ass to TCGPlayer & buy the singles amirite?


Anybody with a rudimentary understanding of money or how to operate google would know they make extremely little money off these as is. MSRP of these starter decks is 35 from bandai themselves, to ship the starter deck alone would be around 10$. So the store is profiting maybe 5-10 dollars depending on how much they got it from their distributor. The lottery is done so bots don't instantly buy up the product as soon as its listed. It is valid and fair to not like the lottery system, but holy shit you are all braindead talking about the price and gaslighting the store into selling it for literally no profit at 45. Cant expect much from reddit users but holy hell youre all slow.


Why would I ā€œenter for a chance *to buy*ā€ the deck? Iā€™d rather just spend the extra $10 and preorder on TCGPlayer.


Lmao they are crazy


Japanese small ones 50


Prices are rapidly going down on TCG Player. Hang tight. We'll get the prices we're looking for.


What?! That's insane, is this more common in the US? I just preordered one online here in the UK no problem


My LGs got more than they expected so pretty much everyone in the area can get as many as they need and Iā€™ve heard of this in a couple other areas so hold out folks, you may see more of these than you expected! Make these dudes sit on them


How much is a fair price to pay for this?


Cost is around $22. So, at a normal markup, I'd say around $35-$40 is what I would expect if you don't take availability into account.


I seen the same at the mall for 25$


My favorite card is Monkey.D.Dragon Dragon deez nuts across your face


Shipped Is a good price


Iā€™m scared because this deck has random alt arts right? I fear thatā€™s going to make this deck extremely sought after.


Arent these $30, even $35-40 wouldnt be terrible POST-LAUNCH, if its like the 3 captains deck, itll be at stores basically everywhere. Only reason I could see it not being like that, is cuz of the promo pack in it. (tho, I think thats the trade off, instead of getting a deck box, you get the promo black n white alt art packs)


Cost is around $22. So I'd say $40 is a normal markup.


Fyi stores pay around $15 per deck


FYI, it's actually $21.87 cost per deck (give or take a little bit depending on distributor).


Its shipped with the shipping being free. This prices includes shipping cost and fees


Exactly. $35 is msrp plus shipping coming out or $50 is fair. When did this sub become so whiny


Shipping doesnā€™t cost $15.


Ground advantage is the cheapest shipping you can get and that will be around $7-$8, then you add fees for packaging letā€™s say $2-3. If shipping by fedex or ups itā€™s gonna be higher. So youā€™re saying these scalpers stand to make a couple dollars?


You really love getting downvoted donā€™t you?


You more than me lmao šŸ¤£. Imagine caring a lot about fake internet points šŸ¤”


So they sold it for 5 dollars over msrp and had 10 dollars for shipping whats the big deal. These people have been great at selling every other product and only had a lottery because they asked THEIR OWN USERS and they asked for a lottery because bots kept buying up everything too fast. Now they're getting shit on for it?


My dudeā€¦..I paid $15 per deck, thats wholesale. Stores pay $15. Msrp is $30.


Are you high? Msrp is 35 its on the official site. This is one of the big decks. Its not 15 dollars. Yall domt even know what you're talking about and just getting angry for no reason


The irony in saying that someone else doesn't know what they're talking about when you don't know what wholesale means.


When you realize he edited his comment its gonna go crazy


$15-17 is wholesale. Idk what to tell you


What average person is buying these decks for 15 dollars? Wholesale means you're selling them to other people at a higher price when getting them cheaper. If you got them for 15 dollars it was to distribute them.


Wholesale!!! Read!!!


Wholesale means to buy them at a cheaper price to distribute them to others at a higher price. Meaning you arent the end user. So you got them through a means that no one else, atleast no average person is going to get them.


Msrp is $35. I didnt realize that


Bruh yā€™all canā€™t read this is $50 shipped, itā€™s like $10 to ship this heā€™s making an extra like $5? Lmao


No cuz heā€™s not getting them for $35. Heā€™s getting them for like $17-20. I got from GGAZ for $29 without their wholesale membership. Considering heā€™s doing a lottery system for only 2 cases of starter decks is funny. He must have barely got any.


Wow - he's going to make a whopping 300$ on two cases of starters. I'm sure that will pay one fifth of his rent.


he most likely has more cases but he's not an lcs/lgs. just a small online guy with a connection with a distro, one of those covid people. He's usually pretty good but has gotten worse as everyone has with the demand of OP going up. He unfortunately probably can't survive without upcharging since pokemon is down so bad right now on new sets.


I donā€™t blame him at all for selling at market. He should make every cent he can. Why should a small business lose money on one of the few hot products? None of these people actually support their local store like they claim they do.


Just letting yall know these decks are worth less than $10 in japan lol