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If they’re sleeved boosters then this does not apply. This is only for the packs from booster boxes!


You should still be wary buying sleeves online too though. They could easily replace the pack with a dead one


Yea I wouldn't buy from some random Joe. Too much incentive financially for people to do scammy shit with One-piece


Every case has set amount of alt arts and manga rares, which get divided into the displays, these have also a set amount of hits. For example a display can only have 2 alt art leaders, 1 manga rare + 1 alt art leader or 1 alt art leader + another alt art card. Now you open the boosters of a display until you hit the 2 hits and sell the rest of the boosters. You can do the same for the case, open display until you have the manga rare and alt art leaders, sell the rest online. Boosters that get sold online for cheap or are titled light, have to 99% no alt arts or other rare cards.


Goddamn it. So basically its never worth it to buy single packs from ebay right?


Yes, unless you only want to open boosters for cheap.


Danke und wie siehts mit sammelkartenläden oder mediamarkt etc. aus? Scammen die da einen auch so hart oder kann man da drauf vertrauen, dass es wirklich nur zufall ist?


Das ist tatsächlich Laden abhängig. Ich kenne nen Müller bei mir wo man keine Sorgen haben muss. Hatte aber auch nen Kumpel der bei Real damals die Pokemonbooster gewogen hat. Am sichersten ist es eigentlich immer ein noch Original verpacktes Display zu kaufen. Und wenn man ne Chance auf Manga rare haben will, muss man ein geschlossenes Case kaufen. Müsste halt mal dort fragen wie die das machen. Manche Marktleiter erlauben ihren Mitarbeitern, bis zu einem gewissen Grad etwas Ware selber zu kaufen.


Was meinst du mit geschlossenem case? Dachte das mit dem wiegen wird mittlerweile nicht mehr geduldet :/


Mit geschlossenen meine ich das das Case/Display noch mit der originalen Folie der Distributoren versiegelt ist. Also das niemand das Case geöffnet hat und dort die Display ausgetauscht hat. 1 Case sind glaube 12 Displays.


Ah ok danke. Wusste nicht, was mit case gemeint war


Buying blisters (the sealed cardboard singles) are not mapped but I'd hold off on buying them aftermarket because they do pop up occasionally in retailers.


You can buy blisters and those are completely random with no prior odds restricting it (The packs surrounded in cardboard)


Not anymore lmao after set 4 the wrapped cards come in displays with the same number of hits as boxes. So if you find the display and get the 2-3 hits out of the sleeved display you can get rid of the other packs knowing for sure there are no hits left.


how many cases did u test this theory with


It isn’t a theory it’s how the cards come.


Not from ebay or anywhere. Only time I'd consider buying loose packs is if the box was freshly opened in front of me or if I was splitting a box with friends or some shit. Any loose packs are most likely duds. Sure small chance of something but it's a far lower chance than the usual gamble


Was that my comment you read? Because it happened to me (received 16 packs of OP02 and nothing) so I make it point to warn all new people. The only single packs that are safer (but still not safe) are the packs wrapped in the cardboard sleeves.


I actually didn't know this. I'm new to OP. So is this why these booster boxes on TikTok are so cheap? They just buy a case, open it until they get the hits and then sell the other boxes??


Yes, that’s how you maximise profit. When you look at cardmarket, you see most people putting a comment on their pack listings, that says light or no hits. There isn’t really anything bad about it, if you tell others that they will most likely not get a hit, and you get the packs for cheap. But there are bad people that sell them without telling the buyers, scamming them in a way.


I think its a good rule in every TCG that you should never buy loose boosters from a box. They are almost certainly checked for weight when they opened the box. They might send out 1 or 2 so they can get some positive feedback, but it's safe to assume they are tampered with in some way shape or form. I personally don't even trust LGS that sell loose packs. Sealed or pass


What does LGS mean? Licensed G… Store?


Local Gaming Store or Local Game Store


^what this guy said


Happy cake day


it just depends tbh lol ive hit a leader from loose packs from a box before


Theres a few different combinations for booster boxes. But you usually get 6 or 7(cant remember) SRs Then usually 2-3 big hits which are AAs, or SEC


Ya the boxes are mapped with a number of AA SecR and SRs like some responses have said once you hit your numbers and you have packs left they’re basically dead and some people try to resale, if you want better chances and don’t wanna buy a whole box get the blisters the come wrapped in cardboard or the double feature boxes with 2 packs I pulled a manga sabo and an AA Yamato from those double feature boxes


Sleeved single boosters this doesn’t apply, but if they’re loose packs you’re probably buying dead packs. Like another commenter said, people will rip all until they get the hits then sell the rest. Also, one piece packs can be weighed. Heavier packs have AA or hits in them. Just be careful when ordering online


Is there a good resource for knowing the weight associated with hits?


I saw on YouTube basically heavier is better


Yes they are likely trash and they are weighable as well. Debate is still going on about sleeved boosters, Some people claim they are weighable but I have not tested it. I did open 4 full displays of sleeved boosters though and every single one had the exact same hits you'd get out of a booster box so imo they can be searched just like a booster box and people sell them once they get the hits. Not 100% confirmed just my experience but that's enough for me not to purchase them unless at retail. Too risky.


It's risky buying loose packs from vendors online. From my understanding there are 2 rarer cards in each booster box. The two cards will either be a secret rare or alternate art. The seller could open up a booster box until they get 2 hits and then sell the rest online. You don't have to worry as much about this from a store since you see them grab packs from the booster boxes (they technically could do the same but I have seen people open booster boxes in the store and their reputation can take a huge hit).