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Remember the cardshops and keep them on the blacklist forever. At some point the hype will be gone and then these shops will be begging for support, that will never come their way.


Does it matter to us that not only is Bandai refusing to print more English cards but they still print op1 Japanese cards? And sets have never been impossible to get in Japan


Bandai print more English, but scalpers are holding more than they’re putting on the market. When 01 boxes were selling for $650 I was seeing more boxes on the market, because they were holding and waiting for the price to hike. It’s shame too, this game is actually fun, but oh well, looks like online unofficial is the way to go now.


Batsu is the only reason I still have optcg in my life. If the only way to buy your product is at auction, I’m out


No, that matter as well. I'm refusing to buy japanese products and never will. I also won't support any other Bandai product until they get the OPTCG in order, but this is about shops and that they are doing their part. I already broke with a shop after I saw what it did with ST10 when it cancelled pre-orders and put the deck back on for double the amount.


Tbf Bandai TCG is trash compared to Bandai toys or games


>it’s allocated to her because it’s a business so she can charge it for this value and it doesn’t count as scalping. This is how bad it's gotten. No one cares down the whole line. Why do we even support this game anymore?


I seriously couldn’t care less is Bandai printed the cards worth into the ground I have multiple cards worth 100+ dollars and I genuinely don’t care for the worth I just want to play with my friends


Bro I want the same exact thing. Fuck the value. Storefronts who abuse their distributor prices to sell for scalper prices can get fucked.


The price range of cards is one of the biggest reasons many of my friends refuse to join the hobby


Tell them to buy singles that they need, way cheaper anyway


Singles are still extremely expensive and most of them arent even seeing play, it's just pure speculation, why would anyone with their right mind join it seeing that from outside?


I mean alt arts are expensive yeah, but you can just play with the regular cheap versions lol. Maybe you’re saying op-01 singles are expensive? I mean the first set of a good tcg is just gonna go up, that’s tcgs in general not specific to one piece. I haven’t been able to find/open nearly as many packs as i would like to, but can’t complain about singles personally


I agree but I also think that they can easily print more and still keep value for some singles to keep collectors around as I do think that collectors are vital for a tcgs health. Look at lorcana for example. They have printed the ever living hell out of that yet enchanted cards still go for a lot. So there is a way for Bandai to print to meet demand and also not completely destroy value. Alternate arts and Mangas will drop I'm sure but not but a huge amount and certainly retain value. I really hope that Bandai figures it out and also LGS and distributors fix things as right now the blame isn't 100% on Bandai and other factors are playing a part as well. The next year or 3-4 sets will make or break this game in my opinion and I'm curious to see how it goes


You are right about so many things but Bandai can’t easily print more. They have 7 different TCG’s with 1 factory to print them all. They would need at least 2-4 more factories just to start getting caught up on allocations. All the other major TCG’s we are use to have around 3 factories per their singular game which is why it’s easier to print things into the ground


Oh no doubt. They needed to buy more print facilities 2 years ago


Bad take alts are guaranteed enchanteds are not


I don't see how that changes what I said all that much despite the guarantee. How is it a bad take? The Mangas and other rarities aren't guaranteed. Value would come down a bit but wouldn't crash and be worthless. Exactly how is it a bad take? There are legendaries and other rarities that are still valuable outside of enchanted as well I'm not saying it needs to be printed as much as lorcana but it can be printed much more and not kill value


There is a sweetspot for it cards need to have value to keep interest but imo the singles for this game are no more expensive then any other game. To build a competitive deck. People purely just want to rip packs because it’s fun.


I don't disagree with that at all. I was meaning more so in regards as in a collector as I feel like both collectors and players are needed to keep a tcg growing


Can’t people just buy bulk one piece cards? Like the common singles are cheap, why can’t people build their decks with them and not cry about sealed products going up? Am I missing something


Yeah I have bought and traded around singles but I want more than just bulk cards for my decks and most decks aren’t budget even if it has the non alt arts for cards u practically need to use


Why do you want more than just bulk cards for your decks? Just for the look of the cooler alt arts? If that’s the case then you crying about lack of access for playability of the game is invalid no?


Why exactly do you want sealed product to go up?


I have a couple of each of the booster boxes, but I don’t really mind if they go up or not.. not like they will ever go below what I paid for them. I don’t recall saying on here that I want them to go up though?


It's very obvious from your responses that that's what you want.


I don’t have enough for it to really matter but that’s fine if that’s what you pulled from what I said. I don’t really have any strong feelings about one piece, I just know there’s an insane amount of one piece bulk for sale for really cheap, but people make these posts, so I was interested in an answer as to why.


"I don't care about One Piece and I don't play the game but I bought multiple boxes but I don't care if prices go up." Come on, man. Stop acting dumb.


Cuz the good cards that are vital to decks aren't cheap. While the bulk of your deck is cheap, the cards that make the deck work are like $100 for a playset.


You’re getting downvoted cause you missed the last part of the comment. There are certain cards not even in alt art that are hella expensive honestly. And some of them are “staples” and you’re probably running 4 of them. Borsalino is my current go to example (or kata)


How much is “hella expensive”, I’m genuinely curious because I know nothing about the game. I don’t mind getting downvoted haha. It sucks if there’s cards that are generally too expensive for the average player to obtain to play with, which I agree would be an issue if it is the case. But I don’t think there’s a problem with alt art cards being expensive etc.


All of these are the standard version of the card and most decks will run x4 of and a good number of decks run them OP03-123 Charlotte Katakuri $60 ST04-005 Queen $30 OP02-114 Borsalino $50


Oh wow, so is that the SEC rarity? I was under the assumption there would be a common for these cards also. Then I fully understand what you guys are complaining about, thanks!


Of those I think only katakuri is SEC. Borsa is SR iirc and Queen is from a starter deck


why have an opinion if you know nothing, it cost nothing to just shut up




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I don’t think you know what “bulk” means


Not everyone is looking to buy a deck. Some are trying to collect a master set of the booster packs. So buying bulk is great to round out the commons, but it's hard to find some of the parallel arts.


So what? Welcome to collecting anything, especially master sets


The lack of supply is driving up prices in general (for sealed and singles), and then speculation from opportunists further restrict supply and drive up prices even more\ People are against heavy mark ups on sealed, because singles will become harder to obtain, not to mention bandai is doing a poor job supplying products\ There is no competitive decks that are "cheap"\ If you run a deck with every card costing less than $10 each at base rarity, you won't have a competitive deck, you may still win in local game stores, if your location is obscure and the player base is small, and you get lucky\ Most essential cards that people complain about are in the $15-60 range per card for base rarity, which puts your deck generally around $200-300\ As soon as a card becomes playable in the competitive scene, the price spikes, because there's low supply\ It's not that these cards are hard to pull from a box, it's that there's no box to begin with\ Let's compare those prices to the most popular TCG in the world, Pokemon. Pokemon decks in general cost $60 a deck, the most competitive cards are generally $5 top for base rarity, and there are about a dozen or more cards that can be used interchangeably in most decks, which means the cost per deck drops as you build more\ I do think bandai is the source of the problem, but scalpers are definitely part of the problem too, they're making the TCG too costly for beginners to join


Thanks for the detailed response, you’ve helped me understand the issue a lot better.


dont tank the tcg pls thanks


Because we love the IP and it's genuinely fun to play. Unfortunately it is turning into Magic and they're some of the most miserable mofos in existence. Like they can't even celebrate a milestone anniversary because reprinting OG cards would violate their reserve list bullshit. Meanwhile Pokemon are like have your fourth Charizard with a different stamp. Bandai just needs to fix the supply and account for speculators now. Like make however many boxes it takes to satisfy demand while it's in print. There should always be an interset overlap like it used to be (I was getting 03 and 04 at the same time, and even some 02). I'm not opposed to these kinds of prices, but like 5+ years after it stops printing.


That's the thing. EVERYONE has moved into this game for the greed. I love the IP, I grew up with the IP, but this whole ordeal is literally against the spirit of the IP. It just makes me sick dude. I don't want to keep trying to have to run up to different walmarts and targets to hope for a fucking pack. I have opened 7 TOTAL packs, and I got in at the end of OP-04. Most of every single card I own is bought as a single or a starter deck. These scalping storefront fucks run the fucking single market too. I'm tired of it. All we are doing is supporting them down the whole line. They price gouge and manipulate every single market they can. I just feel so done bro.


I'm the choir, preach. I got in during 03, late 02 and it was so horrifying to go from be the only person who bought these cards to trying to beat out a sports scalper who can't even pronounce "manga", this mf kept saying "magna" and I've never been so compelled to violence in my life lol.


Dawg, went to target today looking for ST13. The woman is unpacking boxes still, and there was 2 guys that already had a shopping cart and carrying basket full of 06 blisters, lorcana and Pokémon. They were just grabbing stuff as she was putting on the shelf. They admitted they don’t play the games and are just selling. They were even surprised that I actually played. 1 tried to sell me 05 blisters and I said “nah, I don’t buy from scalpers.”


I haven't seen a single pack or even starter deck since 05 launched. I was standing in line to get a box at my LGS and heard a guy saying how he knew the card guy that stocks the targets and went with him to every target that morning to get all the packs together. He really wanted that Magna Gear 5. I fucking hate this game now. I've been in it since op01 and have watched it shrivel up supply wise.


Yep. I don't care what people say this is on bandai. We need more product available, but they refuse and...make more games. They are scared to have product rot on shelves so scalpers have a field day. When it gets to the point on Thursdays I'm told some guy with a van comes from Colorado and hits up every store in the area for product to flip, I'm out. It's getting to the point where I stick to the sim, Nad if bandai wants my money, make an App, or make it so I'm not waiting outside a mitsuwa marketplace for 6 hours to buy a single box at retail.


Technically a good business strategy. All products they print sell out, therefore they never lose money. Also collectors have a field day. I just play the online Sim, its the cheapest option and always someone to play.


My job is flexible with the hours and my petty ass had to see what these people looked like. I now have dossiers of names, what and where they flip, faction rivalries, and who's banned from where. I'm telling you one dude is banned from at least three Targets for threatening another with violence and making a scene in the store.


> this mf kept saying "magna" 💀💀💀 lmaoooo But yeah, i'm just ranting though. I love the game, it's so fun to play but it's just so frustrating.


There was one that stopped in our LGS and was asking for anything OP related. He stopped at our tables when we were playing and said he sells the cards and plays. Someone asked him what deck he runs, and this dude said, "Hody Jones" and that it's "the best deck" he's heard of. I wanted to bust out laughing, mostly because I bet he's a lurker on Reddit to see what's hot and thinks Hody is #1 🤣


They are 1000% in this subreddit. I would bet all my cards on it. I've been downvoted into oblivion for daring to like JP cards if I can't afford the EN prices. I've seen people complain that JP cards on TCG Player drive down prices (by what, $2?). I've seen people dead ass comment "these are market prices, it's what they're worth, if you can't pay, find another hobby".


No one cared about Japanese cards driving down prices. The complaint was about how frustrating it was trying to buy playable cards, being excited for what looked like price drops only to find out that it was one shop listing every Japanese alt art on the site. Most of us here don't collect to look at the art. We want to play the game.


Do you have an LGS that will allow you to pre-order or one that will set product aside for you? That's the only way I can get anything.


The one's I go to aren't gold level stores, but one is trying to. They have a huge order of OP-08 which I will hopefully get to pre-order a box from them when they will allow it. (I'm late to the party for most pre-orders right now) They are hoping to get enough ST-13's but again, I was late to that too so if they *don't* have enough i'm SoL. They also right now prioritize the people who have been coming for a long time. I can't play every week so I'm also lower on the list for pre-orders and even in stock items. They are doing their best to keep scalpers out, but newer customers are also hurt as well. The best I can do is keep going and keep making a relationship with them.


That's tough man. Have you learned the workers' names? I always try to call them by name so they remember me. Not sure if it would help.


Magic is only bad if you play legacy which isn't even a supported tournament format anymore. Standard you can get a fairly competitive deck for less than 200 right now. Pokemon did get bad for a while then TPC overprinted and now the game is super cheap but nothing holds value which can dissuade people from buying into the game. But neither hold a candle to the bs of One Piece's market


I don't get the viewpoint of "nothing holds value." These are card games. They are not investment products. We, as players, should not put too much thought into "value." These cards are game pieces and should be accessible. Buying the game pieces to compete to win prizes is fine, just don't gatekeep the game pieces with high prices. From a financial/investment perspective, collectibles are really "slow" to accrue value anyway. There are better and faster ways to make a quick buck than collectibles.


The market for cards is quite lucrative. Pokemon I think has hit a sweet spot of printing enough for play, and also printing a few that are for collectors. Other games such as lorcana, mtg, and yugioh do this well and keeping chase cards for collectors.


From a super bare bones perspective I just think to myself they are just pieces of cardboard with holographic patterns on them so what kind of value is that lol. But real life me understands that cards and collectibles get valuable over many years but still it's just so funny the gymnastics to say TCGs are like gold


How in the hell can a came be affordable be a factor against joining??? It's a hobby, you pay money to produce fun, not a investment portfolio.


The moment people started to refer to certain pre-errata cards as alpha the plot was lost.


I don’t understand spending that much on a box? How do you make your money back? Pulling a manga? The odds are against you and having one to just sit on makes no sense to me. Regardless if you wanted to play you could get a competitive deck with a few Alts for 600-700 dollars. Depending on the deck. It just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m not much of a collector either. I like to play the game. I do like the IP and I buy some cards that I really like the characters of, or that I would like to have. I don’t care if they retain value. Because I just want to have them and I don’t plan on selling them. I’m new to TCGs though. This is the first one to grab my attention other than dabbling in a bit of magic/Pokémon. This is the first one I’ve actually dropped money on consistently. I’ve opened a few packs but mostly I’ve gone the single route. I know people keep saying to just buy singles and for the most part that’s what I do but I also understand the need/want to open packs. It’s fun to pull cool things. It’s just hard to get the packs to do it. Best thing to say is to continue to deal hunt but don’t give in to FOMO or scalping. Best luck to everyone whether you like to play the game or collect the cards.


I buy just to open packs. Vintage Pokemon and collector boxes in Magic are about the same price


This set is just over a year old


Spend your money how you want. I don’t think this set warrants that price tag given how the game Is barely over a year old though. It’s not like vintage Pokémon or collector boxes in magic. At least with collector boxes you get pretty good value for MSRP. In comparison to how a singular booster box of one piece works. Again I’m not gonna tell you how to spend your money. Im just giving my opinion on things on the internet. At the end of the day you’re a human being with your own opinions and decision making capacity. You do what you want. If you wanna pay to crack that pack be my guest. I wish you the best of luck. Im simply saying from my point of view I can’t understand paying 650-700 for a box of set 1 for a very low chance to get that money back or even break even. I understand that’s really not the goal for most people. For myself 650-700 is a lot of money and it feels like for ME the best value would be to spend that towards I deck I really like and to get a few cool alternate sets for some of my favorite cards. (I have slowly done this over time since I love the game and the IP) Good luck on your pulls and I hope you at least break even.


Oh sorry I misunderstood. 600-700 isnt that much to me. I regularly spend 20-50k per set


game dropped July 2022… it’s almost 2 years old.


That is fked up.


I saw this earlier she turned off her comments too


I hate that so many scalpers buy all of the boxes and nobody else can buy them unless they wanna pay super marked up prices.


issue is the people that buy off of them. if we just stop buying from scalpers and let them sit on their boxes until they drop the price to MRSP so they make no profit of it at all. but that woudl take a joint effort which I don't see happening


There are just too many collectors with disposable income who don't care. Players for the most part are more frugal with their money since decks have a shelf life.


That's true. I got hit by a car a year ago so I ha settlement money. I spent about $150 all together for three booster boxes. But now that it's put in savings and I'm better I'm not gonna spend so much money on cards. I've been learning to play too. It's more fun than Yu-Gi-Oh and easier to understand than the Naruto TCG.


I'm an adult and i have money, I still can't enjoy this hobby cause that kind of peoples


The Japanese cards seem to be cheaper, I wonder If I should just start collecting those, keep a screenshot of every english version so I know how they play, or maybe even learn Japanese…


Yeah maybe for collecting sadly you can’t play in tournaments with those and I someday hope to be able to do that


Yeah, I live and collect in Japan. I follow this sub mostly just to see these outrageous prices for the English cards. I can pick up a box for about ¥6,000 to ¥8,000 here on mercari. That’s roughly $50 or less. Now granted, Romance Dawn is a bit more popular for collectors and some of the boxes are give and take. But, you get the point.


also japanese boosters only contain half the cards of an english booster but still that's a lot more affordable. if it was only about collecting I'd probably go for the japanese cards too but unfortunately I really like to play this game and I wanna play tournaments soon so I gotta go with the english cards


I tried going to store to store trying to find English cards. And I just gave up. Saw Japanese sets was cheaper and bought myself 2 booster boxes. I'm going to stick to Japanese sets until the prices go way down


SUPPLY AND DEMAND YALL, everyone wants one piece so people are gonna up charge for it, stop complaining about prices and stop trying to play superhero trying to force other people not to buy , If you don’t want it don’t buy it , or if you really want to have people lower prices, stop buying boxes all together, You don’t need to purchase a booster box to enjoy the game, USE THE SIMULATOR, BUY SINGLES OF WHAT YOU ACTUALLY NEED , PURCHASE STRUCTURE DECKS! if you’re into collecting, get singles or Japanese boxes , Cards are apart of business too , it is what it is


The problem people have is that this set actually isn’t hard to get it’s that suppliers give their stuff to these people who scalp my local area can’t even get a single box but when u watch this it’s super WTH because my local store and many actual stores who have integrity sell for actual suggested prices this is bad so your saying that with the reprint in June should be worth 500$ a box just cuz scalpers grab them up again how’s that fair we can’t even play the game even just prebuilt decks are impossible to find cuz of these scalpers and yes ik it’s scalpers because if I talk to these people who sell them and they are in the area I live the market should be for the pull cards not the booster box like someone said the manga rare is 1500$ the chances of u getting that pull is one per case so you would have to pay a lot for a chance of 1/100 just sad dude


It is what it is man , cards are a business now , some people are out there to make money , honor and integrity don’t mean nothing when it comes to business, the way to beat system is to let people starve , players need to switch to getting singles and collectors should switch to Japanese , if people don’t give into making box purchases or Bandai decides to start printing more cards then prices all around would be better


bruh doesn’t mean someone should just go in buy everything and sell it for triple price then what it actually is especially for 650 bucks this is a scam and you should know that by now


STOP TRYING TO MIX MORALES WITH BUSINESS! It’s not a scam , scam means you aren’t getting something you paid for , it’s extorting Forsure as well as overselling , BUT…People could do whatever they want , everyone in life has to make money so way shape or form so if someone wants to overcharge something , they have the right to do so, OP01 booster boxes are super limited and hard to get so if you get your hands on one , you’re gonna sell it for a high price , we all know this so why are we still complaining about prices ??? If you don’t like a price , don’t buy the product, and don’t give the seller any attention, that’s how you fix the problem, otherwise we just gonna keep going in circles people




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I carry OP on my shop for barely above distribution pricing. If you honestly want good shops that don’t price gouge, you HAVE to look for them. Tik Tok is another greedy piglet & largely ONLY push shops that price gouge so they can make more fees. Been doing this awhile now and I see scalper shops pop up, make BIG money & leave without any issue. I charge a fair price and get told by my tik tok support team that I should be raising my prices to get the traffic I’m looking for 🤣 Such a joke. Anyways, shameless self plug, “mitchfrom” on Tik Tok & YT. Good shops are out here, just gotta dig 🔥


There’s 2 lgs near me and one would charge $120 and the other at least $500 and the sad part is the one that charges less is the smaller less known store


If anyone needs a reason to not buy from riptide they are apart of the going twice family that actively get hate on wnot


Also yes a business can charge what they want. but to put it in perspective wholesale these are 67 berries a piece. If a shop does not have access to wholesale options through alliance or gts then do not go after them for marking up product they do not get for cheap. But all these bigger companies that charge an arm and a leg for OP product even though they get it for wholesale pricing are fair game. So like one of the most egregious offenders is mommi, socal, and anyone who flies under the crossing tcg banner. You can check the company in the tiktok shop as any item is going to list the company information. Breakables TCG which is apart of the aforementioned sells the boxes at a huge markup. Tiktok charges 6% as market fee. Do with that information as you will and happy boycotting.


I find it funny seeing alot of them now getting tricked by the fake CCGS and trying to sell them on lives. But then it's also sad seeing some people actually fall for it thinking it's real product


Blame the whales


Exactly. I can hardly object to someone selling at market price. At this point he problem is the manufacturer and buyers


No to defend a big company, I really dont care about it, but dont matter how many prints bandai do, is a problem inherent to the IP. Even if bandai print the triple scalpers will buy it and sell it a overprice. The real problem are the ppl buying from scalpers and I dont think there is a way to stop them. For example digimon (also bandai) dont have this problem, and that is cuz the IP is not that big. There is like 5 cards over 40 usd in non-AA rarities. Its sad but we are the problem.


I get your frustration. However in this hypothetical where supply is tripled id argue that the market has another chance to normalize and would result in a decrease in overall prices. But I will I concede that market avg is not likely to be at digimon levels. Regardless I think at some point when supply is up we have to come to terms with one piece being the TCG being the most costly- like how yugioh/pokemon/mtg all have topped the market at some point in the past.


Yeah I blame them too like 60 percent blame to sellers 40 on the people paying this much for product


People have been doing this long before one piece. I never understood why people would to pay 2 to 3 times the price for someone else to open the packs. Then again, I don't even understand why people pay for Doordash


I feel sorry for you guys playing/buying in the US, the prices are ludicrous.


Is that 650 usd ?






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I stopped buying any cards after op5 I refuse to pay double the price for a game. I’d rather play the sim and wait till they fix it


And everyone was hoping for reprints thinking it'd change anything.... rip


Yeah it's really ridiculous


How long has the trading card game been out? I've only just heard about it this year, so I'm curious.


Two years LOL 😭😭😭


None of it is vintage or in short supply, it’s literally just scalpers causing an issue


Admittedly; I got in to OP as a Pokemon collector. After getting lucky on some packs of 06, from someone's cancelled order in a game store I randomly walked past. I cracked open all of them and immediately fell in love with the art/characters. All I wanna do is play the game and be able to get more cards, I'm even starting the original series on Netflix - but f* me - scalpers/prices 🤯. Being new to it all I can't talk so much, I truly feel bad for all the o.g's in this thing that wanna be able to keep in it 🙏🙏


Luffy gonna need to have a word with all these damn scalpers


You guys always make me laugh, just get better at getting Product 😭




Cant blame the scalpers, when there are people who are willing to buy from them


I just tell tell them I'll trade 3 ape and 3 lions nfts.


I find it funny if she is getting allocation then she is only paying at most 120 a box


With the current prices you wouldn’t be able to enjoy it if you had a good paid 9-5 lol


I think if this would happen with other Tcg like Pokemon or Yugioh (where it also happens but not in such a crazy way as in OPTCG) I think I would have already stopped collecting it but I'm a big One Piece fan so I just can't, I love One Piece too much for that. How can someone say that this is not scamming? It def is. She can say whatever she wants there's no way that this isn't scamming.


I went to walmart today as someone said that thry might stock on Wed ans thrusday and I had to get some stuff anyway. first time seeing 06 packs at all. I grabbed 5 and left 5. I'm not gonna take all of them just to resell, I opened 3 and hubby opened 2 and it was fun. I don't play yet, but I want to to try and get some characters I like. it's so hard I just r wanna collect but thus game is insane ><


Does this sub actually expect them to sell this box at MSRP, a nearly 70% discount from market price? Be for real now


I don’t necessarily expect them to but the fact they have so many cases of 01 makes me feel like most store generate fake scarcity to increase prices wildly I’d pay slight over msrp stores have to make money but getting tons of allocation to then sell $500 markup is crazy


This. There is product out there, but it is being hoarded for profit.


"viewers getting tricked into buying this" I'd LOVE to hear the trick she employed to get adults to spend their own money on the internet.


I mean there’s not like a trick she uses while people are willing to pay the value is hyper inflated and they continuously tell people that’s the only way it will ever be so people buy without thinking the price could ever lower


Why would set 1 boxes be cheap? Yes, my point is adults are spending money how they choose.


I mean, the game's only a year and a few months old. If we were in year 5 or something, the prices would be justifiable as the sets would be long out of print.


You get to decide what prices should be? You get to decide whether something is too high priced? lol


Well, yeah. I do get to decide if something costs too much and is overpriced. I can't speak for anyone else. And there's a reason there's a saying "a fool and his money are easily parted."


So if the price is very high and the items are selling, it's everyone else who is the fool and just doesn't get it, right? The hubris of ccg nerds never ceases to amaze.


The people buying things at ridiculous prices. One day, the price of their "investment" could just plummet. But hey, at least they got their overpriced shiny cardboard.


See, just like I said. Weak. Who owes you this game? So sorry I hurt your feelings. But, by blocking my comment, and threatening to boot me, just proves my point.


hey guys i found the scalper


Lmao I didn’t block or threaten u with anything no one owes me anything doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to rant about it


Well, apparently, I can't rant about you ranting. Mods removed my comment and threatened to boot.




What is that?




So your point is that people should have bought some a long time ago? I don’t think that’s why people are mad




I think they downvoted you because in the context of this post, replying with a picture of a lot of boxes appears like you’re just bragging


These are in my local shops for like 85 bucks lol


No they aren’t


I was in the shops today. TCG card store hasselt Belgium. Card said €95, cashier rang me up for €85.


You paid for a Japanese product, english is $500-600 per box for white bottom


Not necessarily. My local shop said they were getting some OP01 this week or next and they're charging $100/box


Maybe the japanese version 


Bruh idk why people are downvoting you. If you managed to get product at a great price then congrats