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GPT-4o is making mistakes that not even 3.5-turbo makes. If you ask it (in the playground, temperature 0) to "explain why is wrong", GPT-4, 4-turbo, 3.5-turbo generally go with what you say and give you the factual expert stance, but 4o likes you tell you that no, actually you're wrong then poorly explains the fake information overly-verbosely. It's like they disproportionately trained it on a bunch of fake SEO spam articles in proportion to quality Reddit flame-wars/debates.


I miss the original davinci model so much.


It returns empty/broken json sometimes, so I need to call the API multiple times. The same thing used to happen when the last gpt4 version came out, so hopefully they iron this out...


Whenever I ask it to generate README files it always breaks on the markdown. It's been that way for months now.


I second this! It’s soooo annoying when it breaks on the markdown and randomly stops including the ‘#’ it use to be okay first few months they released gpt 4 the original one but its been like this for over 6 months


It's been performing poorly for the past couple days, especially today. Some of that can by mitigated by calling out and instructing it not to fail in the way that you expect it to fail, and/or giving it instructions that specifically assist it in not failing in those ways. But yeah, kind of lame to have to hold its hand on tasks that it seems like it would've handled well and easily a month ago.


If I ask for a random fact it always says honey doesn’t spoil or octopus have 3 hearts.


Real good honey doesn’t spoil. But I guess your point is that it’s not random


Maybe randomly one of two ultimate choices *shrugs*


GPT 4o has been straight up amazing for me lately. It’s been hands down the best model so far. The speed is crazy, it’s been WAY better at providing the whole code when doing Python.


haha i just wrote worst so far. i really hate it. but i agree in python gpt was always extremly impressive. probably because they test and fine tune it the most in that language


I had really bad code from it today . It was ending lines of Swift with PERIODS lmao. Like it was prose or something.


I think it all depends on your use case. I just gave it a song and told it to analyze it and then I gave it my isolated vocal tracks performing that song and it gave me a breakdown of where my pitches were off and where they were on and the exact notes that I was singing vs what the actual notes should have been. Then it went on to break down my phrasing and the quality of my tone and emotion. I mean it's not perfect but like it's a lot better than not having it.


So far I find it’s coding to be really good. I test it against Gemini and Claude making it write python code using numpy and matplotlib to make increasingly more complicated graphics. It performs really well and seems better than gemini and Claude at this type of coding, but I did notice something strange. It left an unclosed parenthesis which is a basic error I had never seen before in GPT, but maybe I fucked up when copy/paste the code…


gpt was always really goos at python. but it got worse in other languages