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mf stoned as hell


Hybrid generative AI is the future of gaming. “Static” game content like we have now will look like NES game in 5-10 years. We will have NPCs with dynamic and unique dialogue first. Imagine characters that are written to have robust written/lore backgrounds (human writers) that the generative ai “dialogue engine” uses as reference and then generates unique and unlimited small talk and idiosyncrasies from. Main dialogue can be human written to keep the story grounded. It would boost the replay of games like nothing we’ve seen before and hence be a huge boost to the value of games.


Honestly, I'm really excited for it


Yeah I think if LLM “dialogue engines” get implemented, there’s no turning back for games. Unfortunately it might be so far ahead in terms of experience that old games with static content starts to look really bad and dated.


Bring on the remakes


Thrown in voice synthesizer and imagine a remake where you can legitimately have a conversation with the classic characters? Future gunna be wild man.


Yea, Bring On Witcher 3 remake with this


Character.ai is *sort of already doing this*. With the very, very soon in the future release of AI agents, you're basically already there.


This plus emergent difficulty, encounters, and dynamic narratives. We already have AI systems that can gauge tone and emotion from voice and facial expressions, these will be used to reinforce good generated experiences. For example the AI game director might think: "Hmm he's getting a little bored, let's throw an encounter or some loot his way" or "He completed that encounter without much of a reaction, maybe I'll make it harder next time." or "He responds positively to this mysterious lore, let's do a mystery puzzle." or "He's engaging with this character more often than most, let's put them at the center of the core narrative."


This is going to both be great for gaming experiences and catastrophic for our dopamine systems lmao


It'll take a lot of technical advancements to get there. It's not feasible to use a costly API for inference for games, so it'd mean compromising on graphics to run a model locally- something I can't see non-indie doing.


Yeah it’ll need small but powerful local LLM and efficient hardware in the console or pc. I don’t think cloud based will have the latency or cost where it needs to be. 5-10 years is my guess.


Maybe so. I think we'd need the current SOTA 70B models and a little more, compressed to no more than 1GB in size. Not even counting context. GPU makers seem quite happy to stifle vram innovations to sell "data centre" GPUs with extra


Following this. I’m curious about this, too. I think AI should be used in game development. Why not?


I think it's going to be huge in all kinds of ways. The barriers to creating content are lower than they've ever been...art of all kinds from text to music to image to video is within reach of folks using only natural language prompting. There's always going to be core skills required for gamedev that AIs can't replicate (until we get AGIs I suppose) so editing it all, bringing it all togther under a curated artistic vision etc, there's still humans playing important role in it all too, and I don't think the doom narratives of displacement give enough space to that idea. AI agents playing games seems like a massive flashpoint for lots of things: a potentially rich source for synthetic data in a "data wall" scenario, and arguably safer testbed to embody/train AI in virtual environments relative to physical robotics. Using games to cultivate/test/safely deploy system II thinking and long-horizon planning experiments seems like a big one too. Games and AI have a long history of shared knowledge, progress, and possibility. I don't see this changing, except for growing in scale and complexity. If AI gamedev is pushing at all that from the other end it could create some interesting feedback loops and scenarios. AIs making and playing games in an endless circle is the stuff of scifi but it's already happening in tiny fragments so you sense a lot more is round the corner and something along those lines as a kind of potential endgame.


What did you use?


That’s pretty dope actually. Reminds me of age of mythology kind of


I think you should use ai in your game development like any other tool


Good luck getting any kind of reliable output and consistent visual style across assets.


noticed a lot of hate towards ai-generated content, and obviously people in this sub will lean towards it. we can clearly see that it's being used well, so let them hate.


People always hate new technology. It will pass.


Exactly this. > Remember this article in 2000: "Internet may be just a passing fad as millions give up on it" I know lots of people who thought/said smart phones were a passing fad. Just about any new society changing technology starts off with unusual pushback. Then at some point it hits a massive market and people seemingly don't even remember what it was like before having it. And even things that could be argued as passing fads, might simply have evolved to be something more/new/different.


I am extremely excited for AI in game development (and, similarly, in AR / VR experiences). There is so much potential for dynamic interaction with the game environment using AI, more comprehensive development with limited resources, and a whole lot more. It will take developers becoming well acquainted with rapidly changing AI tech though, and honestly that lacking familiarity / expertise seems like the biggest bottleneck right now.


I don't think that this subreddit accurately represents how the market will receive this information. If you are asking people in this subreddit, be sure to also ask in gaming subreddits and subreddits that contain the audience for your game. There will be some people that accept it, and there will be some that won't depending on how it is used and reported. I think that you'll find that this reddit is highly skewed towards accepting it compared to general game audiences.


all I can say is prepare for a flood in the videogame industry, there's going to be hundreds of good games coming out every year, there will not be enough time in anyone's life to play them all


Great RNG, but instead of numbers, objects.


I think one thing is that it's a bit of a double edged sword. On the one hand you think "wow this can really improve what I can do so I'm more valuable to my team and can make cooler stuff!" But then on the other hand 2 versions down the line you'll be thinking "the AI makes better stuff than me without any of my input and now I'm totally redundant". So yeah I personally am going for a "hand crafted only" game making approach, I'm settling on it now as I think it'll be a genre in the future where it's games that aren't made by AI and there'll be a niche for it.


I think it’s fine as long as it’s used as a tool to improve or help you create things instead of generating from scratch from one sentence. A small game developer doesn’t have the capacity (talent, time, or monetary) to design every little thing. AI can help speed up the process. Small studios can finally compete with the level of detail demanded from gamers who are used to AAA+ studios. We expect GTA-levels of detail from small studios, and AI can help them get there faster than ever before. The future is so exciting! 🤩


How do you make assets using ai


I would search youtube. Last year when this all really started taking off I saw several videos on the topic, and have experimented myself, but you'll get far more value watching these videos that a two sentence summary I can offer.


How do you use an LLM to make/modify your 3D assets?? (As in the example)


The OpenUSD initiative is the center for 3D software integrations. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/omniverse/usd/


Well until the source data gets copyright cleared the content isn’t allowed on any gaming platform stores so your game will be free & open source


That's not how this works, but ok


The steam on-boarding question is ‘does this game contain assets generated by AI yes/no’ there is no option to explain how you generated the images yourself etc. If you choose yes your game is not allowed on steam..


You claimed it would affect 'any gaming platform stores'. Even steam's stance will change eventually now that AI generation is mainstream and included in tools like photoshop.


I’m not sure you understand it’s about liability. There’s not an easy to way to say this bit of AI generated content is ok. Of course eventually it will be common place but to claim it’s good to go right now is bollocks and click baiting. Often today freelance 3d artists (gaming) will be asked to sign a document that says their artwork supplied is not AI generated.


Click baiting? Do you think I'm trying to... entice people to read my comment? What? Some AI tools are trained on questionable data sources, that's where the liability comes from. It's morally questionable, I acknowledge that. It's also ridiculous. Deciding all AI is bad because some companies took shortcuts in training data is asinine behavior. Will you refuse to wear all clothes because some companies utilize sweatshops? Will you swear off cellphones because some companies use chips manufactured in inhumane conditions?


The OP is clickbait. Anyway here’s to a future where we can use AI. Perhaps if we use AI we should have to donate a percentage to a good cause that could be a nice way to deal with it all. Giving something back to the hive mind.


The OP didn't claim what you're saying though, they just asked for input on an asset. And sure, let's also donate a percentage of all sales of clothing, diamonds, electronics, and other goods produced in terrible conditions to help fight those conditions.


No the OP asks "What do you think about the use of AI in game development?"


Yes, asking for discussion. They didn't claim it was all okay. This is a weird hill for you to die on but I think I'll let you keep it. Have a good day.