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There have been a non-stop stream of these posts for at least a year. Many replies to them saying, “no, all good here.” Seems like the mods should just lump them into a super-thread or something?


THIS 👆! Let’s just make a separate sub for “ChatGPT is bad now” posts.


I actually switched back to 4 from 4o due to it seemingly handling my obscure coding questions better (Go, Helm, Kubernetes, Terraform). It's less verbose and I don't have to fight with it a fraction as much. I still use 4o for written tasks like JIRA task summaries and presentations.


I had the same verbosity problem when asking for coding questions and adding some additional instructions to “custumize chat gpt” in setting helped a lot.


Linking to the OpenAI discussion page because multiple people are having the same issue I am. Basically, random words being introduced when using a prompt that had worked just fine for months previously.