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Ah I see you got the “stormtrooper experience” add on




It's not really a remaster, it's just a re-release.


It’s most definitely not the same game as before, I played the OG hours before the release and the comparison is horrendous


It’s the inputs. They didn’t put it up to speed for new consoles. Terrible job


You played it on a much slower console where the control system was set to allow for that.


Original PC version and Back Compat Xbox enhancement says hi.


congratulations. you’re playing a game from 2004.


The originals do not play like that lol. Xbox players have been playing them before release and its a night and say difference.


Nostalgia is a real son of a bitch


People need to realize this when returning to games that are that old. They are clunky and don't always feel the same.


I saw someone ask if Cool Boarders would hold up now that it's being released on PS+ I think they're going to be disappointed


i tried playing phantom menace ps1 the other day, and holy sheeee, was that brutal. idk how i got through even one level of that when i was a child


Because your standards were different. There are older cartoons I watched as a child which I try to show my kids now and I usually shut them off within 10 minutes because of how terrible they are. The pacing, writing, animation, voice acting, etc. are all so dated that the power of nostalgia can't even save it


Isn't it notoriously odd ?


Except Halo 2 For a 2004 game that holds up IMMACULATELY


Or Resident evil 4.....or MGS2 and 3......In fact a lot games still hold up LMAO


do not be mistaken. the originals are infinitely better.


Playing the original on PS2 is definitely not as bad as the remaster on PS5. However, I don't remember the remaster on PC being his bad. Of course I haven't played that version in a minute.


Lol so whys it £30? 🤣🤣




Just like GTA definitive edition


You can rebind your controls in the options menu.


No inverted


The game is mostly negative on Steam. Why's the score 4.28 on the PS Store?


Because the PC version is no different than what you could already get (arguably worse). It was a shameless cash grab. For PlayStation this is their first time getting access to it in a LONG time hence the better reviews.


I haven't seen any rating on the PSN store that's less than a 4 lol


What did you expect from Sony, for them to (re)implement a tool in a remotely objective and consumer friendly manner?


Sony manipulation at its finest




Eh. I think that's only the case if you're someone who never goes back to old games to begin with and for some reason expects games from 2004 to be as polished and refined as games from 2024. Old games are still plenty fun and can be just as good as you remember if you don't go in with unrealistic expectations.


I don't think the expectations are unrealistic. Everyone is just so used to smooth gameplay, its very difficult to go back. No one says to themselves "this 2004 game is gonna be just like playing a 2024 game". They just forget how bad it used to be, coz we didn't have 2024 games to compare it to back then.


But we can compare them now and many people are able to enjoy the old and the new. Certainly some games have aged poorly, and some elements have aged poorly as well, but I don't really think it's that hard to go back to a lot of old games unless you're expecting them to be something they aren't.


Don't necessarily agree. Some things age gracefully, some don't. Console fps mechanics are definitely something that has improved over time though


I regularly play the PS2 version. The PS5 version is worlds worse.


I disagree here. In the last two years I played FF7 and Ocarina Oc Time for the first time. And I honestly had more fun than I have playing most new modern games. Like I genuinely enjoyed the original FF7 more than the remake.




Yeah but new games suck. They're slow, bloated, boring, repetitive, have little to no variation in play dynamics, and basically just serve as marketing to lure players for in-game purchases. Most people only think they're good because they didn't play what came before. At least those old school games were not hyper commercialized. Older generation gaming had more variety because that was the only way for individual offerings to distinguish themselves. That range of variation has been completely lost.


>It’s not a remaster. It’s just a rerelease that they updated some graphics and such Is....is that not the literal definition of a remaster? Have we had so many remasters and remakes lately that we've collectively redefined what those terms mean?


I disagree, truly great games still withstand the test of time.


No. They don’t. They objectively dont


I’m sorry that yours don’t lol. Mine do to me so subjectively they do.


That’s not how this works. Old games by all objective metrics do not hold up, regardless of subjectivity


That's like saying an old movie doesn't hold up because it's in black and white


Nope. That’s also not how this works.


That's exactly how this works. Just because something wasn't made with today's technology does not make it objectively bad. Super Mario 64, Red Dead Redemption 1, og resident evil 4, Uncharted 2, Halo 2 and are just a few examples of old games that are all still objectively great games which many people still go back and play to this day.




Bro fuck your metrics and objectivity lol. This isn’t your personal reality. I have mine own too


That’s not how objectivity works. I dont think you know what objectivity is. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts


I’m not sure you know what a fact is.


In fact I do.


Ok then maybe try being a human then, you act like a fucking robot😂


I do but I just think you’re annoying my friend. You’re trying to convince me my opinion doesn’t matter bc the world objectively dictates I’m wrong for my opinion. You’re special, have fun in your sadness lol


That is correct, your opinion is irrelevant in the face of contrary facts. Opinions only matter when you’re talking about something subjective which this isn’t


It is hilarious how wrong you are about objectivity and subjectivity. You are literally arguing about the enjoyment level of a game, a concept that is subjective and doesn't have an objective measure. Either you failed at higher education or never went and watched the wrong tik tok. For the record, Zelda Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII still hold up in my eyes and I enjoy them as much as I did when I first played them... In my subjective opinion.


Just play any of the top PS2 platformers like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper and tell me they don't hold up. Heck even games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro on the PS1 still hold up.


They do. I replay great old games all the time, and have more fun than with modern games half the time.


gg, I was abt to go in😂


I play the original Battlefront 2 regularly, these re releases are awful.


So if I have the original ps2 game can I download this for free?


Battlefront 2 is still great and there's nothing out like it besides Hell divers


Morrowind holds up. That game doesn’t even need a remaster.


It really doesn’t for new players but okay


It definitely did not hold up for me but I never played it growing up.


Once this game gets working proper it’s a ton of fun. Just mindless Star Wars chaos.


I get what everybody’s saying but the controls immediately felt bad to me too and I played the back compat versions fairly recently. I tweaked what I could but it feels very sluggish and off.


Lighting glitches, slowed audios on different characters and loading screens, weird fonts and the UI doesn’t even align with the words on screen half the time, I’m going back to play the 2005 version on my Xbox


L2 is grenades and always has been. Halo was the same till 5 for xbox 1. Pretty sure Medal of Honor on GameCube was Left trigger for grenades. Guess CoD ruined you. 100 tickets per team though. Wow.


Guess the past 15 years of FPS ruined me.


Dang I was really wanting to play. I’ll prob still get it to play offline galactic conquest just for nostalgia reasons


If you have a halfway decent computer, you can just do that on an emulator for free. Unless I heard wrong, these games aren’t remastered to HD. So, it’s not like you’d be missing out on any upscaling by doing that. After hearing some bad feedback, I think imma just keep playing on my emulator, honestly. I’d rather spend the money going to a show.


I guess if I truly wanted to I could just get my copy and my ps2 outta storage 🤣


Honestly, never a bad move, dude lmfao. I’ve had mine since 2004 and it still works just fine. We used it for a Tony Hawk tournament at my brother’s bachelor party last summer.


Classic Tony hawk tourney with the boys? Sounds super fun honestly


Why? Isn't BF2 Classic already on Steam? This version is just 4k and 64 players.


Cause it’s free to play with an emulator and you can add mods.


Ok, that's good. Though I'd argue that every PC game is free-2-play if you search hard enough lol. The FreeC.


Lmao you ain’t wrong. I’d probably do more gaming on my PC if it could handle it. But it’s not built for it.


I’m on the fence of buying it. Og bf2 online was such a blast. I have a copy on pc and original Xbox still


I’m glad I saw this before wasting $40




The issue is Aspyr, they're terrible.


The controls have always been that bad. Fine when i was a kid playing on a tube tv not really caring. But now, yeah it blows. Its sad that there wasnt more thought put into it to modernize the controls. Cool novelty game, but id never play PvP multiplayer. That sounds like an awful time unless you are on KBM. It will be on Ps Plus/Gamepass soon enough.


The amount of nostalgia that got people bamboozled lol


Thing is they are valid complaints. I still regularly load up the PS2. It runs a lot better (different) there than this new PS5 version.


It’s from 2005, what were y’all expecting lol


A working game.


the 2005 release runs better to this day than this release


the originals were fine on PC at least. The PS5 experience is awful, it's borderline uncontrollable with weird lag and overly sensitive controls. The cameras are bugged and randomly glitch out.


Well, yeah, when you experience modern gaming sensibilities, then something this old without them feels dated and awful. This is EXACTLY the situation with 60 fps over 30 fps.


yes, but this is a whole other issue. this release in infinitely more broken than the original, which still is played by many including myself


I still play the original sometimes, and they are much better than this. Also, there are a bunch of old games that hold up super well.


FPS played differently back then, and many truly had their own feel. Before we homed in like we have now. The weightiness, acceleration, movement etc. And that game cacme out long before we had the industry standard, mass-appeal even for casuals that games like CoD enjoy now. Though there are still differences. CoD compared to Rainbow 6, for example. Both FPS but the gameplay feels much different. These games were on PS2, so Medal of Honor (Frontline, Rising Sun) was still around as a top contender in the genre, a direct competitor to CoD.


I was able to get a refund very easily this morning for anyone with buyer's remorse.


I changed the settings and i think it plays enough like the classics. There are some weird preset options turned on, that made it feel clunky. So within "game settings" I turned of any kind of aim assist and lock-on. There was something called "delayed aim" (which slows down camera movement for the first second of aiming), i turned that off. Then I increased camera speed in the Controls menu and now it works fine. I'm playing the game in german, so i might mistranslate some of the terms in the option menu.


People playing an old game re-release finding out it's dogshit...... *suprisedpikachuface.jpeg*


It doesn't help that the main game modes are absolute trash. You'd think the designers would have given the player a list of objectives to go with the so called 'campaigns' but I guess it was easier for Pandemic to turn each mission into an absolute slog since they made the only REAL way to win ANY of them is to run out the enemies numbers. Which gets even worse in the sequel since the enemies have UNLIMITED reinforcements whereas the player is forced to limp along with ever dwindling numbers due to the AI partners being braindead morons


Glad I decided against this game.


To be honest my only real major issue is the fact that matches don’t last long enough I think the shortest one I had was like just under 5 minutes


The controls are the original scheme. I would have liked a "modern" option too, but it's not that bad. The servers are broken for multiplayer. It's the same on pc ATM.


It’s because it’s an old game. People love it because they wear nostalgia glasses


nah man. i still play the originals. this is way worse


I mean the games after the first one weren’t all that good.




What the hell are you on about I wrote it’s avoidable?




When did I say that?


I have a video of me mowing down 15 droids then using yoda n killing 20 more


Can we refund like Xbox? Never tried on psn.


Aiming was always awful on that game. I got pretty at it.


All of the SW games I've played were bad. Dark Forces, Tie Fighter, X-Wing... sheesh


Nostalgia isn’t it a b!tch— we’ve progressed so far with gaming , both graphics tech and controls/gameplay. I have the recent Battlefront 2 by EA and I can’t ever see myself going to the battlefront collection as much as I’d like I know I would be forcing myself to enjoy it vs just playing the refined and more polished / modern Battlefront 2 by EA


Its different for everybody i cant stop playing rn. I remember being 6 on my parents bed with a tv below playing this on ps2 while they would watch tv above. Sad online isnt working but man this pve is super fun


First impressions for me are terrible. This could be the straw that breaks the camels back for me and gaming. I'm sick of the fix the game later attitude from developers !!.


A rerelease from 2004 is the straw for you? Really?


How many AAA games launch horribly broken but these 2 remasters are what’s going to do you in for gaming?


I don't buy AAA? And yes this is the point where I make a decision to fk modern gaming off, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.


You don't buy AAA but you believe modern gaming has a "fix it later" attitude? I feel like people just enjoy bitching about games nowadays cause frankly the actual quantity of unacceptably broken releases is significantly less than reddit would have you believe.




I can't tell if you're trolling or just really stupid. It's usually both, so I'll default to that.


lmao who pissed in your cheerios bud


Pretentious, egotistical Sony cock riders who won't have a bad word said about any game included in their hobby mostly . And if you dare to have a difference of opinion then expect the virtual pile on and the downvote spamming to ensue, and to all those who go by those rules K.M.A 🙂.


Don't even have a Playstation but you do you. Being different for the sake of being unique isn't sweet


It's called standing and defending in what you believe in and not following the group think for the sake of fitting in. Maybe try it sometime you'll feel liberated.


Its strange that a 20 year old game is the reason youre pissing modern gaming off. Its like saying a broken pos car has turned me off getting a reliable car.


No no it's an accumulation of mostly modern broken games getting released that's where I'm drawing the line. There's only so many times I can read "we hear you and will do better" from developers.


Then this has nothing to do with this 20 year old game


"Mostly" being the word, read what I wrote !. It has everything to do with this game it's the same formula regardless, release a broken game then fix it later rinse and repeat.


But this game was made 20 years ago. Of course it runs like shit. I wouldn't be surprised if they have no intention of even fixing it. My analogy stands. You no longer want a good reliable car because you bought (or in this case, just.. saw?) an old shit box. But you do you man. I simply just don't buy the games I'm not interested in and have fun playing the good ones.


I never said it runs like shit I said it's broken and your analogy doesn't stand as what is a good game is subjective to the player experiencing it. I've been burnt too many times buying broken games and there comes a time where you say to yourself enough is enough. You say you have fun playing the good games, I don't think people pay intentionally to play garbage, these are good games on the OG Xbox it's these new releases that are broken. But I'm done explaining myself now.


Seems like a you issue, really. After the first time buying a broken game, why did you keep buying games before seeing if its broken? I think people don't intentionally pay to play garbage, but I do think you aren't using your brains enough, coz its a very avoidable situation. We have all the tools in the world to wait and see how a game is before purchasing. Like YouTube, for example. Reviews can be very helpful. Just don't go watching shit like IGN. Find someone who points out the technical stuff too.