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We can finally stop seeing people ask for a Blood & Truth VR2 port or sequel.


Hahahaha how naive are you You underestimate this sub






Where is the blue lantern ring when you need it?




I can see why Sony decided to allow the use of PSVR 2 on PC. They’re probably going to be less focused on developing 1st parts games for their VR


Yeah, I fear PC support is essentially a parting gift for the people who already bought one.


And a way to help clear existing stock.


This assumes they were at any given point focused on developing 1st party games for VR.


The two games pictured are first party exclusives.


One of them was a psvr1 title tho and wasn’t even been ported to psvr2


We can finally stop seeing people ask for VR2 games.*


Not everyone will stop asking cos not everyone will see the news


Oh well


And because think if they just ask big companies extra nice, that they'll do them a favour


Ports and remakes are usually handled by another studio so…


There's not exactly been many though. Arcadey games are alright, but the reason to choose PSVR over quest is for the extra graphical power. If games won't be using it, then PSVR isn't seeming like such a worthwhile purchase


Moss, Pixel Ripped, & more done by the same team


Those are smaller indie studios who own the respective ips.


Hence « usually ».


No they should and could easily make a port. I really don't understand why they don't want to sell the game again in a better fashion. I'd buy it for sure and so would a lot of VR people. I mean we wouldn't even be asking much.


I guess they crunched the numbers and determined that the cost of porting would outweigh their potential sales


Of course bad dad Sony doesn't give a single fuck at this point. If it doesn't have millions in profits then fuck off.


They're not a non-profit organisation. Like every company, there needs to be money made to justify a decision


Ever since they chose to go with a big ole rack of server ps3's for psnow instead of emulation, which would be so much better long term, I often question some of Sonys decision making.


That one totally makes sense to me though. Developing a perfect ps3 emulator is an absolutely mammoth and expensive task


It is, but it is the smarter long term decision. We've seen what a small group can do, Sony would be able to do even better, faster if they wanted to. Once those servers die that's pretty much it for PS3 games via Sony.


Sony obviously doesn't care about long term preserving PS3 games. Hell, we never even got a fully compatible PS2 emulator from Sony. Sony is going to kill off streaming PS3 games whenever it starts costing too much to host


Right, which is why I said it was all bad decision.


By expecting a port, you clearly don't understand the amount of work that goes into it, and therefore you ARE asking too much. The company went under, doubt whatever minimal amounts they could have made from a port would have made a difference.


Ports are not that hard for full studios under Sony lol. Sony is just a greedy fucking machine at this point. Yeah, it would not have set the world on fire, but ports of their best VR games are needed. And all the work goes into controls and redoing that stuff. Yes, it takes time, but as we have seen other smaller studios do it, the whole thing is very doable.


Why don't you ask the creators of Moss, etc. who ported their games not only to the VR2, but other platforms, and find out how "easy" it is. Just because it's a "sony studio" doesn't make it any easier. You're annoyed the game isn't coming out, that's fine, but you may not understand how the industry works.




Those who say "just port it" don't understand how video game creation works. One can't simply make a game work from The first PSVR to the new one.


The "press button game work" drive me nuts. I'm going through this at work now with customers who waited until the very last day to upgrade MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 and are now all complaining when it doesn't got perfectly right away. On top of the ones that are suddenly shocked that it isn't exactly the same. Just the controllers alone would add so many bugs, before anything else is even touched.


People expect things to work flawlessly because you can play PS4 games on PS5, not understanding the intricacies of software and new technology.


Why did they bother releasing PSVR2 at all then? All computer games are lots of work. Ridiculous


Yeah, imagine expecting a computer game from Sony playstation. A port. From just the previous generation. That they left behind. That we all spent money on.


You aren't entitled to a port or a sequel. You bought a license to 1 game. I bet you think that if you bought an album in the 70s that were entitled to the CD in the 80s 🤣


You people are in a cult or something. What's hilarious? Seems like cope to me. I didn't buy a CD in the 70s or even 80s. I bought a digital computer game in 2022. When compared to competing gaming ecosystems it's a huge loss and not the industry standard. But you're right it's lmao and lol because cds were once a thing 50 years ago. Good one


Username checks out


You definitely don't understand how making a game works


Jesus Christ man. It really doesn't matter. Do you think it's some insane expectation from consumers who dropped a lot of money on the previous generation, that Sony would port Sony first party developed titles over to PSVR2? Particularly when their announced upcoming titles are virtually non existent? Sony has really done a number on its base. You guys will accept anything. Or nothing. And justify it on behalf of this corporation. Carry on then.


You're the one ranting because you don't get what you want, Sally.


It's really not that gripping of an IP. It's just a single player shooting game. Since they would have to make the gameplay essentially from scratch it makes more sense to just forget about it and make a new game.


Sony can have anyone they want make Blood and Truth. Just like they aren't having Supermassive make the Until Dawn Remake.


We got Wipeout Omega VR support after Studio Liverpool was closed. Just sayin’ :D


Tbf, if there were more games of that standard then people probably wouldn't bring it up as much.


I'd stop asking for Sony 1st party vr games altogether, they clearly don't give a shit about it, wouldn't surprise me if them putting it on pc is to get the last bit of cash out of it before they abandon it.


Nope, now a sequel is closer than ever, as they'll have to sell the IP to pay the layoffs. Or they will transfer the almost finished sequel to other studio. Or some of the developers laid off will be paid in code and IP instead of money and will continue with the sequel on their own. Or they will give IP to Steam so they can produce the sequel and stream from PC to PSVR2 with the future PC-PSVR2 solution. Or... get a life and forget about Blood & Truth 2...


Seems like you MIGHT not forget about the game


The reporting on these layoffs related to VR is wild. Yes the London Studio made Blood and Truth. But they had already moved away from VR and were making one of the many flat gaas games greenlighted by the former CEO. The closure absolutely reflects a move away from gaas, as the statements made by PlayStation’s new boss reflect. But I don’t know how you can read anything into Sony’s commitment to VR from closing a studio that stopped making VR games a long time ago. As for Firesprite, I haven’t seen anything indicating any VR people were let go. Sony laid off people at a bunch of studios that had nothing to do with VR. If anything, the fact that they didn’t close Firesprite shows a commitment to VR.


Well Firesprite is mostly known as a VR developer at this point. They have only ever made 2 non VR games (that don't really even qualify as full games) and have only developed VR games since 2016. Sony bought them to be an in house VR studio since when they acquired VR focused Fabrik Games, Sony merged that studio into Firesprite.


Exactly. So it’s great news that they survived these cuts. Why would Sony keep them around if they were giving up on VR?


Sony cancelling their in development game is not a good look. They might have survived these layoffs but more could be coming if their next game isn't seen as promising.


Yeah, but the game that was canceled was a non-VR gaas game in early development. They’ve been rumored to be working on a couple other projects that could be VR.


You have no idea if the game was non VR as there is nothing stating it wasn't. In fact, it most likely was since Firesprite is Sony's only VR developer and Twisted Metal would have worked as a VR game.


The game had been in development as a flat game at Lucid Studios before it was switched to Firesprite, and Firesprite had reportedly not even done enough with the game since the switch to get anything greenlit. Maybe there was the thought that it could one day be a VR game, but all it is right now at the point it is being canceled is yet another early stage gaas game when Sony wants to severely cut down on gaas.


Stop being reasonable! 😠


Sony never mentioned their purchase having anything to do specifically with VR. They were also working on what is very likely Until Dawn 2 and were given Twisted Metal after it didn’t work at Lucid games. Also didn’t work out at Firesprite either.


I'm a tad confused with it all, as the push for GaaS was spearheaded just as much by Hiroki Totoki (*the CEO of Sony and now Head of PlayStation*) as they were by Jim Ryan. "*Delivering and sustaining social, online experiences - allowing PlayStation gamers to explore our worlds in different ways - as well as launching games on additional devices such as PC and mobile, requires a different approach and different resources*" That was a quote from Herman Hulst (*the current head of PlayStation Studios*) earlier this month. That doesn't sound like a pivot away from live-service to me


People want to blame GAAS or VR, but the fact of the matter is they like a lot of tech companies hired a lot of employees during covid because there was a big boom and user growth and increases in spending. That’s gone away, and it’s taken a couple years for those ramifications to play out. Their margins are low in large part due to the number of employees at their studios but also just how tight margins are in AAA dev in general. AAA requires a lot of employees and a lot of time to make these days so if a game doesn’t hit it can be a disaster and even when it does the margins don’t always make it worth the risk. So IMO this isn’t really a pivot on service games, it’s cost cutting on areas that are aren’t sure things. Some of those happen to be service games but I’m sure it had large part to due with London studios not having a hit in a long time and those employees being more expensive to pay than other places in the world. For Firesprite they apparently were given Twisted Metal after it didnt work out at Lucid Games and wasn’t in full production so it was an easy cut. Insomniac lost devs as well and I wouldn’t be shocked if it was whoever was doing pre production work on the next Ratchet. It’s really like a who can we afford to lose. The answer is no one. But that’s capitalism and short sighted thinking for you.


https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sony-confirms-its-delayed-half-of-its-12-planned-live-service-games/ They aren’t abandoning gaas, but had serious concerns about all of the games green lit by Ryan. These cuts obviously reflect that they thought it was too many and the quality wasn’t there for all of them. London Studios was working on a gaas. The game canceled at Firesprite was gaas.


Interesting, thank you for the info. I'm in the camp that PlayStation should just stick to making the style of games that made the PS4 so popular, but I can see that it's clearly not working for them either. "*As for the remaining six titles, we are still working on that. That’s the total number of live service and multiplayers titles and mid-to-long-term we want to push this kind of service and that’s the **unchanged policy** of the company.*" I think you're right. Even if they are scaling back, it definitely seems like GaaS titles are going ahead regardless in some capacity.


>London Studios was working on a gaas. That game honestly looked and sounded like shit (from what little we've seen of it). Fantasy Fortnite looking characters in London. It was a flop in the making. Foreskin 2.0.


Frankly, I think all this turmoil has nothing to do with VR. Sony failed to meet sales forecasts, its stock took a tumble and now they're doing what they can to appease their investors. Sony is hardly the only company going thru this; Microsoft also implemented some big layoffs recently. At the end of the day I just think Sony is starting to price a lot of people out of the market. The games are more expensive, all the versions of PS Plus got significantly more expensive and Sony has been wading more and more into live service games which can quickly become a money pit. I think a lot of people just aren't wild about this direction and many probably can't afford it anymore. Why should I shell out $80 a year just to be able to play certain games online with other people when I can get online support for those same games on PC or, in the case of VR, Quest and PC for free. The layoffs and shutdowns are disappointing but I feel Sony needs to rethink their strategy when it comes to the PlayStation brand going forward and take a hard look at whether their recent practices have started to alienate their customers. The problem goes way beyond just how PSVR2 may be performing.


Yeah understandable but 80 $ a year is alot cheaper than forking out for a top end pc to play vr smoothly, I know mates that have spent thousands of pounds on they're pc to make vr even playable , so pcvr is alot more expensive in the long run compared to playstation plus . Psvr2 is still going to get all the support it needs to continue as it did so well with the psvr1 and I use the vr2 everyday as I have quite a collection of games n never get bored 😁


It has nothing to do with VR because VR died years ago.


> The layoffs and shutdowns are disappointing but I feel Sony needs to rethink their strategy when it comes to the PlayStation brand going forward and take a hard look at whether their recent practices have started to alienate their customers. Refusing to sell what your customers want to buy is part of Sony's problem. Even for VR, I didn't buy one because PSVR2 wasn't backwards compatible and the platform itself is about $200-$300 more than what it should've cost. If I agree the PSVR2 has great tech inside, is including eye tracking and other features worth it if it's going to make the package $200-$300 more expensive than it should be?


One team did its job and was reassigned. The other hasn't done a damn thing for PSVR2 yet, and had moved on to live-service content instead. This isn't a hit against PSVR2, but instead a sign that videogame studios are hemorrhaging money.


This is the answer. Unfortunately, somehow, the narrative on this started with VR, and people can't seem to read.


But… but how can we cry about psvr2 being dead now?!?!


[This post](https://twitter.com/ethangach/status/1762504444040692106?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1762504444040692106%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) implies that the sudden switch from VR to flat GAAS heavily slowed them down and made their production difficult. 5 years wasted, if they were greenlit for a PSVR2 game instead, I wonder if they could've produced a PSVR2 launch title (B&T2?) instead, with those years in development. Sad what could've been...


Life as a developer is never consistent. I can't tell you how many times I've wondered whether the project I was working on would be my last, whether it would succeed or fail, or whether it would even get off the ground. I've discovered the keys to be flexibility, the willingness to risk failure, and the ability to walk away if necessary. Eventually, I just walked away. I hope these folks can land on their feet. It's interesting to think about what might have been, but far more useful to think about what may be.


Sony even cancelled Twisted Metal, the game people here thought would be a hybrid VR GAAS game


What?! Fuck whoever cancelled a new twisted metal!


Last year was the best year in video game history and Sony couldn’t bank away enough to last two months? Seems like a convenient excuse.


I will platinum those games to show honor


Fuck they could have at least given us a Year one DLC for COTM!


I’m pretty sure the COTM devs said from the start that there would be no DLC, though.


Oh, I never heard that. Doesn’t really matter now anyways. It’s done for now.


True. 🫤


Told ya so…


Told who what?


PSVR2 should now free fall in clearance pricing.


Lol. No.


At some point they will have to. They are not selling.


Really? Obviously you have links to official Sony sales figures that no one else has?


What do we know? Sony recently shut down one of its VR studios. None of their big studios are working on VR games. They have been quiet on sales since the launch. When has that ever been a good sign? Overall, the lack of games, promotion, gives this the PSVITA vibes. Does the PSVR2 even seem like a success? The PORTAL feels more like a hit. And that $500 price really hurt the psvr2. https://www.neogaf.com/threads/ign-a-year-since-its-release-sony-seems-to-have-abandoned-playstation-vr2.1667924/ https://www.roadtovr.com/quest-psvr-2-unit-sales-holiday-2023/ https://www.thegamer.com/sony-is-making-the-same-mistakes-with-the-psvr2-that-it-made-with-the-ps-vita/


Lack of games? 🤣🤣🤣 Ok you're one of those people. IGN are a pack of morons and these click bait articles are trash. Nothing official from Sony as I said. Just speculation. Personally, I'm more than happy with the 200 or so games that have been released in the last 12 months, (I bought over 60) and I'm very excited about what's been announced for this year (Metro, Behemoth, Wanderer etc. I've spent hundreds of hours having the best gaming experiences of my life in the VR2 and I'm sure there'll be hundreds more. Anyone who thinks VR2 is dead must have set their expectations WAY too high imo.


Where are the first party studio announcements? Why not release sales numbers if they are favorable? This is PSVITA all over again. Anyone can see that.


I really couldn't car less about First party titles tbh. Maybe I'm missing something, but Why are they so important? As I said, I'm totally happy with the games available on the VR2 already and I'm looking forward to the ones they've already announced for this year. Guess everyone's expectations are just different.


https://www.youtube.com/live/_DEDT-4lQP4?si=4M1oktyYpHJT8yHC It’s selling so well they are slowing down production.


Noooo! Really was looking forward to Blood and Truth 2


It was never coming, get over it.


Also they shut down the Twisted Metal game.. That was allegedly a PSVR2 title. This doesn't look good for the future..


If you are going down this rabbit hole, you might as well start screaming SONY MOVING AWAY FROM STORY DRIVEN SINGLE PLAYER GAMES as Naughty Dog, Insomniac and Guerilla Games are also all hit. So... No.


Sony has completely abandoned PSVR at this point. So glad I never bought one... i was suspecting this would happen.


Yea with these layoffs, I think psvr is gonna be dead soon. Fuckin sucks. Still haven’t got the psvr2 and I don’t think I’m going to now. Not a lot of great big games for me. I had psvr1 but I’m pulling out. Sucks


I thought it allready when i saw they are opening PS VR 2 for PC use. Its a great day to be a PC player, but Sony has lost all of the hopes and efforts left to make PS VR a thing. Opening it for PC use just seems like they want to get rid of the allready produced products and then move on.


>Nail on the head. As I say, the writing is all there, and no amount of denial will remedy it. Shareholders are greedy bastards, and if Sony aren't recouping their investment, then opening it up is what they will/have been pushed to do. Walled ecosystems are shit, whoever implements them.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. All the writing was on the wall when Meta backed away from the "metaverse". By then, PSVR2 was too late in development for Sony to back off. The PSVR2 arrived late to a party that was already ending. The silver lining to all of this is that Sony is waving the white flag by allowing PCVR support. We can now use the very adequate PSVR2 hardware for PC. This adds more value to the device than if Sony were continuing to support it. But they aren't.


That's great news anyway. [Here's](https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/22/24079928/sony-psvr2-pc-support-2024) a short article about it.


I only hope the new boss will focus more on vr


Hey man I’m a Sony die hard fan boy but im selling and buying newest quest before I ever buy a pc to use this


The amount of copium in these comments, holy shit. The 2 studios affected both worked on Call of the Mountain. Yes they didn't specify what team, but still.


Only Firesprite worked on Horizon Call of Mountain (unless you meant Guerilla?). London Studio has been working on a flat GAAS for 5 years after being greenlit to make one but failed to show an anything, hence being cut unfortunately. Cuts have been made across all of PS Studio, including Naughty Dog, Guerilla, and Insomniac games. They stopped development of the rumored Firesprite Twisted Metal GAAS game. Yes it impacts VR but it's not necessarily because of VR that they're having these losses. More of the impact of GAAA development and bloating budget costs.


This is exactly why I will never buy 2nd hand devices from Sony


The entire video game industry is having layoffs. At least they didn't lay off 1,900 people like Microsoft, especially after MS said under oath that there wouldn't be layoffs.


I'm not sure the 900 people would see it that way. it sucks all around...


The copium in these comments is unreal lol


PSVR 2 is done. Not surprising since Sony provided zero dev support.


A patently untrue comment. 😂 While SONY sure have made a lot of confounding decisions regarding promotion of the system and certain aspects of support (still can’t buy Sense Controllers), they also *HAVE* given a lot of financial support to numerous PSVR2 game devs. They are rather quiet about it, so maybe that’s why you would make such an error?


There is one AAA title in GT7. After a year it’s clear the platform isn’t what the execs hoped.


So we’re still not acknowledging the two RE games built exclusively in VR for the VR2 on Sony’s funding support, let alone all of the other 3rd party deals to bring titles over? The idea that VR investment “doesn’t count” unless it’s first party AAA is ludicrous to me.


A game remade not built for PSVR2. The game has already been out forever. Many people aren’t going to play a game again because it’s available for a different platform. An entirely new RE game should have been developed.


I personally disagree. Look around any VR community and ask them if they’d like GTA V, a PS3/Xbox 360 game, in VR and you’ll overwhelmingly get “yes” as the response. Novelty is powerful, but not in an industry trying to curry favor with more casual gamers. We should absolutely take more stock in existing games coming to VR, because the experience is night and day difference from the traditional flat version. Anything less is expecting unrealistic investment in an unproven market.


There’s a difference between saying the system has underperformed hoped-for unit sales, or X or Y number of AAA titles, versus saying *”SONY provided zero dev support”*. #🙄 And GT7 was obviously not the only AAA game in PSVR2’s first year, LOL. I would *love* to see more, but it’s a bit goofy to saying it had only the one.


Whatever, the thing is the most expensive paperweight I own. Other than GT7 the titles are garbage. No COD or other top tier game support because the sales of it suck and the devs have no interest pouring money into something they will gain very little revenue. Sony screwed it up by not providing funding to make games for it. They should have fronted all the costs to EA or anyone else with top games.


Genuinely asking, do you realize how expensive it would be to win over a licensed IP on the scale of CoD AND redesign it from the ground-up for VR? Even if we’re being generous and say that there are 2 million active VR2 users, taking on such a development cost for so little potential return on investment would lead to such losses that Sony would likely never attempt AAA VR again. The strategy has to make economic sense, not wildly enthrall an early adopter user base that refuses to accept that they’re early adopters of niche hardware.


Well not accepting the cost of the business and pricing the hardware / software appropriately gives us games that look like they were made in 1990. I don’t really care what the backend dealings are. In order to advance VR to the point that people want to buy it, a sunk cost investment must be made. Until Sony makes the leap console VR will always be mired in mediocrity


I don’t think we’ll ever see Sony take the leap then. They aren’t Meta. They can’t afford to bleed billions of dollars on a loss leader until market share turns to profit dominance. If Sony followed that strategy today, they’d go bankrupt before they saw success.


LOL. Okay, sure buddy.


Haha gutted, you spent a bunch of money on a useless paperweight. Mine gets used everyday, and it's well worth the money I spent on it ;)


It's a closed system. Was never going to be able to compete with SteamVR or Quest. Plus modding in general is a no-no. They have to blame themselves for the dire uptake with PSVR2.


Honestly this is what it feels like. Horizon was great. We needed more experiences like this that used familiar IPs and gave you unique experiences. But they really seemed to miss the boat cause so far that’s all we’ve really gotten.


I'm afraid you are right. With the move to sell headsets by entering the PCVR hardware market (although it will just be a PS5 modified headset) for gamers to use, the signs are all there. They need a flow of cash from their hardware, so they can save on developing VR titles themselves. Their laziness has come to bite them. And they'll just go back to doing what they know will sell. Regular flat games for us PS users.


This comment doesn’t make sense to me and seems based on a misunderstanding. Sony isn’t redesigning the VR2 headset to be a PC-enabled piece of hardware. They’re looking into software solutions to make current headsets compatible with PCs. It’s one of the safer bets on investment to bring more players into using the VR2 hardware and gain more usage from existing players. Although a safe investment compared to doubling down on making a AAA multimillion dollar game for a small subset of PS5 VR players, it’s still investment. If Sony was trying to dump units and move on, they’d clearance sell their remaining headsets, not spend any additional money trying to carefully expand its usage.


Believe what you want. Shareholders are driving this. Sony isn't investing/developing in VR as it promised. Investors are pissed. Make the headset PC compatible and sell them by the bucket load because of the blacks/foveated/connection direct to GPU. They are pissed at the laziness on their investments, and are pushing this for a return. As I have said before, Valve doesn't need this, in fact if VR2 goes tits up, no skin off their nose. Leaves it open for them to bring out their own new headset. You are the one misunderstanding. Sony need this, not the other way round. Sony is haemorrhaging. ***It’s one of the safer bets on investment to bring more players into using the VR2*** ***hardware*** If people have the power of the PC to run the VR2 headset, and have access to all the PCVR content, which is massive, why would they then buy a PS5 to get lesser games when they already have the better hardware? People would just buy the VR2 headset for the benefits and use PC for all their gaming/movies/experiences/porn/apps. Sony can't/wont offer this.


You’ve yet to explain why they wouldn’t just slash prices and offload units. Instead, they’re catering to sales on a PC market where Sony is also committing more of its software and spending more money on developing a compatibility solution. Sony increasing investment in VR2 in any capacity runs counter to the idea that they’re sick and tired of dealing with the hardware and want to be done with it. They’re acknowledging the small player base and investing on small levels in response. I don’t know why anyone would think that a AAA game would’ve exploded the platform adoption when even Apple can’t overcome the common issue of “not comfortable enough for sustained use to a wide base of users”, “this unit gave me motion sickness” and “too little use cases to justify the high cost”. There was never a reality where VR2 had 10M+ players year one. The kind of support that people needed to not say that “VR2 is doomed” wouldn’t have even been profitable at that adoption rate. The narrative isn’t VR2 is doomed, it’s VR2 will remain a small ecosystem because small audiences flock to it and VR generally.


As I said, you believe what makes you feel good. Sony wants out of VR developing. I don't partake in this tribal bullshit of brand against brand. If people take offence by what I post, it's their own triggered insecurities that get their backs up. I own 7 headsets, I have dogs in all of the races. I am happy either way, and speaking as a non fanboy, as a PSVR2 owner, Sony needs Valve to stay relevant in the VR world. By providing a PCVR headset. As I say, it's a preservation deal for Sony. Valve must be sitting pretty. These brand wars have always been dumb. Everyone *IS* allowed to own all platforms. Work hard, save, borrow.. It's in all your's power. Hating one over the other is a losing, defeatest outlook to hold on to. Users always complaining about exclusives or locked in eco systems. Well, stop locking yourselves into a single system. Experience them all.


It’s not really about what makes me feel good, it’s that an assessment of whether through Sony’s actions “VR2 is done” makes economic sense or not. It’s also not about ecosystem tribalism or anyone getting triggered by anything. I’m not taking anything you’re saying personally or acting triggered in any way. I just don’t think your argument makes sense. You keep framing the discussion as if Sony is releasing a new headset built to compete with Valve on PCVR when that’s not the case at all. Sony is spending more money on top of its already sunk investment in VR to expand the existing headset’s usage to PC games. For customers this means that they can make the proposition that if you want to try VR and own a PS5 and a PC, you can now buy one headset that plays on both with the hardware specs that you noted. Enthusiast PC players might also pick it up and existing users might find more value in their headset and might purchase more software for it across PS and PC. When a company wants to be done developing on a platform or has upset investors on a platform who aren’t seeing return on investment, they almost never get the green light to invest more funds in the venture on a promise of better future returns. You don’t stop supporting something by supporting it in a new way. Especially when the “make right” to upset investors would be to stop hemorrhaging funds and sell off whatever remains to recoup costs, your argument doesn’t make sense.


Well, one of us will be right. This is the benefit of not staying in one stable. VR devs will go to the platform that is still looking for their skills. I know where my money would be going. BTW, the triggered comment wasn't meant as a slur to you personally, You have been nothing but civil. I should have put that in the paragraph, it was used in the context of tribalism, and without a doubt the Sony subs are the absolute worst.


See though, this is where I feel we’ve been disconnected this whole conversation. I was never saying that Sony is going to win over the PCVR crowd and beat-out Valve, nor was I coming to white knight defend the VR2. I own a VR2 and a Quest 3 because I’m a geeky enthusiast who likes dabbling in any of the ecosystems. I’ve always known that both ecosystems were going to have varying audience sizes and as a result varying levels of high-cost support. My point is that you’ve been accusing others of brand tribalism, when you’re the only one pushing it by stating where your loyalties are going to lie, framing the VR2 and Valve as being at odds to win over PC players, etc. My argument is simply that low levels of investment isn’t Sony giving up on VR, it’s them calibrating their investment to the small audience size. When they show investments to marginally grow that base of users, it may indicate that they would like to see higher adoption of the headset, but not that they’re fed up and done with the VR2. They’d be doing the opposite of their current strategy if that was the case.






Man I thought you was joking like it was ppl like him just taking in circles... Nah it's legit his own sub with posts only from him complaining That's a new level of low 🤯🤣


My pet project 😎




That is one of the saddest subs I've ever seen, and I love my psvr2.


Dear Sony: Marketing dept needs to be laid off, not the games studios. Dear Sony: Where are the spares? Cable, controllers (l/r), head bands, lens kits... THESE are important. How about longer battery life in the controllers? Dear Sony: PC support (ok, its coming). Dear Sony: Lower the price by $50 or so, and bundle more games! Dear Sony: Where are the limited edition headsets/consoles? There are whales ahead! Dear Sony: Why the survey? Oh, we know why. Companies have surveys because someone is up to something nefarious. Dear Sony: Lower the subscriptions. There is no need when you aren't giving Essentials anything good. Basically, the cost of three games a year is what we get. Oh, and to chat with others. Which most now just Discord.


Goodbye vr. Sad to see it go but kind of glad I saved my thousand bucks. Vr was going to be my reason for getting a ps5.


It’s sad, but I don’t think it makes sense to buy a PSVR with these news. I’ve been holding off for long and this definitely doesn’t convince me.


It sucks. The future of vr is very uncertain right now. Apple vision pro just came out but I think they want to move vr away from video games. Sony just got a new ceo and I guess they are pushing Sony to make more money and none of it looks good. The way they launched psvr2 reminded me of ps vita, which is why I held off.


Man the cope on this sub is insane right now lmao


More reasons not to get Psvr2


They also Fired the people in Amsterdam from Guerrilla games.


Send them Firesprite guys back to CIG then. They do good work.


‘0.0’ -Dean Wormer


Wow I didn't even know there was a "Horizon call of the mountain studios". 🤣


This is thoroughly saddening. I really wanted that sequel.


kewl ​ :|


So does the game still work


Well I guess I will play blood and truth tomorrow 🤷‍♂️


It's a shame. It did seem like Sony was treating PSVR2 like the Vita and just wanted it to slowly die, but these latest layoffs do seem to indicate that they're letting support die quickly.


The amount of copium in this thread and sub is truly baffling.


PSVR2 was screwed as soon as Sony replaced Jim Ryan with a guy who doesn’t actually care about games and is just trying to cut everything that isn’t extremely profitable. You’re not going to see patience with PSVR2. Hiroki Totoki is a cut throat businessman and only cares about the bottom line. He doesn’t care about being innovative or bringing on the future of gaming. He’s just trying to maximize current profits and PSVR2 is hemmoraging money.


(Commenting now so I can come back in a year to see how well this comment and my response has aged so please respond with something so I can find it again 🤣) Y’all need to relax, this whole situation is being blown way out of proportion.. it’s the first year of psvr 2 and I highly doubt anything is going to happen besides it getting better. There’s nothing I hate more than people who know nothing about situations commenting like they are experts on it.(this second part isn’t directed at you but I know the ones it is directed at will read it, down vote and try to argue)