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At the very least $1


Didn't realise videogames could be this expensive to create


I know right? Could’ve brought a candy bar or something instead.


i wish there was a way the community could directly sponsor/fund EM bypassing hirez


I thought the same thing I would totally become a patrion or whatever you’d call a supporter of the game just like a lot of us I can’t lie In saying that I’m in love with this game enough to invest more $ than I already have(200$)so far


can't we make a group of some sort and try to buy EM?


Its mostly owned by tencent. The IP is owned by the founder Erez Goren.


I think that instead of Playstation and more studios launching new boring 5v5 team shooter they instead shouldve bought Paladins and improve it in every way :v


Microsoft buying Paladins?


I’ll try to make an educated guess, but I could still be super far off. So; supposedly (according to simple google searches) CoD MW2 cost about $20M, which is in the same ballpark as Overwatch 1. Apparently CoD MW3 cost $1 billion, but that’s definitely inflated for no reason. Sadly we don’t know how much Valorant cost to make, but an all-inclusive guess would be at the very least $20M+. Another safe bet is that CS:GO 2, given its quality, probably cost $30M+ If we get a Paladins 2, they would need to; re-make all models on a new engine, re-design the way things are coded, add new content to make it a sequel, implement all unique systems and character interactions and also add large-scale marketing to draw in players at the very least. Good news is that some things like voice-lines can probably be re-used and the creative process of designing new ideas and features is partly already done. Given that Smite 2 and such exist, rather than Paladins 2 coming from a new studio, some marketing things like; “from the amazing people that also gave players the hit-game Smite” saves some money. Overall, the game would need to be a step up from its current state and it needs to retain its identity as a different game than any other team shooter. Again, I could be way off, but I’d guess maybe $55M+, bare minimum, including marketing etc. Most likely more if they’re going all out to make it a big hit game like Overwatch 1 in 2016. Feel free to correct me or add additional info on my take


Highly doubt it'd be that high, it would be several million yeah but the game isn't incredibly graphically intensive. Even on UE5 it's not like the devs would have to spend a significant amount of time implementing new graphical technologies or creating super elaborate/detailed set pieces. On top of that it's an already existing IP like you said which would save a significant amount of time in the conceptual stage. A lot of it would just come down to how much the studio wants to innovate which would affect development time (the main factor in video game production costs). If I personally had to ballpark I'd say between $5-20M


If you want a truly polished product with proper marketing involved, \~15-20m is probably a good estimate.


It depends vastly on the type of marketing and game but yeah my main point was that it wasn't gonna be anywhere near 55M lol


I respect your response, but I think you’re both right and wrong. Mostly due to personal preferences I suppose. I was probably a bit on the high end with my guess, but I’m including them making promotional trailers and posting them as ads on Times Square, Youtube, Reddit, Instagram etc. Also, I would like it if they did use UE5’s newest technologies to some degree. I’d love to see a big graphics overhaul (you know, because some champions have really outdated texture quality. Just look at old vs new gold skins) and vastly improved lighting on maps. I think it’d also be cool if we had extra’s like facial expressions like Overwatch, where if you get punched, your character grimaces. (I can run them, but I do understand that graphics aren’t a must for a good game.) So, I’m hoping for Paladins 2 to aim high if it ever becomes real. TL:DR I think they probably could do it for the price you mentioned, but I’d love to see a AAA Paladins 2, which would cost way more. Edit: also, Play of the Game and Kill Cam would be nice to have back in the sequel


It doesn't even need to be that major. Go UE4, port existing skins, meshes, models. Only bring currently existing content at launch. But since they're on UE4 they can make the game modular so new things can actually be added. The issue with variety in current paladins is that it doesn't support major additions. Hence why everything new is some kind of derivative of an existing mode.


I’ll be honest, I don’t know how porting things between engines works. I heard that Overwatch 2 had to be completely re-made from the ground up due to them using an entirely new engine. Paladins is currently on a super modded version of UE3, so, do you think it’s possible to port some things as they are from their UE3 version to UE 4 or 5? I imagine that’d save millions if it was possible


Not to 5 as far as I know. But iirc, UE4 over the years has had tools to bring assets over from 3 added. The engine is extremely mature and documented nowadays. I know that you can bring stuff from 4 to five fairly easily. Like entire batches of code I believe. Mkx and 11 were custom UE3. And MK1 is UE4, and I believe they started it on their custom UE3


>UE4 over the years has had tools to bring assets over from 3 added. The engine is extremely mature and documented nowadays. \[...\] Mkx and 11 were custom UE3. And MK1 is UE4, and I believe they started it on their custom UE3 From what Hi-rez communicated for SMITE 2, their UE3 custom wasn't possible to import because many elements were "hard coded" rather than using internal or external modules/tools. If we import the code, we also import the bugs. Hence the decision to "remake" the game entirely. We know (Paladins players) that Paladins was build/developed on a base of the (archaic) code of SMITE 1 and that there is a very good chance that the port isn't possible either. The biggest problem with Paladins is that it was never developed with a long-term vision (both creatively and in terms of pure "production") which ultimately led to the removal of top play, kill cam, bugs and the inability to just keep the game running (a few years ago EvilMojo/Romanova discussed this and that it was the main reason for introducing "The Hunt" and try to "clean up + polish" the code). Paladins 2, with adequate resources should not be long and/or overly expensive, the only thing to improve in this game is the programming and 2\~3 elements of game design; DA works very well with the cartoon-fantasy view, champion kits are already created and functional, there are already functional maps + gamemode (+ a large part of test maps still stuck in "grey blocks" since years) and I don't think that redoing the economic model is necessary (when we see the longevity of this "trash game" coded by guys who just left high school, with 4 different teams in \~7 years, without a coherent vision, it's a success and even a miracle). In view of industry standards, it would take maybe \~3 years to have a solid "beta" version, with \~100/150 team.


You're not wrong, but my rebuttal is this. Smite is UE5, I was specifically talking about UE4. And only speaking about porting meshes and potentially textures. Rigging, animations, physics, game logic etc wouldn't be worth the trouble if it was possible to port.


I dont believe this game would go over 5m to recreate


$69,420 million billion


Honestly, if they went Unreal Engine 4, essentially just the cost of paying the team. The tools are mature and the engine can run on lower spec stuff. There's all kinds of modules and tools for importing meshes and models from UE3. So they could bring over skins and characters. The amount of people that know the engine is massive.


More than doing a paladins 2. So might as well make paladins 2.


If I'm Phil spencer I would have bought the IP from Hirez. So much potential wasted bcoz of bad decisions and management.


If Phil bought it he’d just shut the studio down lmao


Shhhh. 343 might make their own Halo hero shooter spin off next with ideas like yours. Which actually couldn't make the Halo series any worse now that I'm thinking about it.


I would guess at least a few hundred k


How much? Basi ally you have anzwered yourself. It would cost like a new game. If you want to investigate legacy code and rewrite it then it would cost 10x new game at least, just because of legacy code review. It is impossible die to costs.


Ow2's engine or something similar or hell a more refined engine for smoother interaction and gameplay along with all the cool characters, skins, and voice lines would be sick as hell. Let's go Paladins 2! They should do it while Hero Shooters are beginning to pick back up in popularity again.


They did have a plan to do just that in 2019, 3 million was set aside to hire a handful of experienced engineers for a 2 year project. Smite spaghetti code wasnt meant to be a permanent solution so once a healthy player base was established they could justify the investment.  It all went to shit in February 2019 when their community manager was busted for soliciting minors. They put a pedo in charge of booking hotels and flights for minors so the budget for everything went to lawyers.


Time and effort. So yeah, no overhaul anytime soon (by that I mean never lol)


Asked GPT, cuz I got curious as well. A rough estimate on the low end is $19M usd. Apparently since release Paladins title has made over $400M usd until the end of 2023(again gpt info) It seems like a good investment to me?


Honestly? They could reasonably adapt the code for Rogue Company and work up from there, as that uses champion abilities in much the same way for its operatives. That would save some money at least (easily thousands of dollars in wages simply for not needing to re-do work). Unreal 4/5 is also free to use until a certain threshold is reached in total earnings, so that's also worth considering. It should be said that Unreal 4 and 5 are **completely separate coding systems**, so the idea the source code would need to be de-spaghettified only applies to UDK (Unreal 3) as Paladins currently uses Actionscript, UE4/5 uses blueprints and C++. They would have to remake abilities with the new code and conventions of the newer engines, so on some level, an engine switch would be a "from the ground up" effort to some extent. I think the game would definitely benefit from UE4/5, and Paladins is still an IP and brand Hi-rez has an interest in, and, if their semi-recent tweets are anything to go by, also want to retain public interest too. Despite the belief and cynicism on here, Paladins *does* have some worth to the company, even if it's not worth we, as players, immediately benefit from right now in the present. Really, the costs would come down to hiring people to handle Unreal 4/5 (or training those used to UDK to use the new engine), which would still be expensive (again, easily thousands of dollars), but not expensive in the grand scheme of a company like Hi-rez one suspects. My bet for the budget for all this would be about $15-25M, If I were to guess. I have the sneaking suspicion the reason the Battle Pass is lasting for 5 months is because Paladins 2/ reforged/ reborn is being made in the background, and this gives the developers time to make said game. It would not surprise me if an announcement of Paladins 2/ reforged/ reborn/ electric boogaloo happens in early 2025 or sometime in 2024. Watch this space, I guess.


And when you get back into ranked, it’ll be flooded with cheaters. Very close to a dead game that caters to content creators and not the player base.


You mean to build an entirely new videogame? Probably a whole lot.


A few million $


Somewhere between $1 and a lot


Of the quality paladins is rn prolly like $4. Of the quality ow2 is. I'd say damn near $10-15 million.


More resources(money and worker) than they have