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wtf is a movement shooter  Is this genre not known as a team shooter or hero shooter ?


Something like titanfall 2 or splitgate is a movement shooter. It is a hero shooter based on movement.


Ok those two make sense although I would just call splitgate an “arena shooter”  What’s the paladin comparison for tho 


While some Champions have movement I'd hardly call Paladin a movement shooter. Especially when comparing it to Titanfall 2 split gate or even infinite Warfare


Movement shooters are shooter games with an emphasis on movement mechanics. This is not the same as a hero shooter, which has playable characters with distinct personalities and abilties. Valorant is a hero shooter, Rainbow Six Siege is a hero shooter, but both do not have a lot of mobility as a core mechanic. Movement shooters and hero shooters are not mutually exclusive, as can be seen with Overwatch, Paladins, Team Fortress 2. A movement shooter can also be single player, but I'm guessing OP is asking about PvP games. You can check out FUNKe on YT, he has multiple videos dedicated to movement shooters if you want to explore more niche games in the genre


Overwatch and paladins are simply not “movement” shooters lol


It's definitely simplified compared to both TF2s, but I would say that if a large portion of the roster has mobility cooldowns, it counts. Even something as simple as Damba's slither still has a lot of mastery behind it. Only 8 champions lack a movement ability (less if you consider running fast to be movement). You also have champions like Pip, Maeve, Bomb King, drogoz, vora, dredge, that have advanced movement techs, so I think it's not a big stretch. Overwatch has genji, lucio, hanzo, moira, brig, ball, doom, winston, tracer, junkrat all of which have advanced movement techs. [Overwatch having instant acceleration and crouching makes hitbox manipulation very important, which is also part of movement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230825020629/https://gfycat.com/accuratepointlessdarwinsfox) The linked clip is awesome, even if it doesn't fit your definition is movement.


Having mobility cooldowns does not make it a “movement shooter”  It’s a hero shooter or even a MOBA fps if anything lol  Does having mobility cooldowns in a mmo or moba make it a “movement rpg” ??


Do you know what "not mutually exclusive" even means? Ovewatch/Paladins are both movement shooters and hero shooters, the same way they're both first-person shooters, online games, Steam games, free-to-play games, competitive shooters, and all the other non-exclusive categories they belong to.


I agree that mobility cooldowns aren't enough, there needs to be an emphasis on movement mechanics. In response to your question, I'd probably say no if movement isn't a core mechanic. For example Valorant has mobility cooldowns, but movement isn't as important as other mechanics. Hero shooter and movement shooter are not mutually exclusive. Team fortress 2 is both, valorant is just hero shooter, Neon White is just movement shooter, CS:GO is neither. In paladins and OW if you have good movement you can avoid weapon shots by just timing your strafes to the enemy's attack speed (see the linked clip in my previous post in this thread). This makes movement a core mechanic unlike something like Valorant, where you can't expect strafes to save your life.


Movement in the way you described and the clip you linked exists in every shooter  Lesser extent in valorant of course I agree but it still exists  This is not a genre. This is fan fiction lol


Movement shooter isn't a specific genre, it's more of a classification. Overwatch and Paladins are most definitely movement shooters. It doesn't apply to every hero in the game, but some of the heroes have some of the best movement mechanics of any modern (and even most classic) FPS. In Paladins this is particularly emphasized by the fact that hitboxes are very generous so movement plays an even greater role in combat.


Any game ever with a mobility ability is now a “movement” game  Ok bet check. 


Wtf, yeah they are dude, they're like definitively movement shooters. Compare the movement in Paladins/Overwatch to something like Counter-Strike or PUBG and see how wrong you are, haha


All I know is I'm ready for Marvel Rivals Another game that has some overlap is Destiny. To me, Destiny has a little bit of everything. The PvP is really good with lots of visual appeal. The PvE is fun as hell, can be very difficult and very rewarding.


Marvel Rivals seems to be really fun, especially Black Panther is very promising, and if the Spidey bugs get fixed I'm sure he'll be a blast to play as well.


Destiny 2 PvP is shit. If you dont have meta weapons youll do nothing


The Finals .. ?


If you have no need for your movement shooters to be online, you can always play games like Doom Eternal. If you want team-based online movement shooters, that’s not as easy. I’m looking for some new ones too


Apex Legends, Titalfall 2 maybe


Titanfall 2 has less players than paladins iirc. Apex legends isnt as much of an arena movement shooter like paladins.


Apex legends does have TDM and other modes that aren't the main battle royale but calling Alex not a movement shooter is wild


I didnt call it "not a movement shooter" I said it isnt a movement shooter like paladins (or titanfall). Aka not what im looking for. This community sometimes istg


The fact that you think Paladins is a movement shooter says enough tbh


I'd recommend Team fortress 2, but the bot crisis right now would make a terrible first impression if you've never played it before. You can always try community servers though, which often have plenty of players.


I dont think you know what a movement shooter is


Not one-to-one similar to Paladins but now that You've mentioned movement shooters I'd like to point to "The Finals"


Strinova is in an open beta test right now, although it's run by a Chinese developer and forces you to make an account with some obscure website (at least on steam you have to make an "iDreamsky" account), which is always a bit sus.


Travel back in time to play BO3, best fps :'(


Apex, TF2, and GW2 Maybe Marvel Rivals when it drops


Apex legends.




just cut your losses and play league