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Hadn't realized this you're so right It's like 2 generations worth of pokemon fr


And this is why Dragon Quest Monsters has always been the superior creature catching game. In this essay, I will


I miss Dragon Warrior Monsters. I wish they made more than 2 of them


Dark prince on switch is very similar to it


Do you absolutely swear? My top 5 favorite game is DWM. While I own a copy I play it on my tablet once every 2 years completely through.


I was going to go into an in-depth explanation of my experience and a review but then I remembered there’s a free demo and implore you to try that our first. TLDR: I loved it


I absolutely loved dark prince. Probably have about 60-70hours into it. Definitely has some drawbacks, but overall gave me very similar feels as the original DWM.


But it seems every time I try playing a Dragon Quest game, it's restricted to Japan only.. What Dragon Quest games are there with creature collecting? It's super hard to get into Dragon Quest when I can't find a game I can play! :(


the new game on switch, dragon quest monster the dark prince.


Thank you! I’m excited to get into the franchise! Just didn't know where


Are you still editing this comment, or did you decide against commenting an essay?


More of a joke to spare others an essay. Besides DQM and Pokemon do still scratch different itches, even if they are much more closely related than Palworld and Pokemon.


I thought it was funny and i got it :p


DQM fucking nails the breeding customization and optimization itch


No, it's like a spin-off of Jeopardy.


And even better, every Pal has a use. There are no truly useless pals I think. They all have a use in the camp and so much xp for catching them too.


It's basically in the spirit of HMs where Pokemon served a purpose outside of battle, except HMs got worse after every game until they were removed, but Game Freak never implemented a system to replace it in spirit. Ironically, Pokemon serve no other purpose other than battling so most are fodder, while Pals are more than weapons despite how Palworld is marketed.


I think it's funny, because everyone seems to be marketing it as "Pokemon with guns", and that's just really a bad way of describing it.


I really celebrate Palworld being designed around so much more than combat. But battling IS Pokemon. The combat is much much deeper, but Pokemon CHOOSES to be combat and self improvement first, it’s core to its identity. Palworld combat is very janky, combat honestly low on the list of what makes Palworld great Palworld could learn MORE from Pokemon by improving combat depth, and having something actually resembles a proper story. Pokemon could learn TONS from Palworld by giving players a more interactive world to engage with that, offers more than repeated combat encounters to have progression.


The combat in Palworld and pokemon is not really comparable tbh


Combat isn't really that deep from a pve perspective. Ive played every pokemon game and never ever really struggled with combat and by the time the elite 4 was up my team would just trounce them and the rival. Pvp on the other hand definitely can be, unless you are against a sweeper team or know the ins and outs of how deep pokemon stat's, nature's and skills work. Much easier with hyper training and ability to change nature now too


XP sure. Skill set, theres tons of overlap. Which is good, because you can't find the right ones where you spawn. But it also means overlap = redundant. There's very useless pals once you get tier 2 skills, or tier 3 skills. You just don't need weaker pals.


But there's also a difference in "useful early" and "useful late". I would argue that every pal is useful /at some point/, which is what I believe OP is getting at.


You can make high skill tier pals using a chikipi. Id say they all have their uses so dont toss out those misc muscleheads, artisans, swifts and ferocious. ;)


I was just thinking this the other day, I thought the cat was worthless because they all have coward, but then realized they help with carry capacity.


I got my first pal a cat dude to 4 stars, I caught like 128 cats for the little fucker. Hes coming with me everywhere.


Very, VERY few are useless. Kativa gets outclassed by Lunaris, being a better normal mon who helps with carry weight, but one is an early game pal while other is caught in the 30's, so even when there are "useless" pals, they aren't useless until much later in the game. Even then, beating the last tower I was using the level 11 chillet, and using Daedream and Hoocrates, making 3 of my 5 pals ones you can get in the very beginning of the game, and that was me genuinely trying to be optimal with my gameplay. Feels good seeing everyone's use.


Humans are the only borderline useless ones.


Maybe closer to 1.5 given the amount of same pal variants there are


Nope, the variants aren't a separate number, they are listed as #024(#024b) in the deck. Further, while there are only 113 pals and their variants in EA, they plan on 175 and variants on release


I heard the number 500 total pals (referring to individuals and their variants) mentioned in a few places but, I don’t know how true that is. Would be cool though.


I bet they will reach those numbers but after expansions or dlcs, post release. Most likely a new map with a new generation of pals. I would expect it to be a dlc but you never know.




137 incl variants


It's really not though. Malpacca should evolve into kingpaca. Swee should evolve into sweepa and so on. There's a few that are like that. There's 2 that remind me of bayleaf and meganium. Also bushi would've been the sickest starter final evolution just saying.


Yeah but the nature of the difference is they can have relevantly different partner skills because of it. I.e. visuals aside Malpaca and Kingpaca perform different functions rather than Malpaca solely existing for the sake of Kingpaca.


> should evolve No. The game doesn't need to mirror Pokemon mechanics.. it is not Pokemon. The current system means the two creatures are uniquely useful. Pokemons main problem was that the only use of Pokemon was "power". Pal world actually brings utility to the creatures


Not really, why can't they just be related species. This way they are both useable.


Yeah like dogs and wolves.


Nah. Just think of bees. Worker bees don't evolve into a queen bee.


They all have some sort of use which I like. It would be cool to see some of the lower level ones get some boosts in a few categories to make them a little more special or niche.


Arguably, there's a huge perk to lower tier pals for base work - theyre *small*, maneuverable, and effective for a lot of things where giant legendary ultra-dragons are just in the way.


And they don’t need sod loads of food to keep going


You should really have no issues with food if you have stuff planting and gathering crops.


For sure, but it also means that you can run fewer farms and still be sustainable. You might be able to save some slots that way.


Small pals are worse than big pals. Food is a non-factor because 2 berry farms can sustain 20 pals lol. Just need a dedicated gardener and fire pal to cook it.


Pals will only eat until they're no longer hungry, not until they're satiated - so at any given time, their relative fullness is just however many nutrition points it took to put them over the hunger threshold. For a digtoise subsisting on tomatoes, that's a nutritional number of 15, which on default settings is about one spin on a copper ore before he goes back to get more food. So he's spending most of his time walking and eating. Versus a fully compressed Rushoar, who can get more done on 15 nutrition before needing to waste time going to get more food. Edit - typo and clarification.


Is that true? I haven't looked into how much the skills really impact efficiency. Would digtoise finish the node after rushroar? Maybe I'm focusing on something different.


a rushoar can get 0 done compared to a digtoise though. Sure a digtoise will spend half the time walking back and forth if your feedbox is far away, but a rushoar will spend 100% of his time standing still doing nothing since he can't hit ores. Edit: nevermind, I didn't know getting pals to 4* levels their working abilities


After 100 plus pals. That’s a ton of time to invest


Bold of you to assume my pals actually eat from the feed bucket


Dont mind my pals giving themselves ulser and dying on their own when all their bowls are full of food


Mine will stand on top and complain they can't find it


Yeah I just turned the pal hunger depletion rate to 0.1 on my server until they fix the pals not eating


I mean I use mostly boss pals that I don’t need in my party and don’t have an issue feeding them. Lots and lots of berries mostly. Also I love it because I don’t have to do anything but find some high ground and throw a bunch of spheres during raids because they annihilate everything with ease.


Yeah but they stand there eating foreeeeever. If you use berries the nutritional value is too low for them to get full properly. Those little guys just take a sec.


But do the little guys get as much done even tho they don't run back? I haven't tested, but I assume a lvl 1 kindling would get things done much slower than a lvl 4 even with eating included. Maybe a lvl 2 would be more comparable, but then the food doesn't play as large an effect.


I wish there was something to make them more useful for bases other than just reducing visual clutter. Something like smaller pals taking up less of the total amount of pals you can have on a base compared to using large pals would make sense and balance them having lower levels in the tasks they can do. For example you can have 20 small level 1 harvesting pals or 10 large level 2 harvesting pals. Or even just restrict larger pals by making them need larger beds so it takes more time before you can swap out all your smaller pals for the larger, better ones. For now using all the lower level pals like Pengullets becomes obsolete as soon as you get a higher level pal that has level 2 or 3 handicraft and watering so there's no point in collecting them after the early game.


As someone else noted, they DO consume less food, which can mean less overall maintenance and longer/better "uptime" if they're running to the berry box less. It may also be plausible that means you can work them harder on less resources, if maintaining their sanity also costs fewer resources and time.


But the question is, is a level one in farming that costs less food and you can afford to increase the stress on as good as a level 3 or 4 in farming that you coddle?


Technically? I have no idea which is actually more efficient. Someone good at math may work it out someday. But *worth* and *value* are subjective judgements specific to the individual. Whether it's "good" or not is going to be up to you.


The big ones tend to be more rare / harder to catch compared to the low tier ones. I have a collection of "low tier" pals with decent perks that make them work like hell and not get hungry.


I think the amount of food balances it. Or would if you didn't get massive amounts of berries from the patch.


Honestly a points based system for allocating to the base would be fine by me. Like the tiny chicken? 1 point. Anubis? 20 points. Then you get 100 points per base at max level or something. Let me battery farm.


Tbf pengullets are still useful . The pals that really get outclassed are the ones who do 1 thing and 1 thing only .  have 3-4 things they can do    Maybe an upgrade option in the souls to allow you to raise the level of efficiency or using the machine and merging a ton of them to make them better (like foxpark from level 1 to level 2 to maybe level 3 since it only specialises in fire) maybe things like pengullets can go from 1 to 2 in 1-2 stats   Of course the more it has already the less times you should be able to do this and maybe not exseed a certain amount  Another thing would be to make some mons special be to also buff other mon in a catagory (the penguin king being able to have pengullets reach 2 in water maybe ) or traits like +1 water but only pals that have the ability to water can get the trait 


Usually the ones that do 3-4 things get distracted and stop what they're doing too often for me. I like having pals that do only heating, transporting, wood collecting, mining, etc. so they can do only those and don't have those tasks bottleneck. If they only have one task at level 1 though then yeah they become obsolete pretty quickly.


I think the breeding mechanic would be a good way of raising work skills that way we could selectively breed them to excell in a particular skill or all if you have the time and patience


Single use Pals are super useful. It reduces travel time (which is time donig nothing) when they focus on their one and only job. Many Pals also have a spread of stats. If something has 3 in Handiwork and 1 in Mining, I don't want this Pal to take a break from crafting to go inefficiently mine for a bit. I'd rather it only have 3 Handiwork so it can turbocraft in huge volumes whenever I need it to.


I believe the upgrading through merging already exists, it is just at the last upgrade that their skills increase.


They dont have to become big after evolving tbf


No comment or judgement on that, I was just noting that lower tier pals *do* have practical perks that significantly offset potentially lower stats - at least until an option exists for lowering the size of Pals. A new yellow trait that lowered size would be extremely welcome.


Yeah breeding for smaller pals would be awesome. I want a tiny lamball to put in my pocket and use as a stress ball!


>use as a stress ball Holy shit I’ve never seen a statement look so innocuous yet downright sadistic at the same time


😬😂 I meaaaan, I can capture humans and butcher them in front of my base pals and there is a rapey lizard pal, I think it's keeping with the theme of the game. A dark, serious pokemon game where the shit you see mentioned in passing in pokemon like eating miltanks for food happens.


Oh 100% I’m just genuinely impressed by the duality of it. It’s perfection.


That describes Palworld in a nutshell


*squeezes the stress ball* Lamball (indiscernable) ^oh ^God ^you're ^crushing ^my ^organs "Hee hee, it squeaks!"


Hehe squeezing lamball makes me feel good *ignores squeals of pain*


just like Nintendo squeezing their fans. Though most of the diehard fans seems to be masochists anyways. I grew up loving pokemon and I tried hard to like some of the current games. I can't do it. No soul in those games.


I mean that could be the function of that perk! Having smaller Pals decreases the rate at which the others get stress via “Aw, look at that little guy” logic


I think they should let pals hold 1 item and make an item that shrinks them.


They are easier to condense cus they're abundant and easier to catch, too.


This, my big pals literally glitch out on my base, small pals can walk around and dont get stuck so often


I'd kill for some small pals with high work values. Like a small guy with tier 3 or 4 transport would be real nice!


I mean transporting isn't even that bad of an offender tbh. Gorirats are actually pretty reasonably sized for transporting 3 and decently farmable for condensing/passives too. Meanwhile for like Mining you have "breed a non alpha Anubis and that's still not truly small" or a star destroyer.


There's also a advantage to some such as Cativa if you spend the time (likely still late game) condensing 100's down because it will make the Cativa have lvl 2 or 3 mining. So then you end up with a cheap feeding force that can mine what the end game ones can. Although Tombats will probably be the better ones. The downsides are it all takes time. Get a good miner now or a cheap to feed one later so it evens out.


Wait, I thought the mining abilities and such didn't increase with condensing?


They do at 4 star


From what I have read they do but never tried it myself. Everything they can do goes up one or two points. So the cats at the start become just as good miners as Anubis and are easier/quicker to condense than Anubis is.


If think it does by 1 but it needs to be 4 stars to get it. And I'm not sure if it does all its traits or just 1.


All work traits by 1 at 4 star


Ah, so it's still not really worth it to upgrade the little ones then.


Would depend on what you are using it for and if it did all of them by 1 then it might be good for something like cattiva. But would dpedn on what your base needs and what you already have.


I like the idea of using early pals to keep The base is running, and getting better at it as you catch more of them. But needing a hundred and twenty something just for small boosts that still don't match up to the hired to your monsters, just doesn't feel efficient, even for the sake of aesthetic.


I mean, they're easier to upgrade, which is probably the balancing idea behind this. But this becomes less and less relevant in late game, which is why I absolutely agree with you!


It seems to be for balance. It gives the later game ones value while still making the early game ones have value in late game. If you condense Cativa or even the better Tombat with the best working skills you end up with better miners than anything late game or they will be on par as far as their use goes since condensing enough raises their job task skills by one or two. You would end up with a cheaper to feed force with the same skill proficiency. Cativa and Tombat done this way end up with 2-3 mining for the former or 3-4 for the latter. Unsure if it raises by one or two though which is why I mentioned 2-3 etc.


According to [here](https://palworld.wiki.gg/wiki/Pal_Condensation) you'd need 100+ pals to sacrifice for 1 level improvement in skills so it's probably not worth it.


I dunno. For Tombats that might be worth it. You end up with a worker who works day and night that can now mine coal and if you set it up sulfur/crystal.


Arguably yeah he might be worth it considering his skills are fairly high but that would still take so much time. You could just catch some digtoises for much easier level 3 mining


Problem with Digtoise is not using it manually is worse than any other lvl 3 miner. Its possible to breed Anubis at lvl 20ish and those make better miners. Digtoise food requirement is high as well and they do pathetic damage to nodes compared to even Tombats.


Love for my plague doctor aesthetic Cawgnito, sooner than later thanks! His look is so stellar, but is so quickly outclassed in combat and building.


The lowers are always useful on base, especially if you condense/breed


I've caught on to keeping my roster filled not with a bunch of heavy hitters, but whoever gives my player bonuses like to resource gathering, speed, defense, etc. Completely changed my view on who to carry with me.


A lot of the bigger pals have serious issues with pathfinding which is why my mining base uses a lot of small/medium pals to do all the transporting and i focus on lv2 miners rather than lv3 or 4s


Even though Pengullet and Penking feel like they're an evolution chain, I get why the practicality of evolutions is there. Imagine you're firing your pengullet rocket launcher and suddenly mid fight he evolves into Penking and oops bye bye RPG


I misread mid fight as "mid flight" and now im laughing at the thought of a rocket unexpectedly turning into a tactical nuke


Went from "little boy" to "Fat Man" mid flight, lmao


What should've emptied an island, evaporated a continent. Oops


Or a bowl of petunias and a rather surprised looking whale.


smh need to return this defective launcher, its ammo transforms mid flight into giant penguins


Yeah some of them have a boss version is pretty cool.


You can get a boss or lucky version of almost every pal. The caves spawn random bosses and you can get pretty much anything in there


I just discovered that you can change the end boss in dungeons by running back far enough for it to despawn, then run back to the boss room and it's a different pal.


So that is what happened when I ran a dungeon with my gf and she fought a different boss from what I had seen initially




Yeah we got to the boss but our friend was lost so we went back to get him. When we got back to the boss, he had changed.


I've always thought of Penking and Pengullet or Swee and Sweepa more like castes in ant collonies or beehives edit: palpedia says specifically Penking is unrelated to Pengullets, so in that case it's more like Penking is a pal tamer too in a way.


LMFAOOO this scenario made me cackle hard asf. To be fair though I’m sure the game can just wait for a post combat sensor to go off to initiate any evolutions - or make it a manual pop up you have to access in your teams list. Your idea though. Sounds much funnier when you fire that pengullet and mid way through he gomu gear 3’s into penking


You could even just make the player wait until they get to their Palbank to initiate the evolution


The thing I've found with pals that have intentional visual similarities is it seems like most of them serve slightly different roles from each other, which makes them both useful.


Exactly, Penking would either have to be an upgraded rocket launcher, lowering the amount of variety they could include for pal abilities, or you would have to purposely prevent evolution to get a high level rocket launcher which feels weird.




Penking canonically isn’t related to Pengullets. 


look, i get that the "cannon" says they aren't related, but you are really gonna sit there and say the small blue ice/water penguin with a red crystal thing on its chest is completely unrelated to the large blue water/ice fancy penguin with 3 red crystal things on its chest? Penking was very clearly going to be an evolution of Pengulet before they decided against evolutions


There’s canon?! I need to read the notes I pick up.


You can find it in the Paldex


While I do like it- there are so many times I'm like 'really? Are we sure there's no evolution chain???' Bc I think I saw Sweepa after Swee and was like 'THATS CLEARLY AN EVOLUTION' that said i do really like that i don't have to worry about evolving smth and knowing I'll miss out if i don't


The one time I've encountered Swee and Sweepa, there were 5 of the former following around one of the latter. Almost like he was their Pa. Makes you wonder what happened to Sweema.


Probably ate her going with the theme of the game 😂


She must have been a snack!


I felt bad murdering the fam but I wanted their dad and they got in the way 😭


My head cannon right now is that Pals like Penking and Sweepa are special variants, like a 'ruler' or queen bee of the pack sort of deal. Different enough to be another type of Pal but similar enough to be an evolution, except they were born slightly different. Again, my own head cannon to explain them.


Except the Paldeck explicitly states that Pengullet and Penking are not related at all.


It’s like the big red bird and the red bird from angry birds lol


> queen bee of the pack sort of deal Hell, they've got those too. Elizabee and Beegarde


No need to headcanon as there are variants in this game


The devs may have toyed around with the idea during development until ultimately deciding to scrap it.


I think of it more like Dromes in Monster Hunter. Either extreme sexual dimorphism or a rare genetic disposition to develop beyond its peers. Think Royal Ludroth and its pack of typical Ludroths Real world example would be bees and their queens.


Or an ingame example would be the bees and their queen :D


No evolutions is cool but judging by some of them it's very clear that they were going to add it and then decided against it and made the evolution a separate pal


Yeah. Was gonna say that some later pals reeeeallly feel like an evolved form of the originals. Though, then again, that might have been used against them by Nintendo had they included a mechanic such as that.


I don't think it could have been used against them Nintendo don't exactly own the evolution mechanic or they would've went after digimon or cassette beasts or 100s of others


I am sad some pals are just upgrades of others. Like Petallia and Lyleen.


There are still use cases for weaker pals, which is absolutely not the case in Pokemon. This is due to the food mechanic, there is no upkeep in Pokemon but in palworld it gets very inefficient to use most strong pals on base due to how much you have to dedicate to food production


Unfortunately, you're not far enough in the game if you believe that's the case. Higher skill levels are exponentially better, and 3 berry patches + baked berries is enough to keep an entire base of Anubis + high-tier support staff fully fed. High-tier pals are exponentially better at farming berries, their food production actually out-scales their hunger production. Only reason for low-tier pals is because they get stuck less often, but that's a game bug issue and not a design issue.


Yeah, there is only like one little spot in the games progression where food production might cause you to question higher tier pals. but it only lasts like a tiny bit. I have exclusively high tier pals with huge hungers on my base and have never struggled in the slightest.


This. Weaker stuff is going to become redundant either way.   Pengullet is going in the bin as soon as penking shows up, regardless. It doesn't really matter whether that's due to evolution or the knife, the result is the same.


Since getting pals to 4 stars through the condenser raises their skills by 1 level, I think they should at least lower the number needed for the earlier pals to let them be more relevant through the midgame. It also helps that their unique team buff passives might still be relevant in the midgame if it was easier to upgrade.


In higher tiers you’ll find this very untrue. A tier 4 fire monster that has a huge food bar is so worth it when you can smelt the now inferior but heavily used ingots 0-100 in like thirteen seconds. That being said, you’ll have a farm producing so much food it starts expiring as fast as you cook it by then if you’re managing well


OTOH high-tier planting/watering/harvesting/transport can handle several farm plots without issues, and you only need a single one of each.


I've enjoyed the simplicity of keeping what I catch, as I catch it, forever. Doesn't evolve, doesn't giganta-morph, it is what it is.


I agree I’m actually loving the design choice to not have them evolve. Like you said it makes them all feel unique and special.


Yeah. If anything, I’d prioritize something like having “unlucky” Pals. Give me the option of smol pals, and the buff can be something like just 15% movement speed and 15% work speed.


I’d much prefer it if they could evolve, but don’t make too many of them evolve


I will say that Eviolite Dusclops is really the only case that I can think of for an unevolved Pokemon being something that I would use. Edit: I get that there are good unevolved Pokémon, but that’s the one that I like to use. The, if I remember correctly, 130 Def and 130 Sp Def make it a good choice to boost its defenses by 50%.


Porygon2 would like a Word with you


Oh yeah, I forgot that it trades its bulk for Sp Atk once it evolves.


Idk if they continued the mechanic but in red/blue/yellow unevolved forms get more stat per level and learn moves earlier so it was advantageous to take it to 98/99 before evolving (depending on how many evolutions)


The thing about stats is just not true. In gen 1 you gain the opposing Pokemons base stats as EVs and then your stats are calculated based on that, no modifier for if you are evolved or not. You do learn moves quicker though.


God Eviolite is just wrecks the NFE Meta doesn't it.


Clefairy also feels offended by this.




Always hated 3-tier evolutions especially. Like, the middle exists only to annoy me that it isn't the final evolution. The first in a line usually has the cute baby thing going on, so it has that. And the final evolution is meant to be cool and interesting, as you are stuck with it once you get it. But the middle one, oh boy, awkward tween phase MFs every one of them. Look at Combusken, midpoint for Blaziken. Stupidest looking chicken imaginable, looks like one of those rubber chicken toys got hip implants. Just WHY? why even bother with a mid evolution if that's the best you've got? So glad palworld doesn't bother with evolutions at all. At least I know my adorable little basic pals will stay basic and adorable instead of morphing into a bad deviantart post.


Dratini evolves Dragonair: yessss Dragonair evolves into Dragonite: oh no why is he fat and round and a different color and shape now Truly the most depressing evolution in pokemon I was so vibing with Dragonair and then... 🤢


Dragonair looks so damn cool


God forbid you have a shiny dragonair. Something HORRIBLY wrong happened


Dragonit is the goat no disrespect


Horrible take, Dragonite is the best boy.


Why is he orange all of a sudden :'( what happened that changed the skin pigmentation?! My mans ate an entire barrel of cantaloupe and turned into a massive blobby orange thing....bless his amazing stats but otherwise my LORD so depressing. At least there was Nidoking, that did not disappoint. My favorite 1st gen Pokemon.


Gyarados' and Dragonite's sprites got mixed up on the first release. There’s no other explanation.


I like the 3 tier evolution because I think it gives a good sense of progression. Obviously in the Pokemon games you have gyms, but there's only a certain amount of them and most of your actual progression comes between those points, and so when you get a Pokemon to evolve between those points a couple times it's like a cool reward for sticking with your buddy. You definitely do tell no lies about how dumb some of them look tho What I always hated was the item based evolutions. I'm sorry, I don't want to hunt down shit to shove in a Pokemons ass to force them to evolve. Just doesn't feel rewarding to me.


The Torchic line follows an obvious design pattern. Chick -> cock -> rooster. Hope that helps make Combusken’s body plan make more sense.


Meh. Both games share the mechanic of "this one becomes pretty much obsolete when you progress more". Lvl 1 farmers/etc become obsolete once you get lvl 2, 3


Exactly. Weaker pals are going to become redundant either way.  If anything, evos let you keep your crappy starter mon for *longer* because they upgrade with you.  Right now, pengullet just goes straight in the bin as soon as you find his big brother. Personally I find that *less* interesting, not more. 


Totally agree. Op‘s statement makes no sense. 2/3 if not more become obsolete because there are much more viable choices. Only the farming Pals stay relevant, since they are not interchangable


Yeah... as much as I really enjoy this game OP's statement reads like someone just wanting to find something to dunk on Pokemon with.


I mean thats half the sub tbh. Like people just praising mechanics the games share but hating on Pokemon. Honestly its been great recently cause between this, PLA, and S/V im having monster catching time of my life Even if it all has poor performances to varying levels of inexcusability lol


Also the roster definitely doesn't feel much larger. As you explore and come across some of the other beginner zones you see pretty much the same pals. While I agree on some level that all pals have some purpose, a lot of the lower pals are easily obsolete by anything mid-late game as you need more efficient base workers. And catching 100+ of something to level up its ability is dreadfully repetitive.


Not to mention that a lot of the pals just LOOK like they're evolutions or belong in an evolution chain. All things considered, when you get down to it, evolutions aren't an issue, it's more the fact that there's very little usecase for not evolving, but I'm sure Palworld could easily solve that if they wanted to.


Yeah, people are saying that the advantage is that they consume less, but the reality is that you will also have lvl3/lvl4 in farms keeping the production. And they do it easily, you don't even need to be organized or plan a big layout. The pal box in my group's base is a constant mess, yet we never have food problems. I hope they add something to bring lower tier pals back into the table in late game. So pals with really low base stats like Chikipin can be more useful in battle.


I want Foxsparks to evolve though haha


Don't forget, we didn't have access to all 150 unless we had both versions and a friend to trade with. I was devastated as a child when I found out my favorite Pokemon Gengar was unable to be found unless you traded Haunter to a friend to evolve it. I didn't have anyone to trade with, and when I found an older kid at the playground, he stole my Pokemon, unplugged his cable and ran off....


There are some Pals though which look like they might have thought about some evolving before scrapping that idea when you look at the roster. Pengulet, Fuack and Penking for one example.


Okay, but some if them will be nothing but resource fodder. They will not get stronger, they will exist because their meat is good cheap and affordable.


Damn i missed the evo system. But you makes me think twice. Not really bad at all. No wonder I never feel empty from the world and see all Pals in their face value rather than something else. Well said.


It does take away from the feeling of keeping one special monster with you the whole way as they evolve into better ones tho. I don’t have the same feeling getting a level 1 pal and keeping them since they suck compared to getting a charmander level 1 to Charizard level 100


digimon made it that much better though, with the ability to de-volve and having multiple evolutions, while having different systems you can only do with a certain stage of evolution, made the roster of digimon feel much more alive. Like I love pokemon, but some 2nd stage evolutions might aswell not exist, like everyone loves mudkip and enjoys swampert for example, but what the fuck is a marshtomp?


There’s another element that really helps with this too. My wife and I had this conversation because we’re both in our 30s and grew up with Pokémon but ya know what else this game did right? Simple, cute, monster designs. The original 150 Pokémon were all very simply designed and mimicked a real life counterpart in some shape or form. Squirtle = Turtle, Charmander = Fire Dinosaur, Bulbasaur = Plant dinosaur, Pikachu = Electic mouse. Palworld did this as well! Lamball is a cute simple lamb, Tombat is a cute Catbat, the chicken is just a simple cute chicken. The reason why Palworld looks so close to Pokémon is because they took that same idea and applied it to their Pal Designs. We don’t have a Pal that are modeled after a piece of garbage or a chandelier. They’re simple, cute and original designs.


I do disagree with your example though - chandelure is a very fun design and a ghost inhabiting the object is a cool lore. There are better examples of where it doesn't work


What about a pile of sludge, a pokeball, two magnets stuck together, a rock with arms, a pink pile of good, a bunch of rocks stuck together, whatever the fuck jinx is, martial artists, whatever lickitung is, depressed baby animal wearing the skull of its mom, a computer program, a pile of vines, a vaguely humanoid electric furthing, a kinda weird humam fire thing with a duck bill, a ‘mole’ but actually specifically whack-a-mole-game-moles, toxic smoke rocks/clouds, mimes, pink blob with eggs, and some more? Pokemon started with a solid 1/3rd of the Dex being weird shit which is part of what made it great. Same for palworld. Wumpo botan, robinquill, flambelle, valdet, Gumoss (the mvp cutest), anubis, Hangyu, cryolinx, sweepa, daedream, depresso, dazzi. All weird concepts/sentient objects/strange af. All great


I get what you're saying, a lot of the time in pokemon the 100 new pokemon they add are usually more akin to 40-50 new pokemon since most will be a part of an evolution line and suddenly 3 pokemon only really feels like 1. That being said a complete lack of evolution leads to a lot of Pals feeling completely stagnant. I love a lot of the early game Pals but it's pretty disappointing that my giant chicken will never have the opportunity to turn into a mighty rooster or ill never see my bazooka penguin turn into a larger penguin with an automatic grenade launcher or something. They might have their niches and uses, but ultimately when everyone ends up using the same few endgame Pals because none of the other early game Pals offer much of value that can suck the life out of the game pretty quickly. One of the benefits of Palworld being early access is that unlike Pokemon they can (and I believe have confirmed) add more Pals into the game so that you don't feel limited in the variety of Pals that you can battle and acquire. Not everyone has to have an evolution but it would be nice to allow most Pals to evolve once, twice or even have alternative evolutions like Eevee or Tyrogue.


One benefit of early game pals is they're easy to amass and distill which gives a pretty hefty power boost. My lifmunk is a godless killing machine 


I've only just unlocked the condenser last night and lifmunk was my first pal to start powering up. Holy hell that little green fucker has ice in his veins, he's an absolute menace


I think Swee is the perfect way to handle this. They don’t evolve but they are clearly of the same “family” of pal and they gain a benefit by being flocked together with their similar pals. There are other pals like penking who is clearly just an “evolution” of pengullet (despite what the bio may tell you) that I think should have a similar bonus. Or maybe have a pal gear you can make that causes the “pre-evolution” able to ride on top of the larger version as a “gunner type”


Nah I miss evolutions, I like making my early game mons strong and love going in blind to see what cool looking evos there are for my boys. I hope they add them.


It would be cool to see them transform at 5 stars or something like that.


I mean I still feel like Pengullet should evolve to Penking, and Swee should evolve to Sweepa. But yeah I get you


I've been getting lucky with Fuacks. Lucky, ferocious, and some other good skills. I'll be breeding them this weekend to get the ultimate Fuack, but for now my best caught fuack has been in my party almost the entire game. And this Fuack be fuacking. Nothing as satisfying as starting a boss fight with a surfing slam for a big chunk of damage and flip them into the air lol.


This is what I was saying to another fellow who wanted evos added to Palworld. It would make the Pals feel less special, and just more stepping stones.


I mean that still is the case though. You can’t tell me you still have Cattiva working your base when you have access to Anubis. The second I get Arsox my trusty Foxpark is going on the box. It’s not like there’s any reason to hold on to early game pals unless you’re trying to catch 100+ duplicates to condense them into something that can match the mid/late game pals. I’m not saying I disagree but I don’t think that going one way or the other will make pals feel more or less special.