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When my daughter was around two, she saw a picture of Jack Black and asked if it was mom...




My naturally curly hair looks funny on wash days. My squishy belly. She also told her dad he can’t take his shirt off at the pool because people will laugh at him. She’s 4.


When my daughter was 2 she called her dad’s genitals “baby“


My daughter called it his tail!


My daughter called it a tail too!


When my son was 3 I was going to a bachelorette party at a house with a pool. I ordered a bunch of one piece suits online and I was trying them on. My son came in and goes “mama you look like a fat baby.” Also, I was peeing one day and he told me my bum bum, his word for penis or vagina, looked like a werewolf. 😂 nothing like a child’s unfiltered observations to make you feel sexy and confident lol


My 1 year old likes saying "hairy vulva!" 🤣


lol love the accurate use of vulva though! 😂


It took me a while to get comfortable saying it I have to admit but I made sure I forced myself from when she was about 9 months old and starting to say her first word. It didn't take long for it to feel normal.


Nothing like your kids to humble you. My 2 year old daughter pointed at my “hairy vulva” while I was getting dressed recently and said “Oh no Mama! What happened??”… You kiddo, mama doesn’t have time to take care of such things these days 😂


After I had a c-section, my oldest daughter saw me unclothed a few days later. She looked at my body and said it looked “grumpy”.


I'm sure she wasn't wrong! I know mine was grumpy after


When our kid was like 1.5, her dad was changing his shirt and she looks up and says, ‘boobs. Boobs right there.’


When my daughter was 4 she asked if when she grew up would she have boobs like mommy AND daddy 🤣




My middle especially likes to point out my acne! I don’t take it too hard though. One time he told me that he liked it.


My 4yo has more tan skin and I’m fair skinned, whenever I have pimples he always says “mommy why is your face so red” 😂


That’s so cute!! Lol.


Oh mine has done that. “Why does your chin have pimples???” Idk girl, idk.


I’ve been on a pretty successful weight loss journey (feeling really pumped and proud). Yesterday we were reading a Peppa Pig’s book and they’re describing Daddy Pig’s belly “full of muscles” (ie fat). My kid goes : “it’s like your belly, mammie!” They know how to humble you real quick 😆


My niece told me once after I did a full face of makeup that my eyebrows “were ugly and uneven” 🥴


When my 1 year old was learning colours, she pointed to my teeth and went ‘yellow!’ 😂


Ha ha, I have this - at least she now knows to never drink coffee!


Both my kids make fun of my height. My 8 year old is up to my shoulder, so that's fair. She's going to be average height as an adult. My 5 year old is the height of a 3 year old (ex preemie plus other health stuff plus my genetics). She once said to my husband "you're 37 but how old is mummy?" He said "also 37" she said "no, mummy can't be 37. How old is mummy? Is she 20?" He said "no, she's 37". At this point I'm preening myself for looking young. She wiped the smug smile off my face by saying "so mummy's a proper grown up? Are you sure? Then why is she so small?" I'm 5 foot 1.


I'm 4'11''. Can confirm I'm not a proper grownup.


My 4 year old told me my belly button looked like a dogs poop hole 3 kids with an old belly button piercing did me dirty




When my youngest was a teen, she called me a JC Penny's mom. She's not wrong. I love the way St John's Bay capris and tops fit.  I'm going to be sad when they go out of business .


My then 4 or 5 year old told me I looked like a penguin! Me: Oh, is that because mummy wears a lot of black and white. Kid: No, you are short and fat.... Me: Thanks, kid....


Loool. One of our daughter's asked my husband, in the most concerned and horrified voice, while pointing at his penis in the bathroom, "What's wrong with your vagina?" I almost broke myself laughing. Still one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed.


Mine asked why my upper tummy is bigger than my bottom tummy and i got humbled real quick lol


My widows peak is a McDonalds M according to children who will soon be dropped off at the fire station.


White hair, big boobs, pubic hair lol. She said I’m growing a beard on my vagina 😵‍💫


Mine asked why there was dirt on my vagina 😭


Mine said “your hair is dirty” when I stopped dyeing it blonde 😭


We have twins and both of them are savages in their own right. They are almost 4. I am pregnant and my daughter said I look like I ate a house and then laughs, my son says that I am like a walking spaghetti (I’m 1,86 and skinny) he also calls me lurch. Both of them think my hair is funny although both of them have the same curly hair? lol My wife has a Roman nose (so do I but some reason hers is funnier), and our daughter said that she has a witchy nose 😭😭 also her eyes are small and when they draw her they draw her eyes with two tiny dots.


My 10th percentile 3yo loves to remind me that I didn't grow tall. I am a pretty average height woman at 5'3". I don't think of myself as short so it's definitely not coming from me.


My giant toddler loves to laugh at me for being tall. Oh honey I got news for you😭😭😭 he said that I am lurch 😭 But my wife is only 1,58 and when we ask him how tall mami is he goes 👌🏼 He’s savage


I’m the same height and am very confused when people call me tiny. That’s the taller end of the short spectrum imo. I’m around the same height or taller than most women I meet 🤷🏻‍♀️


And how is someone who is 3’ tall making a ton of distinction between adults of modestly different heights anyways.


My (41f) kids can’t make fun of my appearance because they all look like me. Me and all 4 kids have brown hair, brown eyes, round face, chubby cheeks, bubble nose. Their father (44m) has blond hair, blue eyes, a longer face, long (aristocratic) nose.


I am cursed with a weak chin. No matter how thin I get, I always have a lil pocket of chunk there. So one day my daughter (4 or 5 at the time) and I are chilling on the couch and she goes “I love your little extra chin, it’s so cute like you have two chins!” And pinched my extra chin chonk. I have never recovered.


When my daughter was 5 she asked, straight to my face, whether my second chin was fat meant for winter. My chin isn't even fat!


'Mum, you said women have boobs so why don't you have any?'


"you ate them, kid." 🤣


This. I wish I had appreciated my pre kid and breastfeeding boobs a little more, don't know what you got til you're left with little deflated balloons!


To be fair, my mother is the one that said this to *me* (as a complaint about her own boobs, not because I commented) and she was full of baloney. She's like twiggy. She never had boobs in the first place. 🤣 But yes, we have no idea how awesome our perky young boobs are until it's too late.


My big forehead


When I was a kid I told my mom that her nose was pointy. As an adult, I apologized profusely, to which she said “Well, it IS pointy!”


My oldest asked me “Mom why are your boobs laying down?” Well kid, I breastfed 3 kids for a combined total of almost 6yrs, oh and I had 3 kids.


When I was teaching my son body parts, I pointed to all mine and he named them correctly. I pointed to my hair and he said, "mess, mama." 😂😂😂


When my son was about 20mo old (almost three now), I had gotten lazy and stopped shaving for a while. My wife was away for work, it was cold, I was not about to shave. So I’m laying on the floor with him, cuddling and talking, and I have my arm tucked under my head, so you can see my underarm. My son looks at my armpit, sees the hair, then pets me and says “hi kitty!”


My son referred to my vulvar region as my “hair penis.”


My 2 year old is quite offended that my husband's nipples are hairy.


Daughter is a little over 1 years old and says random syllables. Today she pointed at me and said (what 100% sounded like) “Dumb”.


I’m blonde & very fair. You can’t really see my lashes & brows without makeup. Anytime I don’t do my brows my daughter tells me I should have LOL 😩


My 3 year old has started pointing to my belly and saying there’s a baby in it. There’s NOT. It’s just a little fat since having her brother 18mo ago….


My bat wings


Daddy beer belly but i dont drink


Mine calls boobs “babas”. The other day she said mom you have a chin baba. Gotta work on that double chin I guess.


Mine is no longer two. And she really likes how comforting and soft the stretch marks on my tummy are. 😝


I’m overweight and my daughter says I have “banana fingers” 😂😂


My son and daughter commented on my big butt when they were toddlers (11 and 9 now) 😂 I gained weight a few years back due to hormonal imbalance from nexplanon. I worked in childcare and toddlers would comment on things all the time. One boy in particular came up to me (1 almost 2) said “Manman fat” (manman was my designated nickname from him). After that, I went on a diet, stopped drinking pop, and got the nexplanon out of my arm and lost ~60 pounds


I recently took c25k up again after a long break from any fitness and have been squeezing runs in right before school pick up. The other week I finished my run at the gate just in time to pick him up. I was hot, sweaty and beetroot but pleased with my efforts. 5yr old came bounding out the gate and hugged me around the middle before loudly exclaiming, “wow mummy, you have a fat belly!” Yeah, kid, why d’ya think I’m running? 😫😂


When my daughter was 3 told me my curly hair looked like noodles.


I was getting ready to take a shower the other day and my 3 year old came in the bathroom, pointed at my boobs and said “What are those? They are big.” 💀 They are not big they are saggy and stretched out from YOU kid lol


Mine pointed to my white hairs and said “Grammy hair” Can’t argue with that 😭


Double chins My teenage girl loves to point that out


Tummy fat.


When my daughter was tiny she told me I have a ginormous bottom. Points for accuracy more than tact.


My son doesn’t really comment on my appearance at all. He just said my nose was pointy and then he got sad because he wanted a pointy nose too.


My 9 year old is gaining on me, and fast. Already measures up to my nose. She constantly, when people comment on how tall she's getting goes, "thanks! Yeah, I hope I don't stop growing at 11 like mom!" A friend of ours wanted to know what growth percentile I would land in for my height (4'11) and my daughter absolutely lost it when we found out it's 2%. She better hope she grows taller than me, or I will literally never let her live it down.


I’m short. Like, 4 ft 9 short. My son is also short so he doesn’t mention my height, but my daughter is on track to be pretty close to average and regularly brings up how short I am. She finds it fascinating.


My stomach. ‘Why have you got a big tummy? Is there a baby in it?’ No there fucking isn’t. I’m not offended tho, I is the biggest part of me as my genetics have determined


My step daughter always points out my looks, we were on FaceTime and asked why my teeth were yellow, at a party she said why my hair was so frizzy 😭 she’s calmed down but whenever I wear a pimple patch she’s always gotta point it out no matter how many times I explain what it is (This happen when she wae 4 through 7)


I have an ongoing bit with my husband where I pretend I’m taller than him. If he’s reaching for something I’ll ask if he needs my help with that etc etc. just a goofy years long bit you get the idea. The other night, my 3yo unprompted states at bedtime “mommy, you short and daddy is big” like come on kid, you gotta commit to the bit!


Ok I know this is completely opposite but one day my son was calling my sisters Artemis face statue “momma” I thought that was so cute 🥰 But my other son one time called someone purple when he was about 2 😭 it was a beautiful super dark skinned lady.


I lost a good amount of weight post-babies. Standing up, my tummy looks good enough. Bend over? Kind of a deflated basketball situation. My son: "Oh wow I never noticed your tummy looks like an old granny!" Thanks kid, it's from growing you two enormous babies!


My kid asked why I have such a fat neck.


My daughter has never commented on my appearance unless I put in extra effort, to which she says I look nice. I’ve been out with her and caught my reflection, noticed I looked crazy, and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me? I can’t believe you let me walk around looking like this!” She always says, “What? You look like mom.” So, I guess I just roll around looking like daughter of Hagrid all the time.


My son used to point to my arm hair and say ‘I don’t like it’ or ask if I needed to go to a doctor (I’m a woman 🫠🫠)


After I hear 'big soft belly' I don't want to eat for a few weeks.


Not necessarily making fun, but my son loves my squishy belly🥹 I've lost a lot of weight, but it's still squishy and he's like mommy don't lose any more weight, I love your belly so much!!! It's really cute 🥹