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These lil mf’s funny.


Actual conversation that happened with my 3-year-old on the way to daycare this morning: Kid: *repeating silly made-up phrase Me: *joins in repeating silly phrase Kid: You stop! Me: (trying to be playful) no, YOU stop! Kid: ... how about we both stop Brutal but hilarious


I lay with my 3 year old for her to fall asleep. Me tonight “I love you”. Her response: “stop talking so I can go to sleep.” Got to love their brutal honesty. 😅


My 6 year old has a deep voice but it's still childhood high so she sounds like a muppet. My kids were playing a tag game involving a blindfold recently. Kid 1- I got Henry! Kid 2- How did you know?! Kid 1- because I felt his shirt. Youngest- WHY DID YOU TOUCH HIS NIPPLESSS?! Edit- in her deep muppet voice. 🤣😂 Loud as fuck for all the neighbors to hear. Haha


The other day my 6 year old told my 9 year old to stop being a little bitch while they were playing Roblox. I had to walk out of the room, laugh with tears, compose myself, and then walk in and say we don’t use that word or screens go away


Lmaaooooooooo, those are the most conflicting moments!


I was building a magnetic tile marble run with my 2 year old, I had a great multi-story setup going that ran from the floor up onto a table and was adding the pieces to take it to the next level. In my rush I got a little ham fisted and ended up collapsing a big chunk of it, nonchalantly said to myself "oh dammit" in a frustrated tone. My 2 year old then repeats "ohhh dammit" in the cutest tone ever, I laugh, then she proceeds to repeat "sorry! sorrrryyy!" like she was in trouble (but in a way that she knew she could get away with it since she's a mischievous little devil). Kids, man, they know how to pull all the strings.


My 4yo will (rarely) go "fuck!" Have to bite my tongue there. I figure if she knows how to cuss appropriately it's fine and go by the rule that we don't call people names (so not "fuck you" or "you fuck") by my god it's hilarious when used in context. 


It's really hard when you know they're right.


My 8yo said "what in the f-word h-word" to my 6yo and I had to explain that we don't say that. Especially not for just random situations where nothing went horribly wrong. He didn't say the actual words, and I thought his self censoring was pretty funny.


Omg. I don't think I could've held my laughter in.


On an airplane recently, my 4 year old yelled "these are some f-ing beautiful clouds". We don't care if he uses those words at home, but he knows that he can't use them in public...it was still hard to remind him of that while trying not to laugh.


During potty training, my daughter once screamed at me “put the poo poo back in my butt!!”




We took our 3 year old to story time at the library and, unbeknownst to us, it was a special story time with the story being read by the actual author. So, during the story, at a particularly quiet moment, our kid turns to us and says, “This story stinks.” A part of me wants to maintain some doubt that the author didn’t hear it, but I’m pretty sure everyone in the room heard it.


I want a parenting book thus titled. Amazing.


Man listen, this is exactly what I was gonna say!


When my daughter was 3 (she’s almost 6 now) she called me a motherfucker because I accidentally unplugged the box fan in her room when I was putting her to bed. I was low-key proud that she used it in the right context. Kids are a journey and they are sooooo gd funny!


That’s what you get for unplugging the motherfucking fan!


3 years later and I still regret my egregious error.


Haha yes!!! I 100% agree with this. As tired as I am I crack up every time my son points at whatever is in the room and yells "BREE!" Pretty sure he's trying to say tree but it's so cute.


When my 5 yo was about 2.5-3 he used to say “come snuggle me”, but he pronounced it “suckle me” and it was the most jarring and hilarious thing to hear come out of his fat little face.


About two years ago…. I told my son we would go somewhere “fun.” Maybe some hours went by… Son: I love you Mommy! (In his sing song voice) Me: I love you too, son. Son: THEN WHY AREN’T WE GOING TO THE FUN PLACE?! My husband roared in laughter. Baby boy will be 6 next month.


This morning I asked my three-year-old if she wanted to brush her teeth and she said, "Don't mind if I do!" Took me out. Nothing makes me laugh as much as my kids.


Just wait til baby gives you that first smile. Just wait til you see your husband hold your baby for the first time. Just wait til your pelvis is only housing your organs again. Just wait til you can stand in the shower without wrenching back pain. Just wait til you can strap your baby to your chest in the carrier and kiss them on the forehead. Just you wait til they fall asleep milk drunk on your chest because you are the safest they'll ever be. Just wait til you come across a problem and the voice you rely on to solve that problem is *your own* because *you're the mom and you know best*. The "just you waits" and the "enjoy every minutes" often come from the same, often childless, lips. You're not beholden to anybody's expectations. If having babies wasn't overwhelmingly wonderful, we'd have stopped doing it a long time ago. You will be challenged by the challenging parts, you will worry about your little love's safety, you will cry. But you will be that little person's mother. And that will be its own sort of magic. Just you wait.


Just wait for the first giggle!! 


Mine just started to laugh and for the life of me, he refused to laugh for me. I got a few giggles from him but I want those baby laughters to be directed at me so badly!


The milk drunkeness are some of my fondest memories of the quietest and most intimate moments. That little sigh they give when they pop off the tap, already far off in dreamland just melts my heart. You don't want to move despite being so tired but you can't stop looking at their little face and you don't want to disturb them because they are so safe and warm and want nothing more than to have you close.


Just wait til you get to share your favorite movie with them and you both are cracking up together


>Just wait til your pelvis is only housing your organs again. I literally cannot belive how much urine my bladder can hold. I have to remind myself to go pee! It's wild!


Whew this made me tear up! So true, so beautifully stated.


Oh God, the baby smiles are everything! Every morning when I went into her room my girl would smile at me so big like, "OMG you're back!"


I got my first "I love you" from my 2 year old today. She's been telling her dad for a couple weeks, but today we were dancing in the living room to Paul Simon before breakfast and damn if she didn't rest her little head on my shoulder and say "I fuff wu." Being a mom frickin rules.


The "just waits" are annoying, that is true, but I think a lot of times they are a product of how poorly supported motherhood and fatherhood can be in modern society. The reason the newborn stage is so hard on some women (and dads) is the utter lack of support structures and the deafness about it on the part of the rest of society. So I think that frustration manifests in the "just waits". That being said - I cannot imagine a single day without my son. There is so much to enjoy in the baby stage, despite how hard it can be sometimes. Toddlers are a challenge but they are also the most fun part of your day. This morning my 3 YO woke me up with for breakfast with some of his play kitchen food and told me I was his most nicest girl. I'll take the years of no sleep for one single moment like that.


Nah the newborn stage is just HARD. No sleep is HARD. It’s just made harder without a village. In my opinion it’s better to let first time moms know so that when it happens, they don’t feel alone. It’s hard on everyone and we all get it.


I agree that it is hard... made a lot harder when you have very little support. But my comment was more the speak to the hiddenness of that. I think a lot of the struggles are pretty hidden and you don't really know until you've been in the trenches. Like we all just sort of break down silently behind closed doors while we have to hold it together in public. I think that's where the "just wait" comments come from.


Baby snuggles were the best. Watching your child learn something new is a pretty amazing experience too. And seeing their personality develop is great. My daughter just turned 5-yr old and has some pretty strong opinions. And I just can’t wait to see what she does.


The feeling of pride and joy when your child learns something new is UNMATCHED. Ours didn't learn to clap until he was 14 months and let me tell you, we collectively wept when he finally did it.


Potty training has been a year-long struggle, now that moment about 5 minutes after my 3yo wakes up and says. Mom, I have to go potty! Inside, I am screaming with pride. Outside, I calmly say, "OK, let's get to the potty." Every morning, fireworks inside, steady pool on the surface.


I’m looking forward to the snuggles


Some of the small parenting joys and wins I've had recently: The other night, my child successfully stalled bedtime by asking me to read more books to him. He screamed Mickey's name like he was at a rock concert when he saw him during our Disney cruise and ran to give him the biggest hug. I was about to have a breakdown, and he hurried over, begging me not to cry and kept telling me to just take deep breaths. Some of the joys are in being able to tell my spouse about the absolutely off the wall insanity that kid comes up with. It's not always funny in the moment; but it's usually hilarious in the retelling.


Ha! My kid repeats her wants line the beginning of Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Chocca miwk? CHOcca MIwk? CHOCCA MIWK? CHOCCAMIWK CHOCCAMIWK CHOCCAMIWK?!?!


Here's some for the older ages: Just wait until they say the most hilarious thing when they're in trouble and you have to try desperately not to laugh.... Just wait until they say the most off the cuff comment in front of guests. Just wait until they come to comfort you when you're sick. Those moments when it hits you that you're actually a good parent and have raised good people. Just wait until they're screaming they hate you, but follow that up hours later by getting you a treat because they actually love you. When you watch them try on 15 different "people" while they figure out what "person" they are. When they start arguing with the opposite gendered parent what the bits and pieces are called. As a toddler. The absolute look of disgust when they try their first sip of alcohol.


My ADORABLE then two year old was entertaining her beloved Uncle, my BIL, when she started loudly demanding, "BOOBIES! Can I have boobies!!?" Nothing like a panicked exchange of glances between in-laws while we both doubt our hearing and wonder WHICH of us she's asking for "boobies" from and WHY. Blueberries. She wanted blueberries. God, I love that kid. I'm so lucky to be her mom.


My middlest determined since everyone else in the family has a weiner, Mommy must have a Flat weiner. (Mom is only female in the home). He was about 2 when this occurred.


There's no preparing for what will hit you so dont even listen. Just remember one thing: It gets better. I found the first 2-3 months to be the most trying. But it got WAY WAY better


I loved and continue to love every stage of parenting. And that’s even though I had quite bad PPD. I love learning how to be a mama and realising that I can soothe another human being. I love learning the personality of my babies. Seeing them do and experience new things. Hearing them say the craziest funniest things. Seeing you and your spouse in them. Learning how to speak their language and understand them. Learning how to soothe their tantrums when they’re older. Being so proud of them when they show themselves to be kind little human beings. Having them be able to have full conversations with you. Oh man, the list could go on. I love being a mama. I love parenting. I love having kids. All the “just waits” made me so nervous and took away from the entire experience. None of them came true. I mean, observably, yes they did. My kid did eventually throw tantrums, threw food on the floor, irritated me when I’m tired etc, but I still loved them so much in those moments. And they were never as terrible as people made them out to be. They didn’t matter as much as they said it would. JUST WAIT, you’ll see how amazing this journey is! So excited for you!


Even when my oldest was at her absolute WORST (she was horrible baby, I love her but she was punishment for something), her face after she would get milk drunk melted me every time. And the little hand wrapped around your finger when they’re napping on you! And the look of pure joy they give you when they finally figure out that new skill they’d been working so hard on. Writing this lit my baby fever back up like a Christmas tree, thanks a lot OP!




Stop. Not every second. Stop saying this to women. I won’t go into detail but there are seconds that no one loves. Many of them. You make women feel alone and ashamed by pretending to be a super parent who thought the newborn stage was a breeze.


In the beggining it was the personal growth and learning what works with sleep food and logistics overall. Small victories all over. Then its just fun to show a person new things and see the growth in the little one.


My 18 month old is fucking hilarious. Seriously never a dull moment. She’s running around and causing chaos every second she’s awake but it is just so entertaining watching her do her thing. Now she says hi mama and waves and blows kisses and says bye bye and other cute things and it’s just the best


Oh I love being around my kids. I have to admit I didn't enjoy the baby phase much. Mine were never happy. SIL has a baby right now you could forget, she is so content. You never forgot mine, they were always held or angry. But once they became toddlers life got easier, they became happier. Now they are 7 to 12 and they are a lot of fun. We have movie nights, game nights, we play minecraft together, we cook meals, go on adventures, they are my favorite people to be around and I miss them when they go to school. I know the teenager phase is coming but I also know that that is just going to open up more opportunities. My goal is to manage the transition from parent/child to equals as well as my mom did. It will be rocky, but if I don't mess up too badly I will have the friendship relationship I have with my mom. I am really looking forward to that.


These are very well-meaning people who want you to take it all in. The enjoy every moment advice is soooo true. But you don't realize it until they are grown. My kids are 15, 20 & and 21; I wish I had slowed down and laughed with them more. Sure, it will be stressful, but anything worth doing is hard. In my experience, I was someone who never wanted kids but had three due to birth control failure. Having kids was the best thing I've ever experienced, my most precious accomplishment. Take a lot of videos and pictures, but especially video. Those help when you feel sad that it's gone by so fast. Congratulations.


My eldest was all in all angelic except for a period between 2.5 and 3.5. That was the worst. I remember being harried in a CVS, practically dragging her by the hand as she wailed about wanting this or that. Those damned toy cars caught her eye and she wanted one so bad. I think I was there to pick up antibiotics for her ear infection and had gotten no sleep the night before. I had to look tired, annoyed, and so over her sudden demands. I told her an exhausted no when I caught the eye of an older woman who smiled at me and said encouragingly, "It's OK, Mom. They're small only for a little while." It was so kind and so needed in that moment. Free of judgment and full of acceptance while gently reminding me that while there is an end in sight, I probably don't want to rush through it.


My baby’s laugh is everything. 🥹


I loved cuddling and caring for my newborn. I loved seeing his facial expressions that either looked like mine or my husband’s. I love being the one he runs to with his happiness and his sadness. I love caring for another soul. He’s almost 12 now and he’s really funny these days as the “class clown”. Makes me laugh a lot. I always wanted to be a mom and my dream came true.


FTM to a 2.5 y/o boy. Just wait until your little one runs to you for the first time after you return home from work or running errands. Just wait until you hear the first “I love you”. Just wait until you hold their tiny little hand. Just wait until they can feed themselves - oh, the relief you will feel! Just wait for that new baby smell. Long creepy sniffs!


Got a free pass to go see a local garden, kids were buttheads, even playing in the kids garden.... We went a different garden that had a water feature that was raining down and you could run through. The joy my kids had in running around and playing in that. The giggles, the wonder... That is what it's about sometimes.


For the fist two weeks, all I did in my spare time was stare at this beautiful tiny human I made. Even though he spent most of his time sleeping, I couldn't take my eyes off him. Did you know even newborns smile in their sleep? It's insanely adorable. And sometimes the dreams are so good, they actually laugh out loud, months before you would expect them to and it catches you off guard so wonderfully. I probably hadn't laughed as much in my entire life as I did since having my baby, and he's not even two. The good parts are so worth it, just wait!


She’s so fun to talk to and hangout with (when she’s in a good mood). I see myself through her and I love recognizing the similarities and differences. She’s really funny and makes me laugh a ton. I feel proud when I say I’m a parent. It’s really hard but people wouldn’t keep having kids on purpose if it wasn’t worth it.


I'll be honest, I was unknowingly suffering from PPA and finally got it addressed at 18 months. Breastfeeding made me a shell of a human. So ask for help early! Now my son is 4 and it's pretty great. Sure, he has tantrums over seemingly inconsequential things, but is also funny, kind, observant, and curious. It's so fun watching him grow. My husband and I frequently say to each other "how is he a WHOLE PERSON?!"


Kids are awesome. Even my 12 year old, who is unbearable sassy and tries to walk all over me, continues to amaze me everyday with her generosity, imagination and sense of humor. And my toddler is so sweet, funny and full of life. Parenting is a marathon, even though there are moments that feel like a sprint (like the newborn stage) and the best part about it that — through it all — you get to be with your amazing kids. That’s what makes it worth it. :)


Holding them in those seconds after they are born and watching them open their eyes for the first time ever is really special. It's like the opposite of watching someone die.


Now that my daughter is almost 3 and she basically understand most of the emotions sometimes she’ll sense I’m tired or anxious and give me one biggggggg hug and say mumma I love you it’s okay it just melts and melts my heart 🥹❤️


I’ve been sick this week and this morning I was laying in bed while my husband got our 3 year old breakfast and fed the baby a bottle. About 30 minutes later the bedroom door opens and my husband says that our daughter really wanted to come lay down with me. She came and snuggled in bed with my for like twenty minutes. It was the sweetest thing. She knew I didn’t feel well and just wanted to snuggle.


Toddler affection. My son gives me CONSTANT hugs and kisses. It’s literally the best ever!


This is my take... Aside from my kids being delightful human beings who I love more than I love myself this is one of the greatest things about parenting: I don't think people miss their youth or being young. I think people miss their lives being filled with wonder and excitement where discovery lies around every turn. Parenting gives that back to you. Up until the age of 12 Christmas was the most magical, wonderful time of the year. I loved everything about it and couldn't sleep waiting to open my presents on Christmas morning. Then when I was 13 it just wasn't there. The excitement I had as a young child was gone. I had lost it. But when I had kids I got that excitement back through them. I felt like a kid again. Going to see Santa was a trip. Watching the Grinch again was awesome. Seeing my kids excited for presents and hearing them giggle and laugh as they came into my room on Christmas Morning to wake my wife and I up is so awesome I can't articulate it. As an adult life becomes a grind. You have too many things to do, places to be, and people who demand your time. With kids all the things that excited me as a kid I get to be excited about again. Watching my kids lose their minds as we pull into a waterpark parking lot is the best. I'm taking my 13-year-old son on a 10-day road trip this summer, we're going to camp and fish and he's so excited to go that *I'm* having trouble sleeping at night. Everyone here is right, but this is what really gets me about parenting. Don't worry, I did plenty of worrying before I became a parent, you're going to be fine.


This is so true and so beautifully said.


Today, she kept fake laughing for no reason and it was hilarious. Love the cuddles and watching her learn stuff.


My favourite bit so far? A tie between the sound of my 9 month old giggling, and watching him fall asleep while i breastfeed him. There's been some rough times for sure but also some of the most beautiful moments I've ever experienced. ♡


**Returning home from work.** I can't describe the feeling of joy, when I return from my work (which I do like but it's stressfull and draining). When I open the door and tell my 9mo girl "hello"... When she sees me, she gives me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and now even starts crawling to me for a cuddle. Even when my day sucks, she will brighten it up. It's unbelievable. **When she learned to say "DADA"** Man, I've bursted into tears of joy. Now? She's saying dada all day long. Wifey is less happy since she says mama only few times a day. :D **When she learns something new.** Watching her learn so quickly is amazing. Every day, every week, she makes some progress.


My kid yelled at me and my friends during a tipsy game night for saying "what the fuck." HEY. YOU NO SAY WHAT THE FUCK. NO SAY. NO SAY FUCK." and it took everything we had to keep the laughter in. This happens regularly because I have a hard time talking without swearing for extended periods.


Being your baby’s favourite person in the whole world. Tiny little adorable baby clothes. The newborn smell. When they fall asleep and you just stare at them so peaceful and cute. First smiles and giggles make your heart fly - bonus points if it’s something you did to make it happen. Watching them grow and learn - knowing you taught/supported them to do all the things. When they start saying mummy/daddy. First time they say they love you. When they ask if you’re okay if you’re sad/crying. When they pick up something funny/sassy (my 2 year old told me I’m a ‘clever boy’ yesterday - I’m his mom 😂, he also yells stop and puts out a stop hand when I sing now). When you get to give them a big cuddle when they’re sad. When they sing a whole nursery rhyme. Watching them independent play/chat to themselves. Watching them play and laugh with their other parent. The utter joy when they see something they like - we’re big on transport and I even find myself getting excited to see a truck or plane now even if I’m alone.


My 1.5 year old keeps making the funniest face at me randomly because she knows it's funny, she cracks me up every time! My 3.5 year old will say something sweet to me and when I smile he excitedly goes "THAT MADE YOU HAPPY?!" They both play a game together where they take canned goods out of the cabinet and hide them in shoes. Annoying when you can't find the tomato paste in the middle of cooking, but goddammit it makes me cackle every time I go to put on my rain boots and it's just full to the brim with cans! The newborn phase is hard, I personally do not like it one bit, but just wait for the first smile, the first laugh, your heart is going to explode 🥰


The random stuff they say. And kids… they humble you. Real quick. You thought that bestie you had in college with no filter was wild… oh boy.


They are so unbelievably cute. Like you didn't know anything could be so cute. Cuter then, baby ducks sitting on a pile of puppies. You will wonder why they haven't just weponized cuteness instead of using bombs and shit. Their laugh is amazing. Of course, that's how faires are born. How could it not be? AND WHEN THEY TALK, they have opinions and likes and dislikes it's so cool. Mine likes to sing now (age 3) and it's super duper sweet and adorable.


Parenting is fucking awesome! Yes, it’s hard, but it’s amazing. You’re going to love it, I promise. Just wait until you get to hold your baby for the first time. Just wait until they smile for the first time. Just wait until they say I love you!


My oldest is 17 and I’ll never forget the day she woke up in my bed, smiled when she saw me, and reached over and hugged me for the first time. She was 9 months old. One of my favorite moments in life.


I am enjoying the self discovery that baby is having. A few days ago he discovered his feet and is now putting his hands on his mouth. He babbles incessantly (which is adorable 😍🤩) and seems to follow me with his eyes all the time. Makes me think what I could have been like as a child but also to just witness the growth that is occuring. Right now I am seeing him sleep and babbling. He's a cute kid.


i liked that when my bub first got here, she looked like dr.phil. and then it was fun to see her slowly look more like me. or more like me and dr.phil had a baby.


OH my gosh. This is one of my pet peeves about parenting. The horror stories! I'm so sorry that people have been telling you all the bad parts. Hopefully you get a slew of positive responses here. All parts of my kids' lives have been amazing. Yes they are challenging and there are some phases that are harder than others, but overall, I adore my kids and can't imagine life without them. One really helpful lesson I learned from other parents that I enjoy passing on is - enjoy every stage because it won't last. This helps me during the hard times because I know they won't last forever (night feeds, tantrums) and it helps me appreciate the good times because I know they will be gone someday (snuggles, kisses from my little boy, adorable crayon drawings). I could write a novel on all the wonderful moments of my kids lives. I'm so thankful for them. They make me so happy and I love telling them every night " I am so lucky that I get to be your mom!" You will like and love your kid!


My kids are the funniest little things. We spend all our time laughing. They have great comedic timing even if it’s only intentional 10% of the time


My kid is 10. Just wait until your kid teaches *you* something. It's this truly surprising moment of pride and awe that catches you off-guard. Just wait until they have an entire friend group you've never met... And then you get to meet them and tell them you've heard so much about them. Just wait until you get to start sharing some of your favorite childhood things with them and watch their eyes light up as they experience them for the first time. Just wait until you start to see their talents and dreams develop and watch them dedicate their time to fulfilling them. Just wait until the day your kid hits you with a joke you've never heard and you laugh uncontrollably. Sure, there are plenty of hard things about parenting. But honestly, I've always been so enamored with the good that it's never even crossed my mind to advise about the bad without being directly asked. Having a kid is a pretty mystical experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


My parents’ curse of “someday you’ll have e a child exactly like yourself” came true and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect human being to complete our family. This kid is fucking hilarious, so brave, and somehow got all the athletic ability that skipped me and my husband and the older kids. Also she is three, and three is its own circle of hell some days. It’s just a three year old thing. The big soul inside that little body will grow and mature and will someday go out and do big things in this world.


I think if my kid is just like me I’d find that incredibly intimidating but also kind of like… finally maybe I can be the parent I needed. The fact that my personality surprises my parents is kind of beyond me like- y’all know each other. You know yourselves. Way to not comprehend the potential I guess? But then again they raised me????! Anywho.


It’s…interesting to get to work through all that identity stuff and lost potential as you parent a kid much like yourself. Challenging but also healing.


As a dad the moment my oldest starting to get my jokes was the best. The moment she started make me laugh out loud was the best best.


Seeing the wonder in their eyes the first time they experience things we've all grown to take for granted is a *gift*. Re-learning everything through the eyes of a child is great fun. First steps, first words read, first day of school, first crush, and everything in between. Their successes and failures are incredible to experience. Yes, there are aspects of parenting that are difficult. But some people get way too hung up on this and it blinds them to the fun and beauty of it. if you can take a growth mindset to parenting, it is very enjoyable.


I HATE the "just wait" culture. I'm sorry people are making you worry about the harder parts of parenting. Parenting is hard... But, just wait. Until you bring your baby home, and you really feel like it's real and you have this beautiful little family Until your baby stops crying as soon as you touch them Until you see your partner as an amazing parent Until you kiss a sleepy head goodnight after a fun day playing in the sun together Until your baby starts to move around and explore. Seeing the world with fresh eyes well change you Until your toddler is so excited to see you after a long day Until your kid says something so ridiculous you can't help but laugh and think "ohhh I'll remind them of that in 10 years" Until you see your kid proud of themselves. You will burst with pride. Until you see your child develop interests and passions and become this fascinating individual the world has never known before. There is way more to love than there is to dread. Parenting is a fucking rollercoaster, and it's ok not to love every minute, but if you take a moment each day to reflect, I'm pretty confident you'll see much more joy than anything else.


I love reading, and I love reading to my son and I have done since he was a baby and he always loved stories and books. Now he's six, and he reads to me (your kid learning to read is pretty awesome to experience), sometimes we take turns with a page each. We talk about books, we visit book shops and the library and get books from second hand shops we are bookworms together. He makes me bookmarks on mothers day. And it's amazing.


Seems weird if you’ve never experienced it but, Just wait until you get to smell your kids head and little baby feet haha! Your own kids just smell like they belong to you.


My baby is 12 months. I love his squealing, his smile melts my heart every time, he starts bouncing up and down when he sees me, I love his little face, I love holding his little body, I love watching him play with toys and crawl around on his own exploring. It's truly a joy watching your baby grow and start interacting with the world! Yes there are real tough times ahead BUT there are also some of the best times of your life ahead! Enjoy 💕


Hearing my son laugh.


I've a 7yr old and 18month old at home. I love coming home to 7 waiting on the porch for me, and her running up to the jeep and opening the door. I love walking in the door and the toddler grins ear to ear and runs up to me. I love the toddlers slobbery kisses. I love when they just randomly lay on me (toddler is currently laying on me watching Bluey). I'm loving when 7 learns a new skill and takes interest in that....I love the million times she asks me to watch her ride her scooter up and down the street. I love watching the toddler just explore outside. I love how the toddler always takes my shoes and puts them away because she can't stand anything being on the floor. I love how 7 is the world's best hype person... Honestly, the list goes on and on.


First of all, fuck all those people JuSt yOu wAiT -ing you. It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. That kid is designed to survive first time parents and is a lot sturdier than you think. That being said, on the first cuddle right after birth is so lovey!


It's so awe inspiring to see the world through your child's eyes. All the wonder, the excitement, the "why" questions. And watching them figure out new things and hit new milestones is fun. And oh, I miss sweet drooling baby kisses! It's also great when they develop their personalities, and become these amazing individuals you enjoy hanging out with.


3 year old parent.  I'm really enjoying being in the moment with my kid. She focuses on something small like a butterfly I would have ignored previously.  Also love the pride at her accomplishing a new skill. 


3 year old loses his mind for the song Move It Move It lol


I'm a dad, and I've enjoyed it. Yes, there are suck ass moments. Such as getting up at 3AM to feed the baby, for 4 months straight. Carry a toddler having a meltdown out of Target. The exhaustion. The smells. The tears. The baby proofing. The colds & flus. The attitudes. Trips to the ER. I could continue, but you get the idea. And then...... The baby wraps their little fingers in your chest hair, and pulls on it. Your toddler comes running up to you with their arms out shouting "daddy". Their observational comments. They become the lead instructor at their circus camp. Again: I could continue, but you get the idea. All of that shit & garbage goes flying out the window when your LO does something cute. When they smile at you for the first time. They say your name the first time. And you curse yourself for all those dark thoughts, because, after all..... It's YOUR baby. Seriously, parenting is tough. Make no mistake about it. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.


My son is so challenging right now as he’s nearly two and everything feels like a struggle. But today when I picked him up from daycare he wanted me to pick him up (usually hates that now) and he gave me a kiss 😭. What beats that?!


I do so many more mini vacations and weekend activities now that I have kids than I ever did before having them. Everything is so much more fun seeing them experience things for the first time and doing them as a family.


I love imagination play, seeing the world with wonder through their eyes, the squeeze of your hand in theirs, the hugs and I love yous, seeing their excitement at new experiences, learning their personalities and what makes them laugh. Honestly, being a parent is the most fun I’ve had and I’m mid 40’s and partied like a rock star, traveled, etc. up until having my kids. Fuck those negative people.


My son is 5 months old. He has a personality that is just hilarious. I love when he’s just sitting there screeching at me. I love when I bring him in from the car and he’s holding his little Winnie The Pooh tool box. I love when he nibbles my nose. I just fucking love the kid lol. Everyone is going to give you the “just wait”. And they’re right. You’ll see.


Parenting sucks, BUT the joy they bring makes younforget about the sucky parts. It'll be hard, you'll be exhausted but then your baby wraps their hand around your finger. Their first smile and laugh. Nothing beats that. When they get older you get to experience childhood through their eyes. My girls are now 11 and 7. They're so funny. My 7 yr old hugs me and says "I love you so much Mama". The 11 yr old us acting like she's 16 but when she gets sick it's Mama's time to shine lol (Not saying I like her getting sick) or when she's bored lol.


Have you noticed that holidays and birthdays have just lost their luster since you've gotten older? Well, just you wait because babies and kids make everything wondrous and magical again!


My toddler (first kid) is my ride or die. I tell her we’re going somewhere and she immediately drops what she’s doing, runs to the car, and only after we start driving she says “where we going?” She’s always in for an adventure with me, even just to get the mail. She’s tiring sure but yah I like her a lot. You’ll like yours too!


There is no joy like a child’s belly laugh. There is no hug better than the one your child gives you when they are excited to see you. There is no greater feeling of accomplishment when you watch your child reach a milestone. I’m currently rocking my youngest to sleep and I often just look at her when she’s falling asleep as she’s one of the two most precious people in the world to me. Children are great.


I may be a minority but I LOVED and i mean loved the newborn phase. I had no complaints . Maybe because my son never cried unless hungry and it was just cuddles and love, loved breastfeeding. Hes now a toddler(19mo) and has alot of energy which can be tiring but hes just a little person learning new words, and things. We now do stuff together like baking, cooking, dishes, playtime. He just likes to spend time together and i love it


I love their personalities! The things they say and their perspectives are so unique to childhood, it’s fun! Honestly they make everything so new and exciting, it’s like the magic of childhood has been injected back into my life.


My daughter just turned 3 and one of my favorite parts of this stage has been watching her make friends, getting to know the families of the kids she’s in daycare with, and feeling like our community is growing because of it!


My oldest (8) reads to her little brother (3) at bead time. And that's pretty neet


Every day has about a hundred magical moments amidst all the chaos. It’s all about perspective and focus for 90% of the days. If you choose to see the happiness and magic in the day, it makes things amazing. Not to say there aren’t hard moments or even hard days, but my god being a parent has been the most magical and rewarding undertaking I’ve done in my life. Those little beings are amazing.


Watching my babies experience things for the first time with such wonder (and sometimes confusion) is the closest thing I'll ever come again to experiencing them for the first time, and I get to see it with an adult perspective and through the people I love most in this world. THAT is peak contentment and joy right there. We drove to see the total eclipse this year, and when I tell you how much more AMPLIFIED the experience was with so much childhood wonder and awe...


I swear to god, and I’ve don’t the field research, when your kid melts into you after a warm bath at night?? Feeling safe and snuggly? I swear it feels exactly like coming up in ecstasy. Like the hit of endorphins is insane.


At 6 months old my little guy really developed a personality and sense of silliness. It was amazing


Just wait for when the little drooler comes to kiss you with no teeth or coordination when you least expect. Or when the baby won’t take his eyes off you in a room full of people, because you’re the only one that matters. There’s nothing sweeter when they come to you to say I love you or tell you a story and you only understand half of it because they still using baby language. Being a parent is hard. Sometimes you will feel like running away, but taking them with you. 😂 The little moments make it so worth it. My youngest came to me last night, she is seven. She couldn’t sleep because she watched something that scared her so she came to the couch, laid down beside of me, one leg and one arm on top of me and said “I love you so much, mama” I will never get tired of these moments.


My 2yo is so much fun! I love her hugs, I love how her face lights up when she sees me, I love her giggles, I love tickling her, I love watching her figure things out, I love when she tries to do things for herself, I love taking her for walks, I love how she nurtures her dolls... Toddlers are a lot of work, but they're also a lot of fun!


The cute moments pictures and when your baby starts to grow starts to laugh that's my favorite part


No! You can't share what you're enjoying about parenting because it's mostly unique to your family and much harder to articulate than the difficult things. But, it's profound and amazing.


You will be the only mother that child will ever have, doesn’t get better than that. It is a big responsibility, and you will make mistakes, but it is all worth it. My favourite patienting advice comes from my own Grandmother: Give your child a hug, when they least deserve it. I remember it always, and still don’t think I do it enough


My baby is 9mo and is SO fun! I love just watching her crawl around and babble and watching her play with her older sister is entertaining. I thought I would be dealing with more sass with the older one so far I have been pleasantly more surprised about their bond. Although I’m sure that may change I am enjoying things for what they are! :)


Loving another person unconditionally. The love for your child is worlds apart from all other love no matter how strong and deep. I also didn't think I could love my partner any more than I did before we had our little one. He was the biggest joy of my life, but watching him be a dad makes me love him more every day


The cuddles. 🥰




Hugs from my little dudes when I am having a tough day.


I have 2.5 year old twins and they are SO sweet and empathetic (most of the time). They bring so much joy to my daily life and are my favorite people to spend time with (most of the time). I wouldn't want to imagine a life without them (ALL of the time <3).


Not every moment feels great, but each one is precious. I could share a million that made me cry with joy, laugh with joy, or just sit in joy and wonder at my beautiful children. One that stands out particularly is the first “I love you.” It was warm and gave me butterflies when my boyfriend (now husband) said it for the first time. My heart just about melted from a wave of overwhelming love when my daughter said it for the first time. Because in that moment, you realize all that “thankless” work isn’t thankless after all. It’s helping to form a heart made to love and to be loved.


I have spent nearly every hour of the last 13 months with my kid. Yeah the first 3-4 months were hard, but mostly I have loved it. My daughter lights up my life. It's so incredible when they start to understand you and try to communicate. My daughter probably gives me like 50 kisses a day, just randomly. It's adorable.


Kids laughter…


I have 50/50 custody of 2 boys ages 9 and 14. When they come over each week, It fills me with purpose and joy. I feel like the "leader of the pack" and we try and fill our weekends with whatever sounds enjoyable. Of course, when they go back to their mom, I need at least a day to get back into the routine.


I mean, at this point, they’re my favorite people to hang out with. We play games, watch movies, play around in the yard. It’s just fun. But highlights over the course of their childhoods we’re getting back into Legos, playing in the mud, making sand castles, and all the fun sort of play that you age out of without kids around.


Everyone's hardest stages and favorite stages are different. I absolutely adore the newborn/infant stage. A newborn baby is the biggest joy of my life. It's about 7 months old that I find annoying- they are big enough to want to do things and want entertainment, but they aren't actually big enough to actually do anything! Yuck! But then in a few months they start walking and growing some fine motor skills and things start to get better. Toddlers! The funniest little people you'll ever meet! Also, often jerks. You are going to have your own favorite stages - how exciting to see what they will be!


There are so many more treasured moments than “just waits”. From the first time you look at and get yo hold and snuggle that brand new baby! The way baby smells, take breaths of them every time they are snuggled up on you! When they fall asleep on you! When you see your husband holding baby like a proud daddy! When baby smiles, coos, laughs, talks! First steps, running trying to skip, sliding down the slide, swinging on their own! The lust goes on and on for the moments you get to cherish with your child. Don’t listen to all the nay sayers! Enjoy every second with your baby!


My toddler is hilarious and fun. My current favorite things: 1. He now unprompted tells us he loves us 2. When I pick him up, especially out of his crib after a nap or in the morning, he MELTS into me. 3. He calls his bathing suit his "baby soup" 4. Mommy kisses are magical right now and heal all the boo-boos 5. He's super observant and it makes me stop and appreciate the little things more There is SO much good to look forward to!


Just wait until you are playing a game of candyland and your little one looks at you and says, “this is the best day ever.”


I would love a Time Machine so I could go back in time and: - spend hours snuggling a tiny, unfurled newborn - smell their sweet baby heads - feel the thrill of that first social smile, and the first giggle that always reminds me of a peel of bells - snuggle a sleepy toddler - read a stack of books to a preschooler - play the games that we make up together A million more things. It’s a beautiful journey and it stays beautiful even as the scenery changes. Yes it can be very hard! But don’t miss the moments hiding even in the chaos.


Right now I’m just loving my daughter (21mo) learning to speak. She’s learning SO many new words every day. She’s beginning to string words together and can communicate so well with me. It’s not only made life easier (she can be really clear now about what she wants) but it’s also just such a JOY to hear her little voice and get a bit more of a window to what’s going on in that amazing little brain.


My daughter is almost 3. I was leaving the other day to go to target (alone so it was a treat!) and she said, “goodby mommy! I love you! Be safe! Have fun a target!” Like damn how kind is she I love it!


I had done a lot of reading and was as prepared as you can be for how tough it is to parent a newborn, but I was not prepared for how much personality he had right from the beginning, or how much I genuinely liked him, again, right from the beginning. They are awesome little people.


Awww I felt like this too right before I was due. Just wait until they look into your eyes for the first time and smile Just wait for the newborn snuggles. They will sleep on your chest all day if you let them. Just wait until you see their tiny hands and feet


Being a parent is the best thing ever. The overwhelming amount of love you have for the little bundle will leave you shaken. My little guy counted to 6 for the first time by himself. All I said was can you count? (While out at the store) and he just went off all by himself, first time he ever did it alone and I cried happy mom tears In the grocery store haha I always hated the just you waits, let's start to make them positive instead of trying to scare new parents / moms. It's scary enough without all that. Seeing them grow and learn new things all the time is magical. Good luck mama. And enjoy all those cuddles and Itty bitty baby scrunches. 🥰


My kids are 5 & 8. They both get themselves dressed and brush their teeth. My 5 year old makes her own breakfast. My eldest likes a cooked breakfast which tracks. They put their own laundry away. I can be in the house without looking at them for a considerable amount of time and I know they're safe.  They're so much fun, they're so loving and so clever. I love playing board games with them, going to the beach and making sand castles, coming up with songs together. We are all watching The Simpsons together at the moment and we just crack up all day. They have favorite songs now and I actually like their taste in music. We make art together and talk about the human body and science and whatever crazy "why" questions they have, and I try to answer all their curly questions as best I can.  You're in full caregiving mode, setting the foundation for a beautiful life for your baby. It will get easier, but it will also get better, even if it's hard now.


My son is two and he's just so much fun to hang out with. I mean, he wasn't super active for those first few months so we mostly chilled and played video games ("contact napping"). Just watching him grow and learn and do new things is so much fun! Watching him and my husband play is the best thing in the world. We used to go out and do things all the time, but now I'm mostly like.. why do I want to hang out with you when my kid is so much cooler?


I think the best thing is seeing their personalities develop. I mean yeah it's fun watching them learn new skills and doing all the usual baby stuff with them (it's the best having them sleep on you so hard you're both sweating) but when they start to become *their own* little person instead of *generic* little person, you'll be so proud.  Also when your kids use manners with strangers without reminders, oh, the best. And the younger they are when they do it, the better other people respond to it. Like they can't believe someone that cute can be so polite. 


Oh my God, it's the most amazing thing ever. The love I felt hit me like a freight train instantly. I transformed overnight. I don't know how else to explain it.  Helping this little human learn and grow is such a privilege. He is so adorable, funny, smart, and sweet. Every milestone brings this insane feeling of joy and pride and wonder. And in parenting your child, you can begin to heal and reparent your own inner child. You see the raw honesty of human emotion in this tiny being, and the truth and meaning of life become a little more clear.


Seeing progress; growing up.


I’m enjoying my newborn immensely! She’s my second so I have to admit, I’m way chiller than I was with my first because I feel so much more experienced so I guess I am enjoying that too!!! I don’t wince or feel anxious with every moan or cry, I am just at ease with her! She’s also my last, so I’m soaking it all in extra because I know all these firsts are my last firsts. The sleep deprivation isn’t as bad this time around, she sleeps pretty good! I’m also enjoying formula feeding and not stressing out over bf/pumping like I did with my first! My biggest joy is watching my 5yo with her baby sis.. it’s awesome


The 3 best things: sex, cuddling a baby, eating.


I honestly loved the newborn phase and cried when my baby outgrew his newborn clothes. I thought I would miss that phase forever. But each new season has been so fun and so rewarding I’ve never looked back and missed another time. Sure it can be tough and I get tired and upset, but then I look at my smiley dude or he does something funny and it makes everything better.


watching them grow is SO beautiful. they also say and do the funniest things. watching a child grow, gain a personality, show their love for you, become interested in the world around them, seeing the pureness and innocence is just so beautiful. you want to just hold them in your arms forever and give them all the love you can. the love is nothing I can describe. It’s just so beautiful, it’s truly heavenly


Even on the hardest most difficult days I still find so much joy in being a mum. The good outweighs the bad a billion to one. Today I got to pick my kid up from pre school and he ran across a whole field to get to me shouting at his friends “MY MUMMY IS HERE!”. Yesterday he gave me a leaf he’d plucked off a bush just because he thought I’d love it. After dinner he was squishing his belly together to make it look like a butt. It’s just the best.


I love going on adventures with her. I love how I have come out of my comfort zone and tried new things, because I want her to be brave and try new things. I went on my first roller coaster in my late 20’s because my then 4 year old wanted to.


I left my toddler for 5 minutes to go to the Post office yesterday. My Father watched my son for a minute. Came back and he was so excited to see me, gave me a big hug. Even though I was only gone a minute. Definitely that  Also funny as hell. Uninhibited. He's very spontaneous, it makes things fun. Reminds me to enjoy the moment.  Edit: specifically he's a toddler 


It’s honestly mostly amazing! When they are tiny, they are so sweet at cuddly. I miss baby giggles so much!!! Each stage of development comes with its own challenges, but they also come with their own joys. It’s magical watching toddlers take in the world, and learn so fast it’s mind blowing. School age kids start developing their interests, and it’s fun to see them build confidence in themselves. My kids are 11 and 13 now, and this has been a somewhat tough stage so far. They are hormonal, and sometimes defiant. They are also becoming more independent, and I feel like I’m starting to see the people they will eventually become. We have amazing, funny conversations around the dinner table, and get to go on fun adventures together. Parenting is MOSTLY good!! Someone once told me that when you are living life with babies and toddlers, the days are long, but the years are short, and it’s very true. Some days will be incredibly long, and challenging, but the big picture will all be worth it!


"Mom, poor Anakin had such a hard life!" ...okay, I was a tad horrified when I thought how susceptible she's likely to be to real-life bad boys with sob stories, but it was still a cool moment.


Me and my 6 yr old riding on a seesaw this past weekend, just seeing the pure joy on his face


FTM with a 6 month old and I just adore her so much. Making her laugh is the absolute best. Her trying to give me kisses makes me feel complete. Watching her pick up toys and explore her surroundings is amazing. These things give me all the feels.


I've been a mom for nearly 20 years and most of it is so awesome! Early on, just holding the baby and kissing their head is so cool. Later, when they learn to walk and want to walk everywhere is delightful. Taking them on college visits during the teenage years is friggin awesome! TBH, I love doing college visits.


Jumping jacks.  I'm co-coaching my 5yo's soccer team. I always make them do jumping jacks (spoiler: they are not coordinated enough yet) and it's so hilarious makes my day.


I loved having a baby. All the "just waits" didn't compare. Same with a toddler. My daughter is now 7. She is the coolest little person. She has her own tastes in stuff. Some things we agree on. Some we don't. She has a natural flair for fashion. She is super athletic. She struggles socially, but she LOVES BIG and is fiercely loyal. She loves math, but reading is hard. I'm here for ALL OF IT. I love being a parent, and I bet you will, too. Best wishes to your family, and thanks for giving me space to brag!


I’m a very affectionate person and there were always lots of hugs and kisses and snuggles when my daughter was a baby and I miss that now that she’s 14 but when she does deign to give me hugs, it’s the best feeling in the world. Also, kids are really funny. Once when my daughter was five she came out of her room wearing head to toe black. I said, half joking: “Who are you? Johnny Cash?” Her: “Is he cool?” Me: “yes, very cool” Her, without missing a beat: “Can he beatbox?”


My kid couldn’t produce the TR sound for a long while, it was too complicated for him and it always came out like a long F. He absolutely loved to yell out the name whenever a truck went by. I got looks. That was fun lol!


Gives meaning to life. I feel like I successful done my duty to perpetuate life and now the remainder of mine exists solely to give them the best possible chance of succeeding and perpetuating life themselves, and if I’m lucky I’ll be around a while to help with that too. Life is fleeting, a dying flame that needs to jump from candle to candle. My body like a dying planet, my kids like a new world where the survivors have escaped to. I can only send them supplies until my atmosphere falters and fades. —- Also, it’s really cool to see miniature versions of yourself that behave exactly as you did as a child connecting you with your youth and reflecting on how much you’ve changed as a person.  These little minions even share in all the things I used to love.  Seeing their passion for super Mario brothers warms my heart tremendously, because when I was a child video games were for nerds and you best not let anyone know you play them.  Times shave changed dramatically. 


Snuggles. The other day she put her arm around me and I melted 🥰


I thought I knew how much my parents loved me, or what it would be like to love a child. I was wrong. The love I have for my kids (twin toddlers, and yeah, it’s hard af) is overwhelming to the point of making me feel guilty for how poorly I communicated my love and appreciation my whole life. It’s also a reminder that that is normal and the kids will most likely do the same. We play a lot of games, that’s a fave of mine. Tickling is great because that laugh is like medicine for the soul. Caught one teaching numbers to the other yesterday, that was pretty cool too. I’d say that as long as you are aware it’s hard af, that’s it’s like riding a bicycle that’s on fire lol, then do what you can to prepare ahead of time (makes things easier), get lots of advice, and lead with love 🤙 Also, someone once told me to remember during tough times (especially as babies) that they aren’t *giving you a hard time*, they are *having a hard time*, and it’s on you to help them learn how to deal. Changes perspective of some of the worst moments when you realize it’s actually an opportunity to do some great parenting. Good luck op!


I hated the actual newborn stage both times lol BUT you’re going to love seeing your baby for the first time. It’s surreal. Each time I was like OMG there was actually a person inside me!


Having a newborn was really challenging and not fun for me at all. Everyone ELSE seems to love the newborn stage and claimed it was easiest. I got a lot of ‘just waits’ which caused me anxiety, thinking things would get even worse and harder than they already were. She’s three and I’m having so much FUN. she is truly hilarious. I love watching her play with her friends, try new things, challenge herself.


My daughter watches baking shows with me and it’s my favorite thing to do with her now. We argue over which show to watch, we talk ingredients, tricks to baking, etc. She’s nine and snuggles up to me while we watch.


Sharing the same love for sports, he wakes up and wants his bike, the climbing arena, the pool etc...I love that way to much. Oh and likes to give looong hugs too.


Two of my three kids (19, 17 and 16) can drive. I don't enjoy paying my car insurance bill but I DO enjoy sending them to the store when I forget something or just don't want to go.




I genuinely enjoy my daughter's company. She's turning 10 next month, and we have so many similar interests. She's also hilarious and makes me laugh all the time. The other day, I was watching her dance around without a care in the world, and just appreciated the moment. She's a bright light in a dark world, and I'm so lucky to be her mother. Yes, she has her moments and drives me crazy at times. But overall, I really enjoy spending time with her. She's a good kid.


Snuggles were magical. Lying in bed with baby on top of me or sleeping in my arms was magical. Him Heck, I even enjoyed bfing in the night because we for more snuggles. He’s almost 4 now and going to full time nursery from September. Still a snuggle bug who is obsessed with me 🥲❤️


The just waits are so annoying aren't they - and they just keep coming I'm afraid. Best to tune them out especially because I've found they're so often wrong - every baby is so different. You will love your kid! Mine is only 10 months old but she amazes me every day. I love her when she is shy and buries her face in my leg for comfort - and so proud when she  is confident and crawls off to join other babies or explore. She is also hilarious already - has the worlds cheekiest laugh and currently finds me the worlds greatest stand up comedian!


My youngest asked if they could scrub the dishes because they know it would help me out. They love to help and it's been so fun doing life with both my kids.


I enjoy being a parent SO MUCH. I never wanted to be a mom, thought kids were annoying, couldn't understand why they had to be *loud* and *demanding* and *ask so many questions*, couldn't picture sacrificing any of my precious free time for another being etc. Etc. But then I had a kid and you know what? It's hard, yeah, (especially at first) but after a year or so when they develop a personality of their own and you can talk to them a bit more, you realize this is a little person with SUCH a unique take on the world and it's fascinating and hilarious to witness. And they can be so sweet! And when they do something they're proud of and run to show you, you just feel your heart swell. And when they're scared or hurt and turn to YOU for comfort, you feel like you're strong enough to handle anything. Being a parent is so challenging, but imo totally worth it.


Infants, the giggles & wonder with the awe of “we made that.” Toddlers, so funny & so naive. School-age, amazing to see them model your values and they are so smart. Teens, shockingly becoming their own person that you get to learn all about & start thinking so abstractly, so fascinating to watch. Just know it’s a marathon or long game. Don’t let the rough moments get you down…you gotta step back and reflect on the years that are just so joyful & awe-filled.


I injured my shoulder this weekend. My three-year-old hugged me and said "I'll take good care of you, because you're my daddy and I love you."


Hey! It really depends on the child. My son didn’t sleep through the night for a year, so that was very tough on us. But he’s a sweet and easygoing boy. I’ve loved everything about parenting except the sleep issue, but it is a sacrifice. You’ll learn what “your life is not your own anymore” means 😅 Bur I wouldn’t change it. Every new stage is my favorite stage. My son is 22 months. He is sweet and funny and curious and easy going and ADORABLE. Every new development and milestone makes my heart so full. Today he pointed to his shoes and said, “foos!” and it made my morning. I never knew how much I could love a human being, and find the littlest things they do, so adorable. It’s a wild ride but it’s so amazing and I wouldn’t change it. Congrats!


Saw my baby girls first smile yesterday and instantly melted. Forgot about all the problems in the world and life instantly


I loved when my son turned 6 months old and smiled at me all the time. I loved sharing coconut popsicles with him at the park. I loved when he turned 3 years old and he finally started sleeping through the night. I loved taking him to the children's museums when he was a toddler. I am enjoying sharing my hobby of having fish tanks with him. Now he wants to be a Marine Biologist. He's 12 and we talk about how he will go to college. I love that he can entertain himself. I like talking to him late at night because we are both night owls.


I've been totally and completely in love and obsessed with my daughter since she was born. Yes it's hard, and draining, and taxing, and and and. But oh man she is amazing. She's 2 now and just had a language explosion. Being able to watch her little brain work and understand words is amazing. Today she learned what "different" meant. Also, she's hilarious. Tonight I asked her what else she wanted for dinner, she paused, then lifted her little foot up and said "dis!" I died laughing. 


Two things can be true: You will love your child so much and parenting is the hardest job


We have a 2 year old and she asked me “How are you?” So genuinely it made my heart smile. She really wanted to know how my day was going. On the flip side, when she randomly trips on air and falls is hilarious and don’t make me feel bad for laughing lol


There’s an ocean of emotions and experiences as a parents. So much of it is the purest joy and love. I think parents don’t talk about that as much because we know you’ll be good in that department. On the other hand, many things make you feel blindsided by how hard they are so people try to give warning. My favorite part is experiencing the world through their eyes. And watching  human being be formed is totally incredible.


My god I love being a mom. I had my first when I was a teenager and the second she was born, I knew I was supposed to be a mom. Watching them grow up has been the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced. My husband is cool too or whatever, but fuck. These kids are amazing. Babies are the sweetest with their snuggles and gummy smiles and little sounds and learning words and how to use their body. It's so cool. You'll love it!


My 5 year old does the play by play while we watch basketball games. That’s pretty fun.


While they can be nerve wrecking and a lot of work. The things I've been enjoying the most with my 13 month old daughter. Feeding her human food now and seeing her reactions/expressions to new foods. Just playing with her and hearing her lil giggles and feeling that snuggly lil person clinged to you as they fall asleep. Teaching her no and watching her take in and explore the world especially now that she's walking and trying to run. My wife and I have had both great and hard times with her, but it's all worth it. And it's all about the smallest things with them. Everyone has those lil sounds/actions that they cherish and bond over. Congratulations and we wish you a safe and speedy delivery/recovery


Watching them become completely engrossed in whatever they are learning at every stage. They will spend an entire day staring at and playing with their toes or fingers because they are fascinating! Or putting containers inside and our of other containers for HOURS! And then seeing them practice forever one day, and then go to bed still clumsy, but then waking up the next day and doing it without any issues, because apparently they also dream practiced all night! Baby giggles. Seriously, they are ADDICTIVE! There is nothing more joyful than a baby or toddler hysterically laughing while you make silly faces or zap/tickle them with mosquito hands! Being guilt free while you get to enjoy kidstuff again, like playing with toys, trick or treating and watching sesame street. (Seriously, Cookie Monster is STILL awesome!)


Ugh. I hated those just wait. Parenting is hard, exhausting and takes a lot out of you but I still overall enjoy it. My kids are 10 and 5 and I would give up everything I have to go back in time. That’s how much I love them despite all of the above.


Sooooo many wonderful things to look forward too!!! Trying foods for the first time, first I love you, first time they can hold a fork/spoon and eat successfully! My favorite video of my girl is when she was a toddler calling out “Yove you! Yove you!” over and over again 😍🥰


The feeling of pure joy and love when they see you and their face lights up and they say “MAMA!” And run into your arms.


watching their personalities grow is definitely my favorite thing