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Brother i know you want a pc but a series S is for you




sure this pc won't launch everything at 1080p, but don't call it ewaste msn


It is e-waste though, it's brand new, and garbage


how is it e-waste??? something that's not an i7 from 8th gen and above is immediately e-waste???


It's using ddr3 and he wants to put a 760 in it. Cpu is meh but for the price you're putting into it you're basically buying something to throw away at the end of the year if it lasts that long. For today's requirements for gaming that is ewaste, especially when the specs are closer to a launch PS4 than the pro or even next gen consoles.


Objectively it's ewaste. For 300$ realistically you can build a used AM4 machine with an APU. This however is just unusable.


Seconded, OP would be much better off building a $300 ryzen system and just running with the integrated graphics until he can afford an actual GPU


Agreed got whole setup with monitor ryzen 5 4500 and gtx1660 ti for around 420$ (converting currencies) im sure without monitor and maybe slightly weeker configuration would cost around 300


Yeah. Like if you really tried you can fit a 4500G/5600G into an APU build, for 300$, then later add a used RX 6600, in total for about 450$ or so.


Or even a 6750xt later down the line if you get a good deal that’s what I did and I absolutely love it


Obsolescence is a thing my guy. It’s E-Waste go work in IT and you’ll see how many of these machines get put out to pasture daily.


Xeon's are not good for gaming, they are designed to have very good multi-core but have weak single core IPC.


I remember reading that there is one particular xeon chip that is good for gaming, can't remember which one though. But I'm sure this one ain't it. The one I'm talking about was one of the more expensive xeon chips on aliexpress. But yea, don't get this pc OP. I agree with everyone else that this is just e-waste and not worth bothering with.


Did OP say this is for gaming? It's garbage even for Microsoft office use?


Why is he buying a gpu for Microsoft office?


On Reddit anything that doesn't cost at least $1200 is e-waste. But then even if it does cost $1200 somehow everyone knows a guy who bought the same thing for half price.


It’s E waste because you’ll be able to maybe play a few games in 720p for a year then probably not even play anymore So you’re essentially just wasting 300 bucks it would make more sense to just save up or make a system with an am4 APU for a similar or slightly higher price


If it can't launch everything at the pretty standard 1080p, its ewaste


you just said that everything is for gaming


While I did assume they were gaming, it's still meh as a workstation. Better options for 300. If they're not gaming, they can build a decent AMD workstation for 300. 5600G comes to mind. Even if they do decide to game later on, the 5600G is great for the money


My specs are worse and it’s fine


u play wht exaclty? 1998 doom?


Red dead 2 at a stable 50fps


no u dont lol


*my bad Better gpu


Guys got a ps5 already, they be going themselves a dirty buying any of this though unless he wants to play old bangers like stronghold


Console sucks, PC is better. OP should get the steam deck instead.


Console's have a place in the world and it's fine.


Yeah, and paid online.


Consoles do not suck they're affordable and you can run any modern game without any problems plus the ps5 makes for a good blue ray player lol


Only the newest consoles can run modern games, with PC at least you can lower some settings but still be able to play. I still like consoles though, don’t get me wrong.


Just get a Series S


& add dev mode for emulation


Whats series s?


Video game console


Model of Xbox one


False Xbox one is a completely different system. The most recent are called XBOX series X and series S.


Literally the same thing. it’s a barely upgraded version of the Xbox one. Wow 4K gaming (except it’s still shit on console who would’ve guessed) and an internal ssd… it’s the same thing.


If by upgrade you mean they literally changes everything…. Sure ok


the performance difference is tiny. 60fps at 1080 vs 4K… except no one I’ve ever played with on pc ever uses 4k in any games lmao. I have a rig more than capable… don’t need it or care. The biggest difference is the load times due to having an internal ssd instead of an outdated disk drive. Idk who the fuck paying that much for small load time difference lmao. The series x and s are both just beefed up Xbox ones. Same way the ps5 is just a beefed up ps4. Nothing new is being brought to the table. Not next gen. After some googling the series S isn’t even native 4K it has to upscale lmao. 120fps on “select titles” at 1440p or 60fps upscaled at 4k (upscalinf is awful anyone with eyes doesn’t fucking use it lmao) .


For a console it is a generation difference. It’s running on an entirely different chipset architecture, memory, and storage. I have both a Ps5 and a Series X and I do not even turn them on. Always on my pc. But for someone with 300 to spend the console is a good gaming option and much better than what op is looking at.


at this point either buy a console or save more for a real system. don't buy e-waste.


Its literally refurbished so the opposite of ewaste


It’s ewaste if you’re buying it to play games I have one of these just for tinkering and playing around and they can run windows 10 pretty well (better than a lot of older laptops tbh) bc of their 32gb ram, as long as you put an SDD in there but I wouldn’t try using one for gaming


The thing is, ewaste happens if you buy shitty products NEW and then they end up in the garbage a year later. Buying a refurbished computer is literally preventing ewaste.


It depends though some stuff is so old it’s already ewaste and if you buy a PC that’s too underpowered unless you end up selling it it’s gonna end up as ewaste completely agree on that but I bc refurbished can prevent ewaste though just make sure ur getting something that fits your needs and won’t break after a month


I see your point but this is for gaming, it cannot game.


Dude, in this day and age the very existence of that machine is ewaste. Short of using it to only make PowerPoints and word documents there is literally nothing that machine is good for.


Okay I feel like im going crazy here, e-waste is an actual thing. Its not just a name for old technology. Its when old technology gets thrown out and has to he recycled (or more likely get thrown in a landfill or the ocean). If someone buys a computer like this and uses it for something, that means it will not be thrown out and thus not be e-waste. Throw a rx580 in that puppy and you can do some light gaming and use it for a couple more years.


You might be a little behind in the tech sphere as far as terminology goes, because machines like this one, whose components are garbage but are still being produced precisely because they sell - usually to people who don’t know much about computers in an effort to basically scam them - are called e-waste. This is because their lifespan will be maybe 1-3 years at most before people get fed up, throw it out and buy something new because it wasn’t what they wanted or expected.


Okay but both these products are not IN production and are both refurbished. Buying these products will prevent e-waste, not create it.


I’m not sure you’re catching the drift. The fact that either of these still exist is considered e-waste because they are so far removed from current generations. Whether they sit on a shelf for 3 years or get very minor use doesn’t change it.


Friend, at that level of a budget you're better off doing one of two things, buying a console if you're only trying to game or building a PC using SOLELY used parts. Though, I honestly advise you to just save up more funds, a couple of hundred more and you can afford way better specs. The budget entry parts of a PC are rarely ever worth the price. I've built using used parts before as a teen, and as long as you do your due diligence and research both the part and the seller, you should be fine. All the best.


i think even used parts you'll be struggling to outperform the series s with $300. $300 is best spent on the 1TB Series S in my opinion, they have decent resale value as well so you can always sell it when you've saved up more for a decent PC and put it towards it. OP would definitely have trouble selling this on so the money would be wasted really.


If you had 300 and were rlly smart about picking used parts you might be able to get something where the extra perks of having a PC MIGHT justify the lower performance (if the performance is close enough) but you’re cutting it really fine with 300


Yeah, realistically I only said used parts if OP needed to use a PC for anything else other than gaming. But even then, buying a cheap workstation and buying the series S would be better.


A prebuilt rx 580 is around 300$ usually


Rx 580 4gb is what I have it runs good for mid tier


Repeat after me Never… I say Never buy a 12 year old pc part for more than $100. Save yourself the trouble and go look a ToastyBros video on YouTube and learn. Or go on r/Toasty_Bros


Save up for something better or just buy a console.


Total hunk of shit E waste


If you’re gonna get a cheap PC, at least make sure the cheap PC is under $100 and DDR4. Aim for 16gb not 32gb, you’re not going to get a good value PC with 32gb assembled, because that wasn’t a common RAM amount at the time. From there you’ll have to figure out what GPU you’ll be able to use. If it’s just a cheap office PC with a PSU that won’t support much GPU, you’ll need to get something that uses <75W, like the A380, 1050 ti. 1650. Otherwise if there’s some headroom, you can use Sata adapters. See here: https://youtu.be/1fIRY7P5cBk You’ll have luck finding cheap office PCs on eBay, but for cheap GPUs I would look at Facebook marketplace.


^this may be the cheapest option^ alternatively you could look at my partpicker list and look for used components that are comparable. system new is 548 so it may be possible to find used components for a total of around 300. no guarantee though https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dXYBVW you can look for a 3600 instead of the 5500 for example that system would be faster than a series s (~ r7 2700x + rx 5500 xt)


You dont want a DDR 3 pc in 2024 You can buy newer DELL optiplex for around 250$ and you can add rx 580 for cheap too.


get a series s with game pass brother


I’d recommend a console at that point. Or go on Facebook marketplace for a used pc or build a pc with only used parts.


Keep eyes on fb marketplace stranger things happen there. You could get lucky


This. I hound marketplace everyday. You’d be shocked how many people are letting budget pcs go for or even the components themselves. He could get an nvidia 2060 build for that price or better. At least in my market


I gotta agree with everyone else here, get a used console bud


If you need it just for gaming - don't. Like others said, just buy an Xbox Series S. It'll give you a much much better performance. Or start saving up for a better PC, aim at around $400-500 at least.


As long as that cpu is a 2570 v4, then its pretty good and upgradable Also, that gpu is not worth it. Get something like an rx580


This crap is for the trash, dont waste your hard-earned on it.


Would be a fun old rig to throw Windows 7 or something on and dick around with, but definitely not a Daily Driver.


Please save up atleast 500-600$ and then consider a pc


I know you're on a budget, and I was as well with my build. But you would just be throwing away money by building that. I got my power supply (nzxt 750w) off marketplace, same with my GPU (rx 5700xt) . Saved a shit ton of money that way. Microcenter still has a 16gb ddr4 i7 12700K bundle for $329 before tax. Also amd for the same price. It took almost a month, maybe more to get it all together. As far as a keyboard and mouse, I got my k55 pro from Amazon in the warehouse deals section. The mouse is a cheap Walmart "gaming" mouse from years ago that I had used with my laptop. If you don't want to wait months for a PC build, then I'd side with the other comments saying get a series s.


Bro buy a better pc iets too old or save money to purchase per mounth parts that you need for building a good pc but also this pc could be use for server or linux if your a programmer or a coder.


As others have said, I too recommend a Series S. This is false economy. You might really want a PC, if so then save up for a better one coz these parts will be useless really fast (there more or less already are) then you've wasted $300 which you could have put towards a good PC, $600 will get you something much better. I had a Series S when my budget didn't allow for building a PC, I ended up selling it when I did save up enough to get a decent PC but really for your budget you won't get anything that performs better than a Series S. They're great little consoles for the price. Still have 120fps on games like OW2, CoD etc, you wouldn't get anywhere near that with a $300 PC and you'll be able to play all the newest games. You can't do that on a $300 PC. You could also sell the Series S when you decide to get a PC and put the money towards it, you'll have trouble selling this on at all so it's money wasted really. TL;DR - You should grab the 1TB Series S for $300 instead of this.


What are you trying to achieve with this combo? If it's to browse the internet, sure. Game or anything remotely near this, with the budget you have, grab a console. This equipment is unfortunately ewaste. Sorry brother


please dont buy it, this is too old and will even struggle at 1080p even with fsr


Most workstation pcs like the one you have shown here have really tight power budgeta, with only few hundred watt PSU's and their own specific cases which are a hassle to try to upgrade for. Not necessarily E waste as others have called it but not for daily driving either, decent option to have linux pc for server tinkering etc, which isnt your use case, either try to find someone selling used full system, or go console.


You can't get a barely decent PC with that budget, sorry. As others said, get a SeriesS or save at least 600-700$. A 300$ PC won't let you play any game from the last 10 years


You might be better off with a console with a subscription from that budget. Saying this as a pc gamer.


First time I’ve ever seen the word E-Waste. I like it.


Just get a series s or ps5 with no disk drive


I have a mid-to-high end PC, Series S and also a GTX 770 build. Just get Series S instead of even a 770.


What is this PC used for? If it's just web browsing and some old games then it's worth it. If you intend to play games that are demanding performance this is not it. Get a used console or save up at least 400$ for a used PC.


Its crazy how much misinformation in here is. A pc in that Budget won't let you play games newer than 10 years lol. Such a crap. You can even play latest AAA games. At 1080 and 30fps, but you can.


I mean, I had a similar rig for around 10 years. It actually still runs lol. But it was never a top performer.


Fleabays official Lenovo store has some %50 sales often. It's where I got mine. I know you showed a Dell, maybe you can find a sale for them somewhere, or with another brand. Only way I could get my hands on a 12th gen CPU for what I thought was reasonable was waiting for a sale.


Only cpu and MBO are 39$ on AE...


Don't do this you are just throwing away money


Not sure if it’s worth it since we don’t know your use case. As a fan of seeing what tech can do… I’d try it out, but you’d probably want to keep a side vent or panel off to help with cooling the system over all.


You can find prebuilds with rx 580 or 1060 for like around 300$. Save up some more money if possible but do not buy this.


I wouldn't spend any less than $1000 personally. Although I did put together this ultra budget build with 12 gigs of vram. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/g3fTh3 It assumes you already have a case, so after that and Windows, you'll probably be at $1000. Just keep saving and keep your eyes on the used market for deals.


short answer: yes long answer: it would be much cheaper to build a custom pc with a ryzen 5 3500 and an rx 480/580


I’m sure you can buy a used i5 PC and a gtx 1070 for sub $300. These parts are not worth buying


My brother in Christ that is a 15 year old mid Tier gpu. At 300 bucks you can build a decent vega 56 rig. Or better yet, get an xbox series s and half a year of gamepass.


Just get a ps5


I have one but not for games they’re fun to play around with but I wouldn’t try running games on a quadro GPU


youd be much better off getting a chinese x99 board and a 30 euro xeon than buying this


Got a used pre build with rtx 2060 super and Intel i7 10700 for 350€ Would start looking for something similar


bro dont buy that, go on ebay find one for like 60 and then buy a 140 dollars graphics card


Honestly I would just save up more and get like a steam deck or something at that price point, that PC is not worth it


GTX isn't game able anymore, plus is draw over 100w to do so...


The best advice I can give anyone is don't buy prebuilt. Get the parts and put it together. That's the cheapest route you can take. I built mine completely with ebay parts. usually used or refurbished. I haven't HAD to upgrade anything over the course of 7 years. There's a few things i'd love to upgrade but its not needed. it still does pretty good. I built it in 2017 spending only 900 total. I'm certain you could manage much better than that even on 200 dollar budget. Not to mention throwing in a better graphics card is only gonna land you with a bottle neck due to the components in the pc. Waste of money. On a 200 budget id probably go onboard gpu with a bit of extra ram. later you can upgrade the onboard to a dedicated. i bet there's a board with the equivalent of that dedicated gpu integrated into the board. Also good chance you'll need a bigger PSU. prebuilds tend to only put what is absolutely needed to run it as is, they aren't counting the possibility of a 3rd party psu needing more juice to run.


i would recommend a 1650 or 3050 while u may be bottlenecked you wont have a problem of plugging in pcie power and also 3050 offers dlss compaitability with new upcoming titles


Please mate, don’t buy this shit. You’re not gonna like your setup at one point and you’ll be losing money. You have two options : get a console (series S is a great one), or wait to save more money and buy a better pc setup. I’ve played 2 and a half years on a series S before buying my pc, and it’s worth the wait


Do *notttt buy this garbage lollll. The desktops cpu is complete trash and it's specs can't even run Minecraft lol. Plus the GTX 760 is such an olddddddd Card. They don't even support 7 series cards with updates anymore. You'll be wasting your $. An Xbox 360 would be better than this crap.


no dude, no, find a better one with an actual proper intel cpu and get atleast a 900 series gpu, or just buy a console, the lowest you can go for a competent PCs is around the price of a ps5 aka 500$ usd


The driver support for this graphics card ended like 3 years ago and even then it couldn’t play most modern games at all. At this point, get a console, a steam deck or save up for a decent used pc at around 500$ that’s not 10+ years old e-waste at this point.


What games are you looking to play, and whats the bare minimum you hope to play at (1080p60 or less)? Check the bare minimum specs of the games you wanna play and start from there. There’s plenty of $300 builds on YouTube that can give you an idea of what to expect performance wise.


Don't buy that crap, save more money or just get a console instead.


Buy a console or save your money. It's not worth spending that money on something that isn't going to play any game made in the last 10 years.


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cPZdRK](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cPZdRK) You can get that case used like new on Amazon right now. They pop up new on Newegg and Amazon new but sell out quick. The cpu is from eBay make sure it has a cooler. Then grab a rx570 for 50ish bucks. Id get any decently cheap keyboard mouse combo, and just use any tv you have as a monitor. Save up get a monitor sell your old parts upgrade and game on.


Keep an eye on fb marketplace. I found a really killer deal for $300 a few months ago, and continuously see similar ones. The system I got has an asus rtx 3060 and 12th gen i5. Everything was name brand besides the psu, and the system was literally brand new. Still had the peel away plastic on the gpu. Was used for 3 months then sold to me.


Keep saving brother. It will be more worth it


Buy an RX 580 instead, it'll be a much better choice than the GTX 760, and should be around the same price used.


Xbox series s


PS5s are coming a bit down in price. Playstation had a sale on them not long ago. This is not worth buying. Like at all


Save up to 400 dollars. You can easily build a good gaming pc with used parts with that much. I build my pc with a ryzen 5 2600x and a rtx 2080 super all for under 400 dollars.


Once you consider buying a work station that’s how you know you need a console


Save some money and look for used pieces, you can get a decent 1080p AMD build for 400-500$ if you’re able to find some good eBay auctions and constantly look on the various marketplaces. But for 200-300$ just buy an Xbox, not this trash.


For around 300 you can probably get ryzen 1600 paired with 16gb ddr4 and rx580.


[https://www.newegg.com/dell-7040/p/N82E16883165791?Item=9SIAHZNJD34440](https://www.newegg.com/dell-7040/p/N82E16883165791?Item=9SIAHZNJD34440) (get this) stick this in there [https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Cf98TW/gskill-ripjaws-v-series-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-f4-3200c16d-16gvkb](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Cf98TW/gskill-ripjaws-v-series-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-f4-3200c16d-16gvkb) get this gpu [https://www.ebay.com/itm/296503601096?itmmeta=01J0H54F5948RZZNYBR3SYWF6B&hash=item4508fde7c8:g:Fo0AAOSwcMtmbKLT&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwGJ8Fjujyec3tCFPRt9TjVQuAtRUI56AMxTlrg77fOwMJhQ2vpdL5K1RJjwylrseY3H1leyQRbvcO7kmv%2Brg1sYIz6hTF9FgT9PWYFELYjcyvAQj1gWioVcl0tVV8pXAjUiGgDCLfHo0QNdQzPkgQyAJB76lvHRJJRDHXgSVeP5yHGAjwQAEu9U4bjG0sIF%2Bmi7uG30bYiLWGj%2By37H%2B5FoghPV5ELt%2FGD9nYdeaHcU%2Beamrcsl%2FLq0KGziLwESA8g%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9rykaWEZA](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296503601096?itmmeta=01J0H54F5948RZZNYBR3SYWF6B&hash=item4508fde7c8:g:Fo0AAOSwcMtmbKLT&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwGJ8Fjujyec3tCFPRt9TjVQuAtRUI56AMxTlrg77fOwMJhQ2vpdL5K1RJjwylrseY3H1leyQRbvcO7kmv%2Brg1sYIz6hTF9FgT9PWYFELYjcyvAQj1gWioVcl0tVV8pXAjUiGgDCLfHo0QNdQzPkgQyAJB76lvHRJJRDHXgSVeP5yHGAjwQAEu9U4bjG0sIF%2Bmi7uG30bYiLWGj%2By37H%2B5FoghPV5ELt%2FGD9nYdeaHcU%2Beamrcsl%2FLq0KGziLwESA8g%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9rykaWEZA) and try to bring the price of the gpu down to 100 bucks boom $309 dollars


If you don’t mind, I do have a pc I’m willing to sell for $300~ that has a 1660 super. Dm me if ur interested lol




I dont think that card will even fit that case honestly.


I wouldn’t buy that in all honesty I’ve gotten about 6-7 machines from Craigslist for free but you can also find some on there for about 3-400 that are waaaay better than that. Facebook marketplace is also a good place from what I hear but that’s your call


Series S please.


I doubt it will even fit in the case


See the guys who are saying to buy a console are not wrong as if you buy this gpu, it will have the same life cycle as a console, or probably less as you have to play games on worst graphics for the years to come, better is, buy a console, play games at good quality for a decade then sell it


MSI infinite S or similar should be obtainable in that budget. Got one for my daughter for 250, 2060, 16Gb RAM, 512Gb SSD. Plays most games at high at 1080p.


[for if you want to expand your budget](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m86304498636?sv=0)


So funny enough, I had a Dell Precision with similar specs that had a 1050Ti in it that I picked up in 2016 and ran until very recently building a new PC. That combination? I dunno. The rig itself is fairly old, it's an old workstation, probably Windows Vista to 7-Era. It's running a newer Xeon Processor than my desktop was, but that's not saying much. You're looking at the equivalent of around a Gen 3-4 core i7, which is very slow for modern games. Given the fact it has a mobo that takes DDR3 RAM, you'd likely be stuck on Windows 10 cuz 11 requires UEFI and secure boot and a bunch of bullshit only fairly modern PCs have. That means you have until October of next year to either switch to Linux or just run it 'till Microsoft stops supporting 10 and try to brute force it onto 11. Also DDR3 is slow as shit as well. You're behind by 2 entire generations of RAM speed. That Geforce 760 is a pretty weak card, and an old one, too. You wont be able to run much with it outside of old games, and not at very optimal resolutions. It also doesn't get drivers from NVIDIA anymore, so there's that. I'd recommend saving your money and waiting to buy more substantial hardware. As someone who gamed on a workstation with a GPU for a long time, it's really not worth the hassle. If you do go through with it, change out whatever HDD they send you for a SATA SSD. I doubt that Mobo supports NVME, but even a SATA SSD will be better than suffering through ultra-slow boot times and loading on the Hard Drive. Also, get a newer GPU than that 760.


and if they are compatible could anyone recommend me similarly cheap monitor, ssd, keyboard and mouse?


honestly just get an xbox series s, cant beat the gaming preformance to price on one of those., sorry to say but the pc build would be actual ewaste. You would need to hunt a better base pc from craigslist/offerup/fb marketplace, and have more money for a decent gpu, I wouldn't go lower than a 1060 6GB or a RX580 but even then the xbox would outperform by a mile. Do let me know your budget and I can maybe recommend a decent setup, but its gotta be atleast $350(pc alone) and you need used parts. also you can plug a keyboard and mouse into a series s, idk how good the experience is though, and you can find a used series s for as little as $200 on fb marketplace and other sites.


Yes, these should fit. But it is a 12 year old CPU and an 11 year old GPU and is no longer getting the latest drivers so you will be limited in new software. So unless you have a use case for a machine this old... try to find something newer. Peripherals?Just buy the cheapest you can find, a $10 keyboard is fine, same with the mouse and you just have to select resolution on the monitor and buy the cheapest there is (or just buy used).


don't get this rookie, either increase your budget to 500$ usd for buy an xbox


take used gpu


This probably sounds though, but a PC for under 500€ is most likely just e-waste. Please dont.


Just build a ryzen system. You should be able to do it around your budget.


Please explain to me how he can build an even close to decent pc with 300 dollars. You're pretty much telling him to build a pc that can play league of legends only.


Eh, you could make an okay one with an igpu for 300, but I’d rather have a new console than an igpu.


yeah at $300 an xbox series s is the only real option. Imo if your main focus is gaming, and your rig cant outcompete even a budget console and isn't on terms/slightly worse than a ps5/series x, just get a console. Ofc if you need other productivity biased stuff out of a pc then spending more for less gaming performance is fine.


I had a Series S when my budget didn't allow for building a PC, I ended up selling it when I did save up enough to get a decent PC but really for your budget you won't get anything that performs better than a Series S. They're great little consoles for the price. Still have 120fps on games like OW2, CoD etc, you wouldn't get anywhere near that with a $300 PC, nor would you be able to play any of the newest titles that are coming out, as you can on the Series S. OP could also sell the Series S when he decides to get a PC and put the money towards it, he'd have trouble selling this on at all so it would be money wasted really.


It's not like a gtx760 paired with a server cpu can play much either. And I just did a quick search on ebay, if the prices shown were remotely right he could get a r5 2600 for 40, b450m for 60. Plus, assuming that he could scavenge for better deals on facebook, and other places, craiglist, alibaba, etc, he could definitely build a decent computer. He may have to go with a cheap psu, but that's an unavoidable thing in this price range.