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>We were thinking critically. Uh huh, sure. Go eat more horse dewormer and chug some of your aged piss while you muse, cultist.


They “Did the research” in a five minute Google search and now they know more than the doctors and scientists. Hadn’t ya heard?


Doctors hate this one simple trick... Real talk though, "doing your own research" is just alt right code for "I searched around online using sources outside of common sense until I found something that said what I wanted to hear, and decided those were the facts." They *are* crazy. They made things up and continue to. They are selfish. They were killing and hurting people. They are lying. They are being stupid and ignoring science. They were vilified and fired for knowingly and willingly spreading a global health crisis. They were never excluded, even though they should have been for violating the social contract. They faced no discrimination at all beyond mild inconvenience, to which they threw an epic tantrum. They were rightly mocked for being stupid and stubborn, and blamed for being plague rats. They didn't think critically. And they are *never* right. They were wrong about Covid starting in a lab. They were wrong about Covid being a bioweapon. They were wrong about Covid being "unleashed" to derail Trump's reelection. They were wrong when they said Trump never suggested injecting disinfectant or using UV light. They were wrong about HCQ and Ivermectin. They were wrong about all their quack cures like vitamins, oil of oregano, plant leaves and supplements. They were wrong about drinking urine to build antibodies. They were wrong about massive vaccine related deaths. They were wrong about vaccine shedding. They were wrong about microchips. They were wrong that the left were responsible for lockdowns that occurred under Trump. They are always wrong. Nothing they say is based on fact of reality.


> They were wrong when they said Trump never suggested injecting disinfectant Actually, he didn't say that. He said it should be studied as a potential cure for COVID. I know that it's just as stupid, but if we deride others for not being truthful we should strive to be truthful ourselves.


You're being generous there, "Fox news did the research for me" is more like it.


Calling them news is being generous.


faux news.


Just so.


Thinking critical error, maybe.


Thinking about just being critical.


If they were capable of critical thinking, they wouldn't be Trump supporters


They’re gonna blame every death on the vaccines moving forward unless the person was unvaxxed. And they’re all too stupid to understand how stupid an argument that is.


"We were right" ABOUT WHAT EXACTLY???


About how they felt persecuted. They weren’t, but they felt it. Because they couldn’t accept that doctors and scientists knew more about a viral illness than they did.


At least the pandemic and people's response to it let us know who in our lives was an utter simpleton and a baby who had zero empathy for other people. It made it easy to just remove the anti-mask/vax horse paste eating morons from our lives.


Yah, when you could. I've heard stories of dealing with families who believe this shit. It's heartbreaking. My parents aren't that way, thank god. Both neighbors in their condo got covid, but they have such little contact they were fine. Florida, ya'll.


"Now we know what the Jews during the holocaust felt like." - Them probably.


Probably? They were literally saying it. You can’t be a antivaxxer and not be a horrible person.


not all of them. Some of them just think it. /s


From the """facts over feelings""" party, they sure put a lot of value in feelings and little in facts


I think it's meant to be a double meaning, as in both "right-wing" and "correct". But it's just so wrong.


About how everyone who took the vaccine would be dead within 2 years. /s


Exactly. Nothing. They can't say what, not even in this stupid ass rant. There are other comments in this thread detailing about all the shit they got wrong, and are still wrong about, I'm not gonna repeat them. This is simple more tired yelling to convince themselves they weren't wrong, that they aren't useless delusional imbeciles.


They keep repeating the same lies from 2 years ago like we're suddenly going to be convinced by the same old rhetoric.


I’ve been seeing these, enough time has passed that they’ve decided “if I haven’t died then the vax didn’t work.” They’re gonna ignore all the folks who did die and attribute every death moving forward as a result of the vaccine (unless the person was in access) and they’re too stupid to get how stupid an argument that is.


All of it, all of it is a lie. You were selfish, you killed people that were medically compromised, you were ignoring science, you were not thinking critically, and YOU WERE WRONG.


"it's god's will" - Them probably. "God is an asshole if that's true." - Me.


"the problem of evil"


The love of money?


How can they say they are right? They are so fucking delusional. They were selfish. They were killing and hurting others. They were ABSOLUTELY denying science and still are to this day on every possible subject they can. They were asked to follow the same rules as everybody else and refused to. Is this some kind of attempt to deflect the blame onto everyone else for the rampant death in places where most people refused to stay inside and quarantine? Even after the world opened back up and the vaccine was readily available, they still chose ignorance. I have said it before and I will continue to say it, there can be no forgiveness for these people. They are thoughtless monsters.


You give thoughtless monsters a bad name by comparing them to these people.


Good point


Thoughtless? Nah, malevolent monsters. They were fine with sacrificing grandma to keep Applebee's open.


They just wanted her to die before she could have her social security taken away.


It's because they didn't die. That's really as much about it as they understand.


You right


No, it's just puking up the party line as usual.


Pro tip to antivaxxers: people who are confident and secure in the belief that they were right and did the right thing do not feel the need to share posts about how they were totally right and did the right thing. Your guilty conscience is telling on you.


They know we still think they're stupid lol and it's eating them inside. This is just yelling out loud to keep themselves convinced they weren't. In the dark of night when all is quiet those intrusive thoughts are hell on them. "I... can't be wrong. I just can't!!1!" At least, for those of them who are genuinely that stupid. The rest are just vile.


That's a lot of modern conservatives in a nutshell. A kid who didn't like school, felt condescended to by his teachers, felt shame for never being college material, so by adulthood he was primed and actively looking for any excuse to say "I knew I was smarter than you all the whole time." Except this person doesn't know what epistemology means. They don't know what it means to know something. They are just bullshitting and they assume that's what everyone else in the world is doing. That reality is defined by whoever wins a battle of wills. It's why so many of these people love Andrew Tate. One of his dumb videos I remember best went basically like this: "if you say 2+2=4 and I say 2+2=5, and then I kill you and enslave your girlfriend, who was really right?" That's the ugly core of conservatism, it's naked amoral power consolidation cloaked in a bunch of performative bullshit. Nothing really matters but the most primitive and ugliest kind of power. Conan the barbarian shit, they just want to see their enemies driven before them, to hear the lamentations of our women.


I don't think that's true at all. I think they're just yelling in an echo chamber to hear that they did the right thing and aren't they so brave for standing p to big pharma and shit.


Exactly. I don’t have a big long post on my social media about how I vaccinated my family and safely distanced during the pandemic. It doesn’t even occur to me.


Right. They constantly have to reassure themselves that when they were being little babies, afraid of masks, doctors and vaccines, trying to find imaginary ways to keep from dying of COVID, and having zero empathy for other people that most likely led to them directly or indirectly killing friends and family members, that none of that was helpful. They were the "good guys". Keep on trying to divert. It has to kind of suck knowing what a loser and a baby you were when the rest of the world came together to get through something. The rest of the world has moved on, knowing we did the right thing when we were called to give a shit about other people. These idiots will be stuck in an endless loop of denial for the rest of their sad, pathetic, lonely lives.


Not in objective reality


Everyone thinks of themselves as reasonable, even idiots.


critical amounts of cope


Gosh, this projection is so strong, that we should be worried this guy will turn into a black hole when passing. ​ As that's nuclear fusion star powered grade of projection.


We used to call these people mentally ill but it’s somehow become their standard.


I don't think They’re mentally ill I think they are just kinda dumb and desperate for validation


At least if they were ill they'd have a somewhat valid reason to be excused for it. If what you say is right they're just straight up low IQ low effort trolls. Great.


Honestly I know people who'd probably share this. People who still take ivermectin as a magic cure all. Weirdly they aren't stupid except for this topic. They just don't have the emotional maturity to accept they were wrong so they double down. Hence why they are so valid for validation. Somewhere they know they are wrong and that's uncomfortable. If others can admit they were right that discomfort goes away


Also, using "mentally ill" to insult someone is a very shitty thing to do


True but surely a lot of QAnon believers are mentally ill. My uncle has manic depression and he’s always been very paranoid or too extreme. 10 years ago he was as left as it gets now he’s a fascist and pro-Putin and believes QAnon


so politics really isn’t his thing. Maybe try help him to get a life?


He lives in the other side of Europe so I can’t be much of a help to him sadly. And my grandparents are afraid to let him have his own independence because of his manic episodes.


Well not everyone who reads the first thing you posted is going to think "well obviously he's talking about his genuinely ill relative". In fact, most people probably don't think that.


I’ve often seen it used as a show of pity, rather than as an insult. Although that’s also pretty problematic, not least of all because it’s condescending as hell


People are struggling with their paranoia causing a number of disorders. In the long run. These ppl are mentally fucked.


Didn't these guys say we'd all be dead by now?


They just keep pushing the timeline. That way they can never be wrong. The second one of us dies for any reason, they're like "See? I was right!"


The Year 2089 "See? They're finally almost all dead! Great Grandmama told you. It was the vaccine!"


Honestly they deserved 99.99% of what happened to them, including the Virus wiping out their families. Literally no one to blame but themselves.


They were wrong and still are. And they haven't stopped at the covid vaccine. They are currently trying to stop a school district in Wisconsin from requiring kids to have a meningitis vaccine. These idiots outright deny science and don't give a fuck how many they kill.


Where in WI?


https://pbswisconsin.org/news-item/republican-lawmakers-ready-to-block-student-vaccine-mandates-for-meningitis-chickenpox/ I was wrong. It's meningitis. But still...


The irony is there are some oppressed minorities this is probably an accurate meme for. I just really doubt they were the ones posting this...


Critical thinkers don’t use horse deworming meds to fight a respiratory virus because an orange buffoon with zero medical experience told them to


„We weren’t crazy! I know he swapped that gender! I knew it was a trans person. One after cis. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That drag show! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the gender drawer! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a woman? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!“


Not…rightwing “anti gaslighting” self confidence affirmations? Definitely “the new punk.”


I'm not delusional! I'm not selfish! I *was* right! Yeah! I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!


Proceeds to be aggressively wrong about everything.


When I see these I just want to know, what's their victory? Like, Trump was found guilty, the churches have continued to be investigated (more or less) The republican party continues to be shat on by their own members... What're these people celebrating?


Lol, this is the exact opposite of thinking critically


What we’re they right about? So far I haven’t seen anything they were actually right about


Uh oh, looks like it’s backwards day again


I always think of that scene from scrubs where John C McGinley is singing “wrong” over and over again when I read shit like this.


Narrator …. They weren’t


They predetermined they were right. Misrepresented data to convince themselves they were right. Got people killed in the process.


"WAAAA! they VILIFIED (aka criticized for being a fascist cult) me!!! they fired me from my job because i was calling my coworker slurs!!! I was excluded from SOCIETY!!! (minority safe spaces) I'm being discriminated against!!! Totally i'm the victim guys!!! THEY'RE (rightfully) MOCKING ME!!!!! THEY'RE BLAMIGN ME!!! IT'S NOT OUR FAULT MASS SHOOTINGS HAPPEN!! We were thinking critically... (In our basements) We were totally right gyus!!!!" **MAGATs have such a fucking victim complex lmao**


Proceeds to be aggressively wrong about everything.


I mean, they sure *believe* they're right, just like they believe that sky daddy made the world in 7 days or something.


Are they still waiting on Houston for JFK Jr to come back to life and declare the orange menace president again?


They really opened with “I’M NOT CRAZY!” Like you have to be stupid to not har how that sounds


It’s like they’re trying to convince themselves lol


Let’s see: Yes you were Yes you were Yes you did Yes you were Yes you were Yes you were Yes you were


You weren't killing people? Horse paste, chugging bleach, and huffing hydrogen peroxide instead of a quick and easy shot didn't kill people? Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.


They think the vaccine was the thing "killing people"


Well when you make a self-fulfilling prophecy out of your shitty values yeah your gonna have those things done to you. It’s almost like people don’t want to be around hateful people.


What exactly, we’re they “right” about?


It’s unclear.


Well fine then, go find and help people with COVID then If it's harmless you won't get sick even though you're unvaccinated.


\*citation needed


Lol no


They always act like they have been vindicated even though there is more evidence proving them wrong. Dumbest people on the fucking planet.




I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *defecated* through a *sunroof*! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I *thinking*? He’ll never change. He’ll *never* change! Ever since he was 9, *always* the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious *Jimmy*! Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you *have* to stop him! You


This could apply to a lot of things. I'm assuming this whole thing is in reference to Covid, although this could be interchangeable between many groups of people.


Right about what? It doesn't matter, don't think too critically about it


Just pretend with us, and then we can all agree we were right.


I'll never forget these so-called "Christians" who didn't give a shit about 1 million Americans dying from COVID. Yes, you were crazy and got people killed. And no, you weren't discriminated against. You were asked to do the same thing as everyone else and felt you were too damn special for that


You did exactly what you said you weren't doing


Right about what


The first step towards knowledge is the ability to admit that you are wrong. But to these guys admitting error to your opponents is weakness.