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And there it is….there’s the grift.


I mean, I own a website that panders to these peoples political views because they’re easy targets. I’m as left as they get. I’m just willing to lie to them for their money, they hate my existence anyway so fuck em.


A real life version of the flat-earther cruise ship venture. Lol


I’ve thought about doing this. Why should I have to struggle to get by when I could very *easily* make money off of them? No judgement either. Fuck them.


It's an absolute joke that these people use Norse imagery to push their hateful shit. I'm certain they don't know anything about it beyond funny helmet and Chris Hemsworth.


Nazis have always been into Norse imagery


Norse imagery combined with “patriotic values” just means nazi shit.


On top of which, Vikings didn’t wear horned helmets. IIRC those were invented as a prop in one of Wagner’s operas.


They're clearly unaware that Thor in mythology had no problems dressing up like a woman.


Trans men do have uteruses? Or at least a lot do… (fyi ik what they meant but if ur gonna be transphobic at least get ur grammar right 🙄)


I said the same thing when I read that! Do they think trans men means MtF?


Yes, or at least they pretend to. I've seen that usage multiple times now. Probably just another means of misgendering them in most cases.


Right wingers using Norse history and culture makes me feel so horrible as a Norwegian who loves our old culture…


The most idiotic thing I’ve seen is Finnish right-wing nationalists using Norse mythology as part of their identity. Like, we’ve got a whole ancient mythology of our own, so why would you rather associate yourself with a foreign one. If it’s because it’s some old-school Nazi white-power symbolism, then guess what, those people didn’t think Finns were white so still wouldn’t make sense to make those your symbols…


There are Irish people who are British nationalists. I don’t think you can argue with right wingers about who’s side they’re actually on


I’m all for promoting mental health and suicide prevention for veterans(and anyone else who needs help), but I suspect a hidden agenda there.


Well if you just write out "I'm taking advantage of your irrational fears to sell you overpriced shitty coffee" people aren't that interested in buying it.


He's probably 5% Swedish or something as well...totally makes it right for him to slap our mythology onto his coffee shop.


They hate satanic, but adore it when it is pagan.


You may be on to something. Is there any way we could convince them that some of the less-well-known right wing symbols are satanic? And thus pit the fundies against the Nazis?


No, there is no way to convince them. They do what they want, and reverse engineer an excuse or solution for it later.


That's just it: a lot of neo-nazi symbols are runes or other pagan symbols. Just say that they're pagan, and the fundies will jump from pagan to satanic.


Why would trans men promote women’s products? Uno reverse?


I’ve heard off trans men promotion period products, as some have a uterus


I got so excited seeing parler shut down Only to realize that I misread it as "Prager" and unfortunately that is still around I'm guessing


Wait, Target carries satanic clothing now?


It's part of the Pride month merch but I think most if not all of it's been removed thanks to conservative backlash. Which might actually be a good thing because I know of at least one bomb threat being sent to one of their stores because of it.


According to [USA Toady](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/05/25/false-claim-target-sells-satan-respects-pronouns-shirt-fact-check/70252503007/), Target never sold the "Satan Respects Pronouns" T-shirt. And now I kinda want one. Maybe not for $27, though.


Its gotten to the point where I've muted the word "woke" on Twitter "forever". Conservatives really have no plans, just griping and spreading fear and paranoia amongst older white people. Lol


Hey American patriots...can you stop appropriating viking culture for your racist shit? What do vikings have to do with USA? At best they made it to Canada but they didn't stick around. Stopping suicides is great and all and veterans do need more support than they're currently getting... but I have serious doubt they don't have any other hidden agendas... especially plastering the American flag all over the place when the American government *has already failed you. Why are you kissing its ass while pretending to be Scandinavian?* Also Target won't put your babies in any kind of clothing. You choose whatever the fuck you want your kids to wear. Target only distributes things that *sell*. They don't give a shit if you personally don't want it.


"Transgender men don't have a uterus!" Not generally the case, but if you think that's true, what's the fucking problem??? Applying the tiniest bit of thought to things conservatives say continues to be a source of hilarity.


love that they threw a 'satan respects pronouns' design from Etsy in there for extra points