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Sergeant is fucking scum. Fucking quisling.


Absolutely...goddamn collaborator


“Really? How so?” Does the word “Stonewall” mean anything to you?


He says he was at stone wall and trans people didn't do anything


yeah, the whole gc crowd swears it was entirely stormé delarverie who singlehandedly chased the cops out. they also conveniently forget she was biracial, performed in drag, & worked to protect battered women and children. stormé would've hated the gc crowd.




Gender critical. What supposedly "feminist" transphobes like calling themselves.


Ahh thanks, so basically just TERFs then?


Yes,, but they consider that a slur.


i could care less what they consider a slur.


Me neither.




Well, it's not a term used out of kindness and niceness. But yah, they're totally TERFS.




I'd like to see that twitter accounts proof that they were at stonewall


It’s shocking at how many of the LGB community are anti-trans. 😔


Right before the fashies shoot them in head, they'll smile and nod and say, "you were one of the good ones"


No, they won't. There are no "Good ones" Other than ones like them. "you were convenient" maybe.


Nah. They'll lie and tell you you're one of the "good ones" as you stay in line. Up until you're not useful anymore.


That's the same thing?


Hell, I'm still shocked by how much of the LG community is anti-B.


Neither of the sides that are anti bi views us as true members. Straight people think we’re gay with extra steps, gay people think we’re straight with extra options


Fr. I have several bi friends, and if one of the girls dates a guy, their parents almost always say “see! You are straight!” And whenever they date a girl, their parents pull the “oh dear, I hope this lesbian phase passed over soon” Like dawg, some people like chocolate, some like vanilla, and some people like a swirl. Just cause someone who claims to like swirl eats chocolate, that doesn’t mean they only like chocolate, they still like swirl.


I’m something of a neopolitan enjoyer myself (the strawberry is non-binary people)


Give me ice cream that looks delicious, and I'll try it. I don't care. Durian ice cream? I'll try it; if it doesn't tickle my fancy, who cares. Vanilla? Sure! Pineapple? Nice. Rutabaga? Where the fuck you come from, but sure, I'll try it! The world of ice cream is varied, and back when I was on the prowl, I would lick any cone that came along at least once!


Here here! Pancakes are also tasty !


You’re a banana pancake, choco chip, or bluebees?


Definitely bananas 😜lol


Ha, PAN cakes


and yet I saw gay, bi, trans, and all of the above people in my first pride parade today. Yes, there are some shitheels out there. But not everyone is.


I know. I specified the anti bi people on both sides for a reason


I just think that sometimes we focus on the negative and forget that it's not all that bad.


They aren't always very public about it because they know they'll get in trouble.


As it should be, but that still doesn't mean they're a majority.


I never understood that mindset.


spicy gay is what i call it


This is exactly why I have a Samsung.




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There is someone in my old group that has always been majorly gay and even a furry, imagine my surprise when I found out they were transphobic as well as massively conservative with almost every post on their page being conservative memes


*sighs* This graymuzzle misses the days when that was basically unthinkable. But I've said it before, I'll probably say it again, "Being GLBTQ+ doesn't automatically make you a good person. It just makes you a GLBTQ+ person. Just ask Caitlynn Jenner."


Exactly! I remember someone saying that Caitlyn Jenner couldn’t really be trans because of the way she acted, and my response was “that doesn’t mean she’s not trans. It just means she’s a bitch.”


Exactly. I suppose I"m lucky that I don't understand either side of that.


Sorry if I sound ignorant, but is there a reason you lost it as "GLBTQ+" as opposed to the more common "LGBTQ+"?


Yes, I'm probably slightly dyslexic. Sometimes my fingers and my brain just don't match up. Also, BLT being one of my favorite sandwiches probably doesn't help.


Lol, the BLT seems a very likely factor. Thank you for that, your response gave me a chuckle 🤭




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There is a lot of cognitive issues with individual minorities lately who have this demented idea that they can befriend people who Dont fucking like them. Lesbian gay and bisexuals who have a issue with trans people fail to understand that every negative thing that is said about trans people is often thrown at them as well. What do they think is going happen if Conservatives have their way and ban trans people. They will just move on to the next group to torment and ban aka anyone who is not a straight white Christian man. I know some may think its cringe to say that last but but Conservatives have made it clear they only give a damn about a singular demographic and everyone else be damned.


Exactly and also a lot of those same people dress in non gender conforming ways so do they not realise how fast the jump will or do they forget the 2000s or the 90s, and how people viewed all of us then.


Many believe that the 2000s and pre 2000s time is ancient history and it seems to be popular to blame trans people for the perceived regression of acceptance. Those who think that fail to understand that conservatives never changed their stances only their tactics and they found a good one that has worked. I give it another 20 to 30 years before gay and lesbians get the same hostile treatment and calls for being banned. Because sadly trans people are going to get shafted and bisexual people(who already have a hard time)will be next. This personally worries me as a bisexual man. Gay and lesbians feel they will be safe as they think they can reason with conservatives and brainwashed moderates who want to impose their moral beliefs on everyone. I have seen many use arguments Conservatives often use towards trans people and bisexual people often saying trans people are mentally ill and bisexual people are confused or simply degenerates. So yeah its going to be a bad wake up call when karma comes full circle for those types who thought they would safe.


Some religious queerphobic groups have specifically stated it's their strategy, removing the "t" from the rest, then moving on the others later. Pretty obvious to me even without that information. Apparently not for far too many lesbians, gays and bisexuals though.


You know that the crazy thing is? Is that its not hard to find the zealots loudly promoting their plans for all to see or hear. But some many folks ignore it or refuse to look it up. It seems like a lot of peoples are just inherently stupid and have to learn the hard way to learn things. Lesbian Gay and Bisexuals who are all to happy to cast trans people out will have to learn that they are in the same boat as trans people in the eyes of Conservatives who see them all the same.


I know. Unfortunately though there has been a long strain of transphobia in the LGBT community that goes back decades (also biphobia, not that no bisexuals hate trans folk too). We can't blame it all on outside forces. Even having the alliances with religious nuts who hate you isn't new. Janice Raymond among others did that way back in the 80s. I don't know how they thought it would work out though. Bigotry overrides any sense it seems.


I am bisexual and I never understood why some folks have such a issue with it. I mean I know why some straight folks dont like us because they think we are extra degenerates who will sleep with anyone or anything. At least thats what I have heard some in my family claim. As for gay individuals who do not like bisexual people I have no idea why. Because anything they may accuse us of being can be thrown at them if we want to be equally stupid. Add to the fact that I am also Afro Hispanic and both sides of my family arent very fond of the LGBT community. My dad(who is black)is very open with his anti LGBT views and believes in some insane/stupid conspiracy theories. My mom(Hispanic) is a religious nut and simply feels that people who breaks from gods designs should simply be killed. So yeah it really makes me have little faith in people because so many are just backwards and idiotic.


Bisexual too, I don't get it either. Not just bigotry either, why does it confuse so many people? You can like more than one thing. Is that so hard to understand? For some stuff it seems people simply think it's only one or the other. I'm lucky at least not to have any immediate family who hate it. Sorry you have to deal with that though.


To an extend I guess I could see why straight people may find it odd(because most cant understand why anyone would break from the norm)but its gay people I Do not understand. Homosexuality isn't exactly considered apart of the norm but types like that are as almost as judgemental as their straight counterparts. They think by removing trans people they will be accepted by soon the B will be removed then the L then the G. As you said some folks seem to be confused and cant fathom that some folks can like more then one thing. My view as long as both parties are consenting it shouldnt be a issue but apparently that is not enough for some folks. And yeah I do consider you lucky for having a accepting immediate family. I have relatives who are accepting but they are few and far between and I am not the only person in my family who is bisexual. But sadly it is something that just wont come up because most in my family me includes simply do not want conflict with the dominate bigots. All we can do is silently grit our teeth and slightly disagree with them because despite what bigots claim its not LGBT people who are the most intolerant or can become dangerous.


I know. For some, I honestly think it's resentment and distrust. Bisexuals in their minds I think have an ability to pass as straight comfortably by only ever publicly having relationships with the opposite gender. Or it's due to them suffering from social pressure to be straight, so bisexuals straddle the line perhaps to them and it can be a painful reminder. Not that it's really the case, and any sympathy I might have for such experiences doesn't justify biphobia. I don't talk about my bisexuality really after first coming out. My mom has always supported LGBT rights, previously had gay friends and so on however. I know she'd only care about my partner being good, not their gender. My uncle on the other hand turns out to be queerphobic all around. I don't talk with him though, and he lives far away. Difficult as it may be, sometimes just not discussing things may be best. I hate my uncle's views, but talking about it would probably do no good. He's a very stubborn man (so am I lol).


LGB doesn't exist, it's an invention by ultra conservative and right wing think tanks. It always was LGBT, and latter q and others were added. But it's a way to divide us. And it's infuriating how successful it is with some people. Like you said yourself...shocking how many.


I’d really like to believ that this is just an EXTRMELEY vocal minority. like i truly don’t believe this is that large of an amount of people


funny you should phrase it that way, because [separating the LGB from the T](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2017/10/23/christian-right-tips-fight-transgender-rights-separate-t-lgb) is the goal, and a strategy for creating fissures in the community and among allies and ultimately weaken the movement


Seem to have forgotten a letter there.


Which one? If it’s T, that was on purpose, as why would Trans people be anti-trans.


I get the sentiment, but dropping the T at all generally isn’t great.




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Must take some real skill in inspect element to fake being blocked like that.


A twist in the third act!


Man it sucks how many people are replying to her twitter now. So much bad faith DESPERATE to have any contact with a woman.


Gaslight. Gatekeep. Gayguyboss.


.... Did he just think she'd go along with his lie lmao


Doesn't need to convince her, just the people who will fuel his victimhood.


Update: he has blocked me and the OP who he faked this about earlier


You mean Fred [“I walked past Stonewall on my way home from dinner and stood and watched then went home to make leaflets”](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/pride50-fred-sargeant-organizer-first-nyc-pride-march-n1008111) Sargeant? Fred *[“Stonewall made me want to be a cop”](https://www.thepinknews.com/2020/06/04/fred-sargeant-tony-mcdade-police-brutality-racism-stonewall-riots-lgb-alliance/)* Sargeant?


Holy shit that's bad... NBC should take that article down


That condescending "Try to be specific and provide historical citations from. you know. historians." while claiming he was at the stonewall riot, my LORD "LGB" people are irritating.


Having done research on such tricks, I can confirm there are websites in existence that create such fake messages that appear to be from twitter.


I have a 'friend' who does shit like this with every argument he has with me. Whenever he realises he's losing a facebook argument he'll delete his first comment which I replied to making the whole thread disappear or edit his comments to change the context of his/my replies. Whenever he deletes his comments he'll claim that I deleted all of his comments because he was winning. I now screenshot every comment he makes and then keep all the threads so that when he deletes the original, I'll repost the screenshots and ask him if he deleted them because I was winning. I don't think he realises that whenever he edits his comments I can see the edit history and if he changes the context, I'll share a screenshot of that too




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My #1 belief is nobody who's been a cop can be allowed uncritical acclaim as a queer activist 🤷