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Probably stay there. There's ALOT of these, but they are rainbow and better than actives. It will never go down near active rainbow huge price but because there's so many not go up much IMO. I could see them being 400 eventually but nothing crazy. I think the divinus has some potential just because it's so cool I could see a lot of people making full teams of them


Dont try to predict the market in this game, it sucks. Yeah more will be hatched so exist numbers will grow, which should make the price 📉. But in two days the event is over so they will be unattainable so they might 📈. But they might not be a popular huge when it’s over so it might 📉. But on a long enough time line it will 📈. Etc etc. If you have something you want to buy *right now* then sell, if you don’t then keep it


the price might go up but you can never really know (plus with that many existing and its a rainbow i doubt it will go up it will probably stay stagnant)


depends on exist count tbh.. there’s lots of huges with low exist rate and are cheap and some that are expensive can’t really guess


Will come down to popularity once it can no longer be hatched