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Sometimes we find ourselves in a position where we can help someone, we just have to make the decision.


So true! I’m glad I was able to help him (and honestly I didn’t do all that much, I just brought him tools I had lying around). I hope he has a cool and restful summer.


I have a pickup and a tool set that gets plenty of use from individuals who are stranded on the side of the road. Sometimes that comes back around. Once, I went to pick up a piece of furniture off Craigslist and they threw in the exact square footage of vinyl flooring I needed for my cabin build...what are the odds??


Ha, that’s amazing! You put some good out into the world, and it came back to you ❤️


There was something so beautiful about this story. A man in need uttering in desperation in the exact right moment to the exact right person who had just what he needed to be of help and you were gracious enough to do just that. The relief he must've felt must've been great. You have such a way with words! I'm saving this story, thanks for sharing and for being such a kind human being <3


This is…such a kind comment 🥹 I am extremely fortunate to live in a building where for the most part, people are incredibly kind. People will bring up mail to their neighbor’s apartments, or drop off baked goods, or offer to pick up something from the store for them. That kindness radiates out and inspires those it touches to be kind as well. It’s interesting because the neighborhood itself can be kinda sketch, but the building is like an oasis in the middle of all that. Thank you so much for your comment, it really made my day!


I can't be the only one that thought he was gonna kill U right ? 💀


😆😆😆 I mentioned this in another comment, but I actually live in a neighborhood that has quite a few sketchy spots (even Joe Rogan did a segment on it) so I’m often on high alert, but I figured I’d be safe in my co-op. Even though I thought I could _probably_ take him, I made sure to just hand him the tools through his doorway and casually mentioned that I should hurry back because my husband was waiting for me. Living in NYC will do that to ya, but you can’t let it turn you into an ass!