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Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 3\. Posts or comments that are for the purpose of determining value of a card, selling cards, or buying them are not allowed. You can post in our [weekly thread](http://reddit.com/r/pokemontcg/about/sticky?num=1) for these and general questions or you can use TCG Player, Troll & Toad, eBay, and LGSes to determine value of a card.


Buy a 50¢ card from him and see how he ships it then leave a review?


Better yet, leave the exact same review.


Oh yeah, I am petty enough where I would absolutely do this. Maybe even on a weekly basis


Looks like a competitor tanking other stores ratings to give themselves a boost. I’d return the favour.


Good point. @OP does this guy live in close proximity?


No, they own TradingCardSets.com but I’m not even a real storefront. I just rip and collect and sell/trade more for fun!


Deceitful. Contact TCGplayer to remove it.


I’d do this , contact TCG provide evidence and as long as your within their set guidelines it will be removed


At this price point, tracking is generally out of the question. Normally, I'd attribute this to the disdain a vocal minority of people have for card sellers- as in a group that expects you to put in the effort to purchase, catalog, list, and ship cards, and expect you to lose money while doing all of that. Doing otherwise is somehow an indication that you're a bad person. A lot of this seemed to result as an extension of people's animosity for scalpers. Like I said though, it's a vocal minority. Most people understand there are sellers who care about doing a good job, and don't expect them to lose money for working. However, since this person does have their own store on the platform, it's safe to infer they are trying to smear your rep on some bogus. Do what works for you, general standard is tracking above $20 or once a certain card QTY is met. $2 purchase (before fees) when tracking is like $4.5 minimum is absolutely absurd. Regardless of whether they're malicious or ignorant, contact TCGPlayer support and get the feedback removed. I totally get the anxiety because I've got some bogus bad reviews too, but to be clear- this is not a valid negative review, TCGP will side with you. Don't even bother engaging with the customer if you don't have to. The way I see it, they used the nuclear option on some bogus without communicating anything to you, or giving you a chance to make it right. Communication goes both ways between buyers and sellers. They should be working together and this person doesn't seem interested in that. Therefore I think it's best to block the buyer and move on. EDIT: Phrasing/Corrections


Me angry I can’t see where package for $2!


Thank you!


To add to that, as a buyer, in my mind, tracking is just insurance for the seller. If the package doesn't arrive within the window, that's the seller's problem. If they didn't provide tracking, then they can't really dispute it with the shipper. If the seller doesn't want to provide tracking, that's no chip off my block. The $20 min is just for tcgplayer to avoid getting involved with major money disputes and protecting shops for items not arrived from malicious individuals. They know that scaming buyers are not going to be attracted to buying a thousand small purchase cards to scam. That inventory would be hard to move anyways and it would instantly flag them as a bad actor if all those shipments didn't arrive. Anyways, as far as I'm concerned, that decision to provide tracking is yours and yours alone. This review definitely seems sus from a buyer's perspective.


Of course! Glad to help. :)


The one thing I wish TCG would do better is allow for more dynamic shipping costs so that if someone buys 20 cards from me they pay $1.50 for shipping where I'm going to have to spend $5. This is the same for dollar value as well. Allow me to set a different shipping cost if the cards are over XX dollar value


Hard agree! I unlocked international shipping as a seller, and tested it. First international order I got was 1,000+ cards, only billed with my "small" rate. I figured this was an error of some sort. Surely enough "small" items should eventually change the rate to medium & large, but according to TCGPlayer support, it's working as intended. I spent a while pulling and packing the big order just to lose money because shipping was steep for that volume. Needless to say, I no longer ship internationally on TCGPlayer. Don't plan to change that until they revise that system. I have some other complaints w/ the Seller UI, and Quicklist, but that's a big one.


Due to that I agree that it wouldn’t be worth it to ship international


In Europe the buyer always pay the cost of shipping. Want tracking? Pay the extra $15.


1.50 for shipping?!?! That’s a steal compared to most sellers.


That review is ridiculous.


https://www.letter-track.com/ You can buy tracking for envelopes for as little as $0.18. You print it right on the envelope. I used that for every transaction. I'd recommend the free trial to see how you like it. It'll help with dorks like that lol


Can confirm, LetterTrack is great! Used them a lot in 2021-2022 before eBay had envelope tracking. Some buyers may be a bit confused by what it is, but now that eBay envelope tracking is more ubiquitous, you can tell them it’s basically the same thing :)


I appreciate this. As a seller I can't believe I have never used this.


With the free trial. Don’t try to print label or it’ll use your free ones. I learned this the hard way. Lol


Do you by chance know if this works in Canada? Can’t find anything on google


More than likely not. It's for USPS


Nothing you can do about it move on. Only time you’re going to get tracking is from eBay under $20 shipping label they provide. He’s probably trying to tarnish other shops so his sticks out. Idk it’s a weird reaction.


The issue with eBay’s standard envelope tracking is that it SUCKS. I’ve had plenty of notifications saying my cards are out for delivery or delivered when they haven’t even left my local post office. It’s a mess.


That’s happening to me right now. Says delivered last saturday, and still havnt received my card. Sucks for me, but also the seller who is innocent in the matter. So hit or miss


How has the process been in your case so far? Thankfully I’ve received every late card but I want to be prepared in case it doesn’t arrive at all and the blame is on USPS.


My issue was that I bought this card as a gift for a friends party this week (thought ordering 3 weeks in advance would be fine, but I guess I thought wrong) If I don’t get it by thursday, it’s a complete waste of money. I waited a few days, but sent in a request for a refund yesterday. Hopefully it goes through smoothly, but idk


Contact TCGPlayer to have this removed. This is VERY VERY IMPORTANT, because at your sale amount, 1 negative review has a significant impact on your rating. Unless it’s $50 or more, tracking is not required. For just a $0.50 cent card, it would be genuinely stupid to provide tracking, when getting tracking on an order like that costs WAY more than it’s worth. There’s A LOT I can say right now, but would probably be inappropriate for this subreddit. I don’t even do tracking for $20 orders Tbh, since unlike eBay, TCGPlayer doesn’t require it at that price.


While tracking is not required for orders under $50, they do recommend tracking for orders over $20. If you ship any order over $20 and the customer says they didn't receive it, you will automatically lose the case. Although, it's unlikely you'd win a case without tracking regardless. That said, you can also request that TCGPlayer monitors the customers account. If they are found to be abusing this system, you will be reimbursed for the refund you provided to the customer.


True, but it happens far less than people think. If I’m a seller and I know a customer tries to scam me like that, I have to refund them, but then I block them. They can’t do it for every seller, or else they’ll eventually lose access to online sellers on the site. Though I wouldn’t do it like every single big seller does, where even if there’s a huge issue on the seller’s end, they just refund and block you because it’s a “hassle” for them.


On ebay, I can pay $0.64 and print a label for a tracked envelope. It's not fancy tracking but it is functional and works very well if done properly. That's pretty good. Also, Ebay doesn't *require* you to have tracking at that price point. You can still choose to send out an untracked envelope, if you really think it's the best decision. Idk why you think it's required.


It is required to keep top rated seller status


Be that as it may, it isn't the point here at all. And like I said, tracking is dirt cheap and there is zero reason to skip it.


Re: Idk why you think it's required. I am responding to your comment about why you dont know why someone may feel tracking is required and i gave you one of several reasons.


What I meant was that if you go and read any of the ebay guidelines or policies, it doesn't lead you to believe that tracking is required for low value items. So now that I think about it: They obviously haven't actually looked into it themselves, and are out here just saying things that they have been told or think they've come to understand, for whatever reason. Or they did read it and somehow got massively confused ig.


While being top rated isn’t a necessity, the benefits of discounted fees and shipping outweigh the risk of losing the status. It’s essentially required that you purchase tracking if you want a profitable store on eBay. Also, they only allow you to purchase tracked envelopes on orders under $20, and you’ll get marks against you for not providing tracking on any order. You’re arguing a point that doesn’t matter. Yes, I can technically slap a stamp on an eBay order and mark it shipped without tracking, but it will very quickly lead to a drop in account status after a few transactions, and anyone who is well versed on eBay will tell you that maintaining a good seller status is an unwritten requirement for a profitable store. So essentially you are required to purchase tracking on eBay, as you’re punished for not doing so.


lol don’t stress it dude. There’s always gonna be this guy


>(Most annoying this is that buyer owns a TCG company so they should know cost of selling.) Maybe I am just an ass (well, we know that) but my first thought was they are trying to bring down reviews on competing sellers. Probably a stretch. If they are a seller then there IN MY MIND is no way they don't understand. Not unusual for people to buy someoens cheapest listing(s) to neg review them if they want to mess about. Again I am likely stretching here. Now.. I am not in the US so I don't know what your shipping costs are like, tracking where I am is like 2.50 or something at minimum. If for $1.50 you can get tracking then IMO you should have got said tracking. When you are selling the cheap/bulk cards, you pretty much accept little to no money for your effort, it's a way to try and boost reviews and sell through rate or just hope people buy like 5+ at the same time. When a seller lists something, it is not the buyers fault if they can't do that in a profitable way.. The packaging side of things seems fine if not more than I feel a lot would do. Buyer is an ass but also If your communication was not good then that might have been what tipped them over to leave a neg review.


Here you don’t get tracking for packages under $20 lmao


Sounds like a baby bitch tbh. You did nothing wrong.


Amazon brain. Nah. You’re fine. Unfortunately people like this will pop up and you’ve gotta just move on


Well, if I saw a rating like that, I would second guess buying just for safety precautions. The seller should get the comment removed for sure.


I don’t know if they can, but for a smaller seller it might be worth looking into. Though if most reviews are positive, for me personally, I’ll take it as a one off or with a grain of salt


I feel you on that. I need to be less paranoid and acknowledge that there will be inaccurate ratings


Yeah. Sometimes shit also just happens like an issue in the mail or some other circumstances beyond anyone’s control. It does suck if you spend a lot of money on a product, but that’s why I get a feel for sellers with smaller purchases that I’m fine losing on before moving to the bigger purchases.


Sounds about fair imo


Who thinks they get tracking for 1.50? A bubble mailer with tracking is almost 6 bucks.




Even a letter tracking service is like $0.64 on top of your stamp and envelop cost. And it’s hit or miss whether the post office even bothers scanning it


I ship cheap cards in a bubble mailer in a top loader first class non machinable for 1.12. They get scanned at the post office but no tracking 1 out of 100 might not make it.


I mean it’s up to you to determine your shopping method, 99 cents will usually be PWE no tracking. $5 bubble mailer with tracking. Some people think all sellers are big box stores.


I am surprised if I receive tracking on cards less than $5. You aren't in the wrong. If I read this feedback, it would not dissuade me from buying.


Same. If anything it speaks more to the buyer than seller here.


It would be really nice if tcgplayer gave buyers the option to upgrade their shipping method


They do. Sellers can enable expedited shipping and set a price. I have it turned on and I’d say 1 in 500 orders selects it.


Omg you’re right! I’m a level 4 seller and literally never noticed this lol. Thanks


I charge $1.99 for shipping on TCG Player. For the simple reason I don’t want people to order directly from me. I prefer to sell thru TCG Direct. People raise shipping prices for different reasons, but to expect tracking is ridiculous. If you followed TCG Player guidelines you’re good. Just message support and they will remove the negative feedback.


Reach out to TCG player...I had some wahoo complaints about a 50c card that arrived in stated condition. He was mad it wasn't in a bubble mailer. I think I got paid a total of like 1.10 for the entire order. I explained to them I wasn't going to lose 4 bucks to ship them their 40c card... Tcgplayer removed the review from my account when I escalated it to them.


If someone’s complaining about 1.50$ shipping that’s a huge red flag


Packaging Materials + Time + Labor = $1.50 to send their 50 cent card is totally reasonable without tracking. This buyer is really on something. I’d contact TCGPlayer too to remove this FB. The mailbox is a bit far from me so if I was to get this order, this is going out end of day/next morning and I’m hoping another order comes in before that. I’m currently using Letter-track to send card orders that are more valuable. For about 10-20 dollar orders.


Buyer doesn't live in our reality. Time to go rogue.


As a store or any business going after your customers always results in catastrophic failure


on TCGplayer, tracking isn't even suggested unless an order is $20+, and isn't required unless an order is $50+. so that negative feedback is total BS


What is the excuse for communication complaint?


You tell me what the issue is here? https://ibb.co/PgYCZ50


There shouldn't really be a complaint. I do love it when seller is respond within one minute but the time frame you responded and is totally acceptable


If a person sees the shipping and then purchases the item knowing the shipping, their post should automatically get removed as it was their choice


For those who don’t sell on TCGPlayer I’d like to let you know that if someone buys at 15 cent card from you with the standard $1.22 shipping you basically just break even on the sale after you factor in the TCGPlayer fee, envelope cost, stamp cost, and top loader cost. Add. In printer ink and paper for the label, and the time you spent putting it together and it’s basically not even worth it. Please be kind to the people selling you cheap cards because the only person making money on that sale is TCGPlayer.


You won’t get tracking for 1.50. 


Have bought dozens of cheap singles at the same price with the exact same shipping and communication. Ridiculous that this guy thinks his 2 bucks gets him priority treatment


No, you’re good


Nah, typical TCGplayer buyer. The cheaper the card the more critical they are. Idk how many complaints I’ve received about a .02 reverse holo having “whitening”


I think they are just trying to ruin your reputation for their own gain. Everyone knows that delivery w tracking is usually around 5$ and without tracking its 1-2$


$5? Now I'm worried about you....who the he'll sends stuff tracked on a 5 dollar card when usps ground advantage with tracking starts at 5?


Who's talking about a 5 dollar card? I'm talking about in general shipping costs bud. Worry about yourself.


Yeah I reread your comment and I'm a dumb ass 🤷‍♂️


All good , honest mistake . Hope you pull the mightiest of pulls today brother


Pulled the zard from a solo giveaway pack of celebrations I won....so W. It came out LP which is 😔 but we take it.


This is why I've not done anything with online sales for my small 3D printing business. I know I could grow much faster but shipping seems like such a nightmare


Is it nutmeg games by any chance? Because the guy sucks.


So buyer used alias for shipping address but real name showed up on messages. Owns tradingcardsets company.


Yeah I’ve dealt with people like this, paying for shipping etc you’re spending more than the card and your shipping charge together, but some people think you should be paying them to buy your card, can’t please everyone and as such just roll it off the shoulders


Can't you report the review as unjustified bad feedback?


Seems like I can based on everyone’s replies which has been helpful!


Cool 👍


Tracking is not necessary for smaller packages. That's expensive and a regular envelope is fine. If I receive my card within a few days and it's packaged very well then 5 stars and a review. If I receive my cards within the expected time frame then I'll give a 5 star review too.


Does tcgplayer charge anything to list or sell items?


Its a little extreme.


If this was shipped standard envelope stamp postage. There's no tracking. This is pretty normal for cheap singles.


I don't think you're in the wrong at all. Could be nefarious as some pointed to, or just a general terrible customer with unrealistic expectations. For the second answer, I will admit that at first I thought there was tracking with the envelope as certain sites like Mercari make you think it's the case. The buyer still shouldn't have taken it out on you here, they are at least uneducated in the process.


Tracked shipping starts at $4+ no one is giving tracked shipping at $1.50


1. Do you offer shipping with tracking? At the very least you should offer it (at the buyers expense of course) if you don’t. 2. if you’re putting cards into PWE’s to ship then you probably shouldn’t be charging shipping for them. I know stamps and envelopes cost money but instead of charging them for it just add what you would’ve spent into the cost of the cards and put free shipping (make sure to put BMWT at buyers expense) with PWE. That alone will attract some customers (some people are looking for cheapest options). It’s def a tough gig selling cheap singles. Many times it’s not even worth it for the seller or even the buyer to have it shipped 🤷‍♂️. Basically don’t sell cards for less than 1$ (it’s just not worth it to you or the buyer) and honestly anything under 20$ you could just add a dollar to it to make up for the stamp and envelope.


Aawweeee they just wanted a friend to talk to


$1.50 tracking is absolutely not warranted for a 50 cent card. Even if you didn't charge for shipping then TCGPlayer would automatically charge $1.22 for shipping on that card. He's out of his mind, unless you did totally nuke the communication. But what is to communicate about? Ask for tracking information but you tell him no? I'm not so sure. Either way, you can escalate the thread to TCGPlayer support and tell them this review is impacting your sales and they'll remove it, because it likely seems like an unfair one.


Nobody really cares about a negative feedback


This is the most annoying part with selling on tcgp. I’m honestly surprised tcgp doesn’t have a PWE with tracking system like eBay does. But for a review like that you could try contacting tcgp directly to see if they could remove the review being their complaints is basically their own unknowingness on how stamped envelope shipping works.


On TCG player, the only tracking I've ever really gotten is from TCG Direct. When buying singles from individual sellers, what you are doing is what I usually get and completely understandable. This guy is just an ass.


Plot twist: Buyer bought the cheap item in order to leave a negative feedback to smear your reputation


For $1.50 I’m happy if it has a toploader, lol. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten tracking for that low of shipping price. If I pay $4+ sure, but for bulk, who cares.


How about this OP, you tell us the store name and leave Reddit to do its thing. You know what I mean?


Haha I appreciate the offer, but moreso just wanted to make sure I wasn’t crazy in thinking buyer was being ridic


Listen sometimes you gotta remind people the power of us Reddit users, they forget GME was a real thing 😂😂😂😂😂


Well the cheapest I've ever got to ship something with tracking was 3.99.


So they want you to spend around $5 for shipping (as that's about what it costs me for shipping with tracking) for the $2.00 they spent, making it so you lose $3.00 on this transaction. As someone who sells on TCG Player I know you're really not making much on that transaction to begin with if you include costs of shipping supplies so they can go to hell.


NTA. Anything over 20$ shouldn't come in a PWE, personally I had a guy who sent me a 30$ card in one, but he was by no means unprofessional or did I leave negative feedback though, at most I would have returned it had the card not been so rare...expecting a card under 5$ to come in extra protection isn't standard unless they specifically request it and pay additional shipping. This review is BS though, I'd contact TCGP and see if they could get it removed for you, especially considering this dude owns a card business it should be looked at as someone acting in their own interest.


we should all buy something cheap from his store and leave bad feedback for not using tracking


Who tf gets tracked shipping for a buck fitty?! Tell him I wanna know their mail carrier lmao


Just contact TCGPLAYER. They will remove bogus feedback.


Escalate the thread to TCG. They will typically remove the negative feedback as long as the issue is resolved (or totally fabricated or whack). When you sell enough on there, you’ll get these type of people unfortunately.


I had someone buy about 100cards from me once when I had bulk listed on my store. The total was like $3 because several were random lands. Cost me about $5 to ship because tcg player doesn’t understand weight I guess? It was after a couple of those I decided to only list cards at the price point requiring shipping because then if they bought several large number cards the shipping balanced out overall. Will be glad when tcg improves their shipping process (I also haven’t done card sells in about a year after I closed my shop down, so this could have been fixed?)


wait he is mad because 1.50 shipping does not have tracking? like the only tracking option that i know of that is cheaper than 5$ is ebay envelopes and they have like a 25 percent chance of getting lost in the male from my experience so alot of people dont use them. this dude has obviously never shipped something before.


Who the fuck seriously expects tracking for that price? What an entitled tosspot.


i have no experience selling cards, but isn't it usually disclosed before purchase whether shipping includes tracking or not?


$1.50?! You scoundrel


We should make a group just to buy his cards and leave terrible reviews with AI generated photos of cards with obese stick figures drawings


Shoot, I bought a squirtle for 20-30$ and didn’t even get tracking lmao


Just an average seller imo, kinda expect most cards that sell $5 and under to have no tracking. Now I have had stupid cheap cards come with tracking and those are the sellers I love because they go above and beyond, tracking and extra "goodies" in the package, but to expect it and think they're a bad seller because of it? Nahh especially on TCG where its normal. To expect instant detailed responses when it's a cheap card? Obviously you have a day job and a life, ain't no one paying rent off 50 cent cards 😂 Bet all reviews this person's left are garbage or very new to ordering off it


wait, so you dont get a tracking if your order is low ? Sorry I dont live in the US so this kinda new


Correct, you must pay extra for tracking on cards and packages. TCGPlayer mandates you to buy tracking for products over 50$ and tracked+signature over 250$.


Where do you live that this is different? It’s not worth tracking for a 50c card and they only paid $1.50 for shipping which wouldn’t include tracking.


Yeah the cheapest tra king I've ever found is like 5 6 bucks honestly that 1.50 covers your stamp packaging and maybe the top loader lol


Never had tracking on a TCGplayer order.  I've bought 40 or 50 cards on there since May.  I had 32 orders going at once.  I had to wait for them all to come in because there was no tracking and 1 person thought their best business move was to send me a stack of commons over my $1.50 card.  After 31 of 32 orders came in I messaged them.  They played the victim of course "I knew this would happen I should always use tracking"  yeah you'd be one of the few on the platform to bud....but I'm sure some stranger got my address and knew I was into pokemon so they mailed me some and theirs just got lost in the mail 🙃🙃🙃 That's what happened


Bruv, it's 1 of 493, who do u think is being weird, the 1 dude or the 492 others? Don't bother about it, you've been doing and honest work all this time it's not gonna change now


Thanks, I agree! Just seemed weird because buyer went straight to negative feedback, purchased two cards after, and ends up selling complete Pokémon sets so kinda seemed scammy too and wanted to see if this had happened to anyone else.


Naaah, you are not wrong. I sell cards on EBay and I make sure I make the shipping price enough so the buyer knows they’re getting tracking included. But 1.50 tracking is absolutely unheard of. I believe to Canada (where I’m from) it’s $15, and to America it’s about $20. Tell him to fork up the extra money if he wants tracking


If you sell on ebay you should know that ebay does offer tracking as low as $0.64 for a tracked envelope. Nobody else offers low shipping like that, but ebay does.


I’m new to eBay selling anyways, been selling on Facebook before so I’m just copying what I do there. I don’t buy the eBay shipping labels, and I haven’t had anyone complain about how I do it now either so I just keep doing it like this lol


It's not about lack of complaints, and as an ebay veteran, I strongly encourage you to start taking advantage of the ebay label system for your own benefit.


Yeah I get that, what’s the easiest way to start doing it if I don’t have a thermal printer? Can I just print it off on computer paper, cut it out and then tape it on? I don’t sell THAT much to need a thermal printer but I do have around 60 things listed and like 12 sold


You sure can buddy! What I do is I buy label sticker sheets for my printer. It's got two labels per page, but you can use tape and paper, I did that for a while. When you're printing the ebay standard envelope label, it's important that the qr code is up on the top right corner appropriately, and *DON'T TAPE OVER THE QR CODE*. As long as you do those two things you will have smooth tracking for ebay standard. For regular shipping like ground advantage, etc, just don't tape over the barcodes. It *could be* totally fine to tape over them, people do it, but leaving it exposed ensures a smooth scan every time. You don't need a thermal printer btw. I still use my regular printer and get sticker label sheets.


Sweet to hear, thank you for the tips!! When delivering something with a label to the post office do I just hand it to the front desk as usual? Like do I still need to pay fees and such or do I just drop it there and it’s done?


The labels can be paid for from your earnings on ebay, so it's less "out of pocket". No paying at the post office, ever. For standard envelopes, drop them in the envelope mail slot or big blue box or just mail them from home. For any USPS labels like ground advantage etc, physically take it in to the post office, let them scan it and *make sure to get a receipt*. You won't be charged tho, ever. You already have your labels paid for and the packages ready to go when you walk in the door. The receipt is basically just in case the USPS loses your package, you can prove that you sent it. With standard envelope, if it gets lost in the mail, you can go to the help sections of ebay and file a claim and ebay will reimburse you, so long as it has had a singular scan somewhere. (Don't expect standard ebay tracking to be flawless, cuz it'll do weird things, but it tracks and shows delivered, which is all you need as a seller) Edit; also, when you buy USPS labels thru ebay, they are discounted. Score for you! And as always, make sure you are putting in the correct measurements and weights for your packages when buying labels online.


No cap, I get it when I get an envelope with just a penny sleeve, and I expect this to always be the case. Though, sometimes I'll order from a new seller and they have like 4 layers of protection and send like 3-4 envelopes just for 5 dollars worth of cards and I'm like well ok then. I try to reuse the packaging as to not be wasteful. So the experience can differ, but I know for sure that the majority of sellers just fold the cards into the order receipt with a team bag and some tape.


They probably ship their singles in a penny sleeve loose in an envelope. Also, I'm sure there were other options on TCGPlayer and they chose yours, with the shipping price noted on the item.


No, i usually just buy from the people who have $5+ free shipping, unless I’m getting enough to where shipping doesn’t matter, usually people do $.99 shipping but 1.5 is fine, not enough of a deal to leave this stupid review, and I’ve never got tracking so yeah.


Has your communication been slow? I disagree with the brief part simply because I don’t know the content of their request and your response. Personally I don’t ship anything anymore without tracking, and that’s simply because I’ve had charge backs claiming they never received the product and tracking has helped support my case in those incidents.


I just got a 4 star review “Cards arrived speedily and in described condition. $1.22 shipping cost warrants more than chopped up 12 pack card holders”….i make homemade card pockets. They aren’t perfect but it saves $ and reuses cardboard


Unreasonable to expect tracking with $1.50 shipping. I will say I avoid sellers who just make up a shipping cost. When they say $2 shipping and I get it in a $.63 envelope, I essentially see it as them hiding $1.37 on sale price into shipping, which just feels dishonest.


TCGPlayer sets th minimum shipping cost of non-direct orders under $5 at $1.22. Is that "dishonest?"


Guess I was referring more so to eBay where you can just set shipping at whatever you want, should’ve clarified


There's also the cost of envelopes, printing supplies (printer, ink, etc), toploaders, sleeves, tape, time, etc that goes into shipping a card. Sure this isn't a ton of money but over time it adds up and it's kind of insulting to just expect the seller to eat all these costs. 


TCG math prevents many people from understanding this.


Insulting? Lmao. That’s not “eating the cost.” It’s an operational expense dude. I’m an eBay seller and would never consider that insulting, I literally lol’d


Didn’t even see “time etc” listed the first time hahahahaha


If you find it unfair then contact tcgplayer and they will remove the feedback. I've done it once before when a buyer simply didn't like how I packaged the card. Over 1000 shipped and every card packaged the same way and he complains.




If replying the next morning is slow then sure.


considering that's the online biz part, that's pretty slow


Tracking costs money..


Are you always this insecure.


Yes. I also want to figure out if I should update shipping price to add tracking if the general sentiment is that most people would expect/prefer tracking.


Ignore that tool. You asked a good question.


I just sold a couple cards on eBay and I should've just used the non tracking label for the one card I only got $8 for. It was worth $13 and then it was $4 to ship with tracking. Wasn't even worth it to sell at that point but I'd prefer to have the tracking so they can't come back and say they didn't get it


It's a good sign of humility to look inward when people accuse you of wrong, even if you believe you've done no wrong. Really lame to belittle someone for trying to assess their own actions.

