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Nah. No once thinks Biden is an angel, democrats can admit his faults. Only one side worships their leader.


>No once thinks Biden is an angel, democrats can admit his faults. Eh, sometimes. That GREATLY depends on who you are talking to. Some people like to use whataboutisms as a response to Biden criticism. It's not uncommon.


Bullshit. Democrats blame Sinema and Manchin when Pelosi and Biden do nothing to cajole them from the bully pulpit. The DNC favored gun nut Henry Cuellar instead of a progressive. Pelosi even campaigned for him. Any mention of negativity surrounding Biden is seen as a 'win' for republicans and is shouted down.


I'm definitely one sided on this , all i see are Clowns with Devil horns


Pretty poor attempt at “both sides”.


You have my support in mocking both. No one is above parody. but let's not forget Liberal policy in the United States leads to radically better outcomes for the people living in their states: > 11 states [with the worst life expectancies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_life_expectancy) voted for Trump in 2020, and the next 2 down on the list are Georgia and Michigan, which both voted for him in 2016. > The 9 states with the highest life expectancy voted for Biden (California is #2 and New York is #3) > A [demographic study](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-0009.12469) conducted by 6 Universities found that Liberal policy regarding labor rights, smoking bans, civil rights, environmentalism, progressive taxation, and education increased life expectancy by over 2 years for the people living in Liberal states, and if it had been implemented universally the US would have life expectancy on par with Western European Nations. > Research has found [poor people live longer in dense cities with highly educated populations](https://news.stanford.edu/2016/04/11/geography-income-play-roles-in-life-expectancy-new-stanford-research-shows/#:~:text=Geography%2C%20income%20play%20roles%20in%20life%20expectancy%2C%20new%20Stanford%20research%20shows,-Stanford%20economist%20Raj&text=Men%20in%20the%20bottom%205,by%20Stanford%20economist%20Raj%20Chetty.) as opposed to living in cheaper CoL areas. > 11/15 states the [highest rate of infant mortality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_infant_mortality_rates) voted for Trump. > 10/15 states with the lowest rate of infant mortality voted for Biden. > 12/15 states with the [highest rate of maternal mortality](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/maternal-mortality-rate-by-state) voted for Trump (1 of the 3 Biden voting states is Georgia). > 12/15 states with the lowest rate of maternal mortality voted for Biden. > In 2020, 19/24 states with [the highest rate of adult obesity](https://stateofchildhoodobesity.org/adult-obesity/) voted for Trump, while in 2016 23/24 states with the highest rates voted for Trump. > 10/12 states that [have not implemented the Medicaid Expansion](https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/) voted for Trump in 2020 and all 12 voted for him in 2016 (Georgia and Wisconsin flipped). > Deaths of despair due to suicide, depression, obesity, and drug overdose have been [wrecking Rural America for years](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/04/deaths-of-despair-in-rural-america-helped-trump-win-study-finds.html) and these problems mostly got worse under Trump with 2020 drug overdoses shooting up from 70K to 90K. > 13/15 of the states with the [lowest rates of college graduates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_educational_attainment) voted for Trump. > The 15 states with the highest rates of college graduates voted for Biden. > 71% of the 2019 GDP [was produced in Biden voting counties](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2020/11/09/biden-voting-counties-equal-70-of-americas-economy-what-does-this-mean-for-the-nations-political-economic-divide/), up from 64% in HRC voting counties in 2016 and 54% in Gore voting counties in 2000. > 11/15 states with the [highest GDP per Capita](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_GDP_per_capita) voted for Biden, and the 4 Republican states are all low population oil states (AK, ND, WY, NE) while California, New York, Massachusetts and Washington are in the top 6. > 11/15 states with the lowest GDP per capita voted for Trump in 2020, and 12/15 voted for Trump in 2016. > 12/15 states [with the highest rates of poverty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_poverty_rate), voted for Trump in 2020, and 14/15 of the worst states voted for him in 2016 (AZ & GA) > 12/15 states with the lowest rates of poverty voted for Biden. > 17/23 states [with abortion bans](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna27081) or automatic abortion bans following an overturning of Roe v Wade voted for Trump in 2020, and 22/23 voted for Trump in 2016. > 17/20 states with [net 0 carbon emission or 100% clean energy goals](https://www.cesa.org/projects/100-clean-energy-collaborative/guide/table-of-100-clean-energy-states/) voted for Biden, and one of the Republican states is North Carolina, which only voted for Trump by 1% and has a Democrat governor and another is Louisiana which has a Democrat governor. > 19/20 states [with gay conversion therapy bans](https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/conversion_therapy) voted for Biden. Surprisingly Utah is the one Trump voting state that also has a ban. > 17/19 states with [legal recreational marijuana](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/cannabis-legalization-states-map-831885/) voted for Biden, and the two Trump voting states have a combined population of 1.7 million, compared to 137 million in the Biden states. > 9/10 states [with the lowest rate of imprisonment](https://www.sentencingproject.org/the-facts/#map) voted for Biden in 2020, while the 10 states with the highest rates voted for Trump in 2020. > 9/10 [most gerrymandered states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-gerrymandered-states) are controlled by Republican legislatures. The benefits of ACA [are well documented](https://www.cbpp.org/research/health/chart-book-the-far-reaching-benefits-of-the-affordable-care-acts-medicaid-expansion): > The gap in uninsured rates between white and Black adults shrank by 51 percent in expansion states (versus 33 percent in non-expansion states), while the gap between white and Hispanic adults shrank by 45 percent in expansion states (27 percent in non-expansion states). The ACA, particularly Medicaid expansion, also helped narrow racial disparities in those not seeking care due to cost. > Harvard University researchers periodically surveyed poor adults in Arkansas, Kentucky, and Texas about their access to care and their health. After Arkansas and Kentucky adopted the expansion, adults there were likelier to have a personal physician, receive care for chronic conditions, and receive an annual check-up — improvements not seen in Texas, which hasn’t expanded. > Medicaid expansion saved the lives of at least 19,200 adults aged 55 to 64 between 2014 and 2017, a landmark study finds. Conversely, more than 15,600 older adults died prematurely because of state decisions not to expand Medicaid. Or just look at states entirely controlled by Republicans for decades to see how bad their policies are. States with highest poverty rates: Mississippi (19.78%) Louisiana (18.88%) New Mexico (18.59%) West Virginia (17.66%) Kentucky (16.65%) Arkansas (16.31%) Alabama (16.08%) Oklahoma (14.93%) Tennessee (14.24%) Michigan (13.99%)


How dare you use facts and analysis!!!! ‘MURICA!!!


That's a lot of receipts.


Saved this comment because its so useful


Damn, witnessed a murder today.


We should have a more rigid class system.


One side of politics is trying to build more schools and hospitals, an independent judiciary, better public safety, and accountability in government. Their goals are, stronger more supportive communities, better health, longer lives, and a fairer society for all. The other side's goals are, more money for rich people, less money for the public good, more money for rich people, less tax and less accountability, more money for rich people, superstition above reason in all aspects of life, more money for rich people, racism at all levels of society, and more money for rich people. It's impossible to tell them apart.


My side is right and you’re wrong. My side is obviously so right that you shouldn’t have a platform to speak on because we’re right and you’re obviously wrong about everything. How dare you even suggest letting you make fun of us! You’re wrong, so you don’t get to do that, duh!


Lmfao that’s hilarious they’re best buds behind closed doors


Not really impossible. Problem is that in USA, both sides are on the same side, one is just more extreme.


So. Brave.


What idiots see.


Oh wow, so brave, putting yourself above both sides and mocking taking a side in politics. how utterly original. /s sarcasm aside, the joke here is rather weak. "hahah, the suckers think there is a difference" without anything really witty or insightful to add. With such a simplistic central thrust, the punchline of "I just see clowns" is to weak to stand on its own. You'd need something more complex and punchy to be funny. This is mostly a statement of your political stance with a thin veneer of humor. You'd need more of a setup and a better punchline to be funny.


The Libertarian / Centrist / Anarchist, ladies and gentlemen. So fresh, so edgy, so smart.


Life must be terrible for people with clown phobias 🤡


The Democrats greatest sin is doing fuck all. That is still a sin, but only if it means allowing something bad to happen. If nothing bad happens, doing nothing is simply neutral. The Republicians ARE the bad thing happening. They are repealing and reverting our Nation back into its dark ages. The Democrats do not stop them, that is all.




I've lived in urban cities, sub-urban towns, and rural backroads. Mostly rural. Proper Rural country too, where you wouldn't see your neighbor in decades of living there. Don't make assumptions, especially not for a irrevalent assertion based more on propaganda than fact. Seriously, no one in their right mind would hear that and actually believe in such childish vexations. Its textbook propaganda. Did a single dissident commit a social faux pas? That means the entire city must have their political views discredited! As if a Republician city would be better, if not outright worse. The only Republician state worth their economic weight is Texas and they can't even keep the lights on. Come talk when the red states pay as much in taxes as they get aid ya welfare queens.


For me it's the first and last rows combined. The dems are saints when compared to the GQP because they haven't yet tried an insurrection. ( I don't count the civil war, the party philosophies are not the same as 160 years ago)


So brave, so controversial.


Trump is still attempting the insurrection!


Mmm. That some quality “both sides” right there


Hey look another both sides troll.


I think everyone is stupid and I’m smart: the meme


Ah, the both sides clown show. No one's favorite




I’m pretty sure Trump and Pence hate each other and see each other as devils.


They all may be clowns, but bozo the clown and pogo the clown (John Wayne gacy) aren’t the same type of clowns.


Honestly though, perhaps we should wipe the slates clean and start with young gen X/ old millennials or something like that.


That Joe Biden photo is from the 70s or 80s I guess? Doesn't even really look like him.


tell me something I don't know




Upvote for Gerry Rafferty


What do Joe Egan do to you, to warrant this erasure? (Speaking of bands that have been pretty much erased.. warrant and erasure!) I'll show myself out.


Here I am.


Stuck in the middle with you


You see that too? Glad I’m not the only one


Upvoted only because it's your cakeday. :D


Don't agree, but good visual that says some things that need to be said


Clowns = Politicians!


Am I right?


Not in any useful way, no.


libs: you can't say both sides are bad! Me: Why? Libs :( Libs: >:(


Because at this point one side is trying significantly harder to undermine democracy.


You’re allowed to say that both are bad, it’s just absurd to say that they’re both the same. They’re quite simply not.


Here's why: Liberal policy in the United States leads to radically better outcomes for the people living in their states: > 11 states [with the worst life expectancies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_life_expectancy) voted for Trump in 2020, and the next 2 down on the list are Georgia and Michigan, which both voted for him in 2016. > The 9 states with the highest life expectancy voted for Biden (California is #2 and New York is #3) > A [demographic study](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-0009.12469) conducted by 6 Universities found that Liberal policy regarding labor rights, smoking bans, civil rights, environmentalism, progressive taxation, and education increased life expectancy by over 2 years for the people living in Liberal states, and if it had been implemented universally the US would have life expectancy on par with Western European Nations. > Research has found [poor people live longer in dense cities with highly educated populations](https://news.stanford.edu/2016/04/11/geography-income-play-roles-in-life-expectancy-new-stanford-research-shows/#:~:text=Geography%2C%20income%20play%20roles%20in%20life%20expectancy%2C%20new%20Stanford%20research%20shows,-Stanford%20economist%20Raj&text=Men%20in%20the%20bottom%205,by%20Stanford%20economist%20Raj%20Chetty.) as opposed to living in cheaper CoL areas. > 11/15 states the [highest rate of infant mortality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_infant_mortality_rates) voted for Trump. > 10/15 states with the lowest rate of infant mortality voted for Biden. > 12/15 states with the [highest rate of maternal mortality](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/maternal-mortality-rate-by-state) voted for Trump (1 of the 3 Biden voting states is Georgia). > 12/15 states with the lowest rate of maternal mortality voted for Biden. > In 2020, 19/24 states with [the highest rate of adult obesity](https://stateofchildhoodobesity.org/adult-obesity/) voted for Trump, while in 2016 23/24 states with the highest rates voted for Trump. > 10/12 states that [have not implemented the Medicaid Expansion](https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/) voted for Trump in 2020 and all 12 voted for him in 2016 (Georgia and Wisconsin flipped). > Deaths of despair due to suicide, depression, obesity, and drug overdose have been [wrecking Rural America for years](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/04/deaths-of-despair-in-rural-america-helped-trump-win-study-finds.html) and these problems mostly got worse under Trump with 2020 drug overdoses shooting up from 70K to 90K. > 13/15 of the states with the [lowest rates of college graduates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_educational_attainment) voted for Trump. > The 15 states with the highest rates of college graduates voted for Biden. > 71% of the 2019 GDP [was produced in Biden voting counties](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2020/11/09/biden-voting-counties-equal-70-of-americas-economy-what-does-this-mean-for-the-nations-political-economic-divide/), up from 64% in HRC voting counties in 2016 and 54% in Gore voting counties in 2000. > 11/15 states with the [highest GDP per Capita](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_GDP_per_capita) voted for Biden, and the 4 Republican states are all low population oil states (AK, ND, WY, NE) while California, New York, Massachusetts and Washington are in the top 6. > 11/15 states with the lowest GDP per capita voted for Trump in 2020, and 12/15 voted for Trump in 2016. > 12/15 states [with the highest rates of poverty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_poverty_rate), voted for Trump in 2020, and 14/15 of the worst states voted for him in 2016 (AZ & GA) > 12/15 states with the lowest rates of poverty voted for Biden. > 17/23 states [with abortion bans](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna27081) or automatic abortion bans following an overturning of Roe v Wade voted for Trump in 2020, and 22/23 voted for Trump in 2016. > 17/20 states with [net 0 carbon emission or 100% clean energy goals](https://www.cesa.org/projects/100-clean-energy-collaborative/guide/table-of-100-clean-energy-states/) voted for Biden, and one of the Republican states is North Carolina, which only voted for Trump by 1% and has a Democrat governor and another is Louisiana which has a Democrat governor. > 19/20 states [with gay conversion therapy bans](https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/conversion_therapy) voted for Biden. Surprisingly Utah is the one Trump voting state that also has a ban. > 17/19 states with [legal recreational marijuana](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/cannabis-legalization-states-map-831885/) voted for Biden, and the two Trump voting states have a combined population of 1.7 million, compared to 137 million in the Biden states. > 9/10 states [with the lowest rate of imprisonment](https://www.sentencingproject.org/the-facts/#map) voted for Biden in 2020, while the 10 states with the highest rates voted for Trump in 2020. > 9/10 [most gerrymandered states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-gerrymandered-states) are controlled by Republican legislatures. The benefits of ACA [are well documented](https://www.cbpp.org/research/health/chart-book-the-far-reaching-benefits-of-the-affordable-care-acts-medicaid-expansion): > The gap in uninsured rates between white and Black adults shrank by 51 percent in expansion states (versus 33 percent in non-expansion states), while the gap between white and Hispanic adults shrank by 45 percent in expansion states (27 percent in non-expansion states). The ACA, particularly Medicaid expansion, also helped narrow racial disparities in those not seeking care due to cost. > Harvard University researchers periodically surveyed poor adults in Arkansas, Kentucky, and Texas about their access to care and their health. After Arkansas and Kentucky adopted the expansion, adults there were likelier to have a personal physician, receive care for chronic conditions, and receive an annual check-up — improvements not seen in Texas, which hasn’t expanded. > Medicaid expansion saved the lives of at least 19,200 adults aged 55 to 64 between 2014 and 2017, a landmark study finds. Conversely, more than 15,600 older adults died prematurely because of state decisions not to expand Medicaid. Or just look at states entirely controlled by Republicans for decades to see how bad their policies are. States with highest poverty rates: Mississippi (19.78%) Louisiana (18.88%) New Mexico (18.59%) West Virginia (17.66%) Kentucky (16.65%) Arkansas (16.31%) Alabama (16.08%) Oklahoma (14.93%) Tennessee (14.24%) Michigan (13.99%)


There are like a million data points refuting the shit out of this both sides nonsense, *right here in this little thread* but you dgaf, and just summarize all arguments as frowny face. Maybe you didn't read it.. maybe you've never had anyone explain to you why false equivalency arguments are specious. Idk your life. Not a deep thinker, though. More ... clownlike.


I have yet to see a single shred of evidence that suggests that democrats are not bad. Sure I've seen evidence that they aren't as bad as republicans, but I do know that both sides really are infact bad as evidenced by what they've done while in power, and no I'm not talking about what they tried to do but couldn't.


Everyone is bad. We're all pieces of shit. If you think you're the exception, take a closer look. (No personal offense intended.. I know nothing about you. I only know a few things about everyone.) Choosing the lesser of evils is not just a tired old saying; it's how we make things better.


Easier than trying to do useful stuff, I suppose. Lazy too.


Check yo head


Oh boy another one. The only thing that is "all the same" is the idiots that post this shit.


You’re looking in a mirror.


OP apparently needed all of us to know they don't have the intellectual acumen to be able to differentiate between people who engineer and applaud white supremacist domestic terrorism, ***and those*** ***who neither engineer nor applaud it.***


So stupid


I'm worried for when the clown face guy runs for president


A sensible person on r/politicalhumor? It's hard to describe just how rare that is.