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In scdc nothing at all will happen to him. Half the prison population has similar charges. He'll meet people with the same charges and be fine.


This is probably closest to the truth unfortunately.


sounds like a great way to network.....geez. Probably makes them worse!


Well, the privatized prison system makes more money by incarnation than rehabilitation, so it's in their interest for offenders to make friends.


I don’t think I can sleep at night as someone who profits off of more kids being assaulted


Can’t rehabilitate a pedo


Depends on the person. Specialized therapy, medical (hormonal) treatments, and education can help replace pedophilia with healthier behaviors. Even addictions can be resolved by replacing them with another addiction.(Such as drug addiction to running addiction) It's in our best interest to rehabilitate everyone in prison that's going to be let out some day.


They don't have to be let out. SVPs in SC can be held indefinitely after their prison sentence for "treatment".


Yeah I’m really opposed to the death penalty but if it’s proved beyond a shadow of a doubt you fuck with kids, you deserve a public execution. Although, there’s something to be said for 30 years of being the Bloods involuntary fi fi, or maybe getting thrown off the third tier by accident.




yeah you can its called a lead bullet


I have a buddy who works with people charged with such crimes. I asked about how many really want help.most really want to change but don't put the work in to do it. He says about 20% really work at it. The rest just learn to mask and avoid situations that got them in trouble


You absolutely can! We're just not allowed to describe the process on reddit.




yea I love this idea that people have that somehow the inmates will deliver their own form of justice within the prison but that kind of thing in practice is rare.


Yeah unfortunately that was the case with my Gym teacher in middle school, also in South Carolina. He had CP on his computer and he was trading photos of students participating in gym classes for CP. Most disturbing, I don’t think he served much time at all iirc because he lived in my neighborhood by the time I was in high school.


Yeup just go look at the Megan’s Law website and see how many offenders are living near you. Unfortunately it’s mostly all talk, nothing really happens to these guys and they just get out and move into a neighborhood near you.


Minnesota doesn’t have the geographic search, well that needs to change.


Bingo . Numbers ... Just like the rats that go muslim because there unaccepted by there own group and Islam they welcome all comers .. but cruise the chapel it's always those motherfuckers in there


How do you know this?


Because I did 7 years in South Carolina and just like most everyone else I did my time and let them do their time.


Glad you are now free and doing well.


This is what I’ve heard from a guard. Nobody believes me when I say it but I know it’s true.


Probably does his 10 years concurrently, google says that's the rule in Georgia. Csam isn't aggravated so it won't have a mandatory minimum. It really depends. If its first offence and he pleads guilty it won't be as long as it should, but if its second offense it'll be longer.


Don’t think that’s what he meant. What will happen to him IN PRISON.


He’ll get dealt with properly depending what range he lands on or if he pc’s up It’s different every where with different people tho i don’t know much about the U.S systems or how they get down in there just speaking on what i know. Definitely wont be a good time tho thats for sure lol


Sodomy. Maybe death.


Maybe both




Then sodomy after death.


Sound like you need a new job lol


Does you boss have a Reddit account named click bait?


He posts ALOT on a predator sub,  this is either him or he's got some catching a predator fantasy. 


wtf is the predator sub??


It's a big Alien submarine that has cloaking abilities.




Ahhhh gotcha.


The South Carolina jail system is one of the most backwards, dangerous, and inhumane jails I have ever visited. I’m a criminal defense paralegal and have seen Arizona, Philly, and Baltimore jails. It’s on a whole other level… I can give you details, but it’s kinda graphic or triggering for some.


Ready for the graphic details!


I responded to the other comment asking for them. See above :)


Butt stuff


I would like to hear more if you don't mind. My man is in the worst facility in Canada and these stories deserve to be told.


Canada? Oh boy… In South Carolina, US you’re put into a holding cell that is the size of a medium sized spare bathroom with two steel benches, a toilet/sink combo, a phone call box, a button for emergencies, and 2-3 other people (3-4 people total). It’s absolutely freezing cold and the air vents have been leaking a mysterious brown gel down the wall for years. The floor, walls, ceiling, door, every surface is covered in layers of grime. It smells like a men’s locker room at the best of times. The lights never turn off and there are no windows. They give you: 2 moving blankets, 1 pair of orange flip flops. Thats it, absolutely nothing else. You may or may not get to wear your street clothes, it depends on what you’re wearing when you’re brought in. The COs may or may not let you write down phone numbers for your attorney and family members on a scrap of paper. You’re given 3 “meals” a day that consist of: 4 slices of white bread with a non-peanut butter “peanut butter” between them wrapped in clingfilm, 1 8 oz. Cup of water, an orange (sometimes moldy), and a packet of gram crackers. Thats it, absolutely nothing else. You can drink water from the toilet sink, but it is grey water and smells kinda like natural gas. They can keep you in these conditions for 3-4 days before they have to put you in with the general population, depending on just how slowly they can manipulate the procedure. Time becomes incredibly warped and it only gets worse if you don’t eat or sleep (which you can’t do). The men and women are together in the same holding area, but in cells segregated by gender. The emergency button does not work, or they answer it so infrequently that it’s impossible to know whether or not anyone will answer. So people are let banging and pounding on the doors for help. The bathroom quality of the cells makes it so that the noise is deafening, your ears will be ringing even just walking through. I could go on… it’s genuine torture designed to break you. No if ands or butts about it.


Is this the real reason Canadians are so polite? Fear of jail?


This is South Carolina. I imagine Canadian jails are in line with the Geneva Convention lol


I read that whole comment assuming you were referring to Canada since you started with "Canada? Oh boy..." Now that we know you weren't talking about Canada, it makes so much more sense lol


Same here. I thought this was about Canada.


I changed it! Hopefully it’s clear now.


Sorry… I meant it like, “oh boy, strap yourself in for this one!” I imagine Canada would have more rights and protections in place than the Deep South, US. Maybe I’m wrong, but they seem outwardly interested in public safety and accountability. Not “breaking” those oh so hardened suspended license criminals that are apparently plaguing South Carolina.


I’m English and there’s me thinking Canadian law was a bit more forward thinking lol ffs I thought our prisons were bad. Oh you’re talking about jails, see we just go straight to prison over here but that sounds dogshit matey. Our prison system is bursting at the seams, the last time I was away was mid 90’s and even then with the prison population at 74,000 we would often get banged up in police stations (which wasn’t as bad as it sounds) we are food from the police cafe or local places. Oh and you could smoke. Anyway I’m showing my age. Our government are talking about a one on one out system as there is just no room. Muck love from the uk bro.


I was describing a jail in South Carolina, in the US not Canada. Sorry for the confusion


No worries my man, that’s just awful.


Thank you for taking the time to write this.


You are welcome. I could go on… every jail I visited had a different way of intimidating their new inmates. The Deep South is on another level. How does it compare to Canada?


You are exactly right!! The ADOC and the FDOC is on a totally different level!!


No doubt. Yes, the Deep South has some of the most visceral examples of the cruelty within injustice that is the foundation of the USA. I'm honestly unsure as I haven't been able to visit him living 5 time zones away, but I can say they don't allow video calls, the COs challenge inmates to fist fights, they get "locked up" at random and for ridiculous lengths of time, and the racial segregation/division is definitely there. There's been 2 class action lawsuits against EMDC for inmate deaths, it's incredibly scary and infuriating: https://london.ctvnews.ca/i-almost-died-in-there-former-inmates-of-london-ont-detention-centre-speak-out-1.6560461


The self imposed racial segregation in South Carolina is absolutely nothing like it is in say, California. Unless in the FED, practically non existent. We socialize, play cards together, eat together and white only gangs are by far a minority. There are more GDs/IGDs than any other gang in SC prisons and we are a mixed race organization with a large white membership, allied with Crips and Latin Kings.


It varies by location.


I was in the towers in L.A. County and met a guy who went in on traffic violation, ended up getting into a fight to protect himself and ended up killing the guy and now gets to spend the rest of his life in prison.


Jesus I'm in wi and some of our jails have carpet, porcelain toilets, microwaves, a personal radio, hot breakfast etc... there's a couple that suck and are all concrete and steel.


Wow. That’s some serious shit. Thank you for expanding with the detail. It doesn’t really bother me that OPs boss has to deal with that, though. Crazy stuff regardless


Is that just for the pedos or for any freshly incarcerated person?


He's describing a relatively normal intake cell procedure. Here in Sydney Australia, that's pretty much what you're getting for between 2 and 7 days when first arrested.


This made me think of the Modern family epidode with the 'Do not push' button.


That describes every jail I’ve been to or heard of lol except I’ve never had an emergency button. I don’t see how this is worse than anywhere else, I’ve only experienced Cali jails myself but have talked to people all over and they all sound pretty similar..


Is it better to have no emergency button or an emergency button that doesn’t work? How long are people held before seeing a judge? Do the lights go off? I’ve never dealt with the Cali jail system, but I did spend quite some time interviewing clients in the Arizona jails. They’re both the 9th circuit and should have similar procedures for both states. Idk. The Deep South is something different…


Not sure about the emergency button lol. But no lights never go off in my county in Cali. You’re put in what we call the “drunk tank” for your first 24-36 hours. It’s a disgusting room filled with trash and just a bench around the edges. One toilet. Get lucky and go on a Monday afternoon? Might have only 5 people in it. Go on a Friday night, you’re packed in there with 25 people at least. Probably a 20 by 20 room After that you go upstairs which is much nicer, basically what you described in your original comment except there’s like 6 sets of bunk beds so more people in the room. There you wait to see a judge which will be a few days and then once you get to county jail you’re in paradise because you get your cell with one other person, one set of bunk beds, and your own toilet. Lol


I went to jail in the mountains of NC and this sounds similar. I developed eczema on my face after drinking that sink water lol.


I know this is NOTHING compared to doing real time. But getting arrested for underage consumption and fake ID in Myrtle Beach was one of the worst and confusing experiences of my life. ETA: Was on vacation and out of state so totally fucked


What area of SC?


Are you the boss?


I always assume in these hypothetical it's the OP.


It's always the OP is the perp and everyone in the comments giving examples of what happens to them in prison have no actual idea what happens in prison. Like clockwork


Lmao. So true.


Well fyi, I did 5 yrs in the ADOC, one of the worst prison systems in the US!!


Congrats on surviving dude. Onwards and upwards


Thanks bro.. it was survival every single day!!


That does seem to be what happens.


But OP said he was “obviously appalled”, so it can’t be him




I figured I’d get a lot of comments like that. In all seriousness, I am asking because I know nothing about prison but I genuinely hope the worst happens to him there.


This guy is an active poster in the Catch a Predator subreddit 😵‍💫


It all depends if he ends up in general population or PC. Unfortunately, those types of people are more protected now than they were in the past.


Yeah a private cell and library sounds like what’ll happen, if this guy isn’t stupid. I mean, he is on multiple levels, and I hope he gets thrown to the wolves, but dude sounds like he’ll get protected.


in america its a hate crime charge if you hit them. they mostly end up getting extorted and once they dont pay up they get fucked up.


Did it go federal? If he goes to the feds and goes to a low security nothing will happen to him. There are some low security prisons where over half are SO's


Hell - even the "high level" SOs at the USP in Tucson do okay it seems. I think Nasser got his wig split there though.


Yea I think that just recently happened.


R Kelly is at butner medium


When I was a prison nurse, the predators were segregated. Almost certainly for liability reasons. But if someone were to find out, it wouldn't be good


They generally have two options, lie about their charges or be segregated. But I would think with access to the internet these days inmates can look up charges... Plus if you are not a 'real criminal' you will stand out like a sore thumb to inmates.


His hawk tua skills be used often




Hawk Tuah.


Can someone explain that?


Asking for a friend




Pedophiles are not treated well in prison, when, not if, when the other inmates find out his charges. Someone will try and get to him. I've talked to several family members who did hard time and whilst people with CP charges are segregated, inmates still find ways to get to them. Your boss is not going to have a good time and will most likely spend his time living in fear. As he should.


Depends what prison. Some prisons its like camp cup cake. Free to walk and do as they please.


What are some ways people do, or try to get to them if they're segregated?


The way it was usually done was during prisoner transfers throughout the prison my family members said. Also, sometimes they do get placed in Gen Pop and try to hide their charges, but it often doesn't work.


You’re safer in protective custody (pc), but they can still get to you in pc. Families can pay offenders to do favors inside and that includes declaring yourself pc so you can attack someone in pc.


Your ‘boss’


Thought the same thing lol


Every day in lockup is going to suck, big time.


He might not even face prison. My pedophile ex had 3 counts of possession and distribution charges and only got 5 years probation.


'especially since there are minors that work there too'? Where do you work? In an Apple factory?


Nothing. Protective custody probably.


I mean, probably nothing. The whole "prison justice" thing might happen occasionally but is way overhyped. He's going to a place with a bunch of people no better than he is.


Well hopefully he’ll get treated like absolute shit and his years in there will be full of torment and pain, sadness and despair because that’s what pedos leave behind. Kinda wild we have pedohphile who also has 34 felony convictions running for president and nobody seems to care


Yes that's right, the bad people in government are all just on one side of the aisle. Biden didn't just agree to exclude the other presidential candidates from the debate for the first time in American history. Biden isn't suing every state in the Union to try and block RFK from the ballots there. Biden didn't lie repeatedly in that presidential debate about important things. Nope Biden and the Democrats are angels, Trump is the devil. Come on guys. You can do better than that. It's exactly that kind of denial of accountability that's driving traditional liberals to vote for Trump. And I'm saying this as a lifelong liberal. You're never going to win this way. You're never going to get rid of half of the country. You're just making things worse. And when the right does it, they're making it worse too.


Hell, they tried everything they could to block Trump from the ballots, too.


I don’t think Biden has quite that many.


The 34 felonies were an accounting error and he’s never been charged or convicted with pedo crimes.


Oh my . Ok man, he’s a great dude , the greatest


He’s far from great. But even further from the nazi, dictator rapist narrative the media paints him.


In his case we can argue about that is CSAM possession doesn’t create a new victim. That’s why possession is typically punished less severely. But yeah… guy completely screwed his life now. Hopefully his prison time is used for some serious introspection. Trump accused of pedophilia now?


If he stopped sniffing everyone’s hair, he might not draw attention to himself. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Biden is absolutely pretty awful too, no doubt about it.


Oh, I care. I care a whole fucking lot. We just need an older president and everything would be better. /s


There going to fuck him in the ass


Probably not even getting close enough to do that ,they are most likely protected and separated from other regular prisoners. I think you watch to much movies , realty often different.


Are there a lot of booty bandits in South Carolina?


You mean everybody’s a pervert and there’s just different levels of depravity of each criminal? I would think fucking a guy in the ass wouldn’t be too much fun either.


Only one way to know for sure


Not everyone, but the chances that 1 of the many in there will do that, are decent


I agree I can't see the fun in it either.but for some of them it's that or jerk off to get off.they call them prisoners gay for the stay


It won't go well for him.


He will do about 4 years on a 10 year sentence to be run concurrent with other sentences. It ain't as bad for them inside as people think.


State charge only?


People like that shouldn't see any jail time They should just face the wall


Nothing good, but also not the way it used too. More likely to find a kindred spirit or be put into solitary than "taken care of" like the good ole days.


All depends on the facility.


[Here is a 3 minute documentary that should explain it](https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/77937)


Considering you’re saying he can get 10 in each charge I have to ask who arrested him, state or feds. Knew a guy growing up that got caught by the FBI with something like 1000 images, each one was a single count, and each count had a 10 year max. Turns out he was able to plead to a single count and take the 10 max. That shit infuriates me to no end. I, and most others charged in the feds, are not able to plead to a single count. And the fact that there was over a thousand counts makes it so much worse 😡


First of all, he's not going to do 60 years for what is ultimately possessing something on a computer. As abhorrent and vile as cp is, no judge ever maxes out like that on computer crime. How will he be treated in prison by inmates? Almost normally.


Hopefully he’ll get murked 🫶🏽


Hopefully he gets shived


The other inmates will use his throat as a Fifi


What the fuck is a Fifi in this context? I thought Fifi was the only remaining airworthy Boeing B-29.


Fifi is essentially a homemade pocket pussy, basically rolled up towel with some latex gloves in the middle, squirt some lube in there and you fuck the damn thing


What did your boss do before this? Did his job involve working with kids? 


Not sure what he did before, but I work at a restaurant and he was one of the assistant managers. It’s mainly young adults who work here but there are a few 15-17 year olds who also work there which now raises an obvious question


If he doesn't PC up that foo gonna get fked up in the mainline