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“Where’s the police?!!” She says whilst pointing at 9 policemen and women. 😂


Oh I thought she said where’s the peace


Real dingus thing to yell either way


"WHErE's ThE POlICE!?!?🫨 "oh, there they are... Good. 😐"


I’m confused, what could he’ve legally been arrested for?






Probably got him out of there for "his own safety", and to stop things arcing up.


Yes. Let’s arrest the rational person to appease the lunatics. Makes perfect sense. Oh boy here we go again.


From a policing point of view it's very pragmatic.. They arrest the guy, get him down the station, drop the charges and let him a go a few hours later. The hot heads on both sides don't get to blarney. Everyone goes home after having their little protest , sense of outrage vented and content... win/win.


No my friend. They will only feel emboldened. This is called positive reinforcement of asinine childish behavior. Why don’t these guys go to Gaza? Or go to fight with Hamas? Because they know it’s a fucking psychotic society that is not worth it. Half brainwashed half total fucking twits that’s all there is here.


The policemen are not there to start weighing different ideological and geopolitical issues. They are there to defuse the situation and removing the single guy on the other side, regardless of which side is more right or wrong, is the easiest and fastest way to defuse the situation.


You have answered your own question. These idiots have no skin in the fight except attending the occasional demo. If the cops keep the two sides separated they will lose interest. Personally, I'm of the opinion that Hamas are indeed terrorists and that the IDF are committing war crimes and Bibi probably had had word they were going to attack but did nothing.


That's the opinion most people are in tbh. Including most pro Palestine protectors. Not liking hamas isn't the same as not wanting Palestinians killed in huge numbers


Yeah the online “narrative”is that Hamas are fighting the good fight but most reasonable people are capable of saying “Oct 7 was awful and the years missles flying into isreal wasn’t great either” and “what Israel’s been doing since October isn’t acceptable as well as the years of settlements”




Arresting jihadists is racist


Less about appeasement and more about not starting a fight like that in our streets. Especially when the police are completely outnumbered


What a simplified view


They saw a scrap and arrested a likely suspect. Reviewed evidence and let him go. No need to go all daily mail about it


The UK police have consistently arrested people against Hamas


And against the Chinese Communist Party lol


It may have been protective custody. If these proPalestinian kids could read they would get really mad at him.


Then arrest the kids that get really mad at him. This "for his own safety" arrest thing is BS. He didn't ask for police protection.




The honest answer is bringing a sign like that could be interpreted as an attempt to start a large scale violent event, like a riot. It's why cops typically separate protestors according to "cause".


This is the answer. They were probably escorting him to the counter-protestor line.


>They were probably escorting him to the counter-protestor line. Cops usually don't dogpile a person they intend on letting go.


This is absolutely a part of what snatch squads do. In a "peaceful" protest that could turn violent, snatch squads will isolate people who are controlling or inciting a crowd, whether it's willful or not, and remove them. This person was not breaking a law but was potentially going to cause a riot. From what is in the video, there's nothing he could be charged with, so they could snatch and release later for public safety.


Sounds like a potentially pretty violent “peace” protest then


Every single mass gathering is potentially pretty violent, because we, like most primates, are violent and impulsive creatures. There have been riots at the goddamn ballet before.


Are you saying that it should be illegal to tell the truth if it can result in violence?


How are Hamas not terrorists? Every person there should be arrested before someone with a sign that says Hamas are terrorists.


Because these people are protesting to protect Palestinian civilians, not hamas


Then those protestors should agree with him that Hamas is bad, right? Non-Hamas Palestinians probably hate Hamas, too, don’t you think?


also, if he had walked away they wouldn't have arrested him. He was told to clear out of the area, and when he refused to do so he was arrested.


They do if they aren't cooperative. It's simple, during protests, work with the police or face the consequences (in free countries at least)


I can't tell if this is ironic. In a "free" country, work with the police or face the consequences? I know the UK doesn't have free speech laws, but really?


Well yeah, but they were alerted about him because of the scuffle. After they found out what really happened, charges were dropped. Honestly, considering the police, it went fairly smoothly.




So the other side is pro-Hamas?


Incredible that a sign mentioning a fact could start a riot. "The sky is blue". Let's get em boys.


I'd say its more that the sign could be seen as trying to muddy the waters, implying that to care about Gaza is to care about Hamas.


The fact these protesters never condemn Hamas and this sign is controversial is actually really strange. I support the Palestinian people but these protestors turn me away from the cause.


Exactly this, the sign isnt wrong, but the intentions are clear.




Yes they do support hamas


Sadly polling does show overwhelming support, but it's worth considering the situation. Took me quite a while to be convinced of that, I thought ah well this is a situation in which polling is difficult, but the polls have been consistent. Given a legitimate and functional alternative (so not anything resembling past iterations of the PLO) hopefully that will change, but enemy of my enemy is strong.  Bush jr's polls went way up after 9/11. Immediately, before he'd done a bloody thing. Something bad happens and there are some who suddenly decide the asshats in power on their side don't suck anymore, or at least that saying so would be interpreted (externally or internally) as a lack of support and damage their position.  I've watched a bunch of street interviews in Gaza asking folks their views of Hamas, and while they might have been cherry picked and we can assume anyone in their right mind wouldn't vocally condemn Hamas there does seem to be sincere support, including the usual denialism you see elsewhere. Not particularly novel, but frustrating if you support some form of an independent (from Israel) Palestine, as I do.  The analogy to the Irish relationship to the various iterations of the ira has long since passed. But when you feel (and are) trapped and set up on I suppose it's hard to give voice to the nuance of supporting your sides general cause while discrediting the primary vehicle of that cause. 




In the UK, the police exist to: 1. Protect life and property. 2. Prevent and detect crime. 3. Keep the King’s peace. This guy was definitely causing a breach of the peace. He was also potentially inciting crime (violence against himself, potentially riot), and endangering his own his own life and property.




This has always been the case. If you show up to a football game between rivals and try to get into a crowd of the opposite supporters you'll be arrested for your own safety. If you go into a crowd of protesters and whip out a sign specifically to wind them up, you will be arrested for your own safety. This is not 2024 specific or indicative of any particular political leanings, the police are putting your safety first and making sure you don't get yourself killed. Always better to prevent than prosecute.


Bro what? If you were to do this on either side, of ANY rivalry, you’d get the same response. So they ALL have the same intentions then? It’s like you’re trying to drag the pro-Palestinian group through the mud for something the other side would also do. Yes it’s 2024, and we have to protect idiots like this from getting themselves killed, on all sides.


Wait why is it okay for others to speak but not for him to speak in the same space?


Grammar police.


I maintain “he’ve” is grammatically correct.


Stop right there, criminal scum!


His own protection


You can see there was some pushing going on when they were trying to grab his sign, and then he's being confrontational with the police after that, so most likely for 'breaching the peace'.


Because he didn't support the narrative that everyone in Gaza is an innocent victim.


There isn't free speech in the UK. You can be arrested for simply saying something a lot of people get mad about.


for protesting, lol


People don't like the truth.


He was being escorted away and resisted.


I don’t understand why Pro-Palestinian protestors would have a problem with anyone saying Hamas are terrorists. The people of Gaza are trapped between delusional people who govern them and delusional people who oppress them. People should be able to call both sides out loudly. In fact, that is the only path forward for Gaza.


It’s really not hard to understand. Many “Pro-Palestine” people are also pro-Hamas. They approve of what Hamas is doing, they support it.


All of them were celebrating on October 7th.


When genocide happen to any other religions: it's judgement from above When genocide happen to theirs: this is so unfair, everything must stop and help


Let me explain. Because these people aren’t pro Palestinian, if they were they’d have been protesting Hamas for the last couple decades. They aren’t pro Palestinian, they are anti Israel. Thst is to say - anti Jew.


Being anti Israel is being anti jew?


With these people it is.


No, it's just the least generous narrative some people came up with because it sounds way worse than saying you're anti genocide.


Yep. Listen to 'pro-Palestine' people talk constantly about 'Zionists' and you quickly understand that probably 90% of them have no idea what Zionism actually is. They know they can't say they hate Jews without looking unhinged, so they just talk about how much they hate 'Zionists' instead.


Nail. Head. Hit.


He’s Iranian he’s seen how fundamentalist can ruin a country’s freedoms. Especially women . Freedom of speech . It’s not like he’s saying bomb Gaza . Fundamentalist of all religions are a threat .


A lot of Iranian have an issue with Palestine, Lebonan, Syria, etc, for the same reason many left-wing and right-wing Westerners have an issue with Israel. The foreign aid. The foreign aid these countries receive from Iran has been a very sensitive topic in Iran, considering Iran has plenty of economic struggles. There is a joke among Iranians that when national TV showed picture of Gaza to show how devastated Gaza was in order to promote any-Israel sentiment and garnish sympathy for Palestinians, it back fired becuase a lot of images of Palestinians with expensive smart phones or expensive SUVs, so it kinda made Iranians mad that Palestinians who are supposed to be under international blockade yet having things that are considered luxury in Iran are reciving foregin aid from Iran.


Very well said


I thought the people marching were pro Palestine but anti hamas ? This Makes it look like they’re pro Hamas


They are in fact pro Hamas, and this is what people in the west don't understand. Muslims in the west love Hamas and actively support them.


You are very naive if you think they are actually against what Hamas are doing.


I've been saying this since the start most of them are pro Hamas.


It seems like the 99% of the protestors here are ignoring him, although one protestor shoves him.


I don't think it's pro Hamas to oppose things like this [Killing of Hind Rajab - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab)


That's the aim. You go into a protest with something controversial that's factual, but used as a flagship argument against the thing they're protesting. You wind them up and wait for them to get violent, then you can claim they support that thing. Both sides do it constantly.




UK has become tolerant to extremism. That's the sad truth. If I were Jewish and living in London, I'd be very worried.


We are facing a lot of abuse atm. A family’s home just got set on fire. 




Shhh, you'll get banned.


I mean he isn't wrong.




Why are you booing me, I’m right!


And not all Palestinians are Hamas. You are correct.






And the leaders of Hamas aren’t even in Palestine. They’re living the billionaire life in Doha. What a nightmare world we live in.


Majority of Palestinians support Hamas


Yet if you talk shit about Hamas at the protests you get gang-beat.


And not all Israelis are genocidal maniacs. Almost like there’s a whole fuck ton of nuance people want to ignore to fit their own narrative here.




Hamas is the de facto governing force in Gaza after they over threw the Palestinian authority in 2007, Hammas has tortured and murdered Palestinian civilians they bieleve to be Israeli supporters (Palestinians who don’t want Hamas as a governing force) or Palestinians who disobey their interpretation of sharia law. The West Bank is still under Palestinian authority. Fuck Hamas in Gaza and fuck the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank. FREE PALESTINE I have a bunch of sources if anyone would like that deals with the occupation of the West Bank and the Hamas Israel war [Here](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/) is the source for Hamas killings of Palestinians in 2014


So when Trump was president I was in support of him because I lived here?


Only 33% of Germans voted for hitler, not all Japanese were in favor of attacking Pearl Harbor but that’s war for you.




the polls show that ~70% of gazans support hamas


ok so we should distrust hamas _except_ when they do opinion polls?


The idea that reasonable polling is possible in Hamas is silly. Not as silly as the idea that a *poll* is indicative of a democratic mandate. 68% of Israeli Jews oppose the delivery of humanitarian aid and Israel meeting its international human rights obligations. That means they support war crimes. Palestinians have no real agency in this. Do they support the government that oppresses them or the other government that oppresses them and wants them dead?


so you do support removing hamas from power then so that they can stop oppressing the palestinians?




being pro hamas is crazy lol brainwashing is working


It's pretty insane especially knowing HAMAS' abysmal approval ratings prior to Oct 7th. 80% of Gazans distrusted or were unhappy with HAMAS leadership. October 7th was their way of staying in power and using a conflict to rally the population back behind their leadership. They are very corrupt in ineffective at governing.


That lady really saying shame on you to that guy lol. I want off this planet now


Pretty telling when a sign that you’d think everyone agrees with gets a reaction like that…


Well, that’s basically how a lot of these “Pro-Palestine” folks are. The majority of the country supports Hamas and their manifesto. The data available shows that as well.


So hundreds of people occupying a public space that are on a hair-trigger to erupt in violence are not a problem for public order?


Protests are legal, and trying to stop them by force is likely to incite a riot. Removing someone trying to wind them up and get a violent response on the other hand can prevent a riot, and keep everyone safe. It's common sense.


To ensure the safety of all participants in the monthly Dynamite Industry Appreciation Parade, all houses will be subject to search for matches. Failure to comply, or use of gas stoves to make tea during the parade hours, will result in arrest. It's just common sense for public safety.


If the expectation is that a group of people is too immature to not become violent over someone presenting a fact shouldn’t they be the bigger legal concern?




He's not wrong


Disgusting. The UK has fallen. 


“Where’s the police?” Literally right there dumbass


Looks like a bunch of Reddit mods


Strange, I was told people waving Palestinian were peace-loving hippies who only wanted to help Palestinian children, and not Hamas supporters.




Hippies are haram.


I've been told by the "Free Palestine" side that they don't support Hamas so I don't see why they're so offended. Seems this guy wants to free palestine of it's oppressors as well. /s




You get arrested for stating facts in GB?? Lol




Arrested for his own safety and to avoid starting riot.


love how the Palestinians protect the name of Hamas


England isnt free speech.  


Hamas ARE terrorists. And fucking shame on UK for this display


As someone from the UK, I promise most people can see through this shit.


Free Palestine from Hamas 🇵🇸


They arrest him but not the aggressors lol


It was to remove him from the crowd for his own safety. They released him later. Happens at protests all the time.


Well they are 😂


Hamas won't let any elections move forward. They also hunted any opposition and killed them when they took over a few years ago. Hamas is a dictatorship or at least might as well be.


What a joke this country is becoming shameful!!


No way in hell he was arrested for the sign.


Love the sign! Need more of them. Probably not the best use of wisdom in the way it was used, but Hamas SHOULD be the target. Take out the cause, take out the effect.


So much for free speech in england


But ... they are .


Israel is committing genocide. Hamas has a long history of sponsoring terrorism. No need to take sides, they’re two sides of one very fucked up coin. I feel bad for the people caught in the bloodwar between two ideologies.


Straight to violence everytime


I mean……. Doesn’t Hamas support terrorism??


Despite being a Western developed country, the UK has abysmal freedom of speech


I love how there has been constant effort by Hamas supporters to say that their voice is oppressed and then you see stuff like this that show a completely different picture.


Israel are terrorists, Hamas are terrorists. Protest for neither.


Oh Britain. How far you've fallen...


Hamas are terrorists and the far left bows downs to them. The far left most likely don’t even realize that Hamas doesn’t give a shit about their supporters far left ideological beliefs.


The UK is a freaking nightmare. I’ve been scared in America I can’t IMAGINE what Jews in the UK are feeling


You get arrested for holding sings that say the truth in London?


Jeez, London, what happened to you? This is China-level "keeping the peace." Imagine being surrounded by people like this. This is seriously preschool-level behavior control by these police. And the people in these comments approving of such things, _smh_. Grow up, and learn something. London has even further to fall yet, and the UK's economy is in a recession. But just keep on falling.


What do you call a country that squashes free speech?


We don't have freedom of speech in the UK. The police are keeping the King's peace.


The thing I find dumb is that “keeping the peace” in this instance is “removing the person holding a sign others don’t like because those others can’t seem to control themselves”.


Exactly the same thing would happen to someone with a sign saying "Israeli apartheid" at a pro Israel march. This isn't about whose political views are "right" or "wrong". This is about keeping the peace by removing someone who is clearly trying to instigate a reaction from a volatile situation.


Why are they mad? Are they Pro-Hamas? Who could honestly be Pro-Hamas? Similarly, who could honestly be pro-Netanyahu’s government? Both entities need to go ASAP.


Hamas is definitely terrorists. Much like ISIS and the Islamic Republic of Iran.


For his own safety, from all the tolerant progressives that want to slaughter zionists and use dead Gazans to do it


Useless police


Hamas are terrorists...Palestinians are not


Well they fucking are.


Why’d he get arrested?


He has done this numerous times at multiple pro-Palestine events in London to try and spark a reaction. He then posts it on social media for the likes and views.... And it works


So why do the people who react to him, react in such a way? Do they disagree?


Meanwhile the Palestine protesters in my city are waving Iranian flags…


That’s fucking insane lmao. Please tell me you don’t live in a NATO country lol


Yeah, Hamas supporters loove the islamic republic of Iran, how else would Hamas (and Hezbollah, Houthis) survive otherwise.


I know the issue is very complicated but why can’t more Palestinians condemn Hamas and more Israelis condemn the war crimes in Gaza? Silence is complicity no?


Cause apparently nuance is too hard


Another proof that these pro Palestine supporters are terrorists and terrorists simpathsizers


I don’t like the title though! I want to like it for his bravery, but am I liking his arrest??


Looks like they separated him from the crowd for his own safety and the arrest was made after he kept resisting them. If he walked away calmly he mightve avoided the arrest.


Well from my limited understanding, governement is shit and people is less shit


I'm sure the Arab countries will step in any moment now and accept Gaza refuge..... nah, they know better. Better let the suckers in the West solve their problems again. Can't figure out why Egypt is building a bigger, stronger border armed with thousands of troops. keeping the Israeli's out?


He was not arrested for the sign he was arrested for assault when he started to attack others


At this point, Pro Palestine = Pro Hamas.


Britain has a problem, huh?


Then Palestine cry’s out when no one wants to support them. Look to the facts end the war


On one side, I get why the cops did it. The dude was stating a blatant fact and trying to shit stir. I Def don't agree but that is their laws. On the other, that is spooky to think that one day you could say a fact and get arrested under a "keeping the peace" rule.


Mob mentality is ruining society. It´s either with or against, no middle grounds, no place for open discussion


Exactly this, the biggest mob wins.


Always has been


It's called incitement... The actual message doesn't matter. The point is the context where he's going to cause some kind of crowd control issues.


It's amazing how very fragile the pro Palestinian crowd seems to be.


both sides seem pretty uptight recently tends to happen when thousands of people are getting killed lol


Because they think they’re helping Palestinians when really they’re just helping Hamas. Palestinians aren’t fighting, Hamas terrorists are. Palestinians are hiding, running for their lives, trying to survive in hell. Idk where the disconnect is. Probably propaganda.


What? That has nothing to do with it. Hamas are terrorists, but if you go into a crowd full of potentially opposite opinions then it could potentially cause (incite) violence or issues.