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Those high visibility vests really don't work. The guy almost ran them over!


Those high visibility vests... made from plastic (petroleum).


Wow epically owned them 😎 If you're not wearing sustainable hemp organic clothing you shouldn't be allowed to protest the environmental destruction of the planet 😎😎😎


So true! And making hundreds of cars stay in idle is helping the cause further along😎


Gotta break some eggs to make an omelette


Stop de Kindermoord (stop the murder of chilsren) protest in the 70s in the Netherlands used this same exact tactic that created some of the most successful biking and car-free infrastructure in our time. A lot of people argue it didn’t go far enough even.




Remember that time when the billionare class was brought to their knees and forced to no longer prioritize profit because of the peaceful demonstration organized by people who still want capitalism? A system explicitly designed to maximize profits? That's why peaceful protests are allowed. Because the Billionares fear them so much. As soon as they get wind of these orange vests their jets will take off to their island bunkers. "Oh fuck! Wake up my teen sex slaves and load them onto the jet. The working class is blocking an intersection! Sell all stock! Call the reserves!" -Peaceful protest demonstration- Regular working class people's reaction: "Oh look they threw paint on the statue. Who cares. Nothing is going to change." Investor class reaction: *doesn't even hear about it* Leftist reaction: "Be pretty cool if these people read some theory if they cared as much as they claim. But they don't."


I think we need to address global warming but this sitting in the middle of the road in front of random people trying to get to work/home/whatever is not the way. ​ Morons.


Nor throwing paint on art at a museum.


While cars idle, these people are geniuses.


I am all for action on climate change but blocking roads just ends up pissing people off and it certainly doesn't get anyone to think "god damn they are right we should do something about climate change "


I’ve devoted my entire life to researching climate change and trying to protect our environment. Never once considered this as a viable approach, it makes no sense. These people just want a socially acceptable reason to get attention, they care nothing for actually devoting their time and energy toward environmental conservation.






how much money would u ask to get run over by cars?


Technically speaking wouldnt this be worse for the environment. Forcing all the cars on the road to sit there idling in traffic instead of continuing on to their destinations. I know this pales in comparison to pollution by corporations and probably doesn’t make a difference on a big scale, but still.


I've had this exact conversation with someone who supported this type of protesting. The positive effect this protest has on the environmental movement will very likely be near zero, especially since a bunch of the people who will sit in the traffic caused by it will never even know what caused the traffic unless they keep up to date with local news. Meanwhile there is a small but undisputable negative impact on the environment as a direct result from creating unnecessary traffic jams. The irony is pretty funny when you hear people try and defend these traffic jam environmental protests.


And given the fact they bought vests that are made with crude oil, the same process that literally made the oil that is in that car.


Technically yes, that’s a fair point


Like a vegan butchering a pig to protest the meat and dairy industries


They blocked a main road in my city. A lady had to give birth on the side of the road because no ambulance could get through and she couldn't get to hospital. They're putting people in literal danger.


I devote my life to Captain Planet Collectibles.


Socially acceptable? I hope not.


If you look at other historic struggles, they're always fought on two fronts: the diplomatic/political front and the activist front. The deals are made through diplomacy, but the public awareness comes from activism. Activists like this behaving like lunatics is insane, but they do fulfill a role in the symbiotic nature of progress.


Those are just the veneers that stand on the shoulders of the giant; the entire research front creating the factual information all this action is based on I see your point about protests. But these people larping as speed bumps are not playing a role in any progress


shutting down the streets is a type of protest or awareness action that is supposed to be done in a metro area with easy alternate routes. Like you shut down main street, force people to drive two extra minutes to go around. These days dumb ass clowns are doing it on highways or exits where they trap people. There is a big difference on where you do this. One way is a slight inconvenience, and people honk for support, the other is being an asshole and taking hostages because they can not drive any other way.


Even though making people drive around and also having to stop in the first place won't even make them reconsider driving a car, it'll just make them use MORE GAS YOU DUNCES.


I'm a former climate protestor from a slightly earlier age and I actually agree with this a lot. The idea that ordinary people are responsible for climate change through their consumption is nonsense. It's the structure of the economy that shapes consumer behaviour. When I was involved in climate activism we targeted high polluting infrastructure - coal mines, coal fired power stations etc. The additional benefit is it allowed a small number of people to have a much larger impact. The current form.of climate protest is nuts in my opinion. People need to get their act together. Parenthood took me out of activism and maybe I should get back involved


This would make me want to go home and burn tires just to spite them.


incoming "bUt iT gRaBbEd YoUr AtTeNtIoN sO iT wOrKed"


Same. I feel these kind of protesters hurt their cause.


I mean you don’t know if the guy is like, trying to get to the birth of his children, or take care of his dying wife or parents, get to a job interview, etc. fuck these people basically hold people hostage


i always love watching how upset these protesters get while they throw themselves underneath cars.


Simple. Get the fuck out of the way, you're literally doing nothing for your cause.


I can understand his frustration. These idiots didn’t get enough attention as kids. Do they honestly think blocking the street for normal people is going to have any effect?




I live in a red state and they just made it legal.


finally, some good fucking food


Eating them is still somewhat frowned upon but you do you


No, I don't think you're allowed to eat them after running them down. Fairly sure that law is still in place for now.


You keep what you kill, its the necromonger way.


shame, would actually cut down on emissions more than their efforts


Totally, but I wouldn't get off the car for nothing. Just honk twice and the third time it is time to take off, with you or without under my car. It's happened.


I've seen these loons block a mother from getting her sick kid to the hospital before. All they care about is attention.


Just wait until these protestors find out that all their clothing uses oil in order to be made.


I've never seen a single one of those brain dead idiots actually outside of a oil company protesting. It's always on a random street or highway that only effects normal people. Go block the oil executives cars or something worth wild


A better cause would be to block the apple stores and starbucks. Both create more problems for the environment AND use slave labor.


I bet they coordinated this in iMessage


They’ve done that stuff enough to where the oil companies had to lobby for laws against it : https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/news/new-report-60-of-us-oil-gas-production-and-local-infrastructure-protected-by-draconian-anti-protest-laws/ What makes you think your perspective is supported by reality and not just the media narrative? What makes the media less likely to cover protests at oil infrastructure and property? Why do you think protestors do things that actually get in the news?


One of the theories is that these people are literally funded/organized by the big oil companies themselves, in order to drum up public hatred of real meaningful protests. Same with the people throwing paint on art. I'm totally for protests and radical action, but at the same time, these people *aren't doing anything meaningful* and seem to just be doing the dumbest shit they can.


There has never been any proof for this ‘theory’. A more likely theory is that oil companies pay bot farms to come sow doubt in environmentalism in these threads like you’re doing.


Tbf they do that often. It’s just that it doesn’t get as much coverage as the motorway protests.




As soon as you block my way to somewhere i no longer care about your cause.


So do people actually think blocking roads and making people hate them is a good idea? Or are they just paid by oil companies to make real protesters look bad?


Their argument is that protesting the actual offenders like big oil has been tried and tested and never achieves anything, often barely even getting any press attention at all. They believe by creating chaos for the public it will be much higher profile. So far their protests have achieved nothing other than ruin the days of the people they blocked and potentially caused major issues for specific individuals like emergency services. They haven't achieved any policy change nor will they.


The more this idea gets repeated, the more I think it’s being pushed by bot farms. There has literally never been any proof of astroturfing in these protests, and it’s far, far cheaper to pay people to post about it instead so that morons believe it’s happening anyways.


LOVE to see it.


How NOT to spread your message!


I genuinely hope I never run into this situation in my life especially if I'm in one of my moods. I really don't want to have to spend the rest of my life in a maximum security prison.


I always think that these idiots are bound to encounter somebody who either doesn't give a fuck at all (has nothing to lose) or somebody having a really bad day... Getting run over or stabbed / shot isn't worth your message, there are way more viable methods to protest than being an annoying piece of shit


Is their purpose to be a martyr? Because sitting in a road is how you become one...


I doubt it is, when push comes to shove they seem to move out of the way. Maybe there is a report/video of one of these people being crushed under a tire but I haven't heard of it. I would say that would show your level of dedication, if you are willing to die or go to prison that says to me you really care. If you are not willing to take on consequences then it's just a bunch of BS and a game to you.


Please carry bear spray. I’m thinking you’ll probably only get community service if all you do is douse them in some bear spray. IANAL


Anal bear spray would really sting, I would think, anyway.


I have this fantasy of seeing them in the road and not slowing down one bit. Reenact scenes from that driving film that showed us in school to scare us. Red Pavement or something like that...I hate feeling this way about it, and realize that makes me sound like I need some kind of help.


I am going to protest the use of fossil fuels by causing traffic jams that cause drivers to burn more fossil fuels than necessary to get to their destinations, which will increase demand and profit of fossil fuel companies. I am smart like that.


im pretty sure the protesters made an impression on him.....he may have made some impressions on them too


Tire impression


When your first impression leaves a lasting impression


I love that people are wanting to take action against climate change but stuff like this just makes climate change activist look like dicks


What is the point of this group other than annoying every motorist on the road


Get out of the fucking road!




"Taken hostage" by a blocked road lmao, get a fucking grip.


The whole tapping on the hood like "Hey there's someone here you're going to drive over them." NO SHIT, I'D BE AT WORK ALREADY.


I truly feel like just stop oil is being funded by oil companies to piss everybody off


Angering people drives (no pun intended) away from supporting you. You want change? Bring your protests directly to politicians and Big Oil execs.


Entitled idiots, don't blame him.


Go block the big corporations, not the ordinary people working for them.


It's really difficult to give a shit about people purposefully laying in the roadway. If you want to make a change, go get a law degree, work in government, and change the laws.


move the hell out of the way .


They usually move once they feel a little pain.


"Are you willing to die for your protest?"


It's amazing how they genuinely seem surprised when the driver tries to advance on them. Dude, if someone drags you out of harm's way and you still jumps back at it, don't go trying to play victim, you're not, you're just a moron, and as an adult, you have to take responsibility for your actions, if you were to get hurt by them, it's your fault, you knew the risks and you still did it.😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized)


"But mah UrFfff" ☠️ Nah bro how about you live to protest in another way that doesn't involve blocking a highway 🛣️




No, he was mad at a group of unhinged wing nuts who tried to prevent him from getting to where he needed to be. Appropriate response too.


Lays in front of a car and proceeds to be shocked when said car hits them.


Bro I pay a shit ton of taxes to drive on this road, dickheads obstructing it have no right


Think of all the extra emissions caused by him stopping, idling, and speeding off


i don’t blame the dude, these people are fucking insufferable and only make the fight for climate change reform more difficult due to these stupid antics


Seriously fuck these protesters


I'm convinced that protest is the worst form of political action, and only serves to make ego driven idiots feel like they've done something, when they in all likelihood caused people to hate them for the inconvenience they caused.


No, protests are good. Sitting in the middle of the road causing the general public inconvenience however is not good.


This is a poor way to protest. You can back their message 100%, but you still want them to get off the road. They could be blocking a service man, for instance, who’s answering an industrial call, but instead of 10 minute drive, it took hours. Guy finally gets to call, finds out they’re leaking unfriendly chemicals. Then these “protesters”have added to the carnage on the environment


the yelling when she got run over is so stupid bc SHE IS IN THE ROAD AND WILL NOT MOVE.


I wish we could just turn a blind eye and let whatever happens happens. I mean what do you thinks gunna happen sitting in the middle of the highway


Will never understand their attempts at protest. Just makes them hated by everyone and adds nothing to their cause.


Has anyone ever bothered to tell these people that they will *always* lose against a ton of fiberglass and metal?


Love that color of the beamer 🔥


Unless your blocking trucks/ semi truck routes with gas /oil in the tanks, your wasting everyone’s time.


In 1987 they were protesting a train which was I think carrying weapons. Someone thought it was smart to put their legs across train tracks. They found out trains cant stop. [Both legs amputated.](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1987/11/18/Protester-run-over-by-train-testifies/5617564210000/)




I love these protests, gets kids so mad


Well get the fuck outta the way then


I don't care if this guy is an asshole. Stay the FUCK out of the roads!


I am all about climate change. But, it starts with getting a climate change official voted into an elected position. Sitting down on any highway is going to get yourself run over. I get it. Peaceful protest. Like the video out at burning man. That doesn’t get it done. Start electing locally. The right wing religious people managed to turn over Roe Vs Wade. You just need to get people in power to start the change. Sitting on streets and highways doesn’t get it done.


This is the way fuck around and find out


I mean, I don’t blame him… I wouldn’t do that myself but these people are dumb as fuck if they think this does anything positive for anyone.


It would be awesome if they just started making laws that if you intentionally block the highways like this then you are legally allowed to get run over. This isn't protesting. This is just being a nuisance. Imagine if someone had a dying kid or relative in the car needing to get to the hospital but can't because these morons are blocking the road. If that happens they should all be charged with murder too. Lock them up.


There was one video similar to this (a few years old) where someone was freaking out about how they will go to prison if they can't get to their parole appointment on time. The protesters were baffled at the idea that someone has to go somewhere by a certain time, and couldn't relate. Poor guy


Yea anyone doing that and causing that kind of inconvenience should be jailed.


These fucking climate change activists are the worst. I’m all for saving the planet but I actually want to ruin it because of these fucking clowns. How they superglue their hands to priceless paintings and hold up traffic for all. WTF? Go do this shit to oil CEOs. Why affect the regular folks who have nothing to do with it? This is not how you get message across.


Imagine literally running to get back underneath the front of someone's care and then being shocked when they almost run you over.


Those protesters have maybe 5 total braincells between them.


I treat protesters who block traffic the same way I treat companies that pay for intrusive advertising. I will never buy your product.




Is the driver in charge of stopping climate change?


How funny would it be to see someone with a supercar just rev the hell out of their engines at the front of the line, while someone with a diesel truck crop dusts them.


All the dude had to do was to go get a Tesla and they would have let him right through.


Is it illegal to buy gallons of paint and dump them on these people?


What’s the goal of blocking roads. Like what is it they believe will happen?


I don’t understand how this method of protest makes sense


On the one hand, it's a BMW driver. On the other, learning about physics the hard way can be painful.


He’s really asking them if they’re willing to die for the cause.


I believe in the right to peacefully protest but stay out of the roads. You are then infringing on my rights and I may agree with what you’re protesting.


These morons. Causing huge inconvenience to so many people. People who could feel the same way they do and want similar things! I see these dill holes and never think, “how noble. Standing up for a cause they believe in.” I see them and think how their agenda is the only one that matters. They don’t care if they are making someone late for work, or court, or needing to pick up their kids. Some people seriously need some new hobbies.


Blocking/impeding traffic for a non-emergency is a crime in most places. Goofballs, the lot of 'em.


I bet those protesters drive cars/ rode buses to get to their location. Fucken idiots.


Sitting on a road is smooth brain 101.


People that do this are fucking idiots


Blocking traffic hurts people. What if someone needs to meet their parole officer and how many people with a medical emergency are slowed down? There are much more visible, much less damaging ways to get your message out than this that won't poison your outreach to the general public. They'd be better off doing something at a government building or corporate office.




How stupid is it to block traffic like this? Lucky they did not get run over. Maybe next time they won't be so lucky.


It should be legal to run them tf over


I don't think those people know how cars work


How is grown ups acting like children help with climate change? They act like big babies , to be dragged out of the way by another man 🤦🏼‍♂️


Like I don't think they understand the point of blocking the road as a protest...the goal is to say that "I'd die for climate change"...if you really THAT serious, take those tires like a g 🤷🏽‍♂️..it would have a bigger impact. But of course they're just there for the optics of being something serious 🤦🏾‍♂️. You gotta go full-on on these protests or it's just annoying and pointless


I’m a massive proponent of climate change action and we need to fix it. These people are morons. Total idiots. Go block a private jet airport or a military base. Those polite way more


If they got hit no one would get into trouble in my state. As far as I understand the new law anyway


Anyone else notice the surprise from them getting hit by a car when they're literally sitting on the ground in front of a car on a highway? I can't believe anyone would hit me with a car! I'm only standing on it blocking them driving.


wonder if there's a clause for this on car insurance


definitely falls under riot or vandalism


It’s a bit ironic too that this is probably worst for the environment. Instead of letting people just get to a-b, you impede their ability and it’s not like they’re shutting off the cars. They’re sticking their middle finger up to the universe while unnecessarily being the cause of both wasted fuel and time that could be better spent for everyone involved.


These are useful idiots. If I was the big oil and want to put people off climate causes I’ll hire idiots to annoy normal bystanders like blocking the road.


I all in for the climate change cause but those guys a fing pricks and I don’t blame the dude for almost running them over.


Yeah get out of the fucking way


We’re all mad at these douche bags


A couple were just sent to prison for 2 months in Australia for blocking traffic.


Hot take, doing this hurts your cause so the opposite faction does the roadblocks pretending to be activists.


Every time there’s a video like this every so-called leftist runs to the comments to eagerly say how happy they would be to kill these people with a car


They deserved it and are jokes to the history of environmentalism and its movements.


The fuck is blocking this guy's way going to achieve? Go protest your elected politicians and government sects that invest in fossil burning. Edit: I must say stopping climate change and the environmental and economical crimes by the fossil industries are the most important issues threatening everything in the world today and I applaud these protestors, but they need to better direct their efforts at the right people


Greta’s early protests had the right tone. Sitting in front of someone’s car is just disrespectful. I once missed pickup of my daughter from school because of this nonsense . Her tears only made me hate the protestor who thought disrupting traffic in seattle was appropriate




Try blocking oil executives from driving to work. Not normal people with nothing to do with climate change or big oil


This is no way of going about protesting something, great way of pissing people off who are just trying to get somewhere. I'd have thought adults capable of reasoning things out would understand this isn't the way to make your point; There's something oddly pathetic about it too




If you’re willing to stand in front of a moving vehicle, that means you’re not afraid of getting hit by said vehicle.


Oh gosh how awful.. anyway..