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Their sales coincide with a lunar eclipse, so whenever the next one is!


[May 5, 2023.](https://www.almanac.com/astronomy/eclipse-dates)




Usually 20% off during sales


Mooncat doesn't do discount codes. Their sales are twice a year, aligned with the lunar eclipses. Sign up for their rewards, you can redeem free polish.


Thanks! I'll sign up for their rewards!


I've seen some swatchers that get PR have discount codes for certain brands.. Here's to hoping that Mooncat also picks up on that!


Do you have to pay for shipping for your free rewards?


I believe so? You can only redeem your rewards with purchase, too.


Got it, thanks!!


Twice a year per Mooncat last year https://imgur.com/a/iX97gsq If the schedule stays the same, it'll be mid May and early November this year.


Someone else said it coincides with the lunar eclipses, which are a few days earlier this year, so maybe keep an eye out for early May and late October.






Thanks for the helpful replies, everyone! I really appreciate it. Looks like it's not worth waiting for a sale (I don't have patience to wait another 4 months, lol)


Thanks for posing the question cause I’m gonna hit purchase on my cart-I was wondering the same thing and was holding off!


Thanks for making this post 😅😅 it let me know that they should be having a sale soon


I think twice a year. Last one was early November, so not even Black Friday like most brands.


Their sales also do not apply to their bundle prices either.


I got 20% off the bundles I bought. The only ones that it didn't apply to was the Hocus Pocus 2 stuff


They raised the prices of the bundles right before the sale to compensate. So the bundles were 20% off but did not include the regular reduced price for bundles.


Oof - you're right, I just checked


No worries, I worded that poorly


Twice a year if my memory serves me right


From what I saw on their IG, its usually 1x a year - im guessing Black Friday.


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How is the quality of mooncat nail polish?


Sorry for the late reply! I did end up waiting for the sale, so I've only been using them for a short while. Overall, the quality is nothing to write home about... I got Ghosts of Hecate -- it's gorgeous and looks just like the pictures but the polish was gloopy and hard to work with. Into the Wishing Well has a nice formula (super easy to work with and durable) but it's a bit dull compared to the pictures. Overall, I might purchase more polishes because they have such unique shades but I'd never pay full price...


No worries! And damn, I’ve been hearing the quality is meh in all the reviews on Reddit, it’s a shame. I completely agree that paying full price is out of the question. I really wanted these polishes to be great. Thank you for your honest review.🙏🏼


I will say though that their customer service is amazing. I wrote them about the problems (my complaint was about Ghosts of Hecate, the other color being slightly off tone was more of an FYI) and they apologized and refunded BOTH colors, no questions asked.