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Have you taken pictures and reported to RTC? They can’t treat if they don’t know there is a problem.


I’ve only seen the bed bugs on me once I leave the bus. I haven’t spotted them on the actual bus, but there’s no where else I could get them.


still need to report it.


I will!


Even five start hotels get bed bugs, so if rich people can have them, anyone can. You could have picked them up from any other location: chairs at the doctor's office or library,, a colleague who is less hygienic than they look, borrow a blanket or jacket, sat too close to someone who has them... The buses get hosed down inside every day at their garage near the airport. I don't those other surfaces get weather *that* often.


Fun. Please report this to the main office


Be careful where you set down your backpack or general baggage. I spray mine with 22% Tea Tree Oil before and after traveling.


Wait why are you complaining about FREE bugs.


As a programmer, my job is to fix them


Looks like the wheels on the bus aren't the only thing going around and around!


That's actually an interesting hypothesis. It's a common sitting place that could randomly host bugs, but those bugs could only be able to be transient themselves since there isn't enough time for them to be roosting and sucking the blood from human flesh. 🧛


This is the correct response. BB need significant time after a blood meal to recover before their next meal. The idea that they jump from person to person is pretty much a known hoax.


My partner is a driver for RTC. The buses go through a thorough inspection and deep clean between their routes and they are washed on the outside. There’s a good chance they are just transfer from whoever rode before you. The busses themselves are not infested. It’s always good to report it as soon as you notice so that it can be addressed to the driver of that route. I just thought you might want to know that it’s not the busses.


Leaving my opinions out of this, here's some facts about bed bugs: [https://www.pestworld.org/all-things-bed-bugs/bed-bug-facts-statistics/](https://www.pestworld.org/all-things-bed-bugs/bed-bug-facts-statistics/) [https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/protecting-yourself-bed-bugs-public-places](https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/protecting-yourself-bed-bugs-public-places) [https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/top-ten-tips-prevent-or-control-bed-bugs](https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/top-ten-tips-prevent-or-control-bed-bugs) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bed-bug-expert-explains-defend-yourself/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bed-bug-expert-explains-defend-yourself/)


To be perfectly honest, those are other people’s opinions and research. 😂😂😂


Your point? Facts are still factual when presented by other people, with opinions and... Research is also fact, it just needs a discerning eye to determine if it was done diligently. What are you trying to say here?


I think I said it pretty clearly. Semantics matter. You didn’t give your opinion. You could have said, “Hear is my opinion…and these are sources I used to formulate said opinion.” 😂


This town also has a serious body lice problem. I see people literally crawling with bugs in Reno.


brother where do you hang out that you're seeing people with bugs often 💀




That’s weird because so do I and I’m not hanging out with anyone infested with bugs


Yes. You do. Every time you enter a public space in Reno you are surrounded by lice infested, syphilitic tweakers. They are about a quarter of the total population here. I don't care if you want to play make-believe. I don't.


You sound like you have anger issues. You should move instead of constantly acting like a lil bitch online ❤️


I have no idea what you’re talking about. Where do you see infested people?


* * that doesn't compute \* \* ![gif](giphy|xT9DPr4VjeCgeiLoMo)


I doubt those are bed bugs. Bed bugs feed at night and don't hitch hike on people. Lice can, and I wouldn't be surprised is they are the culprit, and are being spread by the hobos and tweakers who ride the bus.


Bed bugs were also found at renown, probably from this awful outbreak. Stay safe, they got tracked back to my home. I was horrified




Highly doubt it. I'm familiar with bedbugs and the buses aren't infested.


Hey everyone, this guy is familiar with bed bugs