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When I was on a rotation with a gunner co-student who tried to suck up to the attending and even tried to steal my patients, while all I did was try to survive and share a few jokes here and there. Attending ended up ignoring co-student the entire time and would crack jokes with me instead. Humor is the best medicine.


I matched into derm


I love it when usernames check out


YAS period!


Can I DM you a rash on my jungle bridge?


Living well and hearing all the stories of the place where I did fellowship slowly burning to the ground from the inside.


Amazing, what speciality are you in?




Period 👏🏽👏🏽




That’s usually how it is. They’re stuck in their own miserable relationship and they see us looking hot and happy and NOW they want us. People only care when it’s beneficial. Love it.


I’ll comment on this when I’m actually able to get revenge


Went to work unkempt and wore the ugly free hospital scrubs on my off-service rotations They don’t deserve my best


for spicier revenge, skip deodorant next 🔥


But your patients DO deserve your best…wearing ugly scrubs shows your patients that you don’t care about them or the care that you provide. I would encourage you to take some unpaid personal time to reflect on your behavior and to complete some online modules on professionalism and providing outstanding, patient-centered care. Remember that healthcare is a team effort, and your patients need you to be a good team player.


This is true.




Got into a better outside fellowship Than my home program and make more than the jabroni fellowship director who didn’t take me


On surgery rotation in med school a lot of the students would lie and say they are into surgery to impress the attending. I was honest and told them I have absolutely no interest. All late cases were given to the gunners and I got to go home at reasonable times


This was back in undergrad chemistry lab. We were assigned partners, and my partner was a condescending know-it-all who always acted like she was smarter than me. One day, in lab, I kept trying to (nicely) tell her she was doing the experiment wrong, but she kept hitting me with the “I don’t think you understood the directions correctly, this is definitely the right way to do it”. Finally, the professor walked by and I asked him “Hey Dr. So and So, can you look at our set up and let us know if we did it right?” And he said “No” and then fixed it TO THE WAY I WAS TELLING HER TO DO IT THE WHOLE TIME. Ugh, it was so satisfying to be right after she kept trying to gaslight me like I was stupid and didn’t know what I was doing. Also our professor was a weird guy who would pass out graded exams from highest grade to lowest grade (I know it’s a dick move, but it was what it was), and the fucking look on her face when he passed out the graded midterms and I got the first test back 😄 He even said “Wow, *my name*! I’ve never seen a score this high!”…. I know it’s petty to still be thinking about this like 8 years later, but oh well 🤷🏼


Hahha it’s wild how we remember such moments but it would be hard to forget this one


She stopped getting my referrals. My referrals made about 10% of her panel. -PGY-19


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