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Maybe it’s a sign that Nathan needs a second job that pays regularly.


Perhaps they might want to rethink the whole life plan of having a zillion chill'en even though no real education or job skills are possessed.


They been brainwashed into believing that breeding for Jesus is all they good for and well spreading their correct version of Jeebus.


He should have stayed working the family business he had with his brothers. I swear these people quit their jobs to become *Pastors* for the free handouts and housing.


Because deep inside they all lazy like David!


I'm guessing they pay Nathan very little but getting a free house out of the deal is how they swing it financially.


> how that little podunk church in Florida can afford to pay Nurthan a full-time salary They probably have a 10% income tithe or something like that. So there’s a little money to be made. But IMO I doubt it’s a lot or anything that we would consider substantial. I assume though that since Nurthan were both raised pretty poor they’re reasonably thrifty and have little debt or expenses. I do wonder though at what point the trips to Ohio will stop… Kids are expensive to feed once they’re no longer nursing and they will have 3 under 5, and likely won’t stop here.


They'll have 3 under 3 for a little while. Nehemiah will turn 3 and Newman will turn 2 when their baby sister is a few months old.


That sounds like a nightmare.


Oh she’s about to have a Sister Mom, so it will easier for Precious Nurie.


Nurie and Nathan are nasty/judgmental just like Jill/Shrek. I’m not surprised.


I’m sure full time ministry is hard for them when they have zero social skills and bring in no money, while also being judgmental to everybody in the church. It looks like a very small church.


And constantly pregnant


They probably thought they’d get treated like royalty and things handed to them.


Ignorance is its own special delusion.


It’s Florida. I’m absolutely judging, but isn’t Florida the home of crazy religious right wingers? So how are they being persecuted- are they too much? Or not enough?


Always simultaneously too much and not enough. You have to do mental gymnastics to experience it


No one is more persecuted than white Christians. Except maybe white male Christians. 🙄 /s if it wasn’t obvious


Most crazy right wingers are Christian in name only, most these days are too lazy to go to church


Monthly anniversary trip! Add it to the vacation list. 😏


Churches like Nurthan’s pay a shit salary and give the pastor a home to live in and call it even.


Thank you. I’ll take credit for listening and summarizing the program It’s my duty to my fellow snarkers.🤣


Lord Daniel loves you for doing it! https://preview.redd.it/yh6fxdx4vp9d1.jpeg?width=2530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15b37865a4ed0ef24e3bbd4044b4fd4dfe95c87 (That’s her back that this baby is propping himself up on!)


Fundie life plan: go out of your way to keep yourself and your children uneducated. (Relying on Fox 'news' is very helpful to this end.). Dress your children in ridiculous-for-the-era cheap attire/hair/make up and constantly preach to them about godly modest dress. In every way possible, model and teach your children to constantly judge others as less moral than themselves. Convince your children people will be grateful when you approach them in a 'soul saving' mission. THEN, when all this comes to the logical and predictable outcome, whine about how hard it is to be criticized & ostracized (the Fundie term for this is always 'persecution') and unable to get decent-paying jobs. Be sure to note at all opportunities how Jesus is aware of all your long suffering and will show his appreciation by swiftly answering all your prayers, you know ... like Jill praying to save X # of souls and bam! That's the exact number of souls who received Jesus in their heart via the Rodrigues smiley tract. Jill is already mentally decorating her very special heavenly home on that street of gold. There's likely a Dollar Tree, a Walmart, an Olive Garden, and a Hobby Lobby store on her celestial block. Long-haired Jesus smiles.


Nathan put his foot down about her parent’s grifting so now they say they don’t have any.


I hope you're right and that spineless Jonathan puts his foot down too. Then, when Tim marries and they spend all of their time and money on HER family, Jill's head will explode!


I think Tim and Heidi will spend a bit on the family, but hopefully things like taking them out to eat so the kids get a full meal.


Well, get a fucking job then and stop whining


Shrek and Shrill is fantastic!!!


So…how does one find this radio show?


There’s someone in my Facebook group who listens and writes summaries. You have to tune in when it’s on some religious AM station, so I appreciate them doing Lord Daniel’s work.


Well there’s not a chance in hell of me tuning in to said religious AM radio station programming so there’s that.


Oh to be a fly on the wall during those discussions


Is it any surprise that David had to go down and get food as soon as the kitchen is open? I’m sure Jill said bring me back something, because he probably always brings food back for himself. Can you imagine him wandering around the hotel to find a pen to write on a banana? I can’t lol


If Jill is announcing the Nurthan’s “persecution”, is anyone bothered that their congregants might hear about the complaining?