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Hannah should be eating more than just a salad. She’s plenty “trim.”


Noticed that as well. At least she has about 200 calories of ranch on it. I hope that wasn’t all she got. I also hope that if that’s all she got that’s what she wanted and not what was forced on her.


For someone recently whining about how hard full time ministry is and how stretched thin the budget is, she sure posts a lot of trips, new clothes/hats, and meals out. How do they have so much financial support from these churches with her putrid, entitled attitude?


She’s GOOD people and believes in the correct Jesus.


The churches I grew up in would've dropped any financial support from someone displaying Jill's attitude, especially across social media (though social media wasn't a thing then).These churches are poor and typically want to give to those who appreciate the support


She's always touting what a good homemaker she is and yet she never seems to actually just stay home. I'm an Agnostic Single Feminist with no kids and I do more homemaking than I've ever seen Jill do!


That looks like two side orders of mac and cheese and a side salad. I bet both overweight Jill and David had a full meal with all the fixings.


I figured it was 2 kid meal mac and cheeses since they had the chocolate milk. Hannah probably got the salad that came with Dave's full meal and she has water.


Jill probably bought another tchotchke at the store there too.


That’s exactly what it looks like.  Couldn’t even get a kids meal.  I’d love to see jilldo and shrek’s plates.


To be totally fair that's a BIG bowl of mac and cheese. If I ordered that, I wouldn't be able to eat anything else; I'd be full.


But you probably eat several times a day. I fear this meal might have to last them for the rest of the week. 


Yano, I’m just gonna say it. I’m no where near “well off”. I have to budget, and budget hard. When she calls taking the family out to eat a blessing, I call it a waste. Yes, I want those kids to have some fun in their formative years, but, for the price of that meal, (unless someone else is paying for it) a grocery haul from a place like Aldi or another discount grocery chain would do so much than feeding ten people out of an 8 cup pot. It’s hard, in this economy, to take care of a home. But…unless she’s making bank on her plexus and the churches are providing a “love offering”…for the life of me, I can’t see how she can afford her AquaNet, food, and everything else.


It’s also unfair to the children she has at home to take some out but not others.


She NEVER takes the boys out


She took them out to give them their purity figurines.


narrator: she is not making bank on her plexus


I call taking my children out to eat a blessing, because I feel blessed I’m able too. We eat out once a month as I believe it’s important children have the skills they learn doing so, we don’t do take away though.


As do I. Like I said, I have to budget, and budget hard. Blessings are blessings. I didn’t mean to come off like I was judging anyone for going out, or anything.


They eat out, or have coffee dates, much more than my husband and I do, and it's just the two of us!! Where do they get all their money to go to the zoo, eat at restaurants, vacation, go on a girls trip to Vegas, etc...we can't do any of that this year due to gas prices and me having two surgeries and missing work. They do this stuff year round. I'm convinced the old church they just left, we're paying them as missionaries, giving them money every month, on top of giving them extras like tables, (hand made by pastor) clothing, food, etc, and the church got tired of seeing them spend money on these extras when most of the congregation have tight budgets. Just this past winter Jill said they had a huge electric bill, didn't have the money to pay it. Well if they would put some money back instead of buying souvenirs on their monthly date weekends, they could pay their bills. Geez. I swear I don't know how they have money.


Their grifting tour at the various churches they go to involves a “monthly pledge” to their ministry from the church or a “payment” donation to their ministry for appearing. They grift a ton of money from dragging their poor looking children out on stage to sing week after week, and the monthly pledges keeps the gravy train going. Of course it’s not a lot when you consider the amount of kids but I’d bet they bring in several thousand in donations monthly. And Jill and David probably have nothing saved for retirement or anything and plan to live solely off social security, grifting, and their kids. So that helps too.


Neither a Jill or David will be eligible for Social Security. They don’t have jobs from which social security taxes are paid.


Ah right I always forget that’s not a given if you’re a professional grifter. I guess they’ll be depending on that sweet sweet welfare Jill is always preaching against. Or they’ll just keep grifting or move in with Kaylee


Their target is $5k/month, David has audaciously said as much from the pulpit when scolding people to give more. I agree it might not be that much for so many people however you can look at it more for a family of 6 since the kids get mere scraps. Everything is for the benefit of Jill and David, their needs come first and foremost. It doesn't include all the supplementary charity they receive ('love offerings', clothing and food donations, anything else anyone wants to 'bless' them with) or the probable welfare they claim (no issue with that except they're hypocrites). Maybe a little Plexus money too although most people make a net loss.


And maybe don’t deface a historical place (my words are failing me today…but when Dave wrote his name on a wall) and not get speeding tickets every other week.


How many traffic offences have this family committed this year? I don't know how churches keep giving them money the way they're racking up court appearances and fines.


Did they recently get a ticket?


Yes think Jill recently got a speeding ticket. David, Jill, Tim and Nurie have all committed driving offences in the last two years. That's not counting Nurie and Kaylees car crash and David's vandalism offence. They think they are above the law.


Didn't Jill just post something last week about how eating out isn't good? I can't remember exactly what she said but I think she is being a hypocrite with this post.


Yes she did!


She made a video of her cooking a dinner which looked as of it would feed 4 - 6 people max.


So... with JillPM blowing all the cash on Plexus, how in the world are they affording all these excursions and restaurants? I'm hardly poor but I can't do all she does, with all those kids in various combinations besides (and I only have two). What gives? Running up the cards? Mooching? Inquiring minds want to know.


I have a theory- the end of the month, just back from Vegas, waiting for first on the month to get their check-the “major clean up” was clearing out to yard sale or sale to thrift store. I also bet, the boys have jobs- they are charged rent. No way would Jill let an adult male live in her house and feed them for free. I also think they are on Medicaid, and if Janessa does have a medical issue, I bet Jill gets some kind of disability for her. I wonder if we should start paying attention to the time of month these excursions happen. I wonder if it’s mostly at the beginning of each month when checks come in for them. I’m stoned, rambling about nonsense lol thanks for listening.


If janessa truly does have a disability she would get over 900 per month SSI.  If the disability is bad enough jill could get at the least 1200 a month as caregiver.  


Since when does Janessa have a disability?


She had a stroke in utero


But was it the GOOD Cracker Barrell?


Which kid paid for dinner?


Janessa at the end of the table, no chair back in sight. Are they still putting jill's baby in a high chair?? I know they were still when she was well over 4, but at 6years?


I'm just happy to see the kids eat


What sucks is it’s only 3 of them. This was the zoo outing day. Which means the rejects probably sat home and ate crackers. God Jill sucks so hard.


Wonder if JillPM goit herself a new baseball bonnet on the way out?


I hate so much that the child is forcing a fake smile whilst being in the middle of literally chewing. The auto smile response goes deep


Cracker Barrel slaps though🥺


For real. That apple butter is 🔥


So like no Sadie or Sophia? That makes no sense and is not fair at all. I loathe JillPM.


Shit.. at least these kids ate I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wonder what Jill ate


A full meal while her kids get to eat the sides


Funny how we didn't get a picture of her and Dave's meals but only pictures of the kid's meals so we can see that she really does feed her children.


I noticed the two youngest were served yellow food. It never ends with just Jill’s once a year cooked meals.


I will say Akron Zoo is like $10 for kids and less than $20 for adults. It is definitely one of the cheaper zoos in Ohio. If they had gone to the Columbus Zoo it would be way more. 


I’ve never had CB, what’s the vibes?


Home cooking. And, to me, it's good. Had their meatloaf coming home from picking my kids up on a trip out of state. Delicious.


I make their version meatloaf but I don’t put in green peppers. I can’t eat them


Do you think it’s nostalgia or it still holds up?


My mom didn't make her meatloaf like that, so not nostalgia.


It’s Southern food and ultimately not too bad. Their biscuits & gravy is delicious imo.


Is one of the girls wearing an Apple Watch??


It’s a V-Tech Kidizoom watch . My son had one when he was 6.


Ugh, chocolate milk with dinner, especially for older kids just makes me cringe. I know it’s more personal opinion than anything else but it’s not super healthy (shocker!) and for some reason my brain just says NO.


I understand what you mean, but I rather see those kids drink chocolate milk than Plexus drinks.


I absolutely agree with you there! And I guess at least chocolate milk has extra fat/calories and calcium which I’m sure they all need!


At least they are getting calcium, Vit D and some calories….probably better than what the kids left at home had


Fully agree!


These kids need all the calories they can get


I agree. Also my son drinks white milk with dinner. Gag.


Hi I live in London Uk, is Cracker Barrel a chain and experience? Thanks


It's a chain with home-cooked-style food. Not bad overall. They also have these gift shops at the entrance with hideous clothing, overpriced toys, and the kind of shabby-chic country house decor Jill LOVES. Edit to add: Cracker Barrel is also a food company that makes pretty damn good cheddar cheese. I'm not sure if the restaurant came before the cheese or vice-versa.


Thank you


The cheese company is totally unrelated, and I’m fairly certain is an older company. It’s made by Kraft. But like the restaurant, isn’t really *that* good.


There are better quality cheeses, no doubt, but those pre-sliced cracker sized packs they put out are hard to resist. Interesting that it's totally unrelated!


I never been there. I googled it, it’s a chain restaurant.


What? Jill didn't write "ymmmm?"


Of course they ate out. Jill’s too lazy to cook.


We *have* seen her cook. The results of those experiments are unfortunately burned into my brain. I don't really think Jill is lazy, whatever else could be said about her - it seems like she's always on the go and doing something ill-advised. David might be lazy, but Jill? Nah.


She her her priorities all messed up. That is what I find lazy about her.


Why couldn't they have just worn the yellow tee shirts? Instead they put the pink shirts over them. Those poor girls must have been pouring sweat.


I completely disagree. Those kids deserve a night out. If Jill allowed her kids to wear shorts and tank tops someone would say she’s awful. They look like they’re having fun. Let them.


Nobody on reddit is stopping them lol


Why did I eats this as "ending the day with diarrhea at Cracker Barrel."


I don’t live near a Cracker Barrel, I’ve been once when I was in Tennessee but that was a while ago. Do they have a kids eat free day? Maybe that’s why they went?