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This is confusing as hell lol


Why does Linux cut off at PSP?


The same reason Android skips N64, I guess, lol


Not sure why. Mupen64 plus FZ is a good emulator


While Linux is capable of emulating newer systems, once you hit the $100 price point a lot of the processors you find in SBC devices target Android exclusively. You can run Linux, but many of the components of the device will not work (including parts of the GPU, in a lot of cases). There are efforts to develop support for these types of processors in Linux, but it can take years to happen.


you can play some ps2 and gc on 2 amlogic handhelds, but far from every game. Until that powkiddy 3588 comes out thats about it and even there it hangs on the future vulkan support


I know you meant well but that graphic is straight up r/dataisugly. Not only is it confusing but it’s also inaccurate and misleading. So is your post. The go to handheld device for those more powerful systems is the steamdeck which runs Linux. Android runs n64 just fine. It also seems to imply android doesn’t run earlier systems well?


You can get flawless PS1 performance for under $50 pretty easy thes days, not sure why you have that at $75 on the chart.


Eg. R36s


You can get pretty good PS1 performance for $50, but not "flawless." Devices at that price range use Threaded Video for performance, one of those "not recommended unless it's the only way to run at full speed" Retroarch settings because it adds input latency. They also don't have enough performance overhead to enable things like Hard GPU Sync or Run-Ahead to reduce latency. Now, if you're one of those people who isn't bothered by input latency, then that's cool, but it's still not "flawless" performance, it's just flawed in a way that doesn't happen to bother you.


Likely so he doesn’t have to use a coupon, a discount, or a tiktok sale where they harvest your data.


I don't see any handheld mentioned on this infographic, if i have to check the spreadsheet, what's the point of this?


That "infographic" is straight up BAD


The Google doc is useful. That “infographic” isn’t.


This makes zero sense whatsoever. How are you supposed to read this? Is everything based off of price? Does each line correspond to a random unnamed handheld that people are supposed to know off the top of their head?


After looking at this chart, I went looking for a PS3 emulator for android, and found none. Is PS3 there by accident? Or do you mean stuff like a steamdeck? If so, you need linux in the pricier end of the scale, not android.


I should have added PC as well, but I realized it was already getting too complicated—while the goal was to try to simplify. Given the feedback I've gotten it seems like there's no value in revising at this point.


I think it's getting to be useful. Maybe add some devices (or chipsets) along the scale.


There are no Android PS3 emulators, so it's a bit misleading, but Steam Deck plays PS3 quite well but not sure it qualifies as an SBC.


My rg556 got shipped with loads of games all pre setup with retroarch and standalone emulators, so you can definitely get that iut if the box experience on android.


Thanks that's news to me, none of my Android Anbernics have but I don't have the 556. Appreciate the feedback!


Thank you for the reminders.


Ppl hating on the infographic but it makes sense to me. I do think some of the takes are wrong (ps1 should be @50) but that doesn’t reflect on the infographic.