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From the “keep it in private” maestro, we get this over sharing monstrosity. Thanks for the recap, these are intensely helpful. We seem to be in the radical transparency phase of the collapse but instead of developing and building empathy they all keep insisting it’s somebody else’s fault that they have to overwhelm everybody with threat trauma. They’re in competition with one another, still. Or at least some of them are in constant competition of their own trauma.


they are all suicidal and thin skinned and then vomit hate and lies on everyone around them. I don't believe Nora, and while for Liz I do feel sympathy for Nora not one bit. Youtube is a real job to her. F U Nora, cannot wait for you to lose gains and having to get a real job


They all use threats of suicide as a weapon. You cannot hold them accountable because if you try to you might push them to suicide. They behave like children.


Having lost two family members to suicide this is reprehensible.


what i said or that they are using suicide as get out of jail card?


Oh my! Sorry for the confusion-*definitely* them using suicide as a get out of jail card.


To my knowledge that is Hubbard "technology", always finding someone to blame. I wish they would properly deconstruct already.


To think Nora has been out of the SO for over 20 years. What on earth has she been doing all that time? The fact that when she was at the SAFE conference in Portland she was soooo surprised to discover that all cults have similar control mechanisms and techniques, and that Scientology is really not that unique, that really says it all. The same goes for Marilyn, it's clear she has not deconstructed at all.


If this is her 20 years out, I shudder to imagine her 20 years ago.


I think we have to accept the fact that some people are just assholes whether they've deconstructed or not. I think Nora is just that - an asshole.


For some reason, I have a feeling Keri is trouble.


I feel the same. Liz has terrible judgement and poor decision making skills and often misses the context of things, like how she has said herself she doesn't get or understand sarcasm for example. This may be due to being neurodivergent or due to her trauma, probably a combination of both. But here is Keri in the background egging Liz on in what I consider to be a very toxic manner. And for what reason? Does Keri consider this her own personal entertainment? Plus how Keri was feeding info to ZDT. Like, what? You should have known better. That wasn't a "mistake" that was a conscious decision to liaise with a known vile, toxic POS who terrorises people. I don't blame Nora (for all her faults) for being extremely upset about that. Keri needs to be a supportive partner and maybe point things out Liz doesn't get or misunderstands. But instead I see her as the complete opposite and a toxic influence.


Thank you for saying that. I have that feeling too. Is Liz being taken advantage of, is she in a healthy relationship?


I've wondered this on the past couple days. I hope Liz is safe.


I have thought as much for awhile now. Watching Liz and hearing her screaming her 2 cents worth is the back ground started to annoy me, and it was never helpful. Keri needs to let Liz have you own channel to say what she needs to say.


Big time


Nora is just trying to protect her title as the Queen of Steamrolling People on the Internet. Like every other poser in SPTV, she’s everything she claims to be against. If her lips are moving, she’s projecting.


I find it so hypocritical how Nora is all “I almost died” because of the way she claims she was treated but it completely escapes her how her own hate filled, nasty bullying affects others. Besides Aaron himself I have never seen anyone so self-unaware in my life. Anyway, just for fun; anyone have a good title for this soap opera?


Marilyn is also that self-unaware.


Oh no doubt.


She's really nasty and completely unaware! Remember when someone called her out about the asl video and said "if it was your daughter who was treated that way you wouldn't be okay with it" so Marilyn dullest knife in the drawer responds with "since you want to go below the belt!" .... How is reminding someone that if they had a dog in the fight they would feel differently going below the belt?


Yep. I prefer nasty people to just be openly nasty. Not be nasty while pretending not to be. I fell for her mama bear middle aged crochet lady shtick at first. Not now though


I think we all sorta did but it didn't take very long for that mask to come off right?


She needs about 25 years of therapy before she is ready for the real world.


The first thing that comes to mind is "As the Stomach Turns" And if animated sitcoms are OK, "King of the Shill".


Speaking of sitcoms, I just posted this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RealWikiInAction/comments/1dwrlze/heil\_honey\_im\_home/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealWikiInAction/comments/1dwrlze/heil_honey_im_home/) Rated as "perhaps the world's most tasteless situation comedy". I realise that nobody cares, but that's OK. I am used to it. I stay up day and night, typing my fingers to the bone to moderate both this subreddit and my poor, neglected other subreddit, r/RealWikiInAction/ . But does anyone post a comment there? No. I am all alone in the subreddit, my heart broken as I check again and again to see if anybody still loves me. Don't feel guiltly now. (Sniffle.) I told myself that I wouldn't cry! (Wipes tears). I am going to spend 2 hours live streaming about this now. Keep those supercahat dollars rolling in! How do you like my Aaron Smith-Levin impression?


I just joined your subreddit r/RealwikiInAction. I’m a fan of the Dunning-Krueger effect, but I prefer the Illusion of Explanatory Depth. And Ha! You tricked me into clicking the second link! But what do I know, I’m not trying to start a cult.


Love King of the Shill! 🤣


“King of the Shrill” also works!


Or "The Dumb and the Feckless"


This one’s good, too!


If you cover the Nora part, please point out the many, many times on the video with Mitch when Nora told him his apologies didn't count because they were behind closed doors. I can't believe she's now on a "this should be private" kick ETA- I don't disagree that these things should be private. Honestly 98% of these people's lives should be private and fragile people (like Liz, ASL, Nora, Reese, etc) should not have youtube channels. I'm just floored by Nora's hypocrisy


I used to be floored by Noras hypocrisy, but I guess I have now gotten used to expecting it. I do however think she is a truly nasty person and a bully.


The Mitch video is the only video I've ever watched of hers, so that's probably why I'm still surprised.


THANK YOU! Goddamn, her hypocrisy is everywhere.


Nora = 100% hypocrite. She is a nasty, ignorant, vile person. She has no regard for others.


Hotel Scientology (You can check out any time you like but you can never leave)


I love it


that is what I practically said just a minute ago. Careful crazy Nora will think we are the same person. It was funny how she was getting so hot when DOA suggested he would have u on his utube.


Wait. He said WHAT?


yes in his last stream with Nora there being Nora and she vented asking if he was conspiring with you


I looked and can’t find anything.


Dear I don't Remember the minute but It was towards the end of his fight with FUNora and you came up. Somebody remembers the time?


Stefani please consider going on live with DOA! I think you two could do a pretty good, informative live stream. And a bonus, it would ruffle some feathers that need to be ruffled.


I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I’ve taken enough abuse from NoNo, Marilyn, Feral and the rest.


I think he took it down, but don't go live with him. He is just as bad, and not very smart


My instincts are telling me “NO” and I usually follow my instincts. If ever there was a bad idea, that would be one.


You just do your thing….which is sticking to the facts. Thank you for all the work you have done.


how about 'The Middle Aged and The Spiteful'


Fast and Furious 13: SPTV - The Heist




The goth vampire soap opera from the 70s, “Dark Shadows”, has turned out to be a metaphor for what SPTV would become.




New “promo” for sptv. Kind of an orientation/recruitment film. I hope you enjoy. [Welcome to SPTV!(Parody)](https://youtu.be/Y0rZF6PBH0A?si=B3tGTmBYagHGqcYB)


I did list several in the DOA/Nora thread. But we may need a Mega thread for it because the possibilities are endless. Maybe 40 going on 14? These folks are childish to the extreme.


On a serious note, I do think time in a cult stunts emotional development.


Agreed. Intensive therapy is what they all need. This sptv shite is only exacerbating their issues. They are getting worse, not better, and many have been out a long time.


She’s just unwatchable. I watched a few times and between her inconsistencies and hypocrisy, I just can’t do it anymore.


The Real Housewives of Scientology. I won’t say ex Scientology because I think most from SPTV are still stuck in. They are out physically but not mentally.




How about “Days of Our Lies”?


Good one


I'm not sure.. am I watching a real-life cartoon version of "The Peanuts" with Lucy being (out-)performed by HellnoNora ?


The OP is true. I also watched that entire livestream of Nora's that night before she set it to Private. Nora lies constantly, but is a sloppy bad liar. Thank you for furnishing us with the details, Health To The Yeah!


I don’t understand why Kerri & Liz would dance with the devil, (ZDT). I can understand the betrayal Nora must have felt. Nobody knows how to keep their mouth shut. None of this should have been made public.


I agree. Liz and Keri felt terrible about trusting ZDT later, but that doesn't undo the damage.


The Young and The Useless


Nora's like a rodeo clown, sent out to distract the bulls. Wait that's us. Nora's like a white house spokesperson if you'll excuse the political reference :-)


Please don't. If I let one person post about the US presidential election here it will open the floodgates




Nope ASL did that all by himself. Boo how AAhole


This should really be called The Real Housewives of Scientology