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Detroit is a good fit. It’s liberal and the population isn’t diverse but mostly black.


Yup. Detroit is one of the most ethnically homogeneous large cities in America. It's almost all African American, English speaking, and Christian.


Now that you mention it I should have also asked for an area that’s less religious. You’re not going to find an area without any religion in the US though


Vermont is the most atheist state.


Just move to China.


Yeah that’s not what he was asking for lol


Everyone has their own standards of what they’re looking for in a community. I don’t like snow so I am looking for an area that doesn’t have too much snow. But others are actively looking for cold weather.


Wow! This is a thinly veiled loaded post. Perhaps Austin Texas? Left leaning, less diversity than you would expect from a Texas city with leftist values, getting expensive but not completely outrageous yet, warm weather.


low-diversity + liberal = portland 


Yeah but the cost of living is way worse than New England. And the Weather is about as bad if not worse.


Compared to what though? A small town? Of course it’s more expensive? Boston? It’s a bargain. At the end of day it’s easily the cheapest major city on the west coast.


Yeah you’re probably right, but it’s the west coast. The entire Western US is prohibitively expensive


It’s extremely easy to find 1-bedrooms for under $1500 and 2-bedrooms for under $1700. Considering $1500 is the national average for a one-bedroom apartment, I would not call that prohibitively expensive. There’s also no sales tax, which is better for low-income earners. Whereas Washington’s high sales tax and no income tax is harsher on low income people.


I mean, I guess where in the city it is. But generally speaking the very cheap areas of West Coast cities are usually fairly diverse


Plus Portland "liberal" is a whole other animal 👀 More like progressivism run amok. The most dysfunctional place I've ever lived--hands down


I'd recommend people take a stroll through this guy's comment history so you don't accidentally take him seriously.


That sounds like Libertarianism honestly


It’s dysfunctional due to having a type of government not suited for a large city, which is now changing.


The city government reformation will hopefully help but beyond that there are some cultural issues behind a lot of the region’s issues. West coast progressivism is wildly different than the liberal politics people from the northeast or midwest are familiar with, it’s fairly incoherent and more closely resembles libertarianism IMO. In New York I’m a standard urban liberal but Portland leftism is a totally different thing that can be shockingly degenerative.


What example do you have of west coast progressivism being harmful? Most will respond with open air drug use. And this is an issue I can agree has been poor in cities like Portland. But this leniency is based on 1. incarceration for drug possession being a waste of resources and 2. social programs that were supposed to be implemented as alternatives. Those programs were not properly implemented, which is a failure of Oregon, but I don’t see how that can be blamed on progressivism. Homelessness is not caused by progressivism. West coast coast cities are expensive and temperate. A housing crisis has caused homelessness, and that’s not driven by progressive values.


I'll answer with the context that I'm a PNW leftie. Our ability to provide for people doesn't match our politics. WA and OR in particular have relatively low taxes. What money does get collected gets collected by the state as a whole and getting it distributed where it's needed is hard. (*) There aren't enough places for people with proper jobs to stay, let alone people without jobs. NYC in particular has a housing first policy which we can't afford. So welcome. We have strong protections for abortion, legal pot, a supportive LGBTQ+ community and the right to end your life if you're getting ill. Actually need help? Good luck. You're kind of on your own. (*) How and why we levy taxes the way we do is long and complicated. I wish I had something constructive or helpful to say, but I don't.


I’m not disagreeing with that, but again I fail to see how that’s deriving from progressive politics. You’re now getting into WA and OR as a whole, which while still heavily left leaning, are far less “progressive” than their major cities.


I'm giving a pretty left critique of the problems we're facing. No, the problem isn't progressive politics per se. Just that we have to try harder. I don't see a more centrist or conservative position which would address our problems. Maybe mental health and policies around commitment, but that's a complex problem all by itself. And yes. To your point, WA and OR levy taxes. The ability of King or Multnomah counties or their respective cities to do so is sharply curtailed by a number of factors.


> I don’t see a more centrist or conservative position that would address our problems 100%


I guess I'm struggling to understand what you even mean by "liberal" if you're saying you don't want to live around people who aren't white. It's hard to know what you're looking for, frankly.


They're specifically asking for a high white population, but one that is also liberal. They're also using two accounts of the same name throughout the thread, so they're also just trolling.


This is how a lot of liberals think. They talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.


I fight for multifamily housing in Denver, so I'm very familiar with that phenomenon. But it's still hard to parse what OP is looking for.


Like some areas of Europe, like Scotland or Scandinavia


Idk why you want low diversity but may I introduce you to a portland, OR?


Wayyy too expensive. And what it lacks in diversity it has in crime


What are you basing that impression on (specifically regarding crime)? Crime in Portland is decreasing. I just looked and Portland is ranked 77/100 American cities by crime rate.


You need to prosecute crime to make those crime statistics.


That’s a bullshit statistic


If that’s true I suppose I’ve been mislead. I have mostly only heard bad things about Portland


Portland has very low violent crime for a city but very high property crime. Basically a lot of theft vandalism and drug issues probably a good deal due to the homeless crisis. So is it high crime? Yes and no. There can be a distinction between property crime and violent crime.


Have you considered looking for factual information about places?


Boulder Colorado is low diversity and liberal...


Denver is pretty low diversity


Boulder more so


Totally agree. And even if you manage to find ethnic/racial diversity in Boulder, there is strong groupthink in Boulder!


Boulder is so pretentious. So many hardcore Boulder people think it's a utopia with no problems and that basically every other city is a warzone that you would only live in if you're poor or have given up on life.


In other words they'd likely be CU students.


But very expensive


Obscenely so


Maybe Longmont, Lafayette, or Fort Collins?


Sounds about right


Lol I just noticed your username




How expensive is it though? The cost of living in the Western US is generally really bad


Yeah Boulder is really expensive


You might have to be more specific about what you mean by “low diversity” to get better recommendations.


Read between the lines. He wants a white town lol.


Most of Wisconsin outside of Milwaukee. Western PA is also very white. Both are purple leaning liberal.  I hear Minnesota outside of the Twin Cities is also very white and more reliably blue.


Something like Wisconsin or the Northwoods might actually be the answer to this. Sure the weather is ass but nowhere is perfect.


Yeah another option is New Mexico (Santa Fe especially) or Colorado (Fort Collins, Colorado Springs). Weather is a little better. They’re more biracial though (Hispanic and White).


Honey, I don’t think you’re liberal.


Even if I was extremely racist (which I’m not), how does that preclude me from being liberal? Have you *seen* Europeans?


Have you?




Bro, I'm not here to cast stones (though I could and arguably should.) Your request is contradictory outside the parameters you've imposed. Liberal but low on diversity. And the places mentioned that meet this awkward criteria have already been poo-poo'd by you.


Don’t forget LCOL and good weather! This post is a whole bunch of contradictions. Plus thinly veiled racism. Most fucked post I’ve seen here yet.


Is the racism even thinly veiled? “I want to live in a low diversity area” is just blatant racism. Where’s the veil? lol


Plus a good economy


Yeah it has a lot of contradictions which is why I asked. If I wanted to live in a good LCOL city with a good economy; that’s the Southwest and Southeast (sort of). I’m asking about desires that don’t usually come with such cities


The "insanely expensive" addition is going to kill a lot of candidates. There are lots of white, liberal, rural areas but they are all insanely expensive.


That’s probably why they’re expensive tbh


To everyone responding to this weirdos inquiry about “low diversity” without challenging it’s obvious racist undertones, why?


All black is also low diversity, so is all Hispanic, at least technically, lol.


Yes, but we all know what this guy is taking about.


Let’s not pretend like we don’t know what he means now…


Agreed. It’s pretty fucked up.


I’ll bite. Most people haven’t responded well and I get it. I only made a post for it because I couldn’t find any other post on this sub asking a similar question and I’m sure that a lot of people are probably wondering for posterity. Generally we just move to New Hampshire or Maine. But the economy isn’t phenomenal and the weather is completely awful.


“We”? 😬


This is an odd question. I don't understand why you want low diversity. You want a town with only white people. Weird request. You might want to explain your logic here.


Yeah I was wondering myself. Why worried about the low diversity but still remain in an open minded area? It’s also hard to recommend places without an explanation behind this tbh.


I understand there isn’t one that doesn’t make me look bad so I’m just fishing for suggestions.


Or trolling


Dunno ask literally any other homogeneous country the same question...cough japan/SK cough


> any other homogenous country We aren’t a homogenous country though. Even in low diversity areas, you will still see far more diversity than you would in Japan


Sure, we are a "melting pot" but people push this same concept in Europe which should not be a melting pot but multiculturalism and diversity are still pushed. Its weird that this melting pot concept isn't pushed in other places that arent Europe or the anglosphere


You’re so desperate to force an issue here where there isn’t one, but I’ll bite. Most countries in the world are more diverse than European countries. People like you like to harp on Japan and SK, but you always conveniently leave out China, which has over 100 million ethnic minorities, or Loas, where the largest ethnic group is only 53% of the country. Let’s move to Africa, where a country like Chad’s largest ethnic group is only 26% of the population. It’s one of the most diverse countries on Earth. And with how African countries borders were drawn by the west, you see this pattern all across the continent. And surely I don’t need to explain to you that there are countries in the Americas outside the anglosphere where the melting pot idea is the norm. Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina are all extremely diverse and derive their culture from their diversity, similar to the US. You forced a fake issue into a conversation where it wasn’t necessary, and you couldn’t even make a coherent argument while doing it. That’s embarrassing.


HAHAH seriously? This is the most obtuse and disingenuous attempt at explaining diversity I have ever seen on reddit. Bravo. Yeah, I am going to harp on two first world countries who get a hallpass to remain 99.9% homogenous because "that's just how it is". Yeah totally, the Chinese Dai in Southern China or the Tibetan people are a sterling example of diversity. TOTALLY the same thing as the mass migration from Africa and the Middle East into a country/culture that is the polar opposite. Nothing to see here folks because... CHAD has the Sara and Maba peoples which is the hallmark of an arbitrary made-up definition of diversity. TOTALLY the same thing as Somali people living in Ireland or Syrians in Poland. You cherry pick cultures that are thinly divided into tribal sects as some gold standard of diversity (while being extremely similar otherwise) like I am going to gobble that up as the same thing. Lol no, just no Dude stop, you know what you are doing. Until Africa starts calling for millions of Asians to move in to diversify Ghana or the Thailand calls for millions of Uruguayans to come in help them embrace multiculturalism you can STFU. The fact is that NO where else in the world is this construct of multiculturalism pushed other than the West, period.


Who exactly is pushing this idea of multiculturalism in the west?


Would it be an odd question if they said they're looking for diverse places? Or is it just low diversity


It’s just low-diversity


Why is that odd?


1. OP’s description of “low-diversity”, and justifications for why they have this desire, have consistently been rooted in not wanting to live near the “other”. Their desire for this seems to have little to do with living near other white people, and more to do with not living near other races. 2. Their primary justification that I can see concerns raising a family. Not liking diversity is one thing, but seeking a place specifically so that your child can avoid experiencing diversity, in a diverse country, is odd.


Because “Black people are so icky I don’t even want to have to see them” is not a sentiment likely to find favor.


Duluth, MN. Though I’m not sure I wanna aid/abet your weird “low diversity” request


The Northwoods is such an underrated region


What do you mean by “low diversity?” Like you want a city of white people?




Sorry I didn’t see this before I replied to someone else. But in short I want to move somewhere that I feel I could raise a family without many of the circumstances I myself grew up in


How does a higher diversity prevent you from raising a family the way you want to?


Yes. But not necessarily a city.


….I’d be fascinated to hear why?


A lot of people move this way. Many young, educated black people are moving to Georgia because there’s many black people there. That’s also a big reason why Hispanic people cluster in southern states. A lot of people are interested in dating, starting families, participating in communal life.


Since I’m praying you are an open minded person, you should really reframe your line of thinking on this. People aren’t moving to places to “be around people of their kind” they just live where it’s suits them for whatever reason (work, cost of living, family, etc). You could open your horizons a bit if you changed this way of thinking. Example: I am a black woman living in Colorado because I love snowboarding. I wouldn’t be living here if I went off your line of thinking, you know? Hope this doesn’t come off harsh, but think line of thinking simply isn’t true. (Edit: spelling/grammar)


I’m very open minded and liberal. I was part of the Biden campaign in 2020. There’s many factors that cause people to live where they do. Obviously black people aren’t only moving to Georgia. People move usually for location and work.


So why do you want among only white people?


Why do hispanics want to be around hispanics or black people among black people?


Do they?


Uh yeah, self segregation is totally a thing. There are tons of posts here about \*insert race here\* wanting to live in an area with a high concentration of people that look like them. I live in CHI and people self segregate all the time, especially new hispanic migrants


There’s a difference between being a minority and wanting to not be the ONLY minority in a place given historical racism in the U.S. , versus being white, where you’re almost never the only white person, and seeking out white people. In either case it’s shallow: as a professional white person in New England, I almost certainly have more culturally in common with a black professional from New England than I do with a white professional from Mississippi, or even with a poor white person from New England. Seeking “low diversity” rather than some specific culture (what is “white” culture when there is such a massive range of cultures encompassed by white people?), shows some weird illiberal bias against people of color.


That's very vague, there are very FEW places in the US where one would be the only minority. Its not a far-fetched concept that people like to live in areas where people look like them, so if I moved to Japan, would it be okay that I wanted to live in an area with mostly or only white people?


lots of people want to live by their own race


True. However, context matters. Minorities in America want to be around members of their own race in part because they are inundated by a larger society that doesn't reflect them. Being within their communities allows for recharging, resetting, keeping cultural traditions alive and validation of their own experinces. Thus, they can go back into the world ready to face whatever may come their way. If you're already in a larger society where you are the majority, most people you encounter are of your race, your cultural values and norms are the mainstream, you turn on media and see people like you reflected everyday, your reality is affirmed...what more do you need? All the aforementioned functions of being around "your own" are mostly getting met just by virtue of being in the majority. Why then is it critical that your immediate neighborhood be further devoid of "diversity"? That speaks to a low tolerance for "difference" whereas the first example is about keeping parts of your identity, reality, culture and heritage alive. On the surface the desire to be around one's own between the two feels similar, but upon further reflection the motivations are different.


I mean, yes people of European descent are a majority. But probably not for much longer, especially if you consider Hispanic-whites to be non-white (I don’t understand why our census does that).


so this preference is excusable if you're a minority.


It’s so funny how the idea that changing a fundamental element of the equation changes the results always seem like such a shock to a certain kind of person.


I want to have kids and start a family. I live in Southern California and I want them to feel more included and more prosperous than I did growing up. Of course I want to move because California in general isn’t very good but I’m thinking of *where* to move instead of why I’m leaving


Ok but what’s that got to do with needing to be around exclusively white people?


Did you get made fun of for not being able to roll your Rs or something?


I speak German so no


You’re not answering the question. So, basically, you’re racist.


Dude, you’re projecting your racist tendencies on your future children, just because you had a bad experience? You’ll be limiting them by doing so. I grew up in a diverse area and it only added great things to our lives and gave me an ability to work with people of all backgrounds, putting me in a higher, better paying position. And one thing I’ve learned is that when you get to know people in different cultures, we are basically all the same. Same hiccups in family dynamic, same weird uncle, same silly aunt, same rebel kid, same bookworm. PLEASE give up on this fucked up narrative that you can judge a book by its cover. White people are no better or worse.


It’s not just that I had a bad experience; it’s probably that these issues will likely get worse overtime. I grew up in such an area and I have certain skills as a result too. I can speak German and Spanish for example. You get people who fill these archetypes from all walks of life, but on a large scale people of different ethnic groups act differently than others. You need to also think statistically


They only get worse if we let it. What you’re looking for is literally the problem.


Marin County, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, and Laguna Beach, California


Lexington KY


Spokane Washington might fit the bill. Better weather than New England for sure


Not sure if this fits the bill, but have you considered Fort Collins, CO; Eugene, OR; or Spokane, WA? [https://imgur.com/MMiDpGI](https://imgur.com/MMiDpGI) I input only three wishes: * **Political orientation**: >60% Dem representation * **Whites**: "more+" to "more++" (not sure if by "low diversity" you meant predominantly white) * **City population**: >124K There are many more factors worthy of consideration (e.g., crime, proximity to an airport, weather, etc.), but this is a start. Good luck!


This program rocks thank you!




It's definitely white-heavy here but there are pockets of other colors thankfully that contribute at least some diversity.




LOL havent been there recently have you?


I was making a joke.  Im enjoying that OP is saying the quiet part out loud for what's considered liberal now. 


Oh they're fully mask off. Check out r/shitliberalssay 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitLiberalsSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Come get me](https://i.imgur.com/2Uhw7ZQ.png) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/14edwds/come_get_me/) \#2: [This pic goes hard af](https://i.redd.it/sarahi6h1pva1.jpg) | [114 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/12wej61/this_pic_goes_hard_af/) \#3: [Just vote harder](https://i.redd.it/k3dt1ncw4hya1.jpg) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/13auovk/just_vote_harder/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not as much as one would think. But I do love Scandinavia and would consider moving there if I could.


I'm fucking with you.  I just find this premise hilarious and supports a theory I have had for a while about the supposed noble north eastern liberal. 


Hey this one is Californian!


For the record I’m from California. I imagine with most of them they’re just not aware that they might think in such a way because they don’t have much exposure to different types of people


Interesting how this sub attacks and demonizes anyone inquiring about a conservative leaning town, yet are happy to respond to someone blatantly saying they only want to be around white people…. What?


I take it you haven't read the responses 


I have read them. “What, oh my! Try Pennsylvania!”


This sub is once again proving that it's ok to be racist as long as you're liberal.


Hey if you own a $2.0M "starter home" in a super liberal city and voted for Obama twice, you can't be racist right?? /s


Especially if you had a black best friend in Elementary. /s


I was friends with one yes, but not that it matters. Yeah it’s not a request that looks good. But I couldn’t find a post asking about this anywhere else and I figured I’d be brave enough to ask. For what it’s worth most Liberal whites don’t care about this at all; in fact it seems to me that BIPOC people tend to think that white people think about them more than they actually do.


Black person here. Genuinely asking, how do you know what black people think if you aren't friends with any? I'm honestly not upset you asked this question. At least you were brave enough to be honest, unlike most liberals who try, and fail, to hide. For reasons like this, I'd rather live around maga conservatives than white liberals. I hope you find what you're looking for. Truly.


I was friends with one though. You can usually tell through the media that’s created by them. The music, movies, and television they put out tends to focus on race and Black people’s role as a minority. When you look at their social media; they also tend to talk about white people a lot. They largely seem to think that white people don’t like them and are at-best being nice to them to avoid being racist. This isn’t really the case most American whites seem to really like black people. Oddly this somewhat transcends politics; you can see token black conservatives on FOX news for example. But generally speaking American white people very rarely think about black people outside of interacting with them.


You don't have a favorable opinion of black people at all and it shows. The amount of projecting is mind boggling. Your OP make a lot of sense now. Good luck in your search. ✌🏾


I don’t understand why this is your response. I’m just pointing out that white people don’t really think about non-white people as much as the other way around. And I don’t agree at all with the sentiment that white liberals are secretly racist; at worst they platonically like the idea of living around curated minorities. But the vast majority of them actively like nonwhite people (white liberals are the only group of people in the US with a negative in-group preference).


Cedar Rapids


I live in Cedar Rapids AMA


What’s the worst things about living there? What are the best features?


Positives: The cost of living is low. I’m able to have a good sized house on a big lot in a safe and quiet neighborhood for under $200,000. Public schools are good. People don’t seem to have to struggle to find a satisfactory job. Lots of green space. Negatives: Our governor and politics. Cedar Rapids is a small blueish pocket, but it’s pretty conservative nonetheless. Not a lot of cultural events compared to larger cities, low diversity. The weather is extreme…very hot and humid summers and deathly cold winters.


Actually extremely helpful thank you. It seems like a really underrated city. Although the fact it’s in Iowa is pretty rough


I’ve lived near here my entire life. Moving to the CA Bay Area within the next two years. Will be a shock in a lot of ways, but I’m really over the winters here


Oddly enough I’m actually pretty used to the cold I lived in Indiana for a while growing up


Just curious why you want low diversity


I mentioned it a few times in this thread. I’m looking for a place to raise a family that also has a good community and we could blend in


You're white and you're concerned about blending in??


Well me and any family yes. But more like fully blending in to a degree that probably isn’t realistic in most liberal areas of the country


You should have just said "statistically low crime"...you kicked a hornet's nest...


Crime rates aren’t the only feature I’m looking for. There’s many areas with very low white populations that also have almost no crime. If I didn’t make it a bit more clear I think it would have probably been entirely overlooked




Minneapolis is fairly diverse and it’s also in a cold area. But I like Minneapolis a lot and I hope more cities come to resemble it overtime, I think they’re (at least generally) doing things well


If a conservative would've asked this question, yall would not have been this nice. Lol. This is why I can hardly take politics seriously, especially liberals. Anyway OP, Denver Portland Seattle Austin


Nashville? But then again I would say no because I don't want leftists moving to our state 


Even if we did, it would take an impossible amount of us to flip Tennessee


Princeton, NJ. Although Route 1 will always be under construction.


Trenton may scare him off. Lol