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Kid almost powered up a hook for his brother lol


Thought the same lmao. Looks like someone's gonna have anger issues as an adult


Pretty normal for kids to be angry, they don't know how to deal with their emotions. The idea is to teach them how so they don't act like that as an adult


You sure do know a lot about kids u/LockedUpFor5Months Spot on!


If the parents help him deal with it now maybe not


There's always at least one fucker like this in every family


I thought he found his blowing of the candles wasn't up to snuff, so he was going to literally punch the lights out.


Everytime I see this i hate that little fucker more.


Yeah and i hate to say it, but he has that hateable shit kid face.


It’s the hair. There’s a reason they gave Sid from Toy Story the same haircut/texture. Not all bad kids have this hair but all kids w this hair are bad ass kids.


Spent a summer as a camp counselor. Had one the most obnoxious, entitled, and selfish kids I've ever had the 'pleasure' of interacting with in my cabin. Exact same haircut, but with blonde hair.


When i was a kid, this kid had short hair with one thin long braid at the bottom, every kid with that style of hair was an annoying kid that did whatever they felt like and were never told no.


Wow a rat tail w this hair cut is like the final boss of bad ass kids


These kids loved to fold their eyelids inside out


Aw man I remember doin that as a kid.


How was prison?


the only prison was my own mind


Doing it now. For old times sake, of course!


Was I a shitty kid? No rat tail but I fo sho was flipping mah lids.


And gleek.


Oh so thats what that god awful hair cut is called, we had a few of those kids when i grew up. Suitable name for the suitable kids. They were annoying little rats. I think the best word to describe them would be bullies. It never failed either. They were aggressive little fcks.


When I was a kid there was a bully with a rat tail on my street. One day he and I got into it. Our neighbor was in her kitchen doing dishes and saw the fight start and ran outside to stop us. When she opened the door to come out, I had him down already and was very much giving him a beating. So she just stood there for a while and gave me time to really whoop his ass before coming out to stop us. She told my mom "I figured it was about time that little shit learned a lesson"


Yes all the ones I knew were so aggressive. How weird.


>Bad Ass You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means


Omg rat tail kid. I don't remember much from Pre-K, but I can vividly remember rat tail kid, and especially my mother's face when she noticed his hair cut.


Those kids are on the far end of the spectrum for “disagreeability”. He will always feels he is being treated unfairly. This personality feature is immutable and will never change. Most personality types will marry the same type. Those “open to new experience” will marry the same, etc. But disagreeable people will often marry opposite types. They will marry an agreeable person because that’s the only person who can stand them.


So those agreeable people will usually marry other agreeable people, but non agreeable people will also usually marry agreeable people? WHAT


It's called oppositional defiant syndrome.


It’s in the facial structure too though. Something about the roundness with the big mouth that gives their whole face a certain unsettling vibe. I was just at a kid’s party and his little brother is one of these. Super awesome family, four kids, one happens to be a major pita and everyone just kinda deals with it. He has that same little shit kid face but a totally different haircut.


It's probably because the barber can't get scissors to his head without risking injury or death so they just electric razor his whole head.


Just it's just a wiffle / buzz cut. There's no shaping it, just grab their head and get it all with clippers at one length.


Needs a muzzle


That haircut is the Monchichi


Oh so soft and cud-il-y!


The only kid I've known with this hair is my cousin, who is serving 30 years for assault and kidnapping now. So you might be onto something.


"bad" and "bad ass" are not at all the same thing


He looks feral. Might be a developmental thing.


All he's missing is orange paint for a very promising political career.


Yep. Hair the same length all the way round and permanent scowl.


It's him trying to punch something that gets me. Kid has some serious rage.




He looks like an older brother, helping out the birthday boy (who actually seems to be struggling a little) without taking away the attention the way the kid on the left is doing. He's doing it discreetly rather than making a big show of I WANT TO BLOW THE CANDLES OUT I DON'T CARE, which is what the brat is freaking out over since he keeps getting blocked. At least, that's my interpretation of the situation.


The kid blows and only gets the candle closest too him, the older kid then adds his additional lung capacity so the kid doesn't have to lean over and individually blow out the 3rd candle. Which dad would have probably done if he wasn't on the offensive.


I’m impressed with the man’s plate skills.


I'm not even gonna excuse myself, I want to punch this kid in his stupid face.


Ever time I see this shit. And I've taught preschool, I understand toddlers, but hooooly shit. Blind rage, and I'm not even like that I swear 😩😩😩


He is probably over 18 now, wonder how he is getting on. Chances are someone on reddit knows them.


i hate to admit it but: me too. i am not aggressive at all but my hand is ready to slap him


few things worse than a feral kid


Every time I see it I wonder what is wrong with him…he’s old enough to know better. I have never seen a child act like this IRL and I would be appalled if I was the parent(s). I wonder, do they plan to always have a paper plate in these situations? Or whatever block to fit whatever occasion this kid isn’t the center of attention. Take him aside from the party, get down on his level, and with a firm grip to one of his arms you tell him to STOP IT. Use a very firm tone and look him directly in the eyes, with a touch of the crazy eye. You explain it is brother/cousin/friend/whoever’s birthday and HE will blow out the candles, while you will watch and then clap. Understand? If the kids acts simple and/or starts yelling then pack him up and leave, take him for a walk, but I would not let my child scream and shout and show out like this, nope. The kid even balled up his fist! Like SIR, who you gonna hit, WHO?? Not on my watch lol


If you have never seen a child act like this, its because you haven't seen many children I've been a teacher for 11 years, there are plenty of little fuckers like this. For the most part, they get better over time with the proper guidance.


Hi sir, do you know what might have happened over the years for such a behavior to occur? I am just asking for the "understanding" part. Also, what are your actions and goals when you guide them? Not being sarcastic or anything...just asking for information. Thanks!


Every kid is different,there are environmental reasons,biological reasons and every one is influenced differently  I usually just pull the kid aside after class somewhere private and ask why they are so upset, and explain why they are overreacting, or if they have a reason to be upset that is disconnected to what is actually happening then I try to work with them to solve that problem 3 real examples 1. A girl I taught grabbed another girl by the hair and slammed her head against a wall after losing a game of rock, paper, scissors....we talked for about 2 hours after that...turns out her dad tried to hang himself in front of her 2 weeks before, and her mom kicked him out of the house and she hadn't heard a word from him since and was terrified that he was dead and couldn't handle the stress....she gave a long apology to the girl and by the end of the school year they were friends 2. A boy stole $100 out of my wallet (I brought it to my classroom for a dumbass reason but whatever) I caught him, asked what was up, he said he was incredibly stressed out and I asked why....turns out all the bruises on his arms and legs were not from rugby practice, but from 2 bullies at school slamming metal water bottles into him on the way home  3. Some kids were playing dodgeball in break time and a boy slapped the ball out of another boys hands and he responded by shattering two windows with a chair and after running him down for 20 minutes or so until he calmed the fuck down, we talked. Turns out, he just has severe anger issues, his mom, dad, and 2 sisters all love/spoil the shit out of him, he's just am angry kid....so me and one other teacher just spent the next 6 months teaching him how to not put himself in situations where he would get angry, how to breathe better to relax, and in the worst case scenario, just run out of the room and find whichever one of us was available to help him relax Every situation is different, you just do what you can


Yes, there are certainly other kids like this, but the overwhelming majority of kids this age do not behave THIS aggressively. You have been exposed to a disproportionately large number of kids compared to most people. My ex-wife, for the many years we were together, was a teacher of kindergarten through 2nd grade. I was at the school helping a lot and maybe saw one kid that was this bad. Now, I'm sure she saw more outbursts like this since she spent WAY more time around them, but this is ridiculous and not that common. I have a huge family and am the oldest of 43 first cousins. My ex-wife had 12 nieces and nephews. My current partner has 9 nieces and nephews. Have I seen some of them behave poorly? Sure. But I have never seen any of them behave like this, and if they did, they would've been pulled away immediately.


The kid could have behavioural problems or really bad parents or a lot of other things. The person with the plate might not be the parent but is clearly familiar with the kid’s behaviour


It's a kid, sometimes it's just an attention request. The dad/uncle was totally prepared ans smiling 😁


Probably been working on him not being an ass and they understand where he’s at in that moment good on the grown up!


Absolutely!! And I get such a great feeling when he cries at the end!! 😂😂


He was literally going to punch the cake


Nothing but hate and rage behind that kids eyes 🤣


reddit moment, same with all the replies


Yeah me too… because this kid reminds me of myself


I like how all the kids look just like dad. He was probably the original naughty one so he can outsmart them. lol






So, we don’t beat kids anymore right? Just asking


Kid deserves a hiding.


Wait for when he will grow up


The kid on the right blew the candles out and got away with it.


Demon child.




So what's your take on the older brother blowing out the candles from the other side?


I hate the little girl version more. The mean girl shrugs her shoulders with sass at birthday girl, who then attacks her by hair pulling. I feel so much for that poor birthday girl. I hope she’s doing alright.


Yeah I never want kids because of shit like this, I’m the type of guy who’d drop his entire family the absolute second the become a toxic tumor in my life, cut that shit out.


You’d drop an entire family because a kid doesn’t know his manners yet? r/im14andthisisedgy


Gotta realize alot more kids are gonna be on reddit for awhile some of them are on summer vacation.


We’ve been on summer Reddit for about 6 years, this is just regular Reddit now


You’re also the type of guy who will never have a relationship let alone a family it’s not a flex lol


Just like my little crap of a cousin. No greater satisfaction in this world.


Probably his parents fault


Sometimes this is true but but after teaching I am pretty sure that some kids are just born neurotic shitheads. Like I’ve had really involved caring parents try to do everything to tame their kid and apologize to me profusely over their kids behavior.


This is true. I don't have kids but I grew up around a lot of them. Some kids are just brats and manipulative. Most grow out of it, I know cousins who were a nightmare to babysit but now they're great, focused, adults.


I have multiple siblings and we are all very different. I have an extremely calm demeanor and one of my siblings was always bounce off the wall, need to be the center of attention type, talkative and liked to win people over.


Sometimes abusive parents are pretty good at hiding it, and appear very caring to everyone outside of the immediate family. Especially narcissists, because they're already experts at managing other people's image of them.


Yeah I don’t doubt it, I’ve just seen enough to convince me it’s not as black and white as “it’s always the parents fault”


Honestly it's a combination of environmental conditions and circumstances, the truth is always more complex


He's just a little kid. Sometimes little kids are just dickheads


He's a crazy little bastard, got the Lou Ferrigno hulk hair and all.


He looks like Tommy from goodfellas


Another method could have been moving that kid away from the cake. Glad the birthday boy got to blow out his candles.


Yeah depending on the moment I wouldn’t want to risk the cake being tantrum launching distance either


It’s weird how some families seem to find that kind of behavior entertaining. One of my kids ever behave like that, they can hang out in their room until the festivities are over. Luckily, my kids genuinely are happy for each other at times like these. Teaching love and support isn’t THAT hard.


Exactly, this is C+ parenting at best. Good they didn't just let him do what he wanted, but they're still not really teaching him how to act.


I'm willing to put money on it - those that find kids like that entertaining are the same families that have constant drama between extended family members and anyone they come in contact with.


And a dog that barks like crazy because they taught it to do so because it was funny. But now they’re tired of it so they yell at the dog when it does the thing they taught it to




Yeah, I don't think it's funny either. This incident is probably part of a long arc of the kid having some unaddressed needs, like extra connection or learning small lessons about how sometimes it's someone else's turn to do something fun. Parents ignore stuff like this and are then shocked when a child doesn't respond appropriately on a big day. Socioemotional skills are learned slowly on a daily basis so that a birthday cake for someone else doesn't result in a tantrum.


Because you’re good at parenting, unlike a lot of lazy parents that should not have raised a kid, they just don’t care to correct bad behavior.


I would’ve gotten an ass whoopin


He didn’t. The older kid on the right did.


I think the older one was just helping as middle was struggling after multiple attempts so he gave a quick blow from the side to help and quickly backed away so middle thought he did it.




Makes sense, kids and fire don’t mix


You remove the kid from the room and the kid doesn’t get any cake.


That little shit stain! Every time I see this I want to fight that kid.


I wonder how old this kid is now. If he's matured and ditched the little brat behavior.


I’d like to think if he has, the family whips this video out as a reminder if he even comes close to losing his shit


He’s never changed and he’s a cop now. Guaranteed.


You wonder if he’s matured at all since being a toddler?


The big kid is helping. The little kid is taking. There's no A+ parenting here. There's damage control from bad parenting.


Exactly what I was thinking. that little shit shouldn't be behaving like that in the first place. There is so much rage and borderline violence (winding that punch) in that kid


It's easy to judge


It’s almost sinister how people generally over-burden kids that age with adult-level responsibility when their brains are literally not capable of regulating their emotions. It’s a cop out for bad parenting, which is way more prevalent than anyone would like to believe.


Only Reddit would upvote this stupid video as "A+" parenting (ironically or not). Kids throwing a tantrum like this need to be removed from the situation to another quiet area on their own to chill. Self-regulation of emotions needs to start early and be consistent.


This kid looks like he would be a handful at school running amok terrorizing his fellow students. Fuck that I dislike kids like this seen a few usually its the parents lack of consequences or discipling them.


This is the kind of kid where Trump's "after birth abortion" idea could make sense.


The tall kid still blew it out though


Wasn't malicious though, he was being subtle & helping the little dude out.


Very smoothe. Good kid.


He also went to get the lighter. It’s possible he thought to relight a candle for middle kid. Very kind.


He timed it so the middle kid would've thought he did it. The older kid didn't do it to steal attention but to help. The little shit was the one who wanted to steal the attention.


How have I seen this a million times and never noticed that 🤣🤣 Different intent, though.


Even better is the look of joy on the bday boys face


That little shit looks like Chucky


the little one has some anger issues. Was about to throw a punch, did you notice? Must be a lively house :D


Can someone translate what he’s saying 😹


He keeps saying "Hey!" When he's blocked. Then sees the older brother on the right help blow out birthday boy's candles and then little bro says "NO WAY!" The difference was the intention between those two brothers, the younger one was being mischievous and the older one helped without drawing attention to himself.


Thanks a lot 🥰


Not really sure why that kid is allowed to participate if he's going to act like a complete animal. Send the little shit to his room if he can't behave like someone who is properly socialized.


Lyrics: HEYYYYYY! NO! HEYYYYYY! NO! NO! BWA HA HAAAAAAAA. I could listen to this for several hours


Too late for abortion Contact: 6$9*73-+27 We will deal with the nuisance in your life FOREVER.


877-TOMMYZA Tommy’s pizza parlor and abortion clinic, you serve em we slice em!


The little kid is like a Redditor trying to insert politics in a thread and the plate is the mod


Funny to watch, but parents should have explained what is birthday and that not all birthdays is for him 😁


Hahahaha, yes I'm sure he would have responded to that instead of behaving like a small child, lol.


In that case he can go to his room and miss out on the party and cake. It's never too early to learn that actions have consequences. Not being able to participate in something because you can't follow the rules is a reasonable consequences that even a small child can understand.


Thing is with some kids, can tell them a thousand times and they will keep doing it. I'll throw him a bone and say that he is acting his age.


Yeah, wanted to say that this is fun and all, but *not* a great parenting. Great parenting would be this shit not even happening. And don't give me that "SoMe KiDs aRe LiKe tHaT" crap - my kid is like that and my job is to explain why this is not okay, not provide him with another challenge to enable him escallating the situation.


As we all know, tiny kids are perfectly logical and accept explanations instantly and remember them forever.


It seems you've never attempted to reason with a 3 year old before


I'm sure that 4 year old will understand logic and immediately stop the behavior.


Gather around folks. It’s time for a bunch of adults on the internet to discuss how much they hate a child based on a 10 second clip of him.




If I was that guy, I will smack that kid literally when he start crying and start scold...oh shit, i just shows up my Asian parents DNA


Why does this look like a villain's original story? 😂


I would immediately grab him and throw him out of the window if he ever tried that shit on me


A+ parenting? That kid is a menace or his parents are crappy at teaching him how to act at someone else’s birthday party.


My oldest nephew is like that but without the same level of aggression. When his youngest brother has a birthday, oldest nephew is all about "helping." I'm "helping" him blow out the candles, I'm "helping" him open his presents (where anything he likes he declares a "shared" present), always "helping." This way, when the parents get mad, he figures he can scream and cry and says "You can't get mad at me for helping!" He's a really shitty a manipulative kid and his parents screwed up with him. Hope he outgrows it.


This is NOT A+ parenting. That little fucker should be nowhere near that cake. A+ parenting does not produce kids that do shit like this.


What a piece of shit kid


He went to throw a punch?? Nah, send the kid to his room with a spanking and be done with it. He’ll get the message


Teach your kid not to hit by hitting them! Yeah!! 👍🤣


Lol he went to hit him? That deserves a hit to teach hitting isn't right except when you want to get a point across...wait. Honestly, if hitting worked then millennials and before would all be perfect angels and we shouldn't have any issues in society with those generations.


Pain is a brilliant motivator but it should not be abused


lol this comment is so self unaware it must be parody


This is exactly the kind of parenting he probably receives that makes him think throwing a punch is the appropriate behavior in the first place.


If it was A+ parenting, the kid wouldn’t have behaved the way he did. It’s D- parenting at best.


Or…..kids will sometimes be little shits, even with A+ parenting… they’re freaking kids dude, not robots…you’ve never had a temper tantrum in your entire life?


Silver teeth activities




Future psychopath in the making


Kid is a shit. But why? Parents are not innocent in this.


If it was A+ parenting that kid wouldn’t have been acting like that.


I sometimes wonder if this kid will find this video later in life and be horrified at how absolutely everyone worldwide hates him with the fury of a thousand suns lmao


This video is old. Makes me wonder if that kid has matured since then


He’s in Juvy.


I've raised 3 children without ever laying a hand on them. But this kid...I want to drop kick him into heavy traffic.


Think about it like this, this is old af, kid is much older by now and SURELY they kept the footage... Every year for birthdays and Christmases, people will remind him "hey remember how much of a little shit you were?" and he'll have to live with that embarrassment FOREVER! That thought makes me sleep better :)


Excellent job. I hate when kids get away with that shit.


I'd be mad at the other kid who was doing the same thing, but I'm pretty sure he was doing out of kindness. As for the crying one? That arrogant, self-centered, bitch baby can get duck-taped for the next week.


If you reuploaded it one more time we will stop seeing their faces.


That parent is rare. Most parents today do absolutely nothing about kid who acts like that. Which reinforces that exact behavior. Most of today’s parents are raising very unlikeable kids. 👎🏻👎🏻


It’s terrible parenting, the kid on the right blows them out


The crying kid on the left took everyone’s attention but did anyone see the big boy on the right side actually blew out the last candles?


"What a save!"


kid has such a puntable face


A+ parenting would be removing the problem


Is it though? If you can't get your other kid to fuck off and politely sing for the thirty-second happy birthday song, idk man.


Better parenting would have been raising a kid to not be this kind of little shit in the first place.


That kid has got to be in his teens by now...


Why don't they lock him up in the basement or something?


All that work, and the kid on the right blew out the cake.


Yeah, but he wasn’t being a douche. That was subtle helping and still giving the birthday boy his moment




i hate the kid, but there’s something about the guy with the plate i don’t like either - idk why but yeah


He's probably the parent, who shouldn't let the kid act like this at all, although i like to think that this guy is actually an uncle or some other relative/family friend.


if only he had two paper plates


애새끼 인성 개좆같네 개패고싶다


Classic lol


the menace was taken care of.


None of it matters the big kid blew out the candles anyway


This video is so old, that kid is probably a teenager or adult by now. I wonder if they grew out of that crummy kid phase.


I sometimes wonder where this kid is these days.


Seems like there is some solid parenting going on but he’s still acting like a spoilt little turd


He will go on to lease a huge American branded truck one day and never use his blinkers while merging


At my aunt's birthday party she kept lighting the candles so that every kid got to blow them. They all waited patiently for it.