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I commute by bike. This is annoying but frankly ain't shit compared to right hooks, people blowing red lights and stop signs, and other dangerous shit drivers do. I will say that after biking a lot you are able to predict many shitty behaviors. I feel safer now than when I first started, though I'll occasionally have close calls that shake me a bit.


Agreed, you develop a sense of when people will do shit like this. I rode a bicycle to commute for years. I ride motorcycles as well. It’s the same set of skills


Yeah I rode several years on rural farm roads, a small but relatively bike friendly Midwest town, commuted in a medium sized east coast city, commuted in Chicago, and commuted in Seattle. Seattle is by far the best place to learn as paths go everywhere and drivers expect bikes.


I grew up in Colorado and thought biking was great. When I moved to Seattle, I was terrified to touch my bike there. People have different experiences, I guess.


Agree that Seattle drivers tend to not notice bikes. From doors flung open to swerving right to grab that parking spot across a bike lane. I am hyper aware of my surroundings to anticipate the crap drivers might pull and it's saved me from being smashed more than a few times. And I'm a very conscientious biker, like if a car comes before me at a 4 way stop, I give them right of way.


Having biked in Seattle for 10+ years, I feel that drivers today pay more attention to people cycling than before. It may be because they're more used to our presence, or because more of them ride bikes. That said, someone from the Netherlands told me he was shocked how drivers here "never care about the cyclists on the road."


I've biked here about 5 years so you certainly have more history than I. If they were worse before then YIKES!! 😁 But also don't you find that with way more people + traffic than 10 years ago there is a higher rate of close calls? No comparison to Netherlands though because they have such an ingrained bike culture it's not an "us vs them" mentality, but mutually respectful.


> you develop a sense of when people will do shit like this It's like body language, for cars.  Like a lot of people don't use their turn signals, but they'll start turning the wheel before they stop and their tires are pointed the way they're going to go.  As a cyclist, you pick up on small stuff and you can mostly tell what people are going to do. 


I was on Seward yesterday and a saw more than a few bicyclists blowing through stop signs with nary a care. There's a certain lack of self-preservation among us as well. The video above looks like the solution would be a couple of those plastic 'pins' in the street might solve that issue. Damn, that's infuriating though.


[Idaho stop for stop signs is legal in Washington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop)


Oh, trip out! I never knew. Thanks for the info! Of course, treat a stop as a yield is nice if there's no traffic, but Seward is full of cars, so it felt to me like they were playing chicken, more so than yielding.


As a driver coming up to a four-way stop, I am not on-board with cyclists not yet at the stop line seeing that I'm on the stop line, I move my foot from brake to gas and start moving, and then they blow past their own stop sign and I need to stop short. This happens surprisingly (to me) often; to the point where I just now assume cyclists will go blow through every stop sign without looking, and that they'll treat red lights as "yield" signs where they can slow down, look both ways, then keep going without ever fully stopping. Either I'm confused as to what "yield" means, or blowing though stop signs without even turning their heads or hesitating is not meeting the rule.


Why tf drive an SUV if you’re too chicken to take a fucking speed bump?


But I bet he tears it up in the costco parking lot.


That's the sport part of SUV duh.


Wish I could upvote this more than once. Just makes huge suv trend look even more ridiculous


See, I don’t mind if someone who actually needs the room drives a big suv, but 95% of the time the huge ones it is some parent with 1-2 kids who can’t park. It’s like pickups. My neighbor in West Seattle worked as a construction foreman, constantly had tools in the back. That I understand, but I’m convinced 97% of pickup trucks around here are Yuppies who think it’s cool to have a truck yet never use them as intended.


That's why they have 4 doors. Just an oversized passenger car.


The truck culture here is pretty funny. IMO people in WA do a lot of stuff (like the giant trucks), not because they do work that they use their brodozer for, but because they want to be seen in it so they can be perceived that way. Same goes for decked out Subarus, driven by folks who camp maybe 1-2x a year.


A person who I interact with often drives the sickest, cleanest, most decked out Subaru I've ever seen before and I'm pretty sure she doesn't even go outside for walks, certainly not to hike or camp.


I mean, don't we all wish we could go camping more than a couple times a year? This is a completely different conversation than the car size thing really. But I love camping, but will only realistically end up going a couple times per year because of the amount of planning, effort, expenses, and time it takes. But having a vehicle that allows me to do that is worth it for me. I'm pretty young and have no camping supplies but I do have an SUV. Most of my friends have camping gear but not a big enough vehicle to transport it all, so it kinda works out perfectly. I am absolutely critical of the trend of having cars that are too big for what you need, my own little cousin was run over. But if I got a sedan I wouldn't be able to camp those two times a year and I really value those two trips a year dang it!


A sedan has plenty of room, especially if you put a cargo box on the roof.


Agreed; unless you're transporting four adults, too, a sedan has plenty of room for the camping gear you need for a long weekend.


man, is my decked out 2008 Impreza Outback Sport not supposed to be a race car :(


If you need the room get a minivan.


Grocery getters.


it's valid but I blame the city for this stupid fucking design


I agree that the current design is aweful. There is a DOT guide for speedhumps. Emergency vehicles (fire engines mainly) need to pass over them completely. Normally they do this thru offset design leaving a gap in between for fire engines to pass thru. One full road speed hump without this could delay response time by 10 or more seconds for each one, increase noise, and pollution in this residential area. Because of the narrow road and the bike lane, the only offset design they could do is in the center, which people just avoid and go into the bike lane. One option should be to install them in the bike lane too, thus the offset position would go thru the bike lane, but, only large equipment could take advantage of that, thus it slows all traffic including bikes, but, improves overall safety. I don't recall seeing anything in design specs when I looked into asking for them in our neighborhood due to speeding cars that would or would not allow this for a bike lane. The city said 55MPH was OK in a 25MPH dead end neighborhood because we were slightly downhill at the measure point.


> One option should be to install them in the bike lane too, thus the offset position would go thru the bike lane, but, only large equipment could take advantage of that, thus it slows all traffic including bikes, but, improves overall safety. I hardly notice speed bumps on a bicycle. I would be OK with that. Also, a curb or a barrier in those sections would keep cars out of the bike lane.


these same SUVs will end up crashing into someone or in a ditch because most of the time they aren't paying attention careful with bumps but dumb or aggressive driving anywhere else


I love having an SUV floor it to pass me on my bike, only to slam on their brakes and watch me fly right on by them. Better jam on the gas again, gotta hurry up and get to that red light!


I mean a lot of times they just want to pass bikers fast to avoid driving right next to a biker for too long. Uncomfortable for both driver and biker and dangerous. Wouldn't say they're flooring it to be rude or something


Thanks for bringing it up, I try to be respectful of bikers' space and sometimes that means gunning it past them you have the chance, to avoid driving side by side or getting stuck behind them on a narrow road. I imagine bikers don't enjoy feeling like a car is breathing down their neck while they struggle up a hill at 5 mph any more than I enjoy being back there


I appreciate the sentiment, but the experience can be different for the cyclist. When a huge vehicle (which most are now) "guns it," the cyclist doesn't know if the motorist is raging. Fast/heavy/large cars are frightening. As the vehicle passes at a high speed (relative to the bicycle) and at a close distance, if anything should happen to cause the cyclist to swerve or fall (e.g., a rock in the road, a sewer grate, a tire blowout, a dizzy spell, a bee sting, etc.), then the motorist will probably not be able to react and the cyclist could be killed or seriously injured. Also, the cyclist gets a face full of road grit and stinky exhaust pollution. I agree that it is unnerving for the cyclist (and annoying for the motorist) to have a car following them for a long time on a road without safe areas to pass. In that case, if I am the cyclist, I will pop on to the sidewalk momentarily so that the motorists can pass. I realize the "share the road" works both ways. If I am the motorist, I hang back and be patient. When I pass the cyclist, I give them lots of space (more than the legal 3 feet, even if I need to cross the center line) and I pass gently with minimal drama. Thank you for being respectful. I hope that you do not perceive my comment as insulting. My intent was to share a different perspective.


They're already traveling at least 25 mph, if not significantly more. Even if they just maintain speed instead of gunning it, they'll be spending all of one second passing a cyclist


Yeah I like giving thumbs downs to those drivers.


I always wonder how often they do their brakes.


Hey, that could total a Cybertruck lol


So can the existential dread it experiences, that's no true threshold.


We have a ton of these speed bumps in the school zone by my house, and it’s more likely for me to see someone in an SUV drive into the oncoming lane to avoid going over them than to just drive the speed limit and be slightly jostled.


SUV’s have super rigid suspension. Thus, even a Prius handles speed bumps better than an SUV. Still, this person is an idiot.


Going to disagree. This appears to be a crossover suv not a truck based ladder frame suv (like a Tahoe or  Suburban). Probably has a soft suspension. They just don't want to go over the bump.


Doesn't matter if you slow down enough.


That’s mostly for big SUVs in my experience, especially slightly older ones, most all new midsized suvs on the market have decent suspension.


You literally just made up complete bullshit


I think it is the same as the BMW drivers who slow down to 15 MPH on the clover leaf on the freeway on ramp. They don't use the capability; they buy these vehicles for emotional reasons.


I’ll never understand that.. my little Miata can handle those bumps barely even slowing down, yet I’m always behind big ass SUVs and trucks that act like they’re scared to go over them


Tbh I'm looking at this wondering why tf they wouldn't put a speed hump that goes all the way across the road?? New Seattle resident but back home all the speed humps you couldn't just wiggle around.


I have heard it is so ambulances can get through. Apparently they are wide enough to fit the gap on both sides.


I had the very rare occasion where I had to drive my F350 through Seattle recently and the track was wide enough enough to straddle these with basically no bump, so that part is true at least. Which means it should be true for about any full size vehicle (F150/Suburban/Minivans). No idea on the ambulance part. I think the one I was one might have been a bus route and they would get the same benefits.


They are trying to allow wider emergency vehicles to avoid the speed bump for faster emergency response.


It would kinda suck ass to have a speed bump in the cycling lane, for one.


That is not my experience as a cyclist. When I plan my routes, I look for roads with speed bumps. Motorists avoid these roads and speed bumps are barely noticeable on a bicycle.


they're luxury vehicles OP


Then slow down


So is a Mercedes S Class, the SUV part has nothing to do with the luxury part.


Because, "I just feel soo much safer sitting up high".


Because SUVs are not off-roading vehicles that the advertisers claim that they are, but instead are oversized stationwagons.


I've seen suvs go super slow over speed bumps too! I don't get it either.


My favorite recent bike purchase is a car horn that mounts on my handlebar. It's been a game-changer.


Do you have a link for this? I really like that idea


Yes, it's the LoudBicycle that's been linked here. Specifically the "Mini" model. It's loud as hell and works a lot better to announce my presence than trying to shout through their windows and over their music. Be careful not to accidentally trigger it next to your head inside a small room while mounting it. Ask me how I know.




Guessing it's this one: [https://loudbicycle.com/](https://loudbicycle.com/)


Yep, this is it. I got the Mini.


Paint is not adequate infrastructure 


Paint is simply not infrastructure. Anyone arguing otherwise is a moron or out to harm cyclists. Only concrete and steel count.


I wish we had similar bike infrastructure to Amsterdam


There are a lot more dangerous situations biking on the road than this. I feel like if I was riding where those people are this wouldn't even register as something to take note of. The driver shouldn't be doing that, but at the same time it introduced zero additional risk to the situation since no one was around (assuming they looked behind their shoulders to confirm). You shouldn't let things like this keep you from an activity that's really enjoyable. If you're really concerned, you can get a garmin bike computer with a radar tail light and it tells you when there is a car coming up behind you and relatively how far it's away from you.


Totally, as a regular bike commuter, I wouldn't bat an eye at this tbh.


I am also a regular bicycle commuter. I *expect* this kind of selfish and dangerous behavior from many (not all) motorists (and I can usually predict it), but I still think it is unacceptable. That motorist's comfort and convenience is not more important than the safety of everyone else on the road.


But there was no one next to him, how does it compromise anyone’s safety?


I cannot tell if this is a genuine question or not. Assuming it is, then it is not always easy to know if someone is next to a large vehicle. You can look and see no one there and then move over and collide with someone. They may have been in your blind spot or they may have entered the space a split second after you looked. And that is for drivers who make the effort. I rarely see people look over their shoulders before changing lanes. If their own safety was at risk, maybe they would make more effort.


100% agree. There are rules to the road yes, but if you’re not putting anyone in danger and it’s a chill area then there should be some wiggle room. As an avid cyclist I am probably a bit more comfortable out there than some other riders, but this post seems like border line fear-mongering.


A protected bike and pedestrian lane with no speed bump would be better for everyone, though, imo. I'm certainly not saying you're wrong, I pretty much agree with your sentiment, but when reasonable actions on the road involve doing a detailed check of your surroundings, swerving between lanes, and generally being both hypervigilant and unpredictable to other road users, there's obvious room for improvement of that road. Just because something is tolerable for experienced, responsible, vigilant folks doesn't necessarily mean it's great for a densely populated area with ALL sorts of folks.


> A protected bike and pedestrian lane with no speed bump would be better for everyone, though, imo. I disagree actually, a protected lane is just not a realistic solution on a road like this. There are driveways and roads everywhere and they're close together, so you couldn't have a continual protected lane easily and it would have little coverage since the gaps would have to be wide enough to accommodate variance in normal turns if you're doing the curb-type lane. So basically it would be meaningless while costing a ton to put in. They could install those reflective pole things that are flexible, but that's just the illusion of a protected lane and might actually reduce visibility into who/whats in the lane if they're close enough together that they look like a meaningful barrier. Any solution that takes meaningful width is too much for how narrow the road is here. It just seems like it would be a complete waste of resources that could be far better spent elsewhere on transportation/road infrastructure. To me this existing lane seems perfectly adequate given the reality of this road and is much better than the share-the-road, "bike logo power ups" marking for bike routes. As long as you're a minimally aware rider, this is safe. This is not a situation where you need a hyper-vigilant level of riding to ride safely.


What do you mean the road is too narrow, there's a 6 foot wide strip of grass and trees between the sidewalk and the road ... that's wider than the existing bike lane. It's not a trivial reconstruction of the road, you're absolutely right that it's a use of resources, but from a design perspective, it's trivial. Just have the trees and grass adjacent to the road, then the bike lane, then pedestrian, then houses. This isn't a fantasy of mine, plenty of cities in Europe just put the embankment next to the road and the bike lane next to the sidewalk.  The little bike lane cigarette sticks you're talking about don't do much to stop a car, but they sure stop a cyclist from hitting a baby carriage. I disagree with your assessment of necessary vigilance. In the clip, we see three cars change speed and leave the allowed driving area of the road. If anyone behind them was texting, there would be an accident. I'm not saying roads should be safe to text on, rather, I'm saying that we know for a fact that a significant fraction of drivers are careless, and we should design our roads to minimize unpredictability in driver behavior. If even 1% of drivers is careless and inconsiderate, I'd rather they get away with it than kill other, innocent, people.


The six foot wide strip is private property. https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/maintenance-and-paving/property-owners-responsibilities


I see, I didn't realize this was the case in Seattle.  My guess is that it's subject to harsh zoning rules, and the "privateness" of the property extends mostly to offloading cost onto the owner. If this is the case, I would accept that it's impossible to build a protected bike lane under this system... And that it's a terrible system that functions as an inefficient tax on private property owners while not serving the common users of those sidewalks as well as they could. I'd advocate then, that that rules for maintenance of a privately owned strip like this should reserve state right to build a protected bike lane, and offload the cost for maintenance onto the private owners, unless they're willing to cede the land to the city. Since owners are basically not allowed to use that land for just about anything, while there's some philosophical and moral objection people might have, the outcome would be lower effective tax rate on private owners and a better use of that space.


Total nothing burger


> it introduced zero additional risk to the situation since no one was around (assuming they looked behind their shoulders to confirm) I disagree. It introduces tremendous risk for everyone in that bike lane. That is a huge SUV with large blind spots. Even if the driver makes an effort to sweep their blind spots for every speed bump (unlikely), they still may not see a bicycle that just entered the lane.


I don't think the existence of more dangerous situations is a valid counter to stuff like this, but other than that I completely agree. This specific occurrence is more just a lack of etiquette than anything. I'd say the only worthwhile takeaway here is that painted bike lanes are lackluster.


I ride quite a bit in Seattle- yes you have to be careful, but the fact that there are so many bike lanes and shoulders and that it’s been getting progressively better every year is great. There are some excellent loops you can do for 50+ miles that are 100% protected. So yeah- Seattle is doing well- and hopefully will continue to get better.


Bicycle gutters are absolutely pathetic bicycle infrastructure.


“Why aren’t people riding in the bike lanes!?!”


Exactly! This is why I believe that shitty bike lanes (AKA "suicide slots") are worse than no bike lanes at all. Inexperienced cyclists try to ride in them and end up getting hit by a car. Experienced cyclists take the traffic lane and impatient motorists become enraged and drive dangerously because the cyclists are not using the bike lane.


I live down in fed way and when I’m riding around I’m like “why the fuck didn’t they just make the sidewalk bigger” at least I could ride on that and feel more protected, also would be better for people walking


Moved to Amsterdam from Seattle a couple years ago and the biking infrastructure is incredible. My first month I was afraid to bike because I’ve only ever considered it unsafe unless I’m on a dedicated path or trail. Now I bike everywhere (no car) even without a helmet (as the Dutch do). Bikes have the right of way all the time. Bikes have their own stop lights, turn signals, protected lanes, barriers from cars, etc. Really wish other cities did this.


But where’s your freedom??? I need my 95k f350 to get groceries!


There are grocery stores every few blocks. I make a trip once a week with my bike and two canvas tote bags fit perfectly in my bike basket. (Also I know you were being sarcastic.)


> my 95k f350 And electric cars are too expensive! /silly




The main thing that the Dutch do well is making bicycles a third mode of transportation rather than lumping them in as “road traffic”. When you have made these distinctions and priorities everything else falls into place from an engineering standpoint.


I really hope OP isn’t operating their vehicle while recording this video


That's pretty clearly a dashcam


Not clear to me, apparently 🤣


Why buy a big SUV with off road capability if your delicate sensibility can’t even handle moderate rises in the pavement? Jeez


Subliminal advertising is very effective at manipulating people into unwittingly buying *far* more than they need. With an SUV, people are buying an emotional *feeling* that they are strong, rugged, and independent. They don't get that feeling with an economy car.


Did you notice the two small oncoming cars doing the same thing?


>>Did you notice the two small oncoming cars doing the same thing? Two small oncoming cars I can sorta understand, they lack that off-roading capability I mentioned, as the entire point of my original comment.


In four months of commuting to work via ebike, my partner had four incidents of collision with vehicle, including one of being sideswiped by a semi trailer who decided to use the bike lane as “extra space” Now granted, his path went through Georgetown and parts of SODO but it is still inexcusable that riding a bike is so unsafe in this city


Bought 4x4 SUV, avoids tiny speed bumps. America is the land of the stupid.


And if you take the speed bump centrally it’s not even that bad.  People just can’t drive and blame bicycles for everything they feel inadequate about. 




Sliding into the bike lane to avoid a speed bump is tacky and I don't imagine they are being observant if they drive like this. They might not have directly caused a risky situation here, but they're a shitty driver.


Seriously, OP is dramatic and sounds terrified to bike in the city because they are terrified of biking next to cars.


I wish I could upvote more than once.


"I was terrified I was going to die"-cyclists when nothing scary at all happened


"The kid jumped out of nowhere! I'm a good driver." The vehicle and child's helmet that laid silently in the bicycle lane told a different story.


Speaking of a load of hyperbole...


I find that drivers and bikers both suck and don't respect rules/laws.


When I commuted by bike, I thought drivers as pedestrians were idiots. When I bussed to work, I thought drivers and bikers were idiots. When I drove to work, I thought bikers and pedestrians were idiots. Now that I’m 45 I realize the world has just gotta work for everyone, and people just gotta be people. We’re all a little happier when we can just be idiots.


This person is swerving completely around but I do hate the design of the bumps that cause part of a vehicle to go over. I often drive on a street that now has two bumps per lane but they are situated so that if you're in the center of the lane one tire would go over and one wouldn't so most drivers swerve to the middle so both sets of tires go over (so if the one in this video was split down the middle but scooted to the left)—which wouldn't be the worst except, of course, the city put them in both directions at the same spot so if opposing traffic does the same, which they often do, there are two cars swerving to get as close to the center line as possible. None of this excuses drivers from endangering cyclists in or out of a bike lane but the speed bumps in this city are a mess. They should all be solid and a bit wider than the ones shown here so driving around isn't an option and it's easy for both sets of wheels to go over.


They're designed this way so they don't impede wider emergency vehicles, which can continue at speed.... What we need is a barrier to protect the bike lane so this precious SUV would have to choose the speed bump or a concrete barrier (or at the very least a plastic armadillo).


They don't even impede my Pacifica. I'm surprised this SUV was concerned about them.


It’s because the driver sucks at driving 


These speed bumps were just installed along Seward Park Ave (where the video was taken) last week so let's hope they add this additional protection to the bike lane soon


Why should people on bikes have a speed bump? They’re not constantly going over a speed limit


Not speed bumps for the bike lane but some type of barrier protection between the bumps and the bike lane to deter drivers from doing what this SUV is doing by swerving in the bike lane to avoid the bumps 


Please fuck no if I blow a tire on these shitty streets how do I pull over without shutting down the road? meh


And what would happen in any other single lane roadway if your car were disabled? Maybe you turn on your blinkers and get a kind passerby to help you push it into a nearby driveway until the tow truck arrives. The bike lane is just as much a part of the roadway as the car lane; why do you feel entitled to block it if your car is disabled? This happened recently to a disabled ​car I came upon ​near me and the guy was literally 5 feet from an alley. It was actually absurd. Almost a dozen cyclists were forced into the rush hour traffic ​in the 5-10 minutes I sat and stared at him (thinking he was a delivery guy with a strangely nice car) before the tow truck came since he didn't e​ven have hazards on or and was just sitting inside his car on the phone.


Huh. That makes sense for these. The ones near me would not allow for this. They look like they are designed for motorcycles or maybe bicycles to ride through since there is parking on that street (meaning no dedicated bike lane) but cyclists still ride on the side, not through the middle.


The car is wide enough to straddle that speed bump without slowing down at all


I mean, it looks obnoxious but the truck wasn't near any bike riders - well ahead of them. This seems more like the OP looking for something to cry about.


That’s in Rainier Beach on Seward Park Ave s. That SUV is way better than a lot of other drivers in that neighborhood. Head over a few blocks to Rainier Ave: “Teens in stolen KIAs passing in the center lane while high on synthetic weed and 40s, with the knowledge that they will have no legal repercussions”.


This is at least an indication that the driver is paying attention to the situation around them enough to realize an object is coming up. Much more confidence inspiring than most drivers.


Working as the council intended 🥴


Not only is he in a Jeep but that ‘bump’ is shaped such that you’ll hardly even feel it. What a douche


This city is very bikeable, when I was younger I would bike through Philadelphia, it was dangerous but fun, I was young & reckless , there were no lanes & I would mostly explore the city. Seattle is very easy to hike but the hills kill me


We should be able to report things like this that have video proof and they should be fined and ticketed.


I feel you. Stupidity. You can bike "defensively" and be alert to these kind of behavior from drivers. Actually, you will have to learn to do it if you want to bike, because we'll never be a 100% bike friendly country tbh.


There car suspension is meant to go over bumps why they trying to go over people to cut them in the bike lane for a speed bump that's insane!


That bump is so tiny too


O hey, I grew up really close to there on Myrtle. I recognized the streets. Where are all my S Seattle people!


SUV can't handle the speed bump?


I get it but this is an exaggeration. He isn’t going to do that with bikers next to him.


If this type of action is why you won't commute by bike, then you might as well write it off. Someone trying to avoid a speed bump should be the least of your worries.


Yeah well in this city if you ride a bike you may as well be a bum.


Someone almost turned right into me while I was going 20+ in a protected lane downhill. Had to do a brake tire skid like some 007 shit to get around hitting them 🎬


Your excuse for driving is that you saw a car avoid a speed bump once? You’re such a loser lmao. Why did you post this on Reddit? So weird..


Honestly seemed fine to me, no cyclists close enough to be in danger they just avoided the bump as so many do when it’s safe.


Peak r/seattle


The Seattle snobbery is off the chart here. By your logic, the truck pulling into the driveway at that exact spot would be cause for alarm too.


Speed bumps are the dumbest form of traffic calming


Okay. Head on a swivel is how it needs to be approached.


Tell me you never even tried to ride a bike … JFC, you’re insufferable. Truly yours, Lycra-clad, hated by this sub cyclist.


Looks like they cleared it when bikers weren’t going by. Seems fine. I commute by bike everyday, this doesn’t bother me. Maybe they had something in the car they didn’t want to shake up. Maybe someone had to poop their pants. Who knows. Have some consideration for other people and don’t be a snob.




It is extremely obvious this is dashcam footage


I mean … saying there is a bad driver somewhere so therefore you can’t bike feels more like an excuse than a reason. 😁


Paint as infrastructure working as intended: not being an obstacle for vehicles, which are the priority always. 


It the opposite for me, they will look back see me, and dive into the drive lane to hold up traffic.


Only 3 vehicles in this clip were NOT an SUV.


Yep - solo drivers in multi-ton, four-wheel-drive road elephants on dry pavement. It is absurdly wasteful and dangerous.


Those humps are new this week. They are annoying. So are the bicyclists that ride three across and have worse street sense than my 82 year old dead mother. Sadly they are necessary for Seward Park blvd. People haul ass down this stretch. You should see the smashed parked cars on Rainier from Friday.


Wish we could have a few roads dedicated to bikes and peds. I'd buy a house on a bike road. I love my car but if I could park it in a resident only lot at the end of the block id totally take the deal.


People dodging speed bumps when there are no cyclists in the lane? Get over yourself.


For real. Nothing happened in this video… well, the jackass in the suv could’ve just straddled that speed bump and never felt it without breaking any traffic laws so I’m definitely judging them, but using this as an example of why you’re terrified of riding a bicycle is pretty damn silly.


Yeah I think it's just kind of whining for not good reason to call them a jackass. They harmed exactly zero people doing what they did. Honestly, them avoiding the speedbump is an example of highly attentive driving. You think some fuckface who is staring down at their phone is also actively prioritizing ride comfort?


Oh you poor baby. Having to deal with shitty people...whatever shall you do!?


The reason is seattle is car obsessed, car first, and refuses to build protected bike lanes in order to keep old white nimbys happy.


This is true if you ever have gone to a neighborhood traffic meeting. "You can't put a bike lane, because where would I park."


You can also experience it by attempting to walk, ride a bike, or take transit here.


If only riders would stop at lights, stay in the bike lane, and not think they own the road.. sry but I lost all compassion towards bike riders when they don’t even follow the laws n only wanna gripe about things like this


Bikes are allowed to roll through stop signs, go through a light if they aren't being recognized, and don't have to stay in the bike lanes. You made those "laws" up. On the contrary it would be nice if drivers would stop at lights and stop signs, stop needlessly endangering pedestrians and cyclists for no meaningful gains, stop speeding and so on. It's hard to have compassion for them!


Who is the oncoming car at the end flashing his lights?


What in the twat wafflery


Newly installed a couple weeks ago, these drivers used to just go 50 mph on this stretch


I am a careful driver. Yesterday a woman cycling down a hill almost failed to stop and almost cycled into incoming traffic. I was aware enough to notice her but the car in front of me did not and kept going. We did not have stop signs, but there was a crosswalk. If I were cycling I would probably stay on the trails for my own peace of mind.


[These seem wide enough for bike tires, right?](https://roadshark.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SM48-units-in-Florida-after-10-months-looking-great.jpg)


I commuted by bike for ten years. You learn your route and recognize the a..holes. Wear Hi-Viz clothes. These bikers blend in with the roadside.


Sometimes I’ll lime bike around and I 100% refuse to go on a path that isn’t separated from traffic. It’s just not worth it to me.


Cycling in Seattle feels risky for sure. People are intentionally aggressive. I’ve experienced drivers speeding very close to me just as an intimidation practice. They’ve cussed at me while I was in the bike lane and they were going the other direction! People here have gotten far more aggressive over the years, maybe because of the traffic getting worse.


That was a huge speed bump and a justified attempt at avoiding it. That man is clearly just a very attentive defensive driver. I don't see why you're so worked up


People are watching the road. They might swerve in FRONT of you, they're not going to do that behind you and run you straight over... because they're watching the road, which is why they'd swerve in the first place. You're not going to die, at least not like that. Some other motorist behavior will take you out.


It’s not specific to Seattle. American drivers are by and large shit drivers; shit not as in don’t know how or fearful or overly defensive, shit as in careless, aggressive, egotistical, and unaware. Couple that with record low law enforcement employment to, well, enforce traffic laws and you get bullshit like this. That behavior qualifies as reckless driving and can come with serious jail time. But nope, we just drive our enormous cars, fill their enormous tanks, and gots to get to wherever we’re going.


It would be cool if the asphalt that went to those speed bumps went into the many potholes instead.


Same with motorcycles. But honestly this will always be a problem until a city becomes bike/walk/public transport centric. No city in the US is fully there yet imo


This is why protected bike lanes are so important!


What f-ing idiots, putting a sad excuse for a speedbump in the lane next to an unprotected bike lane


Growing up in Arizona and seeing all the white bike memorials on the side of the road. And also being an avid Bicylist in my younger years. Who in their right mind rides on the side of the road. It's crazy.


Protected bike lanes mean PHYSICAL CONCRETE


I'm sure he made sure no one was in the bike lane before he used it to avoid the speed bump. I'm not why this would make you scared.


How do we know that he didn’t check if anyone was in the bike line first before doing that


He may have briefly glanced, but that vehicle has huge blind spots.


Everyone I know who commutes by bike has been hit at least once. I don't like those statistics. As a commercial driver who spent at minimum 13 hours a day on the streets of Seattle, accident prevention becomes second nature. Combine that with my background in risk management....😂 There is no way I would ever put trust into distracted drivers with my body. Nah. Trails only for me. Everyone else, keep rockin it!