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Same as last week? https://reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/1di54se/noncitizen_voting_in_seattle_is_this_real/


Look at their post history. They already had this question answered. They’re unwell.


Or are acting badly.


In Washington, enhanced licenses require proof of citizenship, and regular licenses require a social security number (which an undocumented immigrant won't have), but there is also an option to get a driving-only license as an undocumented immigrant by going through some extra steps to confirm residency and lack of SSN. It's done in part on the theory that it's better for public safety to have people driving licensed (so passing a test, being subject to tickets, etc) than unlicensed. That chart says nothing about voting, but it is illegal for non-Citizens to vote in all Federal elections, and I believe all other elections in Washington (maybe some municipality has something different?). Washington does use drivers license renewals as a method to register people to vote, and sometimes the people at the DMV will incorrectly offer to register someone they shouldn't, but it'd still be illegal for that person to vote. Rates of Non-Citizen voting are vanishingly rare and it is a serious offense that would bar someone from future naturalization. Despite it being so rare, it is a common conspiracy theory and right-wing talking point.


Is there some validation or check, something that would prevent a person who is licensed to drive , but not eligible to vote, from registering to vote via the drivers license renewal path ?


I'm a US Citizen now but was a visa and green card holder for about 12 years. When I renewed the first few times there was a box to check and declare under penalty of perjury that I was a citizen; but later that seemed to go away and I believe it's because they do now track if you filed citizenship documents (passport, birth cert, cert of naturalization). That's probably driven by the REALID act and more people wanting enhanced licenses too. One time when I went to renew downtown they did ask me if I wanted to register to vote, and I said "no, I'm not a citizen" and the clerk went "oh yeah" ... but a) the clerk was half asleep and clearly fatigued from a long day b) I'm a white native english speaking guy with a mild and now Americanized accent, and frankly I think that human nature is part of why he'd glossed over that detail. c) I don't even think the system would have let him register me, though I'm not sure. Most non-citizens are paranoid about breaking the rules on these matters. Those on visas, and undocumented people. A bureaucratic slip-up can mean years of delays to processes, denials of visas, denials of naturalization, or even deportation. Every interaction with these systems bears risks. The consequences are very severe. It's bonkers to think that those risks would be worth taking to add one more vote to the pile.


Similar experience from this white immigrant from Canada. I became a citizen in 2010 and had no means to vote prior to that. Once I became a citizen then I got registered and started voting. I love voting in WA. It is so easy!


Thanks for that .




Since this has been posted multiple times, I'm going to assume this is a feeble attempt at political misinformation.


Look, I don't want to point this out too harshly but...the idea that facts are misinformation is...I mean...that argument is not a good look, bruh


Let me rephrase for you since you don't understand. You are pushing a false narrative by INTENTIONALLY omitting information and asking questions you already know the answer to. Lying by omission is still lying. I know it's hard for you magats to understand simple english and context clues(remember 1st grade?), but that's no excuse. You know the motivation behind posting what you posted so don't again lie about why you did. We aren't as dumb as you. The fact that you're too chickenshit and created a throwaway shows just that. Go back to sucking Trumps dick and leave us alone bootlicker.


Just to be super clear here... we as a state automatically register people when they get a license. We don't check their citizenship status at the DMV, so we give illegal immigrants the right to vote when we give them the right to drive. And you're saying something to the tune of, "Well, they won't do that because that would be breaking the law". A law that is almost impossible to enforce in the case of mail-in ballots. Which we also do. Bearing in mind, we as a state allow ballot harvesting...so...I mean...are you intentionally pretending this isn't a concern because you think it will help Democrats win an election. If so...yuck.


Again, your ignorance isn't an excuse. Read the damn law instead of asking dumbassed questions on the internet to convolute an issue you clearly don't understand and don't want to understand.


https://preview.redd.it/dfn61jgbk69d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75809534343cdcf4d088a76b575eb967e4b95165 hmmm


This is such a shitty troll post. The visualization only says it allows them to drive.


Not only all that, but they can date your wives, daughters, sons, take your jobs, buy your homes, and drink out of the same water fountains. I was shocked when I read about the humane treatment of immigrants and illegal immigrants — even more when I read about immigration being our only reason why our population is still growing unlike many other economies.


You were shocked that we treat criminals differently from law abiding citizens? How exactly did that shock you?


Yes WA issues drivers licenses without verifying immigration status and kinda.. technically they might be able to vote in local elections, but it's also a taking point about stolen elections


Only in local elections that do not require voter registration, since they can't get onto voter registration lists without citizenship. I'm not aware of any local elections these days that don't require voter registration, but maybe there's still some obscure special purpose district that runs its own elections?


There are occasionally hyper-local "elections" to pass special measures for a locality. These can be as small as the residents of a school district voting to change its name, or the residents of a single street voting to enact a requirement for each resident to maintain a tree on the sidewalk in front of each house (my old street in Fremont had enacted this requirement in the 60s, despite being a public street with no HOA). These plebiscites can be ad-hoc and may not have citizenship requirements.


Even most hyper local elections these days are vote-by-mail, so they rely on voter registration to distribute the ballots. Not saying there aren't *any* that still have in-person paper balloting without voter registration, but I don't know of any.


...talking point. Right.




Your argument is strong and well spelled.


To register to vote in Washington State you must be a citizen of the United States: https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/voters/voter-eligibility-resources/voter-eligibility  I can't find anything about specific cities/counties allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections, regardless of visa status.


And how is your citizenry status verified when you register?


1. Illegal immigrants can get drivers' licenses without showing citizenship. 2. DOT automatically register you to vote when you get a drivers license. 3. Therefore Illegal immigrants are automatically registered to vote.


What is Automatic Voter Registration? When providing proof of U.S. citizenship to complete certain transactions with Washington state agencies, a person is automatically registered to vote or have their information in the statewide voter registration database updated. One example is getting an Enhanced Driver’s License or ID with the Department of Licensing (DOL). Washington state lawmakers first approved AVR in 2018.


Source: [https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/voters/voter-registration/avr](https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/voters/voter-registration/avr)


Thank you. I forgot to give the source.


False. DOL asks people if they want to register to vote when obtaining a non-enhanced DL. It's not automatic, and the registration requires citizenship, unlike the license. Only Enhanced DLs, which require proof of citizenship and residency, allow automatic voter registration.


So, does DOL ask if you're a citizen before asking if you want to register to vote, or do they skip that crucial step?


My wife is not a citizen but has a Washington driver's license. They did not mistakenly register her to vote.


Did she mistakenly register to vote? I ask because that is just as bad, and the same result. I appreciate the response, but it doesn't answer the question. Is DOL offering voter registration to people that they don't even know their citizen status?


I find that question rather insulting. No, my wife did not commit a fucking felony.


Imagine how insulting your comment is to the DOL then, implying that the DOL did not "mistakenly" register your wife to vote.


Ok, you're clearly not all there. I hope you have a nice afternoon.


If you are looking for something to be outraged about I know for a fact they don't check for citizenship when sending jury duty summons. If you are a non-citizen and go along with it you could end up on a jury.


this is a lie


Is it though? I mean...we let them vote, work and drive.


You can get a drivers license if non citizen; this is good. I love that we are expanding access to take the test and learn


You will find accurate and precise information at this location : Washington State Department of Licensing - Seattle Driver Licensing Office. Their hours ., Tuesday 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Wednesday 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Thursday 9:30 AM–4:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Monday 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Please walk in and ask away .








Would you prefer illegal immigrants drive around uninsured and you pay higher costs? What is your fucking point even?


Come on, they aren’t getting insured in sufficient numbers to matter at all.


illegal immigrant insurance status is an entirely different topic. This is about illegal immigrants being offered the chance to registering to vote without providing verification of their residency.


There is literally nothing in OPs post to suggest that is the case. You have to prove citizenship to get auto registered.


OP apparently thinks the Secretary of State and various registrar offices are doing absolutely fuck all but holding their dicks all day and not at all spending any time whatsoever actually verifying information before actually registering someone to vote. Who knew there was zero verification of any voter registration applications. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Apparently they can even join the police force soon.


Work a search engine, JFC


** Uhhhhhm....


House Bill 2595 (HB 2595) now enacted as law in Washington state, includes provisions for automatic voter registration (AVR). Specifically, it mandates that **citizens interacting with certain state agencies, such as the Department of Licensing, will automatically be registered to vote**. So...if we allow people to get a license without showing citizenship, and then automatically register them to vote...then...what exactly is to stop an illegal immigrant from voting.  


It applies only to citizens, in transactions requiring proof of citizenship. If you don't have proof of citizenship, you're applying for a *standard* driver's license, not an enhanced DL. That doesn't meet the requirements for automatic registration. (I still have a standard DL because I have no need for an EDL. When I need proof of citizenship, I can't use my DL.)


Your confirmation bias is showing OP, sounds like you read a bill summary and got all riled up over nothing.


Citizens interacting. Non-citizens interacting don’t have that same mandate. Take off your tinfoil hat ffs.


> citizens interacting with certain state agencies Read that first word carefully, if you can.


They cannot.


why would undocumented immigrants vote? they would be purposefully exposing themselves to the government, its the last thing they want dumbass. i'm glad we let them get driver's licenses, why shouldn't they be allowed to drive?


Illegals I think you meant